5 research outputs found

    Robust automotive radar interference mitigation using multiplicative-adaptive filtering and Hilbert transform

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    Radar is one of the sensors that have significant attention to be implemented in an autonomous vehicle since its robustness under many possible environmental conditions such as fog, rain, and poor light. However, the implementation risks interference because of transmitting and/or receiving radar signals from/to other vehicles. This interference will increase the floor noise that can mask the target signal. This paper proposes multiplicative-adaptive filtering and Hilbert transform to mitigate the interference effect and maintain the target signal detectability. The method exploited the trade-off between the step-size and sidelobe effect on the least mean square-based adaptive filtering to improve the target detection accuracy, especially in the long-range case. The numerical analysis on the millimeter-wave frequency modulated continuous wave radar with multiple interferers concluded that the proposed method could maintain and enhance the target signal even if the target range is relatively far from the victim radar

    The influence of murottal al- Quran exposure to leydig cell of stressed male mice (Mus musculus)

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    Introduction: Stress is a body's response experienced by a person due to burdened feelings or oppressed in a particular event. Stress may interfere body's homeostasis. One of them is the spermatogenesis process. Healthy stress management is necessary, for example, by doing murottal Al-Qur'an. Reading Al-Qur'an with tartil delivers a beautiful tone and has a relaxing effect and stress release. Objectives: This research aims to determine the effect of murottal Al-Qur'an on the amount of Leydig cells on male mice (Mus musculus) who are experiencing stress. Methods: The compressor used is noise from the road with an intensity of> 85dB, given for 12 hours (18.00-06.00) for 21 days. The therapy used was murottal Al-Quran surah Ar-Rahman verses 1-78, which read by Shaykh Abdurrahman Sudais. In this research there were five categories, they are K+ (not given the stressor and murottal therapy), K- (given noise stressors and not given murottal therapy), P1 (given noise stressors for 12-hours and murottal therapy for 1-hour), P2 (given noise stressor for 12-hours and murottal therapy for 2-hours), P3 (given a stress stressor for 12-hours and murottal therapy for 4-hours). Moreover, observations were done on testicular histology preparations with Hematoxylin Eosin staining in olyvia (c) applications. The number of Leydig cells was examined with a 40x magnification microscope. Cell calculations are done manually with the image raster application. Results: The Result from this study were analyzed with normality and homogeneity tests followed by the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and least significant difference test. The differences were considered significant when p <0.05. Conclusions: Lastly, it can be concluded that there is an influence of murottal Al-Quran on the number of Leydig cells in male mice under stress

    Efektifitas terapi murottal al Qur’an terhadap stres mencit (Mus musculus)

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    Stres merupakan suatu keadaan tertekan baik secara fisik maupun secara psikologis. Suatu proses yang menilai suatuperistiwa sebagai sesuatu yg mengancam, ataupun membahayakan dan individu merespon peristiwa itu pada level fisiologis,emosional, kognitif, dan perilaku. Hormon kortisol adalah hormon stres, karena hormon ini akan diproduksi lebih banyak saattubuh mengalami stres baik fisik maupun emosional. Terapi murottal Al-Qur’an merupakan salah satu terapi non farmakologisyang dapat digunakan untuk mempercepat proses penyembuhan. Lantunan Al-Qur’an secara fisik mengandung unsur suaramanusia. Suara dapat menurunkan hormon stres, mengaktifkan hormon endorfin alami, meningkatkan perasaan rileks danmengalihkan perhatian dari rasa takut, cemas, dan tegang, memperbaiki sistem kimia tubuh. Surat Ar-Rahman merupakan suratMakiyah yang mempunyai karakter ayat pendek dan berulang sehingga dapat menimbulkan efek relaksasi bagi pendengar.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah Menganalisis efektifitas pemberian terapi Murottal Al Qur’an terhadap kadar hormon kortisolpada mencit yang mengalami stres. Metode penelitian ini adalah true experimental post-test only control group design. 35mencit dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok, Kelompok K+: tidak diberi perlakuan murottal QS. Ar-Rahman dan tidak diberi paparanstresor kebisingan; Kelompok Kontrol (-) diberi paparan stresor kebisingan 21 hari dan tidak diberi perlakuan murottal QS. Ar-Rahman; P1 diberi paparan stresor kebisingan 21 hari + murottal QS. Ar-Rahman 1 jam/hari; P2 diberi paparan stresorkebisingan 21 hari + murottal QS. Ar-Rahman 2 jam/hari; P3 diberi paparan stresor kebisingan 21 hari + murottal QS. Ar-Rahman 4 jam/hari. Analisis data menggunakan Median Test didapatkan nilai p value adalah 0,032 (p< 0,05) menyatakanterdapat perbedaan yang signifikan kadar kortisol pada mencit dengan kontrol negatif, kontrol positif dan yang mendapatperlakuan 1, 2, dan 3. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah bahwa Terapi Murottal Al Quran dapat menurunkan kadar kortisolmencit yang dipapar stres kebisinga

