95 research outputs found

    Hijabersmom Community di Pekanbaru (Studi Tentang Motivasi Bergabung dalam Kelompok Sosial)

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    This research aims to find out the motivation and the hijabersMom community function of member that joined. The kind of research was qualitative descriptive, which is the kind of research to understood the situation to analyze, and to described event that occurred in the society. The data sources were consisted of primary data and the secondary data. The primary data was compiled by doing the interview, while secondary data was compiled by reading the books, internet, and other related document. The sample in this research were 9 people from hijabersmom community Pekanbaru including the coordinator and members. The author has used sample purposive sampling technique. The result of research showed there were two motive of member that join in the hijabersmom community Pekanbaru. At the first was sosiogenesist motive such as to added relation and knowledge, to followed the fashion trends and to be organized. At the second was teogenetist motive such as because of willing to learned more about religious thing. This community has manifest functions for members such as to be place to added the obedience, humanity, creativity and economy. At the second was latent functions from this community such as there was society perception that HijabersMom were community who make a point of style and fashion.Keywords : Community, Motivation, HijabersMo

    Teaching Communicative Translation Through Skopos Theory

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    Communication is considered successful when the people involved understand each others. Since there are many languages around their world, languages can also be a barrier in communicating. People with a particular language cannot interact with other who has different language than his to link this shortage, it requires the role of a translator. Nowadays many people are just taking the opportunity to be translators just because they are bilingual without any awareness of what it is called as successful in translation People with a particular language cannot interact with other who has different language than his. In this regard, this paper will discuss what aspect are necessary to be a professional translator. This understanding will lead us to know how to teach translation to students in order to achieve a communicative translation

    Dampak Foreign Direct Investment dan Investasi Portofolio terhadap Stabilitas Makroekonomi di Indonesia : Fenomena Global Imbalances

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    The imbalance of global economic recovery has led to a variety of implications on the economies of emerging markets countries, including Indonesia, its massive capital inflows. Capital inflows can be a source of development financing, as well as to support the deepening of financial markets. However, when capital inflows are massive enough and can not be absorbed by the economy as a whole, it will weaken the impact of export competitiveness and potential pressures on macroeconomic stability. This study aims to analyze the impact of foreign direct investment and portfolio investment against macroeconomic fundamentals. The method used in this study is the Vector Autoregression through the use of impulse response and variance decomposition with time series data 2005.Q4 - 2011.Q4. Some of the variables used are economic growth, inflation, exchange rate, BI Rate, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), and Portfolio Investment. The research results indicate that the positive impact of FDI on economic growth is smaller than the portfolio investment. To price stability, the impact of FDI is negative and the positive impact of investment portfolio. Positive impact of FDI on the exchange rate and the investment portfolio of negative influence. While monetary policy through the BI Rate of negative response to the development of FDI and portfolio investments respond positively. This shows more effect on the investment portfolio of macroeconomic instability, especially on the stability of prices and exchange rates. Its massive capital inflows cause the exchange rate appreciation trend that goes beyond the fundamental conditions and implications for the asset price bubble and increase the vulnerability of financial markets and inflation

    Model Gi-gi (Group Investigation-guided Inquiry) Dalam Pembelajaran Elastisitas Di SMA (Studi Pada Keterampilan Proses Sains Dan Hasil Belajar Siswa)

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    This research focuses on the implementation of GI-GI (Group Investigation-Guided Inquiry) model in elasticity learning at senior high school. This research aimed to describe student's science process skills during using the model and to study affect the model on student's physics learning achievement. This type of research is experiment research by post-test only control design. The population of this research is students of class XI IPA in SMAN Kalisat and the sample is two classes, XI IPA 3 as an experiment group and XI IPA 3 as a control group. Data collection techniques are observation, documentation, interview, and test. Data analysis techniques to describe student's science process skills use descriptive analysis, to study affect the model on student's physics learning achievement use independent sample t-test on SPSS 22. Finding this research are: (1)  The average percentage of student's basic science process skills is 69.14% included fairly good criteria, while the average percentage of student's integrated science process skills is 81.96% included  good criteria. (2) The significance value is 0,000 or <0.05 and it show that the model has a significant affect on student's physics learning achievement. The research can be concluded that student's basic and integrated science process skills during using GI-GI model are in fairly good criteria and good criteria. GI-GI model has a significant affect on student's physics learning achievement.   Key word: elasticity, GI-GI model, student's learning achievement, student's science process skill

    Motivation of the Elderly and Elderly Visits to the Elderly Integrated Service Post (Posyandu Lansia) in Klampisan Hamlet, Kedunggede Village, Dlanggu Sub-district, Mojokerto District

