71 research outputs found

    Engineering Geology of Sidosari Area, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia

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    Development of settlement area in Sidosari area and the surroundings requires complete understanding of the engineering geological conditions, including susceptibility to landslides, to prevent damaged properties and loss of lives. Surface engineering geological mapping at a 1:25000 scale was conducted to develop a detailed landslide susceptibility map for spatial planning and to identify most controlling factor of landslides in the research area based on conditions of geomorphology, rock and soil, geological structure, groundwater seepage, and land use. The engineering geological mapping showed that landslides commonly occurred in the moderate slopes of the denudational hill landform having slope inclination ranging from 9 to 17°, in the areas covered by residual soils of the vitric tuff 2 unit, in the areas of no groundwater seepage, and in the settlement areas, including in Kranjang Lor area where soil creeping occurred. The high susceptibility zone covered 55.5 % of the research area and was characterized by having slope inclinations ranging from 9 to 35°, engineering geological units of vitric tuff 2 and tuff breccia, and land uses of rice and dry fields and settlement. The low cohesion and very high swelling potential of the residual soils of the vitric tuff 2 unit were considered to be the main controlling factor of landslides in the research area


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    The stability of rock slopes is controlled by several factors, such as the intact rock strength, discontinuity characteristics, groundwater condition, and slope geometry. Limit equilibrium (LE) analyses have been commonly used in geotechnical practice to evaluate the stability of rock slopes. A number of methods of LE analyses, ranging from simple to sophisticated methods, have been developed. This paper presents stability analyses of rock slopes at the Batu Hijau open mine in Sumbawa Barat using various methods of LE analyses. The LE analyses were conducted at three cross sections of the northern wall of the open mine using the Bishop Simplified, Janbu Simplified, Janbu Generalised, and General Limit Equilibrium (GLE) methods in Slide slope stability package. In addition, a Plane Failure (PF) analysis was performed manually. Shear strength data of the discontinuity planes used in the LE analyses were obtained from back analyses of previous rock slope failures. The LE analysis results showed that the rock slopes were likely to have shallow non-circular critical failure surfaces. The factor of safety (Fs) values obtained from the Bishop Simplified, Janbu Simplified, Janbu Generalised, and GLE methods were found to be similar, while the Fs values obtained from the PF method were higher than those obtained from the more rigorous methods. Keywords: Batu Hijau mine, Bishop Simplified, Janbu Simplified, Janbu Generalised, limit equilibrium analyses, general limit equilibrium, rock slope stability, plane failure

    Site Investigation For Construction Of Emergency Spillway At The Jatigede Dam

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    An emergency spillway has been planned to be constructed at the Jatigede Dam, West Java, to allow floodwater to flow downstream and to prevent the capacity of the main spillway to be exceeded during large flood events. The complex geology of theJatigede Dam area, however, poses a challenge to determine the suitable location for the emergency spillway construction, either in the area to the west or to the east of the embankment dam. An engineering geological mapping and landslide susceptibilityzoning were conducted to determine the engineeringgeological characteristics of the area surrounding theJatigede Dam. The site investigation showed that thearea to the west of the embankment dam tended tohave a lower slope inclination than the area to theeast of the embankment dam. Both areas to the westand to the east of the embankment dam were found tobe composed of less erosion resistant rock units. Theexistence of the earth retaining structures for slopestabilization in the area to the east of the embankment dam will, however, likely limit the flexibility in developing the emergency spillway route. With respect to the existence of fault systems, both areas to the west and to the east of the embankment dam will likely be influenced by similar conditions. The areato the west of the embankment dam tended to be lesssusceptible to landslide as compared to the area tothe east of the embankment dam. The undevelopedland use of the area to the west of the embankmen dam as compared to the area to the east of the embankment dam will provide more flexibility in construction of the emergency spillway. Due to the morefavorable engineering geological conditions, the area to the west of the embankment dam is proposed forthe location of the emergency spillway construction.Keywords: Emergency spillway, Engineering geological mapping, Jatigede Da

    The Evaluation of the Stability of Donan Cave, Pangandaran, West Java, Based on the Classification of Rock Mass

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    Assessment of rock mass quality was conducted to estimate the stability of Donan Cave. This research involved geological mapping, cave geometry mapping, rock mass quality zoning by scanline survey based on the Q-system rock mass classification, and cave stability estimation based on the rock mass quality, ratio of cave roof thickness to width, and load. The research results indicate that Donan Cave is composed of limestone of the Kalipucang Formation. Several faults are located in the vicinity of Donan Cave. Donan Cave is dominated by good to very good quality rock masses and is estimated to be stable in a relatively long period of time. However, rock fall hazard due to dynamic load at several zones, which have relatively thin and poor-quality rock masses has to be anticipated

