14 research outputs found

    The Dielectric Response of La0.5Ca0.5-xSrxMnO3 (0.1 <= x <= 0.4) Manganites with Different Magnetic Ground States

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    The dielectric behavior of half doped manganites La0.5Ca0.5-xSrxMnO3 (0.1 \leq \times \leq 0.4) with varying magnetic ground states has been studied. The real part of relative permittivity as a function of temperature {\epsilon}^'(T), exhibits a maximum around the ferromagnetic (TC) and charge ordering transition (TCO) temperatures accompanied with high dielectric losses. The activation energies obtained for x = 0.1 and 0.3 samples below TCO are the same ~ 0.12eV, whereas the relaxation time constant varies in the range 2.8 \times 10-9 s - 6.03 \times 10-11 s. In contrast to samples having x \leq 0.3, for x = 0.4 doping the dielectric permittivity exhibits a strong temperature dependence in the vicinity of magnetic phase transitions. This behavior may be correlated with the presence of competing magnetic interactions (magnetic polarons) close to the magnetic transitions.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, To appear in Journal of Applied Physic

    A case of cerebral sinus venous thrombosis resulting in mortality in pregnant woman: late diagnosis

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    Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) is a rare condition. The most frequent symptoms and signs are headache, focal seizures&nbsp;with or without secondary generalization, unilateral or bilateral paresis and papilledema. We report a case of CVST in a 30-yearold&nbsp;female that presented with headache, diminution of vision, swelling and pain in both eyes and bilateral restricted extraocular&nbsp;movements. She expired after 3 days of treatment as she was diagnosed late. Due to its diverse and varied clinical presentation, CVST&nbsp;should be considered as differential in almost any brain syndrome

    Neutron tomography methods applied to a nickel-based superalloy additive manufacture build

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    Selective-laser melting (SLM) is one of the most rapidly developing and promising of all the so-called “Additive Manufacture” routes due to its capability to produce component geometries that would prove impossible using traditional manufacture. A selective-laser melting fabricated cuboid component was built using powder CM247LC, using standard methods, and this was subsequently analysed using neutron tomography methodology to allow for three-dimensional visualisation of the exterior and the interior of the component. The resulting neutron radiographs were processed and analysed for evidence of both porosity and grain boundary segregation within the component

    Pressure effects on the magnetic structure in La0.5Ca0.5-xSrxMnO3 (0.1 -< x -< 0.4) manganites

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    The effect of high pressure (0 - 8 GPa) on the magnetic structure of polycrystalline samples of La0.5Ca0.5-xSrxMnO3 (0.1 -< x -< 0.4) manganites at 5 K is investigated using neutron diffraction technique. Application of pressure is found to modify the previously reported magnetic structure, observed under ambient conditions, in these compounds [I. Dhiman et al., Phys. Rev. B 77, 094440 (2008)]. In x = 0.1 composition, at 4.6(2) GPa and beyond, A-type antiferromagnetic structure is found to coexist with CE-type antiferromagnetic phase, observed at ambient pressure, with TN ~ 150 K. For x = 0.3 sample, as a function of pressure the CE-type phase is fully suppressed at 2.3(1) GPa and A-type antiferromagnetic phase is favored. Further Sr doping at x = 0.4, the A-type antiferromagnetic phase is observed at ambient pressure and for T < TN (~ 250K). This phase is retained in the studied pressure range. However, the magnetic moment progressively reduces with increasing pressure, indicating the suppression of A-type antiferromagnetic phase. The present study brings out the fragile nature of the CE-type antiferromagnetic state in half doped manganites as a function of pressure and disorder \sigma 2. We observe that pressure required for destabilizing the CE-type antiferromagnetic state is reduced with increasing disorder \sigma 2. External pressure and changing A-site ionic radii have analogous effect on the magnetic structure.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, To appear in Physical Review

    Study of CeNi4Mn by neutron diffraction

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    We report neutron diffraction measurements on CeNi4Mn, which has recently been identified as a soft ferromagnet (Tc ~ 140 K) with a sizeable spin-transport polarization. Our data show conclusively that the Mn atoms occupy a unique site (4c) in the unit cell, which has the symmetry of the cubic MgCu4Sn-type structure. We infer a moment of 4.6 mu_B on Mn at 17 K, which is oriented ferromagnetically along the {101} plane. The amplitude of the Mn vibrational motion is found to be larger than that of Ce and Ni atoms at all temperatures, thereby lending support to theoretical prediction of rattling phonon modes in this compound.Comment: Accepted for publication in Solid State Commu

