7 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACTServices in the health sector are one of the services that are needed by the community, one of them is service in the field of pharmacy. The therapeutic process of a patient needs collaboration between the pharmacist, physician and other health workers. In some hospitals in Indonesia, they have not implementing all pharmaceutical care activities as regulated in Permenkes No. 72 of 2016. This studied aims to know the opinions and expectations of physician to the role of pharmacist in pharmaceutical care. This research was a quantitative descriptive study and data collection tool used was a questionnaire about the opinions and expectations given to 63 physician. Based on the research results obtained, it was known that the perception of physician tend to agree with an average value of 94,55% for the opinion and for the expectation of 91,78%. So that can be concluded that physician had good opinions and expectation to the role of pharmacists in accordance with Pharmaceutical Care Standards.Key words : Pharmaceutical Care, Physician Perception, Pharmacists.ABSTRAK Pelayanan dalam bidang kesehatan merupakan salah satu pelayanan yang banyak di butuhkan oleh masyarakat, salah satunya adalah pelayanan dalam bidang kefarmasian. Proses terapi seorang pasien perlu adanya kerjasama antara apoteker, dokter dan tenaga kesehatan lainnya. Pada beberapa rumah sakit di Indonesia belum melakukan seluruh kegiatan pelayanan farmasi sebagaimana yang sudah di atur dalam Permenkes No. 72 Tahun 2016. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pendapat dan harapan dokter terhadap peran apoteker dalam pelayanan kefarmasian. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dan alat pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa kuesioner tentang pendapat dan harapan yang diberikan kepada 63 dokter. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, diketahui bahwa  persepsi dokter cenderung setuju dengan nilai rata-rata untuk pendapat sebesar 94,55% dan untuk harapan sebesar 91,78%. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa dokter memiliki pendapat dan harapan yang baik terhadap peran apoteker sesuai dengan Standar Pelayanan Kefarmasian. Kata kunci : Pelayanan Kefarmasian, Persepsi Dokter, Apoteker

    Safely Managed On-Site Sanitation: A National Assessment of Sanitation Services and Potential Fecal Exposure in Indonesia.

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    Sustainable Development Goal target 6.2 calls for universal access to adequate and equitable sanitation, setting a more ambitious standard for 'safely managed sanitation services'. On-site sanitation systems (e.g., septic tanks) are widely used in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). However, the lack of indicators for assessing fecal exposure risks presents a barrier to monitoring safely managed services. Furthermore, geographic diversity and frequency of disasters require a more nuanced approach to risk-informed decision-making. Taking Indonesia as an example, the purpose of this paper is to provide insights into current status and practices for on-site sanitation services in the contexts of LMICs. Using a dataset from a national socio-economic survey (n = 295,155) coupled with village census (n = 83,931), we assessed (1) household sanitation practices across Indonesia stratified by city-level population density and meteorological factors, (2) factors associated with septic tank emptying practice, and (3) inequalities in potential fecal exposure as measured by population density and WASH access by wealth quintile. We found a high reliance on on-site sanitation facilities (80.0%), almost half of which are assumed to be 'uncontained' septic tanks and one in ten facilities discharging untreated waste directly into the environment. The most densely populated areas had the highest rates of septic tank emptying, though emptying rates were just 17.0%, while in the lowest population density group, emptying was rarely reported. Multivariate regression analysis demonstrated an association between flooding and drought occurrence and septic tank emptying practice. Higher groundwater usage for drinking among poorer households suggests unsafe sanitation may disproportionally affect the poor. Our study underscores the urgent need to strengthen the monitoring of on-site sanitation in LMICs by developing contextualized standards. Furthermore, the inequalities in potential fecal exposure require greater attention and tailored support mechanisms to ensure the poorest gain access to safely managed sanitation services

    Organiszational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Pada ABK KM Dharma

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    Pelaut merupakan pekerja dengan resiko besar karena berbagai bahaya bisa mengancam keselamatan . Keselamatan yang bisa membahayakan nyawanya, bisa terjadi tenggelam, kebakaran dan kecelakaan laut lannya. Kerja sama tim menjai hal yang utama karena ditengah laut mencari pertolongan darurat bukan hal yang mudah. Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB), adalah fenomena kompleks yang sekarang muncul sebagai aspek penting dari perilaku manusia di tempat kerja. Kesetiakawanan menjadi kunci dari keselamatan awak kapaLangkah-langkah yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini, secara umum melalui tahap-tahap: Tahap persiapan. Pada tahap ini dilakukan pengamatan dan pengenalan subyek di dalam ruang kerja yang meliputi:  Pengamatan /observasi awal ABK di KPl KM Dharma, Penentuan sampel, penelitian menggunkan 40 sampel  Tahap pengumpulan data: Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dengan pengukuran langsung, Pengukuran OCB : Data yang diperoleh di analisis secara diskriptif dan analitik. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sebgai besar Palaut atau ABK  setuju berprilaku OCB, hal ini sebenarnya sudah dilakukan awak buah kapal (ABK)  dengan tujuan membnatu teman sehingga tujuan Perusahan  dapat tercapa

    Gotong Royong in The Millennial Era

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