9 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Literasi Koperasi Pada Himpunan Wanita Penyandang Disabilitas Kota Bengkulu

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    one of the vulnerable groups of people who are socially marginalized, health and economic disparities. This group has a higher probability of economic deprivation than non-disabled people so that these shocks affect the productivity and employment of persons with disabilities. Barriers to mobility and accessibility are the main factors in carrying out economic activities. the special needs experienced by this group are seen as an obstacle both in terms of work effectiveness and efficiency making it difficult to participate in the formal labor market. The HWDI Cooperative is still a business group (pre-cooperative) with all-business cooperative types. The high motivation of the management has not been followed by the motivation of other HWDI members so that the business being carried out is still very small with various other obstacles encountered in managing the cooperative. The low motivation of members (both cooperative members and non-cooperative HWDI members) is due to the lack of understanding and knowledge about cooperatives. Therefore the first step taken is to increase cooperative literacy, an understanding of the importance of cooperatives will increase the motivation of members to join, be involved and actively participate in developing cooperative businesses

    Analisis Sektor Ekonomi Unggulan Kabupaten Rejang Lebong di Provinsi Bengkulu

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    The purpose of this research was to analyze the leading economic sectors of Rejang Lebong Regency. According to BPS secondary time series data (2014-2019), descriftive analysis was used for analyze the economic structure and leading economic sectors. Based on different approach, demand (PDRB) and supply (employment), this research was to determine the leading sectors. The result of this research can be concluded that Rejang Lebong Regency was an agriculture economy eventhough the leading economic sector was not that. It based on demand side approach differ by supply side. The first periods of 2014-2017, Rejang Lebong Regency has 9 leading sectors, and the second period of this research become 7 tercier sectors. It was used PDRB data, and become 4 leading sectors (primary and tercier sectors) when employment data used merely. When the data of PDRB and employment was combined to analyze the Rejang Lebong Regency economy, there were no same leading sectors. This condition indicated that the development of 7 sectors economy of Rejang Lebong Regency was driven by demand, not only local but also demand from other region demand

    Analisis Pembangunan Ekonomi Daerah Dalam Perspektif Potensi Sumber Daya: Studi Kasus Kabupaten Lebong Sebagai Kabupaten Konservasi

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    The purpose of this research was to analyze economic development of Lebong Regency in potential resources perspective. Base on BPS secondary time series data (2017-2020), descriftive analysis was used to analyze economic development, include DLQ and SS analysis. Lebong did not depend on premier sector to growth. As a conservation region, potential resources can be explored to increase value added. Even, the labor force had low education. Leading sectors in employment absortion are sectors which unskill labor. The higher output productivity performs by secunder and tertier sectors. Lebong have carbon conservation programme, and develop tourism base on environment. Keywords:   Economic Development, Conservation Region


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    The purpose of this research was to evaluate the shifting of economic structure of  Bengkulu City. Base on BPS secondary time series data (2011-2019), descriftive analysis was used to evaluate the shifting economic structure. The result of this research was concluded that the economis structure was gradually shifting in secondary and tertier sector. The different variable and the amount of data usage in this analysis had different result in leading sectors. The first periods of 2014-2017, Bengkulu City has 10 leading sectors, and the second period of this research become 7 sectors. It was used PDRB data, and become 4 leading sectors when employment data used merely. When the data of PDRB and employment was combined to analyze the Bengkulu City leading sector, it’s just become 3 sectors. So the economy of Bengkulu City was dominated by the Providing Accommodation, Food and Drink sector, the Real Estate sector and the Education Sector

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Organik Rumah Tangga Untuk Pembuatan Eco-Enzyme

