12 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Metro Kapsul Performance in Steady State Curving, Traction, and Braking

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    Transportation is an important life aspect to save travel time from one place to another. However, traffic congestion is a major problem. Therefore, PT TReKKa intends to develop Metro Kapsul, a mass public transportation system that is suitable for densely populated developed cities. A series of technical analyses and evaluations is necessary to ensure vehicle safety in steady-state curving, traction, and braking. The maximum velocity and acceleration/deceleration in these conditions can be used to decide the development and manufacturing process of Metro Kapsul. The analyses consisted of theoretical and numerical simulations. The theoretical analysis involved applying force equilibrium condition of a rigid body. The simulation was modeled according to a real model of Metro Kapsul. The results showed that both values could be categorized as comfortable based on ASCE 21.2-2008. From this study, the safe longitudinal acceleration and deceleration of Metro Kapsul were obtained, i.e. 0.90 m/s2 and 0.97 m/s2, respectively, while the emergency longitudinal deceleration is 1.25 m/s2. When cornering, the maximum velocity is limited by the centrifugal acceleration, which is 0.6 m/s2. To conclude, the current design of Metro Kapsul is already good in steady-state performance. Further research is required for full dynamic and transient conditions with track irregularities

    Development of a 3D Gait Measurement Protocol for Amputees Walking on Treadmill

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    Walking motion is actually a complex activity since it involves many body parts, especially the lower limb. Due to the needs for gait analysis in many medical applications, Biomechanics Research Team at ITB has developed an affordable optical motion analyzer to measure motions of subject walking over ground. However, the needs for multicycles gait data is better met by measuring subjects walking on treadmill. This paper discusses the modification of the developed motion analyzer to accommodate data acquisition of subject walking on treadmill, including those of transfemoral amputees. Seven markers, two 95 fps cameras, a dual-channel Camera Link Acquisition NI PCIe-1430 frame grabber, and a workstation are employed in the optical motion analyzer system. The speed displayed on the treadmill is evaluated. Additional equipment such as the modified hydraulic engine crane and the body harness are introduced to ensure the safety of amputees and avoid the risk of falling down while walking on the treadmill. The modified motion analyzer system is then used to obtain gait parameters of normal (37 males and 31 females) and three amputee subjects. The gait parameters of normal subjects in the treadmill walking shows that there is a decrease in the stride length and range of motion, and increase in the cadence due to walking adaptation. There are also phase shifting and increase in the range of motion for amputee subjects compared to the normal subjects which imply that there is an extra work done by the residual limb in doing walking movement and the amputee subjects try to balance their walking on the treadmill

