35 research outputs found

    Profil Dan Motivasi Entrepreneur Wanita Di YOGYAKARTA*

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    This study aims to describe entrepreneurial motivation of women entrepreneurs in Yogyakarta. Previous studies paid great attention to the idea that people are motivated to use their jobs as mechanisms for satisfying their needs.Research that explored gender issue is still growing debate in the area of management. This study questions how four psychological needs influence women entrepreneurs. Survey approach was conducted to answer such research questions.This study uses 96 respondents representing 63% response rate.Findings revealed that young women entrepreneurs were strongly motivated by achieving performance, followed by affiliation, autonomy and dominance. It also showed that women entrepreneurs had lower need for affiliation and higher need for dominance than women employees had. This results imply that recognition or appreciation and adequate resources should be available to support women entrepreneurs to fulfill their needs for achievement and to exercise their leadership style

    Underlying Factors of Attitude and Intention Towards Knowledge Sharing Among Employees: the Case of the Hotel Business in Ambon, Indonesia

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    Studies into knowledge sharings' attitudes and intentions, in the context of the hotel industry, have received relatively little attention. This current study is intended to fill that void and contribute to the existing discussion of knowledge sharing studies of hotel businesses. The main objective of the current study is to examine: 1) the effect of extrinsic motivation, absorptive capacity, channel richness and sense of self-worth on people's attitude towards knowledge sharing, and 2) the effect of people's attitudes towards knowledge sharing and the intention to share knowledge. The study mainly uses the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) as the point of departure to understand the attitude and intention of knowledge sharing. It also proposes six hypotheses. We conducted a survey among 300 employees from various hotels in the city of Ambon, Indonesia. The data are tested using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) techniques. The findings substantiate theoretical discussions and previous studies. The extrinsic motivation, absorptive capacity, and in-role behaviour have a positive effect on the attitude towards sharing knowledge. In addition, the attitude to knowledge sharing has a positive influence on the intention to share knowledge. Meanwhile, the effect of channel richness and the sense of self-worth on the attitude to knowledge sharing are not supported. The study also provides suggestions for hotel businesses to offer extrinsic rewards and improve their employees' skills in order to enhance the employees' absorptive capacities

    Effect of Fermentation Container and Thickness of Bean Mass During Fermentation Process of Cocoa Bean (Theobroma Cocoa L)

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    Fermentation is used mainly to free the beans from the pulp, preventing growth, improving appearance, and facilitating subsequent process. Nowadays, fermentation becomes one of the important steps for better quality and taste of chocolatte. Fermentation methods may vary from country to country. Indonesian farmers mostly use wooden container instead of stacking the beans on the ground. Due to the simplycity and practical important to the farmers in improving quality of cocoa beans, available containers which are easy to be found around the village is used. The containers choosen in this reasearch are wooden box, rattan bucket and plastic bucket. The percentage of fermented beans and their mass temperatures are affected by the thickness of bean mass. Therefore, it is necessary for adjusting the thickness of beans which are placed in different containers and different size. The aim of this research is to improve the quality of fermented cocoa beans by selecting appropriate type of fermenting containers, size, and their optimal thickness of the bean mass. The variable of these research are containers (wooden box, palstic bucket, and rattan bucket) and bean mass depth (30, 40 cm). During fermentation, changes in temperature, pH, and sugar content were recorded within 12 hours interval time. Analysis of dried fermented beans included water content, fat content, pH, cut test, and free fatty acids. Results shows that bean mass temperature highly increased up to the third day and slowly decreased on the fourth and the fifth day. The highest temperature was 43.4oC occurred in beans placed in rattan bucket at thickness of 40 cm. Unlike pH, during fermentation, the pH becomes extremely acidic occurred from intial day (5.45-5.85) to the third day (3.05-3.25), but on the fifth day the trend of pH value is increased. Sugar content shows that the initial sugar content average was 9.5% and then decreased to 3.4% on the first day. On the second day, the amount of sugar was below 2% and decreased to 0.3% on the fifth day. Among different containers wooden box shows highest fermented beans compared to other container

    Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi dan Kompensasi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT Eka Dura Indonesia Rokan Hulu

