462 research outputs found

    BONNSAI: a Bayesian tool for comparing stars with stellar evolution models

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    Powerful telescopes equipped with multi-fibre or integral field spectrographs combined with detailed models of stellar atmospheres and automated fitting techniques allow for the analysis of large number of stars. These datasets contain a wealth of information that require new analysis techniques to bridge the gap between observations and stellar evolution models. To that end, we develop BONNSAI (BONN Stellar Astrophysics Interface), a Bayesian statistical method, that is capable of comparing all available observables simultaneously to stellar models while taking observed uncertainties and prior knowledge such as initial mass functions and distributions of stellar rotational velocities into account. BONNSAI can be used to (1) determine probability distributions of fundamental stellar parameters such as initial masses and stellar ages from complex datasets, (2) predict stellar parameters that were not yet observationally determined and (3) test stellar models to further advance our understanding of stellar evolution. An important aspect of BONNSAI is that it singles out stars that cannot be reproduced by stellar models through χ2\chi^{2} hypothesis tests and posterior predictive checks. BONNSAI can be used with any set of stellar models and currently supports massive main-sequence single star models of Milky Way and Large and Small Magellanic Cloud composition. We apply our new method to mock stars to demonstrate its functionality and capabilities. In a first application, we use BONNSAI to test the stellar models of Brott et al. (2011a) by comparing the stellar ages inferred for the primary and secondary stars of eclipsing Milky Way binaries. Ages are determined from dynamical masses and radii that are known to better than 3%. We find that the stellar models reproduce the Milky Way binaries well. BONNSAI is available through a web-interface at http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/stars/bonnsai.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A; 15 pages, 10 figures, 4 tables; BONNSAI is available through a web-interface at http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/stars/bonnsa

    A Presença do espanhol americano em alguns dicionários bilingues e monolingues

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Tradução, Florianópolis, 2010A lexicografia é uma atividade pouco conhecida pela grande maioria das pessoas e de grandes e importantes atribuições, pois é responsável entre outras coisas, pelo registro de uma língua. Uma língua, especialmente uma tão falada no atual contexto mundial, como é o caso da espanhola, é formada por diferentes variedades regionais. Esses regionalismos são receptores das mais diversas influências, o que resulta em diferenças nos falares de cada país ou região. Buscou-se, neste trabalho, analisar 4 dos dicionários bilíngues brasileiros (espanhol?português, em versão impressa, mini ou escolar) mais usados, o Michaelis, o Ática, o Larousse e o Ftd, e verificar como se comportam estas obras em relação aos regionalismos hispano-americanos, uma vez que o Brasil está cercado por países hispano-falantes e mantém com eles importantes relações sociais e políticas. Como base de comparação foram utilizados dois dicionários monolíngues espanhóis (o DRAE e o DUE), dois bilíngues ingleses (o Oxford e o Collins), ambos em versão digital (CD-ROM) e um bilíngue brasileiro, o Globo versão impressa. Em cada obra analisada se observaram os paratextos, e as entradas, na letra A, de a a aguz., na letra M de Ma até Maz. e na letra R, de Re até Rez., para verificar a presença de americanismos e como estes são tratados. Os resultados mostraram que os dicionários brasileiros, mesmo aqueles em versão estendida, precisam evoluir. Porém, diferentemente do que se poderia esperar, os dicionários monolíngues espanhóis não se sobressaíram como o esperado em relação ao registro dos regionalismos americanos, ficaram em segundo lugar, perdendo para os dicionários bilíngues ingleses. Enquanto isso, os dicionários bilíngues brasileiros ainda precisam progredir em alguns aspectos, como é o caso do registro da variedade americana em maior escala. Os regionalismos foram tratados de forma diferente em cada um deles e mesmo que seja mais provável que um usuário brasileiro tenha mais contato com o espanhol da América Latina do que com a variante europeia, os dicionários bilíngues brasileiros não atendem esta necessidade

    Eyebrow hairs from actinic keratosis patients harbor the highest number of cutaneous human papillomaviruses