    Analisis Fleksibilitas Pada Atlet Bulutangkis Junior Indonesia

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    ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur fleksibilitas dan mengetahui riwayat cedera yang dimiliki atlet bulutangkis junior pria dan wanita. Dalam penelitian ini melibatkan total 49 atlet bulutangkis. Secara spesifik, mereka dibagi menjadi dua (2) group berdasarkan jenis kelamin mereka. Group laki-laki (n = 26), yang memiliki rata-rata tinggi badan = 171.2 ± 6.91 cm ; berat badan = 64.02 ± 9.67 Kg; BMI = 21.89 ± 2.49 Kg/m2, sedangkan Group perempuan (n = 23) memiliki rata-rata tinggi badan = 159.09 ± 3.40 cm ; berat badan = 56.79 ± 9.40 Kg; BMI = 22.39 ± 3.08 Kg/m2. Seluruh peserta diminta untuk melakukan test fleksibilitas menggunakan alat Takei 5003 Analogue Standing Trunk Flexion Meter dan mengisi kuesioner terkait rewayat cedera visual analogue scale questioner (VAS). Analisis statsitik menunjukkan bahwa atlet bulutangkis wanita junior memiliki fleksibilitas yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan atlet bulutangkis pria junior (p = 0.001). Di sisi lain, VAS questioner menunjukkan bahwa 9% dari total 26 atlet pria pernah mengalami riwayat terapi selama lebih dari 3 bulan, sedangkan tidak ada satupun dari 23 atlet wanita (0%) yang memiliki riwayat terapi penyembuhan lebih dari 3 bulan. Penelitian ini menunjukkan secara kuantitatif bahwa atlet wanita bulutangkis memiliki kemampuan fleksibilitas yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan atlet bulutangkis pria, sehingga memiliki korelasi terkait resiko terjadinya suatu cedera dan riwayat penanganan terapi yang lebih baik dibandingkan atlet bulutangkis pria. Kata Kunci:  Bulutangkis, Cedera, Fleksibilitas, Performa, Sendi. ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to measure flexibility and determine the injury history of male and female junior badminton athletes. This study involved a total of 49 badminton athletes. Specifically, they were divided into two (2) groups based on their gender. Male group (n = 26), who had a mean height = 171.2 ± 6.91 cm; body weight = 64.02 ± 9.67 Kg; BMI = 21.89 ± 2.49 Kg / m2, while the female group (n = 23) had an average height = 159.09 ± 3.40 cm; body weight = 56.79 ± 9.40 Kg; BMI = 22.39 ± 3.08 Kg / m2. All participants were asked to do a flexibility test using the Takei 5003 Analogue Standing Trunk Flexion Meter tool and fill out a questionnaire related to visual injury analogue scale questioner (VAS). Statistical analysis showed that female junior badminton athletes had better flexibility than junior male badminton athletes (p = 0.001). On the other hand, the VAS questionnaire showed that 9% of the total 26 male athletes had a history of therapy for more than 3 months, whereas none of the 23 female athletes (0%) had a history of healing therapy for more than 3 months. This study shows quantitatively that female badminton athletes have better flexibility abilities than male badminton athletes, so that they have a better correlation related to the risk of an injury and a history of treatment treatment compared to male badminton athletes.  Keywords: Badminton, Injury, Flexibility, Performance, Joints

    Profile Komposisi Tubuh Atlet Junior Bulutangkis Indonesia: Kategori Ganda Putra

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur karakteristik fisiologi, secara spesifik pada pengukuran antropometri, untuk mendapatkan gambaran somatotype atlet bulutangkis Indonesia. 12 atlet bulutangkis junior kategori ganda putra berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Pengukuran antropometri dengan menggunakan alat GE Lunar Prodigy DEXA, dan stadiometer portable dengan keakuratan 0.1cm untuk mengukur tinggi badan. Rata-rata berat badan adalah 69.01 ± 7.55 kg , rata-rata tinggi badan adalah 175.3 ± 5.96 cm, rata-rata BMI adalah 22.43 ± 1.98 kg/m-2, rata-rata lemak adalah 13.02 ± 3.80 kg, rata-rata prosentase lemak adalah 19.49 ± 4.37%, rata-rata massa otot adalah 53.09 ± 5.28 kg, rata-rata massa otot adalah 74.40 ± 10.28 %, rata-rata rasio lemak android/genoid adalah 0.76 ± 0.19 %, rata-rata massa otot lengan atas kanan adalah 3.36 ± 0.43 Kg, rata-rata massa otot lengan atas kiri adalah 2.89 ±  0.52 Kg, rata-rata massa otot tungkai bawah kanan adalah 9.87 ± 1.26 Kg, dan rata-rata massa otot tungkai bawah kiri adalah 9.43 ± 1.37 Kg. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa jenis somatotype tubuh atlet bulutangkis junior kategori ganda putra Indonesia adalah mesomorph. Hal ini diperjelas dengan rata-rata BMI atlet bulutangkis junior kategori ganda putra Indonesia yang berada pada rata-rata 22.43±1.98 kg/m-2

    Pengembangan prototipe sistem pencatatan waktu untuk pengukuran kecepatan secara otomatis pada sprint 60-meter