    Neutron imaging and tomography with MCPs

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    A neutron imaging detector based on neutron-sensitive microchannel plates (MCPs) was constructed and tested at beamlines of thermal and cold neutrons. The MCPs are made of a glass mixture containing B-10 and natural Gd, which makes the bulk of the MCP an efficient neutron converter. Contrary to the neutron sensitive scintillator screens normally used in neutron imaging, spatial resolution is not traded off with detection efficiency. While the best neutron imaging scintillators have a detection efficiency around a percent, a detection efficiency of around 50% for thermal neutrons and 70% for cold neutrons has been demonstrated with these MCPs earlier. Our tests show a performance similar to conventional neutron imaging detectors, apart from the orders of magnitude better sensitivity. We demonstrate a spatial resolution better than 150 um. The sensitivity of this detector allows fast tomography and neutron video recording, and will make smaller reactor sites and even portable sources suitable for neutron imaging.Comment: Submitted to the proceedings of the 19th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors (iWoRiD) 2-6 July 2017, Krakow, Polan

    Infrared absorption study of charge ordered La0.5Ca0.5xSrxMnO3La{}_{0.5}Ca{}_{0.5-x}Sr_{x}MnO_{3} (0.1x0.5(0.1\leq x\leq0.5

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    Infrared absorption study has been carried out on a series of half doped manganites, La0.5Ca0.5xSrxMnO3La_{0.5}Ca_{0.5-x}Sr_{x}MnO_{3} (0.1x0.5)(0.1\leq x\leq0.5), with varying magnetic ground state. The charge ordering transition observed in samples with {\normalsize x0.3x\leq0.3 is accompanied by a mode at 525cm1\sim525cm^{-1} in addition to the stretching mode at 615cm1615cm^{-1} and bending mode at 400cm1400cm^{-1}. Phonon hardening is found to occur below the CE - type antiferromagnetic ordering temperature. The value of the insulating gap decreases on doping with Sr from 727cm1727cm^{-1} to 615cm1.615cm^{-1}.}Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, To appear in Physica

    Influence of B - site Disorder in La0.5Ca0.5Mn1xBxO3La_{0.5}Ca_{0.5}Mn_{1-x}B_{x}O_{3} (B = Fe, Ru, Al and Ga) Manganites

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    We have investigated the influence of B - site doping on the crystal and magnetic structure in La0.5Ca0.5Mn1xBxO3La_{0.5}Ca_{0.5}Mn_{1-x}B_{x}O_{3} (B= Fe, Ru, Al and Ga) compounds using neutron diffraction, SANS, magnetization and resistivity techniques. The B - site doped samples are isostructural and possess an orthorhombic structure in \textit{Pnma} space group at 300K. A structural transition from orthorhombic to monoclinic is found to precede the magnetic transition to CE - type antiferromagnetic state in few of these samples. On doping with Fe, charge and orbitally ordered CE - type antiferromagnetic state is suppressed, followed by the growth in ferromagnetic insulating phase in 0.02x0.060.02\leq x\leq0.06 compounds. At higher Fe doping in x>0.06x>0.06, the ferromagnetic state is also suppressed and no evidence of long range magnetic ordering is observed. In Ru doped samples (0.01x0.05)(0.01\leq x\leq0.05), the ferromagnetic metallic state is favored at TC200KT{}_{C}\approx200K and TMI125KT_{MI}\approx125K and no significant change in TCT_{C} and TMIT_{MI} as a function of Ru doping is found. In contrast, with non magnetic Al substitution for 0.01x0.030.01\leq x\leq0.03, the charge ordered CE - type antiferromagnetic state coexists with the ferromagnetic metallic phase. With further increase in Al doping (0.05x0.07)(0.05\leq x\leq0.07), both CE - type antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic phases are gradually suppressed. This behavior is accompanied by the evolution of A - type antiferromagnetic insulating state. Eventually, at higher Al doping (0.10x0.13)(0.10\leq x\leq0.13), this phase is also suppressed and signature of spin glass like transition are evident in M(T). Likewise, substitution with Ga is observed to induce similar effects as described for Al doped samples. The presence of short ranged ferromagnetic ordering has been further explored using SANS measurements in few of the selected samples.Comment: To appear in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte