94 research outputs found

    Response of Flowering and Seed Production of Sandalwood (Santalum Album Linn.,Santalaceae) to Climate Changes

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    AbstractResponse of flowering and seed production to climatic changes was observed on sandalwood ex situ genetic conservation in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, in 2005 to 2010 flowering periods. To observe flowering phenology, each of 10 individual of 7 provenances were marked and the flowering phenology parameters were observed daily during the flowering period. To measure productivity parameters (Pollination Effectiveness, PE and Reproductive Success, RS), each of 10 individuals of 7 provenances were marked, and the flowers, fertilized flowers and mature seed were then counted. PE was measured by dividing Fertilized flower toFlower. RS was measured following the formula: RS = (Fruit/Flower) x (Seed/Ovule). Fluctuation on rainfall and temperature were observed during 2005 to 2010 flowering periods. The reduction on yearly rainfall was observed during 2006 to 2007. The elevated temperature increment until 31,060C at the early of 2007 is the most extreme one. Prolonged rainy season recorded during 2008 to 2010 in which there were no dry monthoccured even in summer. Each of provenances still kept its flowering behavior similar to those expressed in their origin. Provenancesof the same origin with similar genotypes performed similar flowering characters. Flowering asynchrony and plasticity observed among provenances. The value of PE and RS observed to be provenances specific, as well as seed abortion that was occurred at various developmental phases. Both flowering and seed production were strongly controlled by both genetic andclimatic factors. Provenances with similar genotypes performed similar response to alteration of rainfall and temperature due to climate changes. Extreme temperature increment at early of 2007 led to shorter flowering period, higher flowering frequency, decrement of flower and fruit abundance, and higher seed abortion. In contrary, prolonged rainfall in 2010 affected to longer flowering period, later floral initiation, shorter stigma receptivity and pollen longevity, bigger size of reproductive organs and paler color of perigonium. Constantly, dry season always results to the highest production of flowers, pollinated flowers and mature fruits compared to those of rainy season

    Paternity Analysis of Tea (Camellia sinensis L. Kuntz) Hybrids Using Isozyme Marker

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    Tea plant has been categorized as self-incompatible crop. This is the reason behind the high genetic diversity. Natural pollination is possible to occur and the male parent is usually unknown, therefore, there is a need of method to identify male parent of hybrids through paternity analysis. Isozyme markers have been successfully used for paternity analysis due to their co-dominant polymorphism. This research aimed to predict male parents of hybrids by figuring out the mating system through isozyme banding patterns. In this experiment, seven enzyme systems were evaluated, of which only two of the enzyme systems i.e. esterase and shikimate dehydrogenase showing clear band pattern of Est-1, Est-2, and Shd-1 loci. The mating system of tea could be categorized as a mixed mating model, with high estimated out-crossing rate of 98.6 %. The pollen contributors were not always originated from the vicinity of the female parents.Key words: isozyme markers, paternity analysis, te

    Breeding Strategy of Acacia Hybrid (Acacia mangium × A. auriculiformis) to Increase Forest Plantation Productivity in Indonesia

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    Acacia hybrid (Acacia mangium× A.auriculiformis) shows better growth and wood properties, and tolerance to pest and disease. Currently, acacia hybrid breeding strategy was developed through naturally hybrid selected from trees grown in plantation. However, mass propagation of acacia hybrid using such kind of strategy was not satisfied due to ageing effect. This study was aimed to develop a new acacia hybrid breeding strategy using controlled pollination hybridization technique. The strategy was developed through a series of research: flowering, crossing, hybrid identification, clone multiplication, and clonal test. The results of study showed that the series of research for developing acacia hybrid breeding strategy was achieved. Flowering time synchronization provided a high probability for the success of controlled pollination hybridization. Leaves taxonomy at seedling stage revealed to be an efective way to identify acacia hybrid with acuracy of 92.2%. The acacia hybrid was succesfully propagated using shoot cutting at rate of 78.1%. The best selected clones of acacia hybrid outperformed in height growth at rates of 17.28% over to superior pure parents, which is equivalent to the estimated stand productivity at around 48 m3 ha-1 y-1. The series of research provided a new effective and efficient breeding strategy for acacia hybrid.