    The effectivity of murottal al-Qur’an exposure to spermatogenesis of male mice (Mus musculus) with stress

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    Introduction: Stress is the body's reaction to pressure from stressors; one of the stressors that can trigger stress is a noise stressor. Stress can disrupt the body's homeostasis system, one of the cycles of spermatogenesis. Murottal Al-Qur'an therapy listening can produce a response of relaxation and peace of mind to increase healing. Methods: The study was conducted on 25 healthy male mice aged 8-12 weeks grouped randomly into five groups. The positive control group is the normal group. The negative control group is given a 12-hour stressor. The treatment groups are given 12 hours and 1, 2, and 4 hours therapy. The treatment for each group was carried out for 21 days. Spermatogenesis of mice was observed through the number of primary spermatocytes cells and spermatid cells. It takes place during the preparation of testicular histology with Hematoxylin Eosin staining. Primary spermatocyte and spermatid counts were examined under a 40x magnification microscope. Results: Murottal Al-Qur'an therapy can affect the amount of primary spermatocyte cells (p-value = 0.000) and spermatids (p-value = 0,000) that are very significant. Conclusion: Murottal Al-Qur'an therapy can be used to increase the spermatogenesis of mice with stress. Keywords: Stress, Noise, Spermatogenesis, Murottal Al-Qur'an

    The journey to normal : panduan adaptasi kebiasaan baru pada masa pandemi Covid-19

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    Buku The Journey To Normal: Panduan Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 merupakan intisari dari panduan adaptasi kebiasaan baru yang telah dikeluarkan oleh Badan kesehatan Dunia (WHO) maupun Pemerintah Indonesia melalui Gugus Tugas Percepatan Penanganan Covid-19 Republik Indonesia. Seperti halnya yang sudah diketahui bersama, pandemic COVID-19 telah melanda hampir seluruh umat manusia di berbagai belahan dunia. Pada tanggal 12 Februari 2020, WHO resmi menetapkan penyakit novel coronavirus pada manusia ini dengan sebutan Coronavirus Disease (COVID19). Pada tanggal 11 Maret 2020, WHO sudah menetapkan COVID-19 sebagai pandemi. Panduan ini ditujukan bagi seluruh cicitas akademika penyelenggara pendidikan tinggi di Indonesia. Berisi tentang pengetahuan dasar infeksi SARS-CoV-2, Ptofisiologi, tatalaksana dan pencegahan serta rehabilitasi pasien Covid-19. Di dalam buku ini juga, penulis menyediakan panduan bagi institusi penyelenggara pendidikan tinggi dalam menyelenggarakan pembelajaran secara luring (luar jaringan). Pimpinan institusi dapat mengaplikasikan prosedur dan kegiatan mitigasi infeksi covid-19 di tempat masing-masing