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    This research aim to know how influence Organizational Culture variable and Compensation by simultan and partial to the Employees performance at PT Eka Dura Indonesia Rokan Hulu. In this research there are 135 sample from the total employees at PT Eka Dura Indonesia Rokan Hulu. The used analyze in this research is descriptive analyze, and then also used quantitative analyze with the make by SPSS program version 18. From the result examination double linear regresion analyze, which have been simultan test (test F) indicated that Organizational Culture and Compensation variable have been significant effect to the employees performance. Result of partial test (test T), indicating that Organizational Culture variable more dominant have a significant effect to the employees performance. And the Compensation variable also have a significant effect to the emloyees performance at PT Eka Dura Indonesia Rokan Hulu.Keywords: Organizational Culture, Compensation and Employees Performance

    Sludge removal enterprises in Indonesia: Factors affecting entrepreneurial success

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    © IWA Publishing 2018. Faecal sludge removal is critical for the long-term functionality of on-site sanitation facilities and sustained sanitation outcomes. Private enterprises are important players in providing sludge removal services in Indonesia and other countries where government does not do so. However, the extent to which sludge removal entrepreneurs can fulfil this role depends on the viability, or success, of their enterprises. This paper investigates factors linked to the success of sludge removal enterprises in Indonesia, including traits of the entrepreneurs, characteristics of the enterprises and contextual challenges. These factors and levels of success were examined from data collected from structured interviews with 24 sludge removal enterprises across six cities in Indonesia. This research found that higher levels of success were significantly associated with entrepreneurs that had previous work experience of any kind, made higher upfront investments and did not involve their family members in the management of the enterprise. Participants most frequently identified high costs of capital, high levels of competition and insufficient time to spend on the enterprise as challenges to success. These findings provide important evidence for how civil society organisations and governments in Indonesia and elsewhere may best provide a conducive enabling environment for enterprise roles in sludge removal

    Determinan Integritas Laporan Keuangan (Studi pada Perusahaan yang Mengikuti Program Corporate Governance Preception Index Tahun 2011-2014)

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of corporate governance, independence, audit quality and size of the integrity of the financial statements on the company\u27s corporate governance program preception CGPI index in 2011-2014.The population is all companies follow corporate governance program preception CGPI index in 2011- 2014. The sample in this study as many as 70 companies. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. The analytical tool used is a linear regression analysis.The results of the analysis can be concluded that: Corporate governance perception index positive and significant impact on the integrity of financial statements. The independence is not significant positive effect on the integrity of financial statements. Quality audits significant positive effect on the integrity of financial statements. Size companies significant positive effect on the integrity of financial statements. Keywords: GCG, independence, audit quality, size and integrity of financial statement

    Analisis Komparatif Impelemntasi Program Total Quality Management (Tqm) Dan Kepuasan Pasien Rawat Inap Dan Rawat Jalan (Studi Kasus Pada Rumah Sakit Bina Kasih Dan Rumah Sakit Lancang Kuning)

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    This study aims to find out the Program Implementation Differences Total Quality Management (TQM) applied by each hospital, and Satisfaction Inpatient and Outpatient. The population in this study all employees and all inpatients and outpatients. The dependent variable in this study is Total Quality Management (TQM), while the independent variable is Satisfaction of Inpatient and Outpatient. For the determination of the sample using the formula slovin research. This study used two sampling techniques. First to determine the number of samples Inpatient using accidental sampling technique, while to determine the number of samples Employees and Outpatient with Purposive Random Sampling technique. Methods of data processing using comparative analysis, one way ANOVA test (ANOVA test), and t-test. 21:00 SPSS software version. The results showed that there are differences in Program Implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) and there is a significant difference between satisfaction Inpatient and Outpatient Patient Satisfaction at Bina Kasih Hospital and the Hospital of Lancang Kuning

    Appearance, Texture and Flavour Improvement of Chocolate Bar by Virgin Cococnut Oil (VCO) as Cocoa Butter Substitute (CBS)

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    The purposes of using CBS in this research is to improve the physical properties and quality of appereance and structure stability of chocolate bar. Based on chemical composition, CBS and Cocoa butter have different profile, but they have similar physical properties due to high lauric acid content. The advantage of lauric acid is to affect shinny appreance of chocolate surface, and also soapy taste that closely related to rancidity reduction. Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) is one of lauric fat that easily found in Aceh. In this research, chocolate bar is formulated comprising various concentration of CBS (0,1,2,3,4,5%) with respect to cocoa butter, and cocoa mass composition (200 g and 300 g). It was found that melting point was affected by CBS concentration. The higher CBS concentration, the lower melting point of chocolate bar. An increase in VCO concentration reduced significantly the melting point of chocolate bar. Melting point was comparable to other chocolate bar commercial (29-32oC). The unblooming, snap, best texture and better taste was observed for the chocolate bar containing 4-5% of VCO concentration and 27,5% of cocoa mas