    Variasi isozim pada hutan tanaman Pinus merkusii Jungh. et de Vriese di Jawa=Isozyme Variation of Pinus Merkusii fungh. et de Vriese

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    The genetic variation of P. merkusii was investigated using seven loci from three enzyme systems, namely Esterase (EST), Glutamate oxaloacetate transarninase (GOT), and Shikimate dehydrogenase (ShDH) as marker genes. Three P. merkusii plantation populations in Sumedang, Kebasen, and jember were chosen for this study. Electrophoretic analysis of megagametophyte tissues in the three plantations revealed that overall genetic similarity was very high. The meanproportion of polymorphic loci was 85.7 percent, the mean number of alleles per locus was 2.286, and the mean expected heterozigosity was 0.259. Based on the inter-population genetic relationship among all plantations, Nei\u27s genetic distances cluster analysis showed that all plantations have a low level and similar genetic base. However, in general it can be concluded that P. merkusii plantation population in Java has a moderate genetic variation. Keywords:Pinus merkusii Jungh. et de Vriese -- enzyme system -polymorphic loci -- expected heterozigosity -- genetic distance -- cluster analysis

    The effects of population size on genetic parameters and mating system of sandalwood in Gunung Sewu, Indonesia

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    We combined feld observations with isoenzyme analysis to compare population demographic and its effects on genetic diversity and mating systems, among six populations of sandalwood in Gunung Sewu, Indonesia, during March to August 2015. This endangered economic-important species was originated from the southeastern parts of Indonesia, but is recently occured as new landraces in Gunung Sewu, Java island. The observed heterozygosity varied from Ho 0.184 to 0.385 in parents, and from Ho 0.083 to 0.348 in offspring levels, based on the degree of clonality and genetic base. Most of genetic variation is distributed within populations, and only 2.7% were presented among populations, that was indicated by the low DST and FST value (HT 0.30; HS 0.276; DST 2.4%; FST 7.98%). A dendrogram indicated a grouping of populations into three clusters. However, there were seemed to be no association between geographical and genetic distance. Genetic depletion occured due to (i) clonality events as result of heavy-exploitation and/or natural disturbance which induced root suckering, (ii) genetic drifts and bottleneck effects, (iii) the founder effects due to parental low diversity, and (iv) the alteration on mating systems to be more inbreeders. Some of the results confrmed a “reproductive assurance prediction” while some others were contradicting this. It seemed that genetic diversity and mating systems are not much affected by population size, but more by the parental heterozygosity and the degree of clonality. Our results emphasized the importance of populations’ genetic base or parental genetic diversity to naturally maintain the genetic and evolutionary processes under equilibrium conditions

    Pengaruh Cekaman Kekeringan terhadap Perilaku Fisiologis dan Pertumbuhan Bibit Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia)