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    Abstrak: Saat ini sedang berkembang pencatatan waktu otomatis yang dijual oleh beberapa perusahan perlatan olahraga ternama seperti. Namun sayangnya, harga perangkat tersebut sangatlah mahal, dan membuat setiap pelatih ataupun praktisi olahraga terkendala untuk mendapatkannya. Karena fakta dan permasalahan tersebut, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan prototipe sistem pencatatan waktu untuk pengukuran kecepatan secara otomatis pada sprint 60-meter, dengan menggunakan perangkat sederhana dengan harga yang murah, namun memiliki tingkat presisi dan akurasi yang baik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian research and development, dimana dalam proses pengembangan dan pembuatan pencatatan waktu otomatis, penelitian ini mengambil contoh dari timing gate yang sudah divalidasi sebelumnya. Dalam penelitian ini, kami juga sudah melakukan uji coba kepada 12 atlet sprinter (tinggi badan 172.8 ± 9.31, berat badan 61.05 ± 6.90, BMI 20.38 ± 0.87) terkait kegunaan alat tersebut. Rata�rata kecepatan lari seluruh subjek pada pos 10-meter adalah 2.44 ± 0.23 detik, pos 20-meter adalah 3.71 ± 0.18 detik, pos 30-meter adalah 4.75 ± 0.22 detik, pos 40-meter adalah 6.39 ± 0.31 detik, 50-meter adalah 7.65 ± 0.41 detik, dan 60-meter adalah 9.12 ± 0.49 detik. Penelitian research and development terkait pengembangan pencatatan waktu otomatis dalam penelitian ini, menunjukkan bahwa pencatatan waktu otomatis dapat dibuat dengan harga ekonomis, dan dapat digunakan untuk mengukur kecepatan lari 60-meter. Kata Kunci: kecepatan, peralatan olahraga, prototipe, sports science, sprinte

    The effect of temperature and humidity on vo2max of PPLP athletes in Java, Indonesia

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    Efek dari lingkungan yang panas pada kinerja aerobik belum didokumentasikan dengan baik. Suhu dan kelembaban suatu lingkungan berpengaruh terhadap fisiologis tubuh dan dapat memengaruhi penampilan fisik, serta proses oxygen intake (VO2Max) yang kurang optimal. Hal ini menimbulkan sebuah pertanyaan apakah suhu lingkungan dapat berpengaruh terhadap kondisi tubuh pada saat berolahraga. Dengan demikian tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji efek suhu lingkungan yang berbeda terhadap VO2max pada atlet PPLP se-Pulau Jawa Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi observasional, di manaeneliti hanya melakukan observasi pada satu saat, tanpa memberikan intervensi pada variabel yang akan diteliti. Subjek dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 80 Atlet PPLP se-Pulau Jawa. Di antaranya yaitu; Jawa Tengah (20 Atlet), Jawa Timur (20 Atlet), Jawa Barat (20 Atlet) dan DIY Yogyakarta (20 Atlet). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa VO2max secara signifikan dapat berkurang pada suhu dan kelembaban 34°C/70% dan 32°C/60% dibandingkan dengan suhu dan kelembaban 23°C/69% dan 31°C/50%. Kinerja aerob sangat dipengaruhi oleh fungsi kardiovaskular. Lingkungan yang panas meningkatkan aliran darah kulit yang mengubah fungsi kardiovaskular. Sehingga hal ini dapat memengaruhi penurunan terhadap oxygen intake (VO2max).The effects of a hot environment on aerobic performance study have not been well documented. The temperature and humidity of an environment affect the body's physiology, influence physical appearance, and affect the less advantageous process of oxygen intake (VO2Max). Hence, a question arises in this study is the effect of environmental temperatures on the body condition while exercising. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to examine the effect of different environmental temperatures on VO2max of PPLP (Students education and training center/pusat pendidikan dan latihan pelajar) athletes in java island, Indonesia. This study employs an observational study method, in which the researcher only observes at one time, without intervention on the examined variables. The subjects are 80 PPLP athletes from Java, specifically 20 Athletes of Central Java, 20 Athletes of East Java,20 Athletes of West Java and 20 Athletes of Yogyakarta. The results of this study indicate that VO2max is significantly decreased at the air temperature of 34°C with relative humidity of 70% and the air temperature of 32°C with relative humidity of60% compared to the air temperature of 23°C with relative humidity of 69% and the air temperature of 31°C with relative humidity of 50%. Aerobic performance is intensely influenced by cardiovascular function. A hot environment increases the blood flow of the skin, which changes cardiovascular function. Consequently, this decreases oxygen intake (VO2max)


