38 research outputs found

    United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 2007 * Prepared for the International Peace Research Association

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    Abstract This paper seeks to understand the concept, justification, and operation of co-management. Furthermore, we like to explore how indigenous peoples may take part in the management of natural resource through the mechanism of co-management. Finally, we will assess how co-management may be applied in Taiwan and what potential barriers may be in the way. Article 18 Indigenous peoples have the right to participate in decision-making in matters which would affect their rights, through representatives chosen by themselves in accordance with their own procedures, as well as to maintain and develop their own indigenous decision-making institutions. Article 32 1. Indigenous peoples have the right to determine and develop priorities and strategies for the development or use of their lands or territories and other resources. 2. States shall consult and cooperate in good faith with the indigenous peoples concerned through their own representative institutions in order to obtain their free and informed consent prior to the approval of any project affecting their lands or territories and other resources, particularly in connection with the development, utilization or exploitation of their mineral, water or other resources

    H. Braasch^

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    A New Approach to Improve Material Models^ Th

    Breaking Frontiers and Barriers in Engineering: Education, Research and Practice

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    Abstract This paper focuses on the problem of line balancing in an assembly line. Although there are numerous studies published on the various aspects of the problem, most of the work focuses on the single-model problem, while the number of studies on the mixed-model assembly line balancing problem assume that processing times of tasks are deterministic. Task time variation however has a great impact with short cycle times. So, because there is always some variation when performing tasks, our research addresses stochastic processing duration of tasks. We propose an analytical analysis of the problem by using a multi-objective mathematical formulation that aims to minimize the total number of stations, to maximize system's productivity and to find a production sequence that smoothes system's operation

    Using Eye Tracking Technology in Design - Possibilities and Limitations

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    As part of the design education at Offenburg University, the teaching in technical documentation is continuously optimised. In this study, numerous mechanical engineering students, ages 19 to 29, are observed using the eye tracking technology and a video camera while performing various design exercises. The aim of the study is to enhance the students’ ability to read, understand and analyse complex engineering drawings. In one experiment, the students are asked to perform the “cube perspective test” after Stumpf and Fay to assess their ability for mental rotation as part of spatial visualization ability. Furthermore, the students are asked to prepare and give micro presentations on a topic related to their studies. Students have a maximum of 100 s time for these presentations. Thus, they can practise presenting important information in a short amount of time, show their rhetorical skills and demonstrate their acquisition of basic knowledge. During the presentation, the eye movement of a few selected students is recorded to analyse their information acquisition. In a further test, the students’ eye movements are analysed while reading an engineering drawing that consists of multiple views. All the spatial connections have to be included based on the different component views. Including these and their acquired knowledge, the students are asked to identify the correct representation of a component view. Furthermore the subjects are describing the function of an assembly, a parallel gripper and then they are to mentally disassemble the assembly to replace a damaged cylindrical pin. Simultaneously, they are filmed using a video camera to see which terms the students use for the individual technical terms. The evaluation of the eye movements shows that the increasing digitalisation of society and the use of electronic devices in everyday life lead to fast and only selective perceptual behaviour and that students feel insecure when dealing with technical drawings. The analysis of the videos shows a mostly non-technical and inaccurate manner of expression and a poor use of technical terms. The transferability of the achieved results to other technical tasks is part of further investigations