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    Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) merupakan tanaman asli Amerika Utara dan telah tersebar ke Eropa dan Asia serta menjadi salah satu spesies yang digunakan untuk rehabilitasi lahan semiarid dan arid. Walau demikian, kemampuan adaptasi black locust pada daerah persebarannya cukup meresahkan disebabkan jenis ini memiliki potensi invasif yang cenderung menekan pertumbuhan tanaman asli setempat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari pengaruh cekaman kekeringan berupa volume penyiraman dan interval penyiraman terhadap perilaku fisiologis dan pertumbuhan bibit black locust, serta untuk menganalisis tingkat toleransi black locust terhadap kekeringan melalui karakter efisiensi penggunaan air (WUE) dan kandungan klorofil. Perlakuan volume penyiraman berupa kapasitas lapang 30-40 % mewakili kondisi kekeringan dan kapasitas lapang 70-80 % mewakili kondisi air yang memadai, sementara periode interval penyiraman adalah 1 hari, 3 hari dan 7 hari. Metode analisis yang digunakan ialah analisis tren. Hasil yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini adalah semakin rendah volume penyiraman (KL 30-40 %) dan semakin lama interval penyiraman (ke 7 hari) maka fotosintesis, transpirasi, konduktansi stomata, serta pertumbuhan (tinggi, diameter, berat kering tajuk dan akar) akan semakin rendah, sementara untuk WUE dan kandungan klorofil semakin tinggi. Peningkatan WUE dan kandungan klorofil merupakan dua indikator bahwa black locust mampu beradaptasi (toleran) pada kondisi cekaman kekeringan. Dengan begitu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan black locust dalam upaya reklamasi lahan kering perlu didahului studi khusus dan pertimbangan yang matang agar tidak membawa dampak invasif pada kehidupan mendatang.Kata kunci: black locust, cekaman kekeringan, jenis invasif, water use efficiency, kandungan klorofil. Effect of drought stress on physiological behavior and growth ofblack locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) seedlingsAbstractBlack locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) is a native species from North America and it has spread to Europe and Asia. Black locust is also one species used for land rehabilitation in semiarid and arid areas. However, adaptability of black locust on their distribution area is quite disturbing due to its invasive potential that tends to suppress the growth of native plants. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of drought stress through watering volume and watering intervals treatments on physiological behavior and growth of black locust seedlings, and to analyze the level of black locust on drought tolerance through water use efficiency (WUE) character and chlorophyll content. The watering volumes are 30-40 % of field capacity representing drought conditions and 70-80 % of field capacity representing good water conditions, while the watering intervals are 1, 3 and 7 days. Trend analysis is used to analyze the data. The results indicate that the lower watering volume (30-40 %) and the longer the watering interval (for 7 days), the lower the photosynthesis and transpiration rate, stomatal conductance and growth (height, diameter, shoot dry weight and root) of plants, but the higher the WUE and chlorophyll content. Increasing WUE and chlorophyll content are two indicators indicating that black locust is able to adapt (tolerant) to drought stress situations. Therefore, the use of black locust for dry land reclamation requires special attention and careful strategy to avoid its invasive impact in the future

    Allozyme variation of the endemic and vulnerable Dyera lowii Hook.f. in Central Kalimantan: Implications for genetic resources conservation

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    Dyera lowii is an endemic and vulnerable tree species of commercial value as chewing gum found inpeat swamp forests, scatteredly distributed in Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Peninsular Malaysia. Their existenceis now under severe threat due to habitat conversion. This study is aimed to assess genetic diversity withinfour natural populations (Hampangen, Parahangan, Sebangau, Selat Nusa ) and one plantation in CentralKalimantan based on allozyme variation. Electrophoresis procedures were conducted with an isoelectricfocusing polyacrylamide slab gel system. The result showed high genetic diversity (HE=0.52) and gene fl ow(3.402) seemed to be effective. A total of 14 alleles were found among all the analysed population. Meannumber of alleles per locus (Aa) was 3.206, and the effective number of alleles per locus (Ae) was 2.21. Geneticdifferentiation between populations (FST) was signifi cant at the moderately level (0.0685). Most allozymevariation was found within population (93.2%). Special attention is essential to conserve a private allele ofGot-1-e (9%) at Selat Nusa population. Sebangau population missed the alleles of Est-2-b and Got-1-a, as foundin other populations. Selat Nusa population is expected to enhance the effective management for geneticresources conservation of this vulnerable species in the future

    Allozyme variation of the endemic and vulnerable Dyera lowii Hook.f. in Central Kalimantan: Implications for genetic resources conservation

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    Dyera lowii is an endemic and vulnerable tree species of commercial value as chewing gum found inpeat swamp forests, scatteredly distributed in Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Peninsular Malaysia. Their existenceis now under severe threat due to habitat conversion. This study is aimed to assess genetic diversity withinfour natural populations (Hampangen, Parahangan, Sebangau, Selat Nusa ) and one plantation in CentralKalimantan based on allozyme variation. Electrophoresis procedures were conducted with an isoelectricfocusing polyacrylamide slab gel system. The result showed high genetic diversity (HE=0.52) and gene fl ow(3.402) seemed to be effective. A total of 14 alleles were found among all the analysed population. Meannumber of alleles per locus (Aa) was 3.206, and the effective number of alleles per locus (Ae) was 2.21. Geneticdifferentiation between populations (FST) was signifi cant at the moderately level (0.0685). Most allozymevariation was found within population (93.2%). Special attention is essential to conserve a private allele ofGot-1-e (9%) at Selat Nusa population. Sebangau population missed the alleles of Est-2-b and Got-1-a, as foundin other populations. Selat Nusa population is expected to enhance the effective management for geneticresources conservation of this vulnerable species in the future

