3 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Menggunakan Metode Berorientasi Objek

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    Cooperative Teacher Junior High School 53 in Palembang, a cooperative which is engaged in the savings and loan services. Role in the activities of the cooperative system komputersasi immense benefits, which in faster data processing and in accordance with the expected goals. However, the cooperative teacher at Junior High School 53 in Palembang is conducting recording data on cooperatives is still as simple as how to record all the data using the book, so that with the increasing number of members as well as data to be processed it will have obstacles to manage data these, it is necessary for the existence of accounting information systems, computer-based cooperative teachers, which the system will be able to speed up the process of cooperative service teachers at junior High School 53 Palembang, the author will build cooperative information systems accounting teachers using programming languages PHP and MySQL use these applications are expected to help data processing teachers cooperative and easier to get information quickly and accurately. Keywords: Accounting Information Systems, Cooperatives, Savings and Loans, PHP, MySQ

    Penentuan Kecernaan Ransum Mengandung Ampas Umbi Garut (Maranta Arundinacea Linn.) pada Ayam Broiler dengan Metode Pemotongan

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    Suatu penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai kecernaan ransum(bahan kering, protein kasar dan bahan organik) yang mengandung ampas umbiGarut telah dilakukan selama dua minggu, mulai tanggal 15 sampai dengan 29Juli 2002. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimental menggunakan RancanganAcak Lengkap dengan empat perlakuan ransum (R0 = ransum basal = ransumtanpa tepung ampas umbi Garut; R1 = 95% ransum basal + 5% tepung ampasumbi Garut; R2 = 92,5% ransum basal + 7,5% tepung ampas umbi Garut dan R3= 90% ransum basal + 10% tepung ampas umbi Garut). Setiap perlakuandiulang lima kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan tepung ampasumbi Garut.. pada tingkat 10% dalam ransum (R3) nyata (P<0,05) menurunkannilai kecernaan ransum (bahan kering, protein kasar dan bahan organik)dibandingkan dengan perlakuan R0 (ransum basal). Rataan perlakuan R0, R1 danR2 tidak menujukkan pengaruh yang berbeda nyata terhadap semua peubah yangdiamati. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh bahwa tepung ampas umbi Garut.. dapatdiberikan sampai 7,5% dalam ransum ayam broiler, yang ditunjang oleh datasebagai berikut: (1) Nilai kecernaan bahan kering ransum = 81,52%, tepungampas umbi Garut = 74,80%; (2) Nilai kecernaan protein kasar ransum =74,78%, tepung ampas umbi Garut = 66,35% dan (3) Nilai kecernaan bahanorganik ransum = 84,64%, tepung ampas umbi Garut = 74,99%

    Feed Forage and Nutrition Value at Altitudes During the Dry Season in the West Java

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    Field grass was a source of ruminant forage, especially for rural farmers in the West Java in different altitude. The aim of this study was to determine the potential of grass during the dry season which included the botanical composition analysis and chemical analysis of nutritional value. The study was conducted from September to November 2015. The method used was a survey method, sampling was multistage sampling. The parameters measured in the study included a botanical composition of the forage, biomass production of feed materials on fresh and dry matter, dry material content, an inorganic material included ash, calcium and phosphorus, protein, crude fiber, extract materials without nitrogen, and crude fat. The results showed that the areas in the West Java were drought in September and October, thus resulting in very limited supply of forage and the productivity of the forages was very low. A botanical composition in the highland area was more complete included grass, legumes and weeds than lowland areas and medium altitude. Forage production in highland areas was higher than in lowland areas and medium altitude. Feed plants in the lowlands had a greater fiber content which was forming energy for plants, and lower crude protein when compared to highlan