33 research outputs found


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    This research aims to extricate the construction of Kompas toward news coverage of woman legislative candidate in Legislative Election 2009. Albeit reformation has been occurred since 12 years ago, the relation of woman and politic is still clashed and debated in economic, politic, social, culture and religion contexts. Woman often placed as marginalized human in politic. The terms of ‘public domain’ and ‘private domain’ are a dichotomy which explain role of man and woman in society. Woman is hitherto only involved in internal household. Socio culturally, woman is positioned as inferior party, in famous Javanese philosophy it is said that woman is confined as ‘konco wingking’ (friend in kitchen). Since Independen day of Indonesia in 1945, the number of woman in legislative board has not been representative compared with the total woman population in Indonesia. Based on the phenomena, this research is proposed to examine central issues which reported by Kompas consistently. As a media industry, Kompas Daily Newspaper is intentionally selected as the research subject caught with the news coverage which nationally based and dominate circulation. In sociocultural area, Kompas often offer ideas and discourse which then contribute an influence to society. This research will simultaneously disclose central issues which reported by Kompas consistently in woman legislative candidate news coverage in legislative election 2009. The method used in this research is framing method. Framing devices which will be applied is Gamson and Modigliani’s which consists of framing devices and reasoning devices. Framing devices is caught directly to central issues which stressed in a news. This devices is simbolized with words using, sentences using, graphic or picture, and certain metaphor. Reasoning devices is regarded cohesion and coherence of media text which refer to certain notion so message can be received as truth, natural, and real. Keywords: framing, Kompas, woman political participation, legislative election 200

    Retorika dan Power Relations: Strategi Restorasi Citra Kepolisian Republik Indonesia pada Kasus Ferdy Sambo

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    This research aimed to identify Indonesian National Police (Polri) strategy in carrying out image restoration in the Ferdy Sambo case. The case of Ferdy Sambo attracted substantial public attention throughout the end of 2022 because it involved members of the National Police in criminal acts. This incident undermined the image and reputation of the National Police as a state apparatus whose function is to maintain security and order. Furthermore, the case of Ferdy Sambo has implications for a communication crisis along with reports in the media that involve many parties as sources so that it brings speculation on the image of the Police. A communication strategy to restore the image was required in crisis communication management, especially in the early period of the crisis in order to maintain the organization's reputation. This research used a qualitative approach with qualitative content analysis as the method. This study used William Benoit's strategy formulation as divided image restoration strategies into five categories: "Denial, Evading Responsibility, Reducing offensiveness of events, Corrective action, and Mortification". The findings showed that the Polri image restoration strategy at the beginning of the Ferdy Sambo case was reducing the offensiveness of the event which consisted of bolstering followed by corrective action, while the combination of strategies practice was bolstering, differentiation, compensation, and corrective action in the post-initial case. The image restoration strategy used in the clarification meeting with Commission III of the DPR RI was to assume the crisis as an accident, bolstering, corrective action and mortification. This study found another strategy in the data as the trait of the qualitative content analysis required interpretation, apart from the strategy described by Benoit, namely hierarchical power at the beginning of the crisis, authoritative support in the post-crisis beginning and continuous improvement in the clarification meeting with Commission III of the DPR RI. The organization's power relations with the public and stakeholders determine the rhetoric and various strategies in crisis communication.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi strategi Polri dalam melakukan restorasi citra pada kasus Ferdy Sambo. Kasus Ferdy Sambo menarik perhatian besar publik sepanjang akhir tahun 2022 karena melibatkan para anggota Polri dalam tindakan kriminalitas. Peristiwa ini meruntuhkan citra dan reputasi Polri sebagai aparat negara yang berfungsi menjaga keamanan dan ketertiban. Selain itu, kasus Ferdy Sambo berimplikasi pada krisis komunikasi seiring dengan perberitaan-pemberitaan di media yang melibatkan banyak pihak sebagai narasumber sehingga membawa spekulasi pada citra Polri. Strategi komunikasi untuk merestorasi citra dibutuhkan dalam manajemen komunikasi krisis terutama pada periode awal krisis guna menjaga reputasi organisasi.  Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah kualitatif dengan metode analisis isi kualitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan rumusan strategi William Benoit yang membagi strategi restorasi citra menjadi lima kategori: “Denial, Evading Responsibility, Reducing offensiveness of event, Corrective action dan Mortification”. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi restorasi citra Polri pada awal kasus Ferdy Sambo ialah reducing offensiveness of event yang terdiri dari bolstering dan diikuti dengan corrective action sedangkan pada paska awal kasus, kombinasi strategi yang digunakan ialah bolstering, differentiation, compentation serta corrective action. Strategi restorasi citra yang digunakan dalam rapat kerja dengan Komisi III DPR RI ialah melihat krisis sebagai kecelakaan, bolstering, corrective action dan mortification. Sebagaimana penelitian analisis isi kualitatif yang bersifat melakukan interpretasi data, peneliti menemukan strategi lain dalam data, di luar strategi yang dipaparkan Benoit yaitu hierarchical power pada awal krisis, authoritative support pada paska awal krisis serta continuous improvement dalam rapat kerja dengan Komisi III DPR RI. Power relations organisasi dengan publik maupun stakeholder yang dihadapinya menentukan retorika dan variasi strategi dalam komunikasi krisis.