    Variasi Cendana (Santalum album Linn.) Berdasarkan Morfologi Daun dan Bunga di Desa Petir, Rongkop, Gunungkidul

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    Cendana (Santalum album Linn.) merupakan salah satu spesies yang digunakan sebagai tanaman rehabilitasi, dikenal mampu tumbuh di lahan dengan keterbatasan hara, dan memiliki nilai ekonomi tinggi dari kandungan minyak santalol yang wangi. Cendana merupakan spesies asli di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) namun dijumpai permudaan alami di beberapa kawasan Kabupaten Gunungkidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY), salah satunya di Desa Petir, Kecamatan Rongkop, Kabupaten Gunungkidul. Permudaan alami tersebut memiliki variasi morfologi yang relatif besar pada populasinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan variasi cendana dan mengklasifikasikan cendana yang ditemui di lokasi penelitian berdasarkan karakter morfologi. Bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa (1) cendana (meliputi organ generatif dan vegetatif) yang diambil secara sengaja (purposive) dan (2) Ximenia americana sebagai spesies pembanding. Data dideskripsi secara morfologi dan dilakukan analisis filogeni menggunakan metode maksimum parsimoni dengan penanda morfologi. Karakter morfologi cendana bervariasi pada ukuran dan bentuk daun, warna tenda bunga (perigonium), bunga, bentuk cuping, bentuk appendiks, warna batang, bentuk dan ukuran buah. Ditemui dua karakter cendana yang belum dijelaskan pada sumber sebelumnya di Indonesia yaitu bentuk daun lanset dan bulat telur serta karakter warna tenda bunga (perigonium), bunga oranye. Hasil analisis filogeni menunjukkan karakter daun kecil cendana lebih dekat dengan yang dimiliki oleh spesies pembanding. Karakter diagnostik secara tegas mengelompokan ukuran daun kecil dan ukuran daun besar. Ukuran daun kecil pada kisaran 2,8-7,7 cm sampai dengan 1,1-2,2 cm dan 7,9-10 cm sampai dengan 3,1-4 cm untuk cendana berdaun besar. Variasi bentuk daun serta warna bunga ditemukan pada masing-masing kelompok ukuran daun.Variation of Sandalwood (Santalum album Linn.) Based on Morphology of Leaves and Flowers at Petir Village, Rongkop, GunungkidulAbstractSandalwood (Santalum album Linn.) is one of the flora that are commonly used as rehabilitation species, known as a plant that can grow in a lack of nutrient soil, and has a high economic value of santalol oil. This plant is indigenous in East Nusa Tenggara but it has a natural regenaration in some areas of Gunungkidul Yogyakarta, including in Petir Village, Rongkop, Gunungkidul. Morphological variation of Sandalwood in this area was relatively high. This research aimed to describe and classify sandalwood variations that exist in the research site based on the morphological characters. The materials used in this study were (1) sandalwood as the target species (including generative and vegetative organs) with purposive sampling and (2) Ximenia americana as the outgroup species. Data were analyzed using description and phylogeny analysis using maximum parsimony method with morphological markers. Morphological characters of Sandalwoods were varied in size and leave shapes, flowers perigonium, lobes shapes, appendices shapes, stem color, shapes and fruit size. There were two characters that have not been described in the previous sources in Indonesia, form of leaves (oblong and oval) and orange color of perigonium. Phylogeny results showed that a small leaf sandalwood character was closer to the outgroup character. Diagnostic characters explicitly classified small leaf size and leaf size large. Size of small leaf was from 2.8 -7.7 cm to 1.1-2.2 cm and from 7.9-10 cm to 3.1-4 cm for large leaf. Leaf form and colour of flower variation was found in each group of leaf size