36 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Temperatur Terhadap Degradasi Pigmen Tomat Dalam Beberapa Jenis Minyak Nabati Komersial

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    The study of vegetable oils fortified with crude extract of carotenoid pigments from tomatothat contains lycopene as dominant antioxidant compounds becomes an interesting researchto be done. The aim of this research is testing the stability of the pigment of tomatoesextracts in the vegetable oil treated on some temperature levels. Spectroscopy method isused to measure the respond of pigment stability in fortified vegetables oils which treated bytemperature from 250C to 700C. Before the measurement is done by a spectrophotometerwhich connected to the thermostat, as much as 1 mg of extract pigment of tomatoes in crystalform was weighed for per sampel, then dissolved into 10 ml palm oil, coconut oil, sunflowerseed oil, and canola oil separately. The results showed that the temperature treatment causesthe value of the optical absorption decreased, which means that the pigment moleculesexperienced instability. The amount of impairment of the optical absorption withtemperature treatment from 250C to 700C at a wavelength of 482 nm, respectively, are: palmoil (Abs = 0.201); coconut oil (Abs = 0.213), sunflower oil (Abs = 0.232); and canola oil(Abs = 0.260). Decreasing value of absorbance (Abs) also indicates the lycopenedegradation that formed the derivatives molecule of this pigment

    Orang asli, land security and response to the dominant society: a case study of the Tanjung Rambai Temuan

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    Rapid human population growth and its impacts on danau sentarum

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    In the past decade, Indonesia's protected areas have been threatened not only by illegal logging and mining, poaching, and other illegal activities, but also by the increasing population of the local communities. Many of these local communities depend on the natural resources of the protected areas. This paper presents the case of Danau Sentarum National Park (DSNP), where the human population inside the park has grown rapidly, and discusses the implications for the conservation area

    Interacting threats and challenges in protecting danau sentarum

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    Danau Sentarum was declared a conservation area by the government in 1981, was established as a Ramsar wetland conservation area in 1984 and became a 132,000 ha national park with a 65,000 ha buffer zone in 1999. But being named a wetland of international importance and having national park status do not mean that Danau Sentarum receives more attention and better management. Forest cover within and around the park is declining rapidly. The fish stocks and water quality of the wetlands and river network are threatened. Logging has left large tracts of open land, destroyed wildlife habitat and reduced wildlife populations. The Pulau Majang forest, formerly an orangutan habitat, is now devoid of orangutans. Tree felling and land clearing have also triggered human-animal conflict, apparently because forest food sources have fallen drastically, forcing wild animals to seek food in human settlements. This paper aims to identify the interacting threats and underlying causes of the ecosystem degradation and declining resources. The research serves as a baseline study for a larger research project: Promoting Good Governance of Protected Areas Management, being conducted by CIFOR and Riak Bumi Foundation since early 2005

    Lokakarya Nasional Proyek CoLUPSIA

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    Conflict management approaches under unclear boundaries of the commons: experiences from Danau Sentarum National Park, Indonesia

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    Research on the role of local institutions in confl ict management is still limited. This study highlights various inter-settlement confl icts over the issue of unclear resource boundaries in Danau Sentarum National Park, Indonesia. The park is home to two major ethnic groups (Dayak Iban and Malay) whose livelihoods are highly dependent on fi sh and forest resources available in the park area. We demonstrate how local institutions (adat) are used to address boundary confl icts and consider their effectiveness. The study also discusses challenges that adat face in ensuring the effectiveness of confl ict management. We argue that enhancing communication and developing a mechanism of exchange among settlements engaged in confl ict will promote better understanding of the problem and thus allows improvement in the current approaches in managing confl ict. We propose a co-management arrangement to ensure the sustainability of the park and to constructively manage the confl ict in the area