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    Latar belakang: Sports science menekankan pentingnya pengukuran kondisi fisik pada setiap cabang olahraga untuk menentukan metode latihan yang tepat, yang dapat digunakan oleh pelatih dalam membina atlet. Penelitian bermaksud untuk mengukur karakteristik fisiologi atlet muda PPLP di beberapa cabang olahraga prioritas Indonesia, seperti: Atletik, Pencak Silat dan Taekwondo. Metode: Dalam penelitian ini, seluruh subjek melakukan pengukuran antropometri dan kondisi fisik. Dimana dalam pengukuran antropometri, meliputi berat badan, tinggi badan, Body mass Index (BMI). Sedangkan pada uji kondisi fisik, pengukuran meliputi lompat vertikal, sprint 30 meter, dan cooper test 2.4 km. Hasil: Penelitian ini berhasil menunjukan secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif, rata-rata antropometri, daya tahan aerobik (VO2max), daya tahan anaerobik (lompat vertikal dan sprint 30 meter) pada atlet dari cabang olahraga Taekwondo, Pencak Silat, dan Atletik. Pada pengukuran antropometri, hanya atlet Pencak Silat (putra dan putri), yang memiliki tinggi badan di bawah rata-rata nilai normal yang ditetapkan WHO. Sementara pada pengukuran daya tahan anaerobik pada variable sprint 30 meter, hanya atlet Atletik putra yang masuk kedalam rentang nilai normal yang telah ditetapkan, sementara atlet pada cabang olahraga lainnya tidak masuk kedalam rentang nilai normal tersebut. Di sisi lain, tidak ada rata-rata hasil lompat vertikal yang dibawah nilai normal, pada ketiga cabang olahraga yang telah dilakukan pengukuran, baik putra dan putri pada setiap cabang. Sementara itu, hasil pengukuran VO2max juga mencatatakan bahwa seluruh atlet (putra dan putri) dari ketiga cabang olahraga yang diukur, memiliki hasil rata-rata VO2max yang normal dan cenderung sangat baik. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan tidak adanya hasil rata-rata VO2max yang berada dibawah rentang nilai normal yang telah ditetapkan. Kesimpulan: Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan screening latihan aerobic test (cooper test 2.4), anaerobic test (batrey test) yang meliputi lompat vertikal, sprint 30 meter dan cooper tes 2.4 km dapat digunakan dan efektif sebagai rangkaian metode dalam melakukan proses pencarian bakat dan pembinaan atlet muda di PPLP se-Pulau Jawa Background: Sports science emphasizes the importance of measuring physical conditions in each branch of sport to determine the right training methods, which can be used by coaches in fostering athletes. The research intends to measure the physiological characteristics of PPLP young athletes in several priority sport branches in Indonesia, such as: Athletics, Pencak Silat and Taekwondo. Methods: In this study, all subjects took anthropometric measurements and physical conditions. Where in anthropometric measurements, including body weight, height, Body mass Index (BMI). Whereas in physical condition tests, measurements vertical jumps, sprint 30 meters, and cooper test 2.4 km. Results: This research successfully demonstrated quantitatively and qualitatively, the average value of anthropometry, aerobic endurance (VO2max), anaerobic endurance (vertical jump and sprint 30 meter) in athletes from the Taekwondo, Pencak Silat, and Athletics branches. In anthropometric measurements, only martial arts athletes (male and female), who have a height below the average normal value determined by WHO. While in anaerobic endurance measurement in the 30 meter sprint variable, only male athletes enter the normal range that has been set, while athletes in other sports do not enter the normal range. On the other hand, there are no average vertical jump results below the normal value, in the three sports that have been measured, both male and female in each branch. Meanwhile, the results of VO2max measurements also stated that all athletes (male and female) from the three sports that were measured had normal VO2max results and tended to be very good. This is evidenced by the absence of an average VO2max result which is below the predetermined normal range. Conclusion: These findings indicate that anthropometric profile measurement and the use of aerobic test screening exercises (cooper test 2.4), as well as anaerobic tests (batrey tests) which include vertical jumps and, 30 meter sprints can be used and effectively as a series of methods in the process of finding talent and coaching young athletes in PPLP throughout JavaKata kunci: Aktivitas Fisik, Atlet, Cabang Olahraga, Antropometri, Kondisi Fisik

