601 research outputs found

    Faktor-faktor Yang Mepengaruhi Tiongkok Membentuk Kerjasama China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (Cpec)

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    This research would explain about factors affecting China Formed the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) cooperation. The establishment of this partnership is part of China's One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative.The Author uses the perspective of Liberalism, Interdependence Theory, and the analysis system is the nation state.This research uses an explanatory qualitative, the data collection techniques by library research are derived from sources of literature book, published magazine, journals, and scientific articles.The result of this research describe the reason China formed CPEC. Factors affecting China to establish CPEC are to provide transportation access for China to reduce the distance of Chinese energy import and International trade that had to pass through the Strait of Malacca to reach the Arabian Sea. As part of OBOR, CPEC will provide economic opportunities for the western region of China and the South Asia region, especially Pakistan

    Upaya India Dalam Internasionalisasi Ekonomi Perdagangan Di Kawasan Timur Laut India

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    This research is the study of international political economy which discussed the efforts of the central government of Indian in accelerating economic development in the Northeast region of India through internationalization of trade economy. Internationalization is the increased interaction between countries, especially in international business transactions such as exports or foreign direct investment.The author uses the liberal perspective in International Relations through international trade theory by Heckscer-Ohlin In Indias efforts to increase economic development in the Northeast region, the author uses the concept of Economic Internationalization and Paradiplomacy.The level of analysis from the researc isi nation state. The central government made the North Eastern Region Viction (NERV) vision in 2020 as a form of mediating actor by the Sub National Government (SNG) with the central government of India. Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region making agent for develop economic in Norteast Region and expore natural resources primary from of horticultural and hydropotencial.One of the benefits of economic internationalization of this trade is the increased of Gross Domestic Product Revenue states of the Northeast region increased to 8,18% and internationalize trade economy with neighboring countries (Bangladesh, Myanmar, China, Bhutan) through the Land Custum Station( LCS) and established economic cooperation with ASEAN.Keywords : internasionalisation, paradiplomacy, Sub National Government, North Eastern Region Viction (NERV), Land Custum Statio

    Factors Influencing the Application of Accounting Conservatism in the Company

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    The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of the leverage, litigation risk, financial distress, political cost and company growth on accounting conservatism. The population of this study are 144 manufacturing companies which is listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) for the periode 2013-2016. Data were selected by purposive sampling method obtained by 32 sample. The units of analysis sample are 128 unit analysis. The method of data collection is documentation in this research. Data sourced from Indonesian Capital Market Directory and Audit Financial Report. The method of data analysis is multiple regression analysis, using SPSS 21 program for windows. The result of shows leverage, litigation risk, financial distress and company growth have positive significant effect to accounting conservatism. While political cost does not effect on accounting conservatism. Based on the research result, it can be concluded that leverage, litgation risk, financial distress and company growth can improve the application of accounting conservatism within the company, while and political costs have no effect the accounting conservatisme in company.     Keywords: Accounting Conservatism; Leverage; Litigation Risk; Financial Distress; Political Cost; Company Growt

    Aspek Penerapan Video Segmentasi sebagai Sistem Pendeteksi Pelanggaran Lalu Lintas

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    This paper describes analysis of video Segmentation and tracking on highway that is done with using edge detection method. In this paper, method of analysis is using help from software matlab simulink. The proccess of analysis is done by making blocks model for proccessing place of segmentation and tracking. The factor in this study is color conversion, motion detection, background subtraction, blob analysis or making contour and tracking. This analysis is using GUI ( Graphical User Interface) for see the result of video on output from each of block and can see the pixel value on video and can do calculation with using the pattern is usin in this study so the result from analysis calculation and analysis from GUI (Graphical User Interface) is matching

    Spk Pemilihan Media Online Sebagai Sarana Promosi Menggunakan Metode Ahp

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    Usaha  Mikro,  Kecil,  dan  Menengah  atau  UMKM  adalah  Perusahaan  kecil  yang  dimiliki  dan  dikelola  oleh seseorang atau dimiliki oleh sekelompok kecil orang dengan jumlah kekayaan dan pendapatan tertentu. Contoh UMKM adalah Cornnies dan Indri Collection. Produksi Cornnies dan Indri  Collection ini masih dengan skala kecil, karena kurang dikenal oleh masyarakat luas, oleh karena itu dibutuhkan suatu promosi. Salah satu media promosi adalah memanfaatkan media online sebagai sarana promosi. Akan tetapi media internet memiliki banyak jenis, oleh karena itu dibutuhkan pengkajian dan pengukuran untuk masing-masing jenisnya. Untuk mengukur masing-masing jenis media online, dibutuhkan suatu metode AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process). Sistem ini dapat menjadi  pendamping  pengambilan  keputusan  mengenai  pemilihan  media  online  sebagai  sarana  periklanan. Dengan adanya aplikasi ini, pengambilan keputusan menjadi lebih efektif, serta menghasilkan keputusan  yang terbaik bagi pihak Cornnies dan Indri Collection. Keputusan ini telah diuji dengan membandingkan hasil output sistem dengan hasil keputusan manual

    Aplikasi Kamus Istilah Kebudayaan Indonesia Berbasis Desktop Menggunakan Metode Fisher-yates

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    Semakin maju arus globalisasi, rasa cinta terhadap budaya semakin berkurang, dan ini sangat berdampak tidak baik bagi masyarakat asli Indonesia. Perlu diketahui bersama bahawa tidak sedikit dari kebudayaan kita yang sudah mulai punah. Budaya asing saat ini banyak mewarnai budaya Indonesia. Di Jakarta Kebudayan asli betawi saat ini sudah tidak ada lagi terdengar Tanjidor alat musik khas dari tanah Betawi. Pembelajaran berbasis multimedia merupakan salah satu alternatif pembelajaran yang dapat dilakukan di dalam kelas dengan menggunakan metode Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) dengan menggunakan 6 tahap pengembangan mulimedia dan di tambah dengan Algoritma Fisher-Yates yang diterapkan di menu Kuis pada aplikasi, untuk pengacakan soal dan jawaban. Dengan melalui pembelajaran berbasis multimedia, contoh dalam sekolah, guru dapat membantu mengantarkan siswa untuk mendapatkan situasi pembelajaran yang sedemikian rupa guna memberikan pemahaman secara konkret terhadap materi yang disampaikan. Aplikasi ini dapat bermanfaat membantu masyarakat umum mengenal kebudayaan Jawa Timur, dan menggunakan Algortima Fisher-Yates. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba user, menunjukkan responden sangat baik, rata-rata dari nilai yang didapatkan adalah sebesar 82%, yaitu sangat baik Aplikasi ini menggunakan Adobe Flash CS5 berbasis Dekstop dan diakses secara offline. Kata kunci— Kamus Kebudayaan, Fisher Yates, Jawa Timu
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