    Konstruktionsausbildung – Fallstudien mit Augenbewegungsanalysen

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    In den hier vorliegenden Fallstudien wurden mehrere Studierende des Studiengangs Maschinenbau an der Hochschule Offenburg im Alter von 18 bis 28 Jahren bei der Lösungsfindung für Konstruktionsaufgaben mit der Eye-Tracking-Technologie und einer Videokamera beobachtet. Ziel der empirischen Untersuchung war es, die praktische Fähigkeit von Studierenden beim Lesen, Verstehen und Analysieren von technischen Darstellungen zu fördern. Die Auswertung der Augenbewegungen zeigt, dass die zunehmende Digitalisierung der Gesellschaft und der Umgang mit elektronischen Kleinstgeräten im Alltag zu einem punktuellen und flüchtigen Wahrnehmungsverhalten führen und dass sich die Studierenden im Umgang mit technischen Zeichnungen unsicher fühlen. Die Analyse der Videos zeigt eine meist nicht-technische und ungenaue Ausdrucksweise und eine schlechte Verwendung von Fachbegriffen.In these case studies, numerous students of mechanical engineering at the University of Applied Sciences Offenburg, aged 18 to 28, with different educational backgrounds and attending different semesters, were observed finding solutions for technical tasks in the field of construction using the eye-tracking technology and a video camera. The aim of this work is to enhance the practical ability of students to read, understand and analyse complex engineering drawings. The evaluation of the eye movements shows that the increasing digitalisation of society and the use of electronic devices in everyday life lead to fast and only selective perceptual behavior. Students feel increasingly inse-cure when dealing with technical drawings. The analysis of the videos shows a mostly non-technical and inaccurate manner of expression and a poor use of technical terms

    Blickbasierte Analyse einer Baugruppenzeichnung

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    Im Rahmen der Konstruktionsausbildung an der Hochschule Offenburg wird die Lehre im Fach Technische Dokumentation fortlaufend optimiert. In der vorliegenden Laborstudie wurde das visuelle Wahrnehmen von 34 Maschinenbaustudierenden (2w + 32m) im Alter von 19 bis 29 Jahren mithilfe der Eye-Tracking-Technik und einer Videokamera bei der Analyse einer Baugruppenzeichnung beobachtet.At the Offenburg University of Applied Sciences, the subject of technical documentation is continually being optimized. In the present study, 34 mechanical engineering students between the ages of 19 and 29 were observed using an eye tracking camera and a video camera while analyzing a design. The first task of the subject was to describe the function of the assembly (parallel gripper). The second task was to mentally dismantle the parallel gripper in order to replace a damaged component (cylindrical pin). The purpose of the present study was to promote the students’ ability to read, understand and analyze complex technical representations. The evaluation of the eye movement suggests that, on the one hand, the increasing digitalization of society leads to a shorter attention span, and, on the other hand, that there is a great deal of uncertainty among the students in the handling of technical drawings. The analysis of the video recordings shows a largely non-technical and inaccurate terminology of the subjects as well as an inadequate use of technical terms. The transferability of the results to other technical tasks is part of further studies

    Experimental investigation of the time and temperature dependent growth of fatigue cracks in Inconel 718 and mechanism based lifetime prediction

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    The following contribution deals with the growth of cracks in low-cycle fatigue (LCF) and thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) tested specimens of Inconel 718 measured by using the replica method. The specimens are loaded with different strain rates. The material shows a significantly higher crack growth rate if the strain rate is decreased. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) is adopted to identify the failure mechanism and the misorientation relationship of failed grain boundaries in secondary cracks. The analyzed cracks propagated mainly transgranular but also intergranular failure can be observed in some areas. It is found that grain boundaries with coincidence site lattice (CSL) boundary structure are generally less susceptible for intergranular failure than grain boundaries with random misorientation. For modeling the experimentally identified crack behavior an existing model for fatigue crack growth based on the mechanism of time dependent elastic–plastic crack tip blunting is enhanced to describe environmental effects based on the mechanism of oxygen diffusion at the crack tip. For the diffusion process the temperature dependent parabolic diffusion law is assumed. As a result, the time dependent cyclic crack tip opening displacement (DCTOD) is used as representative value to describe both mechanisms. Thus, most of the included model parameters characterize the deformation behavior of the material and can be determined by independent material tests. With the determined material properties, the proposed model describes the experimentally measured crack growth curves very well. The model is validated based on predictions of the number of cycles to failure of LCF as well as in-phase and out-of-phase TMF tests in the temperature range between room temperature and 650 °C