18 research outputs found

    Design and Analysis of Robotic Assembly for a Printer Compensation Arm

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    The procedure used in automating the assembly process of the forms compensation arm used in a cash register is presented. General principles for the design of parts for assembly are discussed. Specific design changes are made for the forms compensation arm incorporating these design principles. Robotic equipment needed for the automation process is then analyzed and a design and analysis of the work cell is made. The paper concludes with an economic justification

    Chronic lymphoid leukemia. Clinical observations about its natural progression

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    223 cases with chronic lymphoid leukemia (CLL) were subjected to a prospective study on the presence of adeno- and splenomegaly at diagnosis and their subsequent variation. Subjects with no initial organ involvement were usually female (76%) and of old age (mean 69.2 years). Adenopathy or combined lymph node and spleen enlargement were inversely proportional to the mean age at diagnosis. Subsequent organ enlargement was noted in 11.7% of patients with no initial organomegaly, splenomegaly in 15% of patients with adenopathy only and adenopathy in 15% of patients with splenomegaly only. Except in the few cases with leukopenia, particularly high leukocyte levels were noted in patients with splenomegaly (with or without adenopathy). Anemia at diagnosis was not related to the degree of organ enlargement. It is suggested that qualitative and also quantitative differences in organomegaly in CLL merit further study to establish their underlying mechanisms. CLL must be seen as something more complex than the simple mechanical expression of progressive lymphocyte accumulation

    L'Inquisizione in et\ue0 moderna e il caso milanese

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    L'introduzione fa il punto della pi\uf9 recente storiografia sul tema della Inquisizione e spiega la modalit\ue0 con la quale i diversi contributi sono stati richiesti, con lo scopo di mettere a confronto prospettive diverse ma anche di indagare pi\uf9 da vicino un'epoca -il XVII secolo- e un luogo -la Milano borromaica- cercando di illuminare zone e percorsi di nuovo tagli