    Bingkai Media terhadap Hubungan Bilateral Indonesia-Malaysia (Analisis Framing Terhadap Pemberitaan Sengketa Perbatasan Kelautan dan Perairan Indonesia-Malaysia Pasca Insiden 13 Agustus 2010 dalam Kompas online)

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    The relations between Indonesia and Malaysia are always full of colors. Indonesia and Malaysia are assumed as neighbour since it has similar history, religion also socio culturally. Some decades show that the decline of relationship the both countries. Another time, as ASEAN members the two countries devotes their nationalities to purify their collective identities as Eastern. The objective of the research is to extricate the construction of Kompas online toward news coverage of the borders dispute between Indonesia-Malaysia in 2010. This research is proposed to examine central issues which reported by Kompas online consistently. As a media industry, Kompas coverage dominates circulation nationally. Kompas was the pioneer of online news in Indonesia and born in reformation era. The method used in this research is framing method by Robert N. Entman’s which consist of four steps identification : defining problem, diagnosing causes, moral judgement and a treatment recommendation. This research found that Kompas news covered the border dispute must be negotiated as recognition of Indonesia dignity

    Bingkai Media terhadap Hubungan Bilateral Indonesia-Malaysia (Analisis Framing Terhadap Pemberitaan Sengketa Perbatasan Kelautan dan Perairan Indonesia-Malaysia Pasca Insiden 13 Agustus 2010 dalam Kompas online)

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    The relations between Indonesia and Malaysia are always full of colors. Indonesia and Malaysia are assumed as neighbour since it has similar history, religion also socio culturally. Some decades show that the decline of relationship the both countries. Another time, as ASEAN members the two countries devotes their nationalities to purify their collective identities as Eastern. The objective of the research is to extricate the construction of Kompas online toward news coverage of the borders dispute between Indonesia-Malaysia in 2010. This research is proposed to examine central issues which reported by Kompas online consistently. As a media industry, Kompas coverage dominates circulation nationally. Kompas was the pioneer of online news in Indonesia and born in reformation era. The method used in this research is framing method by Robert N. Entman’s which consist of four steps identification : defining problem, diagnosing causes, moral judgement and a treatment recommendation. This research found that Kompa news covered the border dispute must be negotiated as recognition of Indonesia dignity

    MEREBUT CITRA PEMERINTAH INDONESIA DALAM ON-LINE NEWS (Studi Komparasi Konstruksi Pemberitaan Bencana Kabut Asap di Kompas.Com dan Website Kementerian Kesehatan)

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    Bencana kabut asap yang terjadi di Indonesia pada medio 2015 sebagai akibat kebakaran hutan dan lahan merupakan bencana terbesar yang menarik perhatian media nasional dan asing. Pertama karena cakupan hutan yang terbakar, jumlah korban ISPA serta kerugian materiil yang harus ditanggung pemerintah Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membandingkan konstruksi pemberitaan yang dilakukan oleh Kompas.com, serta website Kementerian Kesehatan mengenai kasus kabut asap tersebut. Perbandingan ini guna mengetahui bagaimanakah peristiwa yang sama kemudian dilihat berbeda oleh dua organisasi tersebut. Kompas merupakan media cetak nasional yang selama ini memiliki tiras terbesar apabila dibandingkan dengan media cetak lainnya. Sebagai media yang memiliki format depth news, Kompas juga seringkali menjadi referensi bagi perkembangan wacana, ide maupun gagasan yang berhubungan dengan kepentingan masyarakat luas. Website Kementerian Kesehatan merupakan representasi pemerintah Indonesia dalam menangani kasus ini. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah framing model Entman yang membagi analisis menjadi empat tahapan yakni Define Problems, Diagnose Causes, Make moral judgement dan Treatment Recommendation. Kompas.com lebih banyak membingkai tentang bencana kabut asap sebagai kelalaian dan kegagalan pemerintah dalam melakukan pengelolaan sumber daya alam. Website Kementerian Kesehatan yang lebih banyak mengupas tentang upaya maksimal serta bantuan medis yang disediakan oleh pemerintah dalam menanggulangi kasus tersebut

