6 research outputs found

    Control of Leaf Spot Disease on Seeds of Red Jabon (Anthocephlus macrophyllus)

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    The aims of the research were to acknowledge (1) control measures against leaf spot disease on red jabon seedlings and (2) the effect of various treatments on jabon seedlings affected by spotting. Observational data were analyzed based on Completely Randomized Design (CRD) and Variety Prints which were obtained directly from the research location through observation and measurement. Observation parameters were the number of leaves counted for all the leaves contained in Jabon seeds, plant height was measured from the base to the tip of the leaf, and the number of spot-free leaves. The results of the research indicated that (1) the treatment of Jabon seedlings had an effect on the number of leaves, plant height and number of spot-free leaves produced at the research stage of Jabon seeds and (2) treatment with NPK fertilizer gave the best effect on Jabon seedling growth. NPK fertilizer treatment gave a very significant effect on all observation parameters

    Peran Serta Masyarakat Terhadap Rehabilitasi Hutan dan Lahan di Kota Palopo

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    The condition of forest and land damage is a concern for many parties, one of the government’s efforts is through forest and land rehabilitation activities. Forest and land rehabilitation activities are not only the government’s business, but all communities, especially those directly involved in the exploitation of land resources are expected to be able to overcome the problem of land damage. The aim of this research was to determine forest and land rehabilitation activities and community participation in land rehabilitation activities. This research was conducted from April to June 2021. The method used in this research was the descriptive method with observations, direct interviews and taking documentation of activities. The results showed that community participation in forest and land rehabilitation activities had positive and negative roles by forming farmer groups that played an active role by holding consultations with the government in preserving forests


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    Desa Tandung termasuk daerah yang memiliki banyak kekayaan alami atau sumberdaya alam tertinggi Permasalahan yang kini terjadi adalah perekonomian mayoritas masyarakat disana bekerja sebagai sebagai petani di perkebunan, sehingga pendapatan masyarakat disana sangat minim. Penghasilan terbesar adalah hasil perkebunan seperti kulit kakao yang terdiri dari kulit buah, keping biji dan plasenta. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat   (PKM)   ini adalah untuk mendampingi masyarakat dalam pengolahan produk kakao khususnya pada bagian kulit kakaokarena masyarakat belum memahami dengan baik hal tersebut. PKM ini dilakukan di Desa Tandung Kecamatan   Tinambung Kabupaten   Polewali Mandar Provinsi Sulawesi Barat pada tanggal 17 Juli - 2 November 2023. Metode yang digunakan tahapan persiapan yaitu kegiatan sosialisasi yang dilaksanakan dengan 2 tahapan, yaitu tahapan pertama diperuntukan untuk mitra dan tahapan kedua diperuntukan kepada masyarakat umum, kemudian tahapan pelaksanaan berupa kegiatan pemilihan dan pengeringan kulit kakao serta pendampingan pengolahan kulit kakao. Kegiatan ini menghasilkan produk keripik dengan campuran bahan kulit kakao yang diberi nama dagang Keripik Kakao. Hasil pengabdian pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pengolahan kulit kakao membantu dalam mengatasi limbah kakao menjadi produk makanan yang dapat membantu ekonomi masyarakat khususnya ibu-ibu PKK di Desa Tandung

    Frekuensi MPTS Pangan dari Hutan Rakyat di Desa Paku Kecamatan Binuang Kabupaten Polewali Mandar

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    The need for food fulfillment at the national level is currently the government's concern, community forests have a role in contributing to efforts to increase food potential, the implementation of MPTS is a good strategy for food oriented community forest management. Paku Village, Binuang District, Polewali Mandar Regency is one of the areas that has an area of 1000 Ha, which also produces MPTS. The aim of this research was to determine the frequency of MPTS in the community forest of Paku Village. The method used in this research was the descriptive quantitative analysis. The results showed that the percentage of MPTS and forest wood in the community forest of Paku Village was 63,32% and 36,68%. The highest percentage of MPTS presence in Paku Village is cocoa as much as 41,46% and the lowest is coconut, sugar palm, guava, oranges, kedondong as much as 0,61%, MPTS frequency from 12 plots obtained the percentage of presence of one hightest frequency is 80,4% with the attendance value of one to five MPTS

    Evaluasi tentang Pelaksanaan Tugas dan Tanggungjawab Polisi Kehutanan dalam Menanggulangi Illegal Logging

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    The current condition of Indonesia’s forests is very worrying with the increasing rate of forest degradation and illegal logging which is still common in Luwu Regency and the forestry police have the duty and responsibility and authority to protect the forest from illegal logging crimes. This study aims to determine the tasks and implementation of performance, obstacles and efforts made by the forest police in the context of monitoring, securing and protecting forest areas. This research was conducted from April to June 2021 at Luwu Regency Agriculture and Plantation Office. The method used in this research is sociological juridical which discusses the authority of the forest police and the application of criminal law in the effort to eradicate illegal logging. The results of the study indicate that the authority of the forest police is still in the investigation stage and has not yet been investigated, and efforts have been made with preventive and repressive approaches

    Persepsi Masyarakat Kth Buttu Puang Untuk Pengembangan Budidaya Trigona Sp. Di Desa Mirring Kabupaten Polman

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    Perception is a source of basic information in efforts to develop Trigona sp. honey bee cultivation. This study aims to determine the perceptions of the KTH buttu Puang community in the effort to develop Trigona sp honey bee cultivation in Mirring Village, Binuang District, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi Province. The method used is interviewing 30 people who are members of KTH Buttu Puang. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively to determine attitudes and levels of understanding. The results showed that in order to develop Trigona sp. beekeeping. most of the people have an attitude of strongly agree (69.80%) and strengthened by the attitude of agreeing as much as 28.57%. However, there were also those who answered that they did not agree at 1.63%. The level of understanding of the KTH Buttu Puang community based on high, medium and low levels of understanding respectively 56.7%; 25.0%; and 18.3%