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    BACKGROUND: Cutaneous human papillomavirus (HPV) infections seem to be associated with the onset of actinic keratosis (AK). This study compares the presence of cutaneous HPV types in eyebrow hairs to those in tissues of normal skin and skin lesions of 75 immunocompetent AK patients. METHODS: Biopsies from AK lesions, normal skin and plucked eyebrow hairs were collected from each patient. DNA from these specimens was tested for the presence of 28 cutaneous HPV (betaPV and gammaPV) by a PCR based method. RESULTS: The highest number of HPV prevalence was detected in 84% of the eyebrow hairs (63/75, median 6 types) compared to 47% of AK lesions (35/75, median 3 types) (p< 0.001) and 37% of normal skin (28/75, median 4 types) (p< 0.001), respectively. A total of 228 HPV infections were found in eyebrow hairs compared to only 92 HPV infections in AK and 69 in normal skin. In all three specimens HPV20, HPV23 and/or HPV37 were the most prevalent types. The highest number of multiple types of HPV positive specimens was found in 76% of the eyebrow hairs compared to 60% in AK and 57% in normal skin. The concordance of at least one HPV type in virus positive specimens was 81% (three specimens) and 88-93% of all three combinations with two specimens. CONCLUSIONS: Thus, eyebrow hairs revealed the highest number of cutaneous HPV infections, are easy to collect and are an appropriate screening tool in order to identify a possible association of HPV and AK

    Cavitation Behavior of Semi-Crystalline Polymers during Uniaxial Stretching Studied by Synchrotron Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering

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    Cavitation appears in many semi-crystalline polymers when they are subjected to uniaxial stretching above their glass transition temperatures. Generally, the formation of voids is influenced by the morphology of semi-crystalline polymers, including their lamellae thickness, lamellae orientation, as well as the arrangement of the amorphous phase. Upon stretching, the size of the voids changes as a function of the local strain. Synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) can be used as a powerful method to in-situ monitor the evolution of voids with high time and spatial resolution. In this chapter, recent reports about the cavitation behavior of semi-crystalline polymers studied by SAXS are reviewed. Afterwards, the theoretical background related to the SAXS technique is introduced. Lastly, some exemplary results about the cavitation behavior of microinjection-molded isotactic-polypropylene, studied by synchrotron SAXS measurements, are presented

    Komfort in energieflexiblen Gebäuden: Einbindung von Nutzer*innen für eine erfolgreiche Energiewende im Gebäudebereich

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    Vor allem im dicht besiedelten urbanen Raum ist die Nachfrage nach innovativen und nachhaltigen Wohnkonzepten unter Einsatz intelligenter Technologien groß. Ein zentraler Aspekt ist die Energieproduktion und -versorgung in Wohngebäuden und quartieren, die verstärkt lokale erneuerbare Energien einbeziehen. Dabei sollen vor allem Flexibilisierungsmaßnahmen einen sinnvollen Einsatz volatiler Energieträger ermöglichen. Die hier präsentierte Fallstudie vergleicht den (thermischen) Wohnkomfort in einem energieflexiblen Gebäude in Wien aus der Sicht von Nutzer*innen und aus der Sicht von Expert*innen. Die Studie hebt die Relevanz wissenschaftlich evaluierter nutzer*innenzentrierter Planung für den Erfolg der Energiewende hervor, da die Erfassung heterogener Bedürfnisse beim Wohnkomfort potenzielle Zielkonflikte bei Planung, Umsetzung und Nutzung innovativer Gebäudekonzepte aufzeigen kann.Especially in densely populated urban areas, the demand for innovative and sustainable residential concepts using smart technologies is high. A key aspect is energy production and supply in residential buildings and neighborhoods that increasingly rely on local renewable energy. In particular, flexibilization measures are expected to enable sensible use of volatile energy sources. The case study presented here compares the (thermal) comfort in an energy flexible building in Vienna from the perspective of residents and from the perspective of experts. The study highlights the relevance of scientifically evaluated user-centered planning for a successful energy transition, since the identification of heterogeneous residential comfort needs helps reveal potential conflicts in planning, implementation, and use of innovative building concepts

    Pistas para escribir un texto

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    Instruções com dicas para desenvolver um texto. Utilizado na disciplina Língua Espanhola VIII, 2011

    Actividades para repaso gramatical

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    Atividade de revisão gramatical da disciplina Língua Espanhola VII, acompanhado do gabarito