    Digital Media Technology as an Instrument for Promotion and Political Marketing in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0

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    The development of digital media technology is a historical necessity. All dimensions of human life require digital technology interventions. Economic, educational, cultural, social, and political dimensions. Especially in the political aspect, the election of Regional Heads such as governors, regents, and mayors also requires a touch of digital technology. Candidates for the Regional Head promote and market themselves also through digital media, especially social media. The focus of this study is to elaborate on the use of advances in social media technology in the selection of regional head elections in East Java Province, Indonesia. This research employed a qualitative approach with case study research method. Informants of the research were from the core executive board of the PDI-Perjuangan from the national level (Central Board) going down to branch levels (Branch Board) as well as mayor candidates having been nominated by the PDI-Perjuangan. The findings of this study are that the use of social media to promote and market regional head candidates is essential. Social media platforms are used, such as whatapps, facebook, instagram, line, and website. But in practice, they also still use collaboration with face-to-face media. CCS Concepts � Information systems➝ Information system applications➝ Mobile information processing system

    Digital Media Technology as an Instrument for Promotion and Political Marketing in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0

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    The development of digital media technology is a historical necessity. All dimensions of human life require digital technology interventions. Economic, educational, cultural, social, and political dimensions. Especially in the political aspect, the election of Regional Heads such as governors, regents, and mayors also requires a touch of digital technology. Candidates for the Regional Head promote and market themselves also through digital media, especially social media. The focus of this study is to elaborate on the use of advances in social media technology in the selection of regional head elections in East Java Province, Indonesia. This research employed a qualitative approach with case study research method. Informants of the research were from the core executive board of the PDI-Perjuangan from the national level (Central Board) going down to branch levels (Branch Board) as well as mayor candidates having been nominated by the PDI-Perjuangan. The findings of this study are that the use of social media to promote and market regional head candidates is essential. Social media platforms are used, such as whatapps, facebook, instagram, line, and website. But in practice, they also still use collaboration with face-to-face media. CCS Concepts � Information systems➝ Information system applications➝ Mobile information processing system


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    Komunikasi massa merupakan media penting untuk menyebarkan informasi dan menyebarkan kesadaran di antara banyak orang. Mata Kuliah (MK) Komunikasi Massa di Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Kristen Petra melatih mahasiswa yang berminat di bidang ini dan membekali mereka dengan kualitas yang diperlukan. Sering kali, komunikasi massa dirancukan dengan jurnalisme. Orang kebanyakan bertanya-tanya tentang perbedaan antara komunikasi massa dan jurnalisme. Secara dasar, jurnalisme seperti bagian dari komunikasi massa. Kedua MK tersebut berbeda satu sama lain dalam segala hal. Istilah Komunikasi Massa tidak terbatas pada jurnalisme tetapi menyebar cabangnya ke berbagai bidang media lain seperti pengumpulan berita dan pelaporan berita, manajemen even, produksi film, public relations, komunikasi korporat, periklanan, dll. MK Komunikasi Massa mengenalkan dan mempersiapkan mahasiswa dengan berbagai profil pekerjaan yang terkait dengan media massa. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, bidang media dan komunikasi massa telah berkembang menjadi konsep interaktif yang menyentuh dan mempengaruhi hampir setiap aspek kehidupan manusia. Komunikasi Massa telah menjadi bagian penting dari hidup manusia, dan manusia menjadi makin bergantung pada media. Penyebaran media yang masuk dalam kehidupan manusia melalui komponen seperti surat kabar, televisi, internet, profesi pekerjaan, dan bidang komunikasi massa makin mendapatkan popularitas yang sebelumnya tidak pernah ada. Modul ajar ini disusun oleh tiga orang dosen yang mengajar MK Komunikasi Massa secara paralel, berdasarkan Rencana Pemberlajaran Semester (RPS) per pertemuan mingguan. Materi modul ajar ini dimaksudkan untuk mengajak mahasiswa membahas mengenai materi elemen-elemen dalam komunikasi melalui media massa. Yaitu bagaimana proses komunikasi massa, sumber, jenis media massa, isi media, khalayak, dan efeknya bagi khalayak. RPS ini juga menjelaskan tentang bagaimana berbagai jenis media dikembangkan, peran yang media dalam ranah komunikasi massa, serta apa artinya dunia media digital bagi perkembangan komunikasi massa terkini. Disamping itu, terdapat bahasan mengenai pengertian dan karakteristik komunikasi massa, fungsi komunikasi massa, komponen komunikasi massa, model-model, hambatan dalam komunikasi massa dan teori-teori komunikasi massa yang relevan dalam mengupas fenomena komunikasi terkini, yang terjadi sebagai pertautan antara sistem tanda dan lambang komunikasi massa dalam masyarakat kontemporer. Hasil pembelajaran MK Pada akhir perkuliahan ini mahasiswa akan mampu: Setelah mempelajari semua materi dan sumber yang disajikan dalam MK ini, mahasiswa akan mampu untuk: 1. Menunjukkan pemahaman tentang jenis dasar, tujuan, dan relevansi komunikasi massa. 2. Menunjukkan pemahaman tentang media massa dalam ranah sejarah, ekonomi, politik, dan budaya. 3. Menunjukkan pemahaman tentang aspek bisnis media massa dan pengaruh komersialisme. 4. Menunjukkan pemahaman tentang teknologi media yang berkembang dan isu serta tren yang relevan. 5. Menunjukkan pemahaman tentang konseptual teoritik Komunikasi Massa dan nilai-nilai media massa, etika, hukum, dan pedoman industri. 6. Mempresentasikan pemahaman berbagai jenis media massa sesuai isu perkembangan media terkini. 7. Mempresentasikan pemahaman teori Komunikasi Massa dikaitkan dengan praktik media massa dalam sistem komunikasi massa di Indonesia. Demikian yang bisa kami sampaikan, kiranya buku modul ajar ini bisa bermanfaat bagi mahasiswa dan pemerhati Komunikasi Massa, Tuhan menyertai


