30 research outputs found

    Factores críticos de éxito en la implementación de Enterprise resource planning (ERP) para PYMEs argentinas

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    El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en aportar a la generación de un lineamiento claro y concreto para la implementación de un ERP de manera exitosa en una PyME argentina. Para tal fin, se enfoca en determinar cuáles son los factores críticos de éxito, qué similitudes y diferencias existen con las implementaciones en grandes empresas y qué particularidades tiene el mercado argentino

    Contribución por grupos de edad a la mortalidad esperada por COVID-19 en Argentina y Colombia

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    Introducción.- Este estudio tuvo como objetivo explorar la serie de posibles heterogeneidades que subyacen a la aparente similitud en ciertos indicadores no refinados de mortalidad por COVID-19 -como las tasas brutas de mortalidad o las muertes por millón de habitantes- en Argentina y Colombia. Se realizó un estudio en el que se utilizaron datos agregados de los informes diarios de vigilancia epidemiológica proporcionados por los ministerios de salud de Argentina y de Colombia, para explorar diferenciales en el nivel poblacional mediante el uso de técnicas clásicas de estandarización demográfica. Resultados.- Se detectó que el impacto de la mortalidad y la letalidad de casos es mayor en Colombia, debido a que tiene una estructura poblacional y de casos positivos de menor edad que Argentina. En especial, la mayoría de las diferencias entre países puede explicarse por ciertos grupos de edad. Discusión.- El hallazgo principal ha sido que la gran mayoría de las defunciones esperadas en Argentina y Colombia ocurrió en los grupos de 50 y de 80 años, lo que implica que el riesgo real de muerte para la población colombiana puede ser mayor que el observado para dichos grupos etarios

    Reduced Rate of Hospital Admissions for ACS during Covid-19 Outbreak in Northern Italy

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    To address the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic,1 strict social containment measures have been adopted worldwide, and health care systems have been reorganized to cope with the enormous increase in the numbers of acutely ill patients.2,3 During this same period, some changes in the pattern of hospital admissions for other conditions have been noted. The aim of the present analysis is to investigate the rate of hospital admissions for acute coronary syndrome (ACS) during the early days of the Covid-19 outbreak

    The Forward Physics Facility at the High-Luminosity LHC

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    Introduzione al diritto comparato. Un breviario della globalità

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    La fragilità del diritto nei circuiti di produzione delle idee è paradossale. Nessuno dubita che i sistemi giuridici stiano in corrispondenza biunivoca con le culture e le civiltà di cui sono frutto e seme. Tuttavia, nei nostri circoli intellettuali, mediatici e politici, il diritto è sovente trattato quale fonte di «codicilli», «cavilli», oppure come esercizio letterario, al massimo appendice di qualche corrente filosofica. Non stupisce perciò che quegli stessi circuiti riservino attenzioni maggiori ad altri saperi, spesso a loro volta ignari di come il diritto abbia sempre orientato, e sempre orienti, gli orizzonti su cui si esercitano le loro scienze, e tutti noi pratichiamo le nostre scelte. Ecco perché questo libro si presenta come un breviario, possibile punto di partenza per un'analisi - necessariamente comparata - del ruolo che il diritto svolge, a livello locale come nella sfera globale, nel farsi dei fenomeni economico-sociali

    L\u2019impr\ue9vision dans le droit des affaires: une victoire continentale

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    Cet article vise \ue0 d\ue9montrer que la r\ue9ponse civiliste au changement des circonstances contractuelles met en exergue, \ue0 c\uf4t\ue9 des imp\ue9ratifs de s\ue9curit\ue9 et stabilit\ue9 juridique, les valeurs de la justice et solidarit\ue9 contractuelle, et est la solution qui s\u2019est impos\ue9e dans la pratique du commerce international et dans les projets europ\ue9ens d\u2019harmonisation contractuelle, en d\ue9pit de l\u2019id\ue9e courante selon laquelle les droits du common law seraient plus business-friendly que les droits civilistes

    Tort Law and Legal Cultures

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    According to the common understanding, tort law is the branch of private law whose set of positive rules, institutions, and procedures aims to shift the costs of accidents from the victim to a different subject. Similar accounts of tort law are widespread and uncontested, yet they fail to do justice to the overall role tort law plays in societies. Tort law does not live in legislatures, law firms, courts, and law books only. It also lives "in the shadow" of the official system of adjudication: in the offices of insurance companies; in people's notions about injury and risk, responsibility and justice; in the languages and images associated with law in mass-generated popular culture; as well as in public debates about what values should be protected and promoted, at what costs, and at the expense of whom. On the assumption that tort law is at the same time a product and a constituent of the very cultural framework in which it is embedded, the aim of this paper is to explore its cultural dimensions in a broad comparative perspective. Combining insights from legal anthropology, socio-legal literature, legal history, and comparative law, the article tries to understand the role that, in Western and non-Western legal traditions, tort law plays in responding to, and managing social conflicts. In this perspective, the paper studies the cultural frameworks that sustain the adjudication process outside and inside the courtrooms, and analyzes how notions, practices, and remedies of tort law "in action" vary across different social and cultural settings. It then puts forward some conclusions about the extent to which tort law notions, ideas, concepts, categorizations, and perceptions influence and, reciprocally, are influenced by the cultural framework of which they are an expression

    Responsabilidad Civil y Garant\uedas Reales. Estudios de Derecho Comparado

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    The book collects essays written by Mauro Bussani and Marta Infantino on a variety of topics, ranging from regulation of credit rating agencies to comparative tort law, from harmonization of tort law in Europe to the comparative law of secured transactions

    Nesso di causalit\ue0 e diretta televisiva: novit\ue0 e tradizione nel diritto inglese del torto

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    Il saggio celebra l\u2019opera di Giovanni Criscuoli attraverso l\u2019analisi del suo lavoro \u201cNesso di causalit\ue0 e diretta televisiva\u201d (Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto e Procedura Civile, 1991). In particolare il contributo mette in luce la straordinaria lungimiranza del maestro nel delineare, allo specchio delle vicende giudiziarie legate alla tragedia di Hillsborough, le future linee di evoluzione del sistema di responsabilit\ue0 civile inglese

    La locazione finanziaria

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    Una volta passate in rassegna le clausole e forme proprie al contratto di leasing, il contributo analizza le regole applicabili alla locazione finanziaria alla luce degli indirizzi giurisprudenziali e delle ricostruzioni dottrinali della materia