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    Background. Having a healthy and prosperous life in old age is the hope of every elderly person. In achieving a healthy and prosperous old age, various efforts have been made by the government, one of which is an Elderly Integrated Service Post (Posyandu Lansia) program.Objectives. This study aims to analyze the relationship of motivation of the elderly and elderly visits to the Elderly Integrated Service Post (Posyandu Lansia) in Klampisan Hamlet, Kedunggede Village, Dlanggu Sub-District, Mojokerto District.Methods. The research design used is analytic cross sectional. The population in this study were all elderly residents of Klampisan Hamlet, Kedunggede Village, Dlanggu Subdistrict, Mojokerto District who had attended the Elderly Integrated Service Post (Posyandu Lansia) as many as 52 people. The sampling technique in the study was simple random sampling. The sample size in this study was 46 people. The measuring instrument used was a questionnaire for motivational variables, and a visit book for elderly visiting to the Elderly Integrated Service Post (Posyandu Lansia) variables.Results. The results showed that the average value of motivation was 68.5870, indicating strong motivation. The average visit value is 1.9348, indicating that the visit is not active. Based on the results of the analysis using the Spearman Rho correlation test obtained Ļ = 0.00 <Ī± = 0.05, so that it can be interpreted that there is a relationship between the motivation of the elderly and elderly visits to the Elderly Integrated Service Post (Posyandu Lansia) in Klampisan Hamlet, Kedunggede Village, Dlanggu Sub-District, Mojokerto District.Conclusion. Based on the results of the study showed that there was a relationship between the motivation of the elderly and elderly visits to the Elderly Integrated Service Post in Klampisan Hamlet, Kedunggede Village, Dlanggu Sub-District, Mojokerto District, which could mean that the elderly had strong motivation, then the visit to the Elderly Integrated Service Post would be active. On the contrary, the elderly whose motivation is weak then visit the Elderly Integrated Service Post (Posyandu Lansia) is not active

    The Effectiveness of Giving Pursed Lips Breathing Therapy Towards Kids\u27 Oxygenation Status with Pneumonia

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    Background Pneumonia is the second most common disease that brings about death in children under five years of age in the world. It seems, Symptoms that appear in the case of Pneumonia are acute respiratory problems that need to be overcome appropriately. Objectives the aim of this research is to identify the effect of pursed lips breathing therapy through tongue blowing activity on the oxygenation status of preschoolers with Pneumonia. Method this research used quasi experimental with pre-post test group design. The sampling technique is purposive random sampling with 36 people consisting of 18 intervention groups and 18 control groups. Data were analyzed using univariate and bivariate tests (t-test) Result The results showed a significant difference between oxygenation status before and after intervention with tongue blowing therapy (PLB), namely p value= 0.045 on respiratory frequency (RR), p value = 0.037 to saturation oxygen (Sa02) and p value=0.036 on heart rate (HR). Recommendation The results of this study can add alternatives to independent nurse interventions in dealing with pediatric patients who have pneumonia or with oxygenation disorders

    Hubungan Kepemimpinan Transformasional Dengan Disiplin Kerja Pegawai Balai Rehabilitasi Sosial Mardi Utomo Semarang I

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    Disiplin kerja pegawai sangat dibutuhkan, karena tujuan organisasi mustahil akan tercapai bila pegawainya tidak disiplin. Hasil penjajagan awal memperlihatkan di Balai Rehabilitas Sosial Mardi Utomo Semarang I terjadi penggunaan waktu jam kerja yang tidak pada tempatnya. Sebab didapati pegawai pada saat jam kerja tidak ada di kantor dan beberapa lembar absen masih kosong selama beberapa hari. Secara teoritis disiplin kerja dipengaruhi oleh kepemimpinan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji secara empiris hubungan kepemimpinan transformasional dengan disiplin kerja pegawai Balai Rehabilitas Sosial Mardi Utomo Semarang I.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian korelasi dengan mengambil seluruh populasi sebagai sampel dan didapatkan sampel sebanyak 33 pegawai. Metode penggalian data dengan menggunakan dua skala psikologi yaitu skala Disiplin Kerja dan skala Kepemimpinan Transformasional. Skala Disiplin Kerja dengan 33 item valid (Ī± = 0,902) dan skala Kepemimpinan Transformasional dengan 33 item valid (Ī± = 0,936). Analisis data menggunakan regresi linier sederhana.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan koefisien korelasi rxy = 0,482 dengan p = 0,002 (p&lt;0,05) yang berarti ada hubungan positif antara kepemimpinan transformasional dengan disiplin kerja, semakin tinggi kepemimpinan transformasional maka semakin baik disiplin kerja pegawai, demikian pula sebaliknya semakin rendah kepemimpinan transformasional maka semakin rendah disiplin kerja pegawai. sumbangan efektif kepemimpinan terhadap disiplin kerja pegawai Balai Rehabilitas Sosial Mardi Utomo Semarang I sebesar 23,2% dan sisanya sebesar 76,8% dijelaskan oleh faktor-faktor lain

    Hubungan Antara Persepsi Terhadap Bahaya Rokok Dengan Intensi Berhenti Merokokpada Anggota Komunitas Inter Club Indonesia Regional Magelang

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara persepsi terhadap bahaya rokok dengan intensi berhenti merokokpada anggota komunitas Inter Club Indonesia regional Magelang. Subjek penelitian adalah 45 orang perokok yang merupakan anggota komunitas Inter Club Indonesia regional Magelang. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan convenience sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan skala persepsi terhadap bahaya rokok (35 aitem valid, Ī± = 0,95) dan skala intensi berhenti merokok(44 aitem valid, Ī± = 0,97). Berdasarkan hasil analisis regresi sederhana menunjukkan nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar rxy = 0,72 dengan p &lt; 0,01. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan adanya hubungan positif yang signifikan antara persepsi terhadap bahaya rokokdengan intensi berhenti merokokpada anggota komunitas Inter Club Indonesia regional Magelang. Artinya, semakin positif persepsi terhadap bahaya rokok yang dimiliki, maka semakin tinggi intensi berhenti merokok yang dimilikinya, begitupun sebaliknya. Persepsi terhadap bahaya rokokmemberikan sumbangan efektif sebesar 52,4 % pada intensi berhenti merokok. Ketika ingin meningkatkan intensi berhenti merokok masyarakat, maka pemerintah dapat memperbanyak pemasangan peringatan dan gambar bahaya rokok di tempat-tempat umum
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