    Evaluation of Engineering Geological Conditions for Slope Stability Analysis of Diversion Tunnel Portal of Jlantah Dam, Karanganyar, Central Java

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    This paper presents the research results carried out to analyze the slope stability of the diversion tunnel portal of Jlantah Dam based on the quality of the rock mass. The classification of the rock mass quality at the tunnel location refers to the Geological Strength Index (GSI) method while the analysis of portal slope stability is modelled numerically with the element method using Phase2 software. The modelling of the tunnel portal slope design with and without earthquake load was carried out to obtain the safety factor (SF) value. The results showed that the study area consists of residual soil, andesite breccia and lapilli tuff rocks with rock mass quality based on the GSI value ranging from poor to fair. The inlet portal slope is composed of rocks that have poor and fair mass quality while the inlet section is composed of rocks that have poor mass quality. The SF value>1.3 for conditions without earthquake effect was achieved on slope design 1V:1.5H and SF value>1.1 for conditions with earthquake effect was achieved on slope design 1V:2H. The SRF value at the portal outlet location is greater than the SRF value at the portal inlet location for the same slope design conditions indicating that the rock mass quality at the portal outlet location is better than the rock mass quality at the portal inlet location

    Stability Evaluation of Diversion Tunnel Portal Slopes at Lau Simeme Dam Site, Indonesia, using Limit Equilibrium Method

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    Construction of the Lau Simeme Dam used a tunnel as a diversion channel. Slopes at the diversion tunnel portals were prone to failure due to the tunnel excavation and earthquake. Earthquake load was not considered in the designs of the inlet and outlet portal slopes. This research evaluated stability of the tunnel portal slopes under static and earthquake loads using limit equilibrium methods of the Bishop Simplified and Morgenstern-Price. Input material properties for the slope stability analyses were obtained from evaluations of soil and rock cores, including determination of lithology type and rock mass quality based on Geology Strength Index (GSI), and laboratory testing. Evaluations of soil and rock cores indicated that the inlet portal slope consisted of residual soil, good quality tuff breccia, and good quality sandstone. The outlet portal slope consisted of residual soil, poor quality sandstone, poor quality tuff breccia, fair quality sandstone, fair quality tuff breccia, and good quality tuff breccia. The earthquake load coefficient determined by the seismic analyses based on the peak ground acceleration map for 10% probability exceedance in 50 year was 0.125 g. The slope stability analyses showed that the designed inlet and outlet portal slopes were stable under static and earthquake loads. The Bishop Simplified and Morgenstern-Price resulted in relatively similar Fs values. The Fs values of the inlet and outlet portal slopes decreased with the earthquake load application. Although Fs values of the outlet slope under static and earthquake loads met the requirements specified by SNI 8460:2017, the rock mass conditions, particularly the poor rock masses of layers 2 and 3, required special attention. Application of slope reinforcement methods, such as shotcrete, is suggested to further increase the slope stability

    Numerical Analyses of Tunnel Outlet Slope at Leuwikeris Dam, West Java, Indonesia

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    The excavated slope of the diversion tunnel outlet at the Leuwikeris Dam was designed based on core test data and the Circular Failure Chart (CFC) method. Stability of the excavated slope under static and seismic loads has not been verified using a different method. The objective of this research was to evaluate performance of the excavated slope under static and seismic loads using the finite element method (FEM).  Stability analyses of the natural slope were also carried out to assess the improved stability of the slope after excavation. Geological mapping, examinations of drill cores and borehole logs, and laboratory tests were conducted to characterise the soils and rocks comprising the tunnel outlet slope. The rock masses were characterised using the Geological Strength Index (GSI) for the input parameters of the Generalised Hoek-Brown criterion. The slope stability analyses under static and seismic loads were performed using the finite element-based computer package RS2. The results show that the diversion tunnel construction site consists of residual soil and very poor to fair quality andesite breccia rock and tuff breccia with thin claystone intercalation. The groundwater table was located approximately 40 m below the ground surface. In general, the seismic load reduced stability of the slopes. The critical strength reduction factor (SRF) values of the natural portal slope, which had 40º inclination, were 3.6 and 1.45 under static and seimic loads, respectively. Meanwhile, the SRF values of the excavated slope, which had seven benches and 55 to 74º inclinations, were 3.83 and 1.78 under static and seismic loads, respectively. The natural and excavated slopes were considered stable under static and seismic loads and met the stability criteria specified by the National Standardization Agency (2017). The slope design increased the slope FS values by 6% and 20% under static and seismic loads, respectively

    Engineering Geology and Slope Stability of West Pit Coal Mine of PT. Tawabu Mineral Resource, East Kalimantan, Indonesia