    Evaluation of Metro Kapsul Performance in Steady State Curving, Traction, and Braking

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    Transportation is an important life aspect to save travel time from one place to another. However, traffic congestion is a major problem. Therefore, PT TReKKa intends to develop Metro Kapsul, a mass public transportation system that is suitable for densely populated developed cities. A series of technical analyses and evaluations is necessary to ensure vehicle safety in steady-state curving, traction, and braking. The maximum velocity and acceleration/deceleration in these conditions can be used to decide the development and manufacturing process of Metro Kapsul. The analyses consisted of theoretical and numerical simulations. The theoretical analysis involved applying force equilibrium condition of a rigid body. The simulation was modeled according to a real model of Metro Kapsul. The results showed that both values could be categorized as comfortable based on ASCE 21.2-2008. From this study, the safe longitudinal acceleration and deceleration of Metro Kapsul were obtained, i.e. 0.90 m/s2 and 0.97 m/s2, respectively, while the emergency longitudinal deceleration is 1.25 m/s2. When cornering, the maximum velocity is limited by the centrifugal acceleration, which is 0.6 m/s2. To conclude, the current design of Metro Kapsul is already good in steady-state performance. Further research is required for full dynamic and transient conditions with track irregularities

    The Correlation of Aerobic and Anaerobic Capacities with Performance in Badminton Matches

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      The purpose of this study was to measure the aerobic and anaerobic capacities of badminton athletes, and to relate them to performances, such as the number of drive shots, lob shots, or smash shots, in badminton matches. 12 badminton athletes in the men's doubles category carried out two types of measurements, namely laboratory test and match test. Laboratory tests included the VO2max test using the Lode Quark Cardio Pulmonary Exercises Test (CPET), as well as a battery test (push-up, back-up, sit-up, and half-squat). Match test was conducted using competition match system. Match performances, such as drive shots, lob shots, or smash shots were analyzed by experts. The higher the VO2max level of the pair of men's doubles athletes, the better its correlation with their badminton strokes was. For example, pair 1 (native 1 and native 2) had a mean VO2max of 54.2 ± 0.9 ml/kg/min and performed the average numbers of lob strokes of 35.5 ± 0.7, drive shots of 47.5 ± 0.7, and smash of 19.5 ± 7.8. The  lowest result was found in pair 6, in which the VO2max level was 47.6 ± 0.4. The average numbers of shots performed by this pair were 23.5 ± 2.1 for lob, 29.5 ± 0.7 for drive, and 5.5 ± 0.7 for smash. On the other hand, Pair 1 had the highest average repetition of the battery test compared to the other pairs (Push-up = 35.5 ± 0.7, Back-up = 49.5 ± 0.7, Sit-up = 55.0 ± 0.0, Half-squat = 69.5 ± 0.7), and it was directly proportional to the results of hitting performance in a match. This study shows that there is a correlation between VO2max average and battery test results and the performance of badminton men's doubles athletes