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    This study aims to obtain a picture of how locality values are crucial in the selection of regional elections in Indonesia. In Indonesia, the mechanism for determining Regional Head Candidates (Governors, Regents and Mayors) is done in two ways. Political parties select first candidates for regional heads. Second, candidates for independent regional heads, namely candidates for regional heads who volunteered individually. Specifically for regional heads selected by political parties, the Regional Leadership Council is only entitled to propose the names of candidates to the Central Board of Governors (DPP) of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle. The final decision is in the hands of the DPP. However, the Central Executive Board always observes the aspirations that develop in the regions and the values of locality in the areas people. The research method uses the case study method in a single setting. The paradigm used is constructive/interpretive with a qualitative approach. Data analysis was carried out thematically. The findings of this study is that the mechanism of selection for candidates of regional head has to meet the basic criteria and follow some designated steps in each hierarchy of the organizational structure management. In accordance with the organizational procedures, selection and nomination of candidates for regional heads must follow the processes of negotiation and coordination on each hierarchical level, be them on branch level (Branch Board), Regional level (Regional Board) and central level (Central Board in Jakarta). The final decision for nominating candidate rests fully on the authority of the Central Board. The Branch Board and the Regional Board only have the duty to recruit prospective candidates, but final decision for nomination was made by the Central Board. The top-level decision was final and binding for all members of the organization


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    Kaderisasi merupakan kewajiban bagi setiap partai. DPC PDI Perjuangan Kabupaten Sidoarjo menjalankan kaderisasinya tidak hanya pada kegiatan formal namun juga pada kegiatan informal yang membuat proses kaderisasinya semakin efektif dibandingkan dengan DPC lainnya. Melihat keefektivitasan kaderisasi tersebut maka penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pola komunikasi organisasi yang terjadi selama proses kaderisasi. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode fenomenologi kualitatif. Data diperoleh melalui dokumen dan wawancara mendalam dengan tiga informan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan DPC Kabupaten Sidoarjo melakukan tiga pola komunikasi organisasi yaitu, pola komunikasi formal, pola komunikasi informal dan pola komunikasi socialization mechanism. Penelitian ini juga menemukan hambatan yang ada dalam proses kaderisasi yaitu, kurangnya sarana dan prasarana yang diperlukan dalam komunikasi untuk mengatasi rentang usia yang jauh; penguasaan teknik dan metode komunikasi yang tidak sesuai, sehingga beberapa pengurus dan kader tidak menguasai media yang digunakan; kondisi fisik kader yang sudah berusia lanjut tidak memungkinkan untuk menerima informasi secara sempurna. ABSTRACT Cadreization is an obligation for each party. DPC PDI Perjuangan Sidoarjo Regency runs its cadre not only in formal activities but also in informal activities that make the process of regeneration more effective compared to other DPC. This study was conducted to find out how the communication patterns that occur during the regeneration process. The research was conducted by qualitative phenomenology method. Data was collected by documents and interviews with three informants. The results showed that the DPC of Sidoarjo Regency did three organizational communication patterns: formal communication patterns, informal communication patterns and communication patterns of socialization mechanism. This study also found the barrier during the regeneration process, that was: the facilities and infrastructure needed in communication for maintaning age range was low; inappropriate communication techniques and methods, the physical condition of existing cadres does not allow to receive information perfectly. Keywords: Communication Pattern, Barrier in Communication, Party Regeneration, Political Parties, Phenomenology