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    The research area was located in the west pit of the open pit coal mine of PT. Tawabu Mineral Resource (TMR) which is located in Bengalon District, East Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. The research was driven by several landslides that occurred in the research area, but the engineering geological conditions and stability of the remaining slopes have not been evaluated. The objectives of this study were to better understand the engineering geological conditions and stability of the research area. The engineering geological conditions (i.e., geomorphology, rock and soil, geological structure, and groundwater conditions) were evaluated by photogrametric analyses, field observations, and analyses of borehole logs and laboratory test results. The slope stability analyses were firstly carried out by conducting back stability analyses of failed slope on the northern lowwall slope segment. The shear strength parameters obtained from the back analyses were then used for forward stability analyses of the remaining 10 lowwall and highwall slopes. The slope stability analyses involved deterministic and probabilistic analyses, under static and dynamic using the limit equilibrium method (LEM).  The results showed that the research area and the surrounding consisted of two geomorphological units, namely the alluvial plain and structural hills. Rocks in the study area consisted of claystone, sandstone, and coal with a general layer strike direction of N59°E – N63°E with a dip of 19°-26°. These rocks were grouped into two lithological units, namely the alternating of claystone and sandstone unit and alternating of sandstone and claystone unit. The geological structures were identified on the highwall, from west to east namely major sinistral shear fault with a relative direction of NNE-SSW, two minor sinistral shear faults with a relative direction of NE-SW, and a major dextral shear fault with a relative direction of NW-SE. These geological structures were interpreted as being formed by the folding process. The groundwater level was estimated at a level of -45 m to 20 m. The slope stability analyses showed that only the East HW-4 slope, which was located on the east highwall, was unstable. It is recommended to optimize the slope by either lowering the groundwater elevation by 4 m from the actual level or by reducing the angle the overall slope to 31°

    Rock Mass Characterization for Assessment of Safe Cut Slope and Rock Bearing Capacity at Gondang Dam Site, Karanganyar, Indonesia

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    This paper presents results of surface rock mass characterization for assessment of safe cut slopes and allowable bearing capacity of foundation rocks at the construction area of Gondang Dam. The rock mass characterization involved determination of intact rock engineering properties and rock mass quality based on the Geological Strength Index. The rock mass characterization results showed that the research area consisted of moderately to highly weathered and very weak to weak andesite breccia and andesite tuff breccia. The andesite breccia had very poor to fair rock mass quality, while the andesite tuff breccia had poor to fair rock mass quality. The research area was divided into three zones of safe cut slope and allowable bearing capacity. Landslides occurred at natural slopes having poor to very poor rock mass quality and inclinations greater than the determined safe cut slopes.The foundation rock of the embankment dam had fair rock massquality and 135–280 T/m2 allowable bearing capacit

    Numerical Evaluation of Tunnel Portal Slope Stability at Bagong Dam Site, East Java, Indonesia

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    Geometries of excavated tunnel portal slopes at Bagong Dam site was initially designed without taking into account earthquake load. The excavated slope designs also assumed the rocks consisting the slopes were homogenous. The purpose of this research was to evaluate stability of the excavated tunnel inlet and outlet slopes at the Bagong Dam site under static and earthquake loads using finite element method. Stability of the natural slopes was also analyzed for comparison. The numerical static and pseudostatic analyses of slope stability were carried out using RS2 software (Rocscience, Inc.). Input data used in the numerical analyses were obtained from engineering geological mapping, rock core analyses, and laboratory tests. Seismic coefficient applied in the pseudostatic slope stability analyses was determined following guideline described in Indonesian National Standard. The engineering geological mapping and evaluation of rock cores indicated that the inlet tunnel slope consisted of four types of materials, namely residual soil, poor quality of volcanic breccia, very poor quality of volcanic breccia, and good quality of volcanic breccia. The outlet portal slope consisted of six types of materials, namely residual soil, very poor quality of limestone, poor quality of limestone, very poor quality of volcanic breccia, poor quality breccia, and good quality breccia. Based on the secondary elastic wave velocity (Vs) values, the rock masses in the research area were classified as hard rock (SA). Seismic analyses based on the earthquake hazard source map with 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years provided by the National Earthquake Center (2017) indicated that the PGA and the corresponding amplification factor FPGA in the research area were 0.3 and 0.8, respectively. The calculated seismic coefficient for the pseudostatic slope stability analyses was 0.12. The numerical analysis results showed that, in general, earthquake load reduced critical Strength Reduction Factor (SRF) values of the slopes. However, the natural and excavated tunnel portal slopes were relatively stable under static and earthquake loads. The natural slope at the tunnel inlet with a 40° inclination had critical SRF value of 4.0, while that of at the tunnel outlet with a 51° inclination had critical SRF value of 2.6. Under static load, the excavated slopes at the tunnel inlet and outlet having a 45° inclination had critical SRF values of 2.4 and 5.0, respectively. Under earthquake load, the excavated slopes at the tunnel inlet and outlet had critical SRF values of 2.3 and 3.5, respectively