11 research outputs found
Helping people learn A guide to linking training and learning
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/1986
- Field of study
SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:3661.958F(ED--319-968)(microfiche) / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo
Employability Assessment: Its Importance and One Method of Doing It
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Education with production — learning from the third world
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Trainer Role and effectiveness — A Review of the Literature
- Author
- Boydell T.
- Brodie M.
- Department of Employment
- Greig F. W.
- Grinter M.
- Hamblin A. C
- Hesseling P. G. M.
- Industrial Training Research Unit
- Manpower Services Commission
- Mumford M.
- Ontario Society for Training and Development Core
- Pettigrew A. M.
- Pinto P.
- Rodgers A.
- Scott D.
- Shaw J.
- Smith G.
- Stuart R.
- T. Leduchowicz
- Taylor N.
- Ticehurst G. B.
- Wellens J.
- Publication venue
- 'Emerald'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Job Sharing in Australia: Possibilities, Problems and Strategies
- Author
- Australian Centre for Industrial Relations Research and Training (ACIRRT)
- Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Business Council of Australia (BCA)
- Callus R.
- Caminiti S.
- Christopher J.
- Cook T.D.
- Hutt J.
- Kandola R.
- Leighton P.
- Marshall J.
- Morehead A.
- O'Driscoll M.
- Pisarski A.
- Solomon C.M.
- Will K.
- Work and Family Unit
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Current Research in Social Economics
- Author
- Analysis
- Analysis Public Policy
- Area Management Development
- Boisvert Maurice
- Census
- Davies Bleddyn
- Democracy Industrial
- Department of Economics
- Department of Economics and Social Science Bristol Polytechnic, Coldharbour Lane, Frenchay, Bristol, BS16 1QY. Tel
- Department of Health and Social Security
- Department of Nursing Studies Chelsea College
- Department of Social Sciences King's College, 266, Epworth Avenue, London, Ontario, N6A 2M3. Tel
- Department of Sociology
- Disposal Waste
- Economic Council of Canada
- Economic The Consumer
- Economy
- Edinburgh University
- Fertility Patterns Effects
- Floyd Michael
- Future Trends Position
- Harwell
- Impacts Review Seminar
- Industrial Growth Structure
- Industrial Training Boards The Industrial
- Industries
- Institute of Fiscal Studies
- Institute of Planning Studies
- Interface
- Lee Kenneth
- Lee Overview'
- Ltd Survey Force
- M.
- Management
- Managerial Law Cases
- Martin Knapp Adult
- National Consumer Council 18
- No.
- No.
- No.
- Note
- Office Economic Adviser's
- Orwell Stanley
- Paul Kegan
- Pay Equal
- Pearce David W.
- Population Studies Centre
- Programme
- Projections
- Recycling
- Research Social Services
- Research Unit Science Policy
- Research Unit Thomas Coram
- Rural England Protection
- Sciences Economic Planning
- Service
- Services Research Unit Personal Social
- Smith
- Social Sciences School
- Social Security Evaluating Effectiveness
- Social Work Paul Baerwald
- Society
- Study
- Supply Uranium
- Systems Industrial Training
- The
- The Biological Conference
- The Monument Trust PSSRU
- Turner
- Walter
- Walter Pearce
- Williams Kneese
- Windscale Public
- World
- Publication venue
- 'Emerald'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Managing Flexible Working Time Arrangements: Negotiations between Mothers and Managers in a Canberra Hospital
- Author
- Australian Bureau of Statistics [ABS]
- Australian Bureau of Statistics [ABS]
- Australian Bureau of Statistics [ABS]
- Australian Centre for Industrial Relations Research and Training [ACIRRT]
- Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
- Baxter J.
- Bittman M.
- Bittman M.
- Charlesworth S. Campbell
- Dempsey K.
- Department of Employment and Workplace Relations [DEWR]
- Garey A.
- Gray M.
- Hochschild A. R.
- Junor A.
- National Review of Nursing Education
- Pocock B.
- Russell G.
- Whitehouse G.
- Work and Family Unit
- Work and Family Unit
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Failure of the Third Way in Australia: Implications for Policy about Work
- Author
- Australian Business Limited (ABL)
- Australian Centre for Industrial Relations Research and Training (ACIRRT)
- Baumol W.J.
- Borland J.
- Borland J.
- Botwinick H.
- Briggs C.
- Bryan D
- Buchanan J.
- Callus R.
- Campbell I.
- Castles F.
- Catley R.
- Connell R.W.
- Cutler T.
- Department of Employment Workplace Relations and Small Business (DEWRSB) Work and Family Unit
- Ewer P.
- Fraser D.
- Hall R.
- Healey B.
- Kuhn R.
- Macintyre S.
- Marginson S.
- Michel L.
- Morehead A.
- O'Loughlin T.
- Patmore G.
- Pusey M.
- Ramia G.
- Schmid G.
- Stretton A.
- Stromback T.
- Watson I.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Equality Management ? Towards a Materialist Approach
- Author
- Baker J.
- Barnes C.
- Brannen J.
- Bruegel I.
- Buswell C.
- Cabinet Office.
- Cabinet Office.
- Cameron I.
- Chater R.E.J
- Cheung-Judge M.
- Cockburn C.
- Colling C.
- Collinson D.
- Collinson D.
- Collinson D.
- Commission for Racial Equality.
- Commission for Racial Equality.
- Corti L.
- Coyle A.
- Cressey P.
- Cressey P.
- Crompton R.
- Dickens L.
- Dickens L.
- Dickens L.
- Dickens L.
- Donaldson L.
- Edwards J.
- Edwards J.
- Edwards J.
- Edwards J.
- Employment Department.
- Employment Department.
- Employment Department.
- Employment Department.
- European Commission.
- Feuchtwang S.
- Figes K.
- Glucksmann M.
- Glucksmann M.
- Harrop A.
- Hearn J.
- Heilmann M.E.
- Horrell S.
- Hughes J.
- Humphreys J.
- Huws U.
- Hyman R.
- Iles P.
- Industrial Relations Services.
- Itzin C.
- Jenkins R.
- Jewson N.
- Jewson N.
- Johnston W.B.
- Kandola R.
- Kandola R.
- Labour Research Department.
- Labour Research Department.
- Legge K.
- Liff S.
- Liff S.
- Liff S.
- Local Government Management Board.
- Low Pay Unit/National Union of Civil and Public Servants.
- McColgan A.
- Meager N.
- Meek V.L.
- Miller D.
- Morgan G.
- National Economic Development Office/Training Agency.
- Nickel J.W.
- Opportunity 2000.
- Opportunity 2000.
- Parkin F.
- Price L.
- Rees T.
- Rennie S.
- Rocard M.
- Ross R.
- Rowntree (Joseph) Foundation.
- Simmons M.
- Simmons M.
- Storey J.
- Tancred P.
- Trades Union Congress.
- Trades Union Congress.
- Trades Union Congress.
- Transport and General Workers' Union.
- Turner B.
- Vogler C.
- Ward S.
- Webb J.
- Welsh C.
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study