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has changed many people's lifestyles. Restrictions on community activities require the community to be smart in dealing with the situation to be able to maintain economic conditions and the health of their families. In the development of society which is now instantaneous, the increase in public consumption is also followed by an increase in waste which is a source of environmental problems (pollution). With the majority of the livelihoods of the residents of Beringin Raya Village being informal, they are most affected by the pandemic. Therefore, there needs to be other activities that provide direct benefits to the community. An activity that is easy to do and provides great benefits, one of which is to process organic household waste for something more valuable, in this case eco enzyme. With housewives as the spearhead of change, their involvement in outreach activities to increase knowledge and skills is important. Not only the provision of materials but also demonstrations of making eco-enzymes and distribution of samples became the motivation to make changes

    Pemberdayaan Usaha Mikro dan Kecil Untuk Peningkatan Ekonomi Desa Talang Pauh Bengkulu Tengah

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    Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) have an important role in poverty reduction. Although, there are many problems in the process of developing a business. Rural businesses have various limitations. It often based on their mindset regarding conventional business management. Open minded can be a trigger creativity and innovation. Sometimes, external encouragement is needed. MSEs empowering need collaboration of government, collage and other community. Talang Pauh is one of villages in Pondok Kelapa subdistrict of Bengkulu Tengah which has some MSEs with many limitations. The village potential based business development and market orientation according to MSEs competence. The goals of community service were to increase knowledge and insight of MSEs businesses, to motivate community to utilize their resources, to help MSEs businessman in making business plans. The method of community activities service was dialog and counseling. MSEs empowering is needed to strengthening the village economy. The first step is to increase knowledge and insight of MSEs businesses from several aspects: small business management, human resource management, marketing strategy. The second step is empowering. It can do by activities: enabling, empowering and protecting. The success of empowering is determined by participation of various parties

    Peran Komoditas Sawit Pada Perekonomian Bengkulu

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    The purpose of this research was to analyze palm oil on economic of Bengkulu Province. Base on BPS secondary and primary data, descriftive analysis was used to analyze the palm oil contribution on economic of Bengkulu Province. Land area of palm oil is more 50% than all of plantation land area in Bengkulu. The high productivity of CPO, palm oil is very potential commodity to increase Bengkulu economic. There are strong and positive correlation between palm oil land area with income disparities over the regent/city, the poverty rate, and income percapita. Activities of Palm oil plantation in 2022 relatively stable, but respondent predict will increase on Triwulan IV-2022. The respondent optimism made a prediction of labor absorption increase. Positive impact of the business on society welfare create by employment multipier and income multiplier effect.   Keywords:  Palm oil, poverty.The purpose of this research was to analyze palm oil on economic of Bengkulu Province. Base on BPS secondary and primary data, descriftive analysis was used to analyze the palm oil contribution on economic of Bengkulu Province. Land area of palm oil is more 50% than all of plantation land area in Bengkulu. The high productivity of CPO, palm oil is very potential commodity to increase Bengkulu economic. There are strong and positive correlation between palm oil land area with income disparities over the regent/city, the poverty rate, and income percapita. Activities of Palm oil plantation in 2022 relatively stable, but respondent predict will increase on Triwulan IV-2022. The respondent optimism made a prediction of labor absorption increase. Positive impack of the business on society welfare create by employment multipier and income multiplier effect. Keywords: Palm oil, poverty


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    The purpose of this research was to analyze economic growth and shifting of economic structure of the origin district in Bengkulu Province. Base on BPS secondary time series data (2001-2017), descriftive analysis was used to analyze economic growth and shifting economic structure, specialty after the region otonomous era (OTDA).  The DLQ and SSA method was used to determine the potential and leading sectors to increase economic performance. The result of this research was conclude that expansion of the the region in Bengkulu Provinsi has positif impact on economic development for the origin district. The economis structure was shifting from premier sector to secondary and tertier sector. The potential and leading sector after OTDA become more than before (from 4 or 5 sector to 7 untul 9 sector).  Keywords :  Dynamic Location Quotient 1, Shift Share Analysis 2, Economic Growth 3, Economic Structure 4, Potential and Leading Sector

    Kebijakan fiskal dan pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah di Indonesia

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