6 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Play Therapy and Musical Therapy in Reducing the Hospitalization Stress

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    Introduction: Hospitalization in pediatric patients may caused an anxiety and stress in all age levels. Several techniques can be applied to reduced hospitalization stress in children, such as playing therapy and music therapy. The objective of this study was to analyze the difference of effectiveness between both therapies in reducing the hospitalization stress in 4-6 years old children. Method: A quasy-experimental pre-posttest design was used in this study. There were 18 respondents, divided into three groups, i.e. group one receiving playing therapy, group two receiving music therapy and the last group as control group. Data were collected by using observation sheet before and after intervention to recognize the hospitalization stress. Data were analyzed by using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and Mann Whitney U Test with significance level of α<0.05. Result: Result showed that playing therapy and music therapy had significant effect to reduce the hospitalization stress with p=0.027 for play therapy, p=0.024 for musical therapy, and p=0.068 for control. Mann Whitney U Test revealed that there were no difference in the effectiveness of play therapy and musical therapy in reducing the hospitalization stress with p=0.009 for play therapy and control group, p=0.012 for music therapy and control group, and p=0.684 for playing therapy and musical therapy. Discussion: It can be concluded that play therapy and musical therapy are equally effective to reduce the hospitalization stress in children. It's recommended for nurses in pediatric ward to do playg therapy and musical therapy periodically

    Pengaruh Disiplin dan Komitmen Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada Azo Florist Cianjur

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    The phenomenon that occurs the company is faced with the problem of employees how to make employees, to be able to work by showing good performance. One of the factors that affect employee performance is work discipline, besides that, another factor that can affect employee performance is organizational commitment. The purpose of this study was to determine the respondents' responses and the effect of discipline, organizational commitment on employee performance at Azo Florist Cianjur either simultaneously or partially. This research method is quantitative with multiple linear regression analysis. The number of samples is 50 employees and using a saturated sample. The results showed that employees' responses to discipline were not good, organizational commitment was not good and responses to performance were not good, then simultaneously discipline and organizational commitment contributed or influenced employee performance by 65.5% and the remaining 34.5% was contributions from other variables not included in the model proposed in this study. While the influence of the coefficient of determination partially, it is known that the effect of discipline on employee performance is 12.0%. Meanwhile, organizational commitment has a more dominant influence on employee performance by 53.5%

    Analisis Pengendalian Persediaan Bahan Baku pada PT.Tri Agro Palma Tamiang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sistem pengendalian persediaan bahan baku pada PT. Tri Agro Palma Tamiang. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode Economic Order Quantity, stok pengaman dan titik pesan kembali. Berdsarkan hasil analisis Kuantitas pembelian yang optimum menurut kebijakan Perusahaan adalah 248,78 Ton pertahun. Sedangkan berdasarkan metode Economic Order Quantity kuantitas pembelian yang optimum adalah 470,68 ton. Frekuensi pembelian yang optimum menurut kebijakan Perusahaan adalah 312 kali, sedangkan dengan menggunakan metode Economic Order Quantity yaitu 165 kali. Total biaya persediaan dengan menggunakan kebijakan Perusahaan adalah Rp.5.425.172 setelah menggunakan metode Economic Order Quantity dapat mengefisiensikan besarnya biaya persediaan Perusahaan yaitu Rp. 4.482.274. Sementara itu untuk persediaan pengaman dan titik pemesanan kembali menurut kebijakan Perusahaan tidak ada, sedangkan menurut perhitungan metode Economic Order Quantity besarnya persediaan pengaman adalah sebanyak 1.106,74 Ton dan titik pemesanan ulang sebesar 1.355,52 Ton


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    Desa Rappa merupakan salah satu Kawasan hutan produksi yang terletak di wilayah Kecamatan Tonra Kabupaten Bone dengan luas 32.50 km2, yang terdiri dari dua dusun, enam Rukun Tetangga (RT) dengan jumlah penduduk keadaan terakhir Tahun 2021 sebanyak 1033 jiwa. &nbsp;Kegiatan pengabdian ini diawali dengan melakukan sosialisasi pada masyarakat Desa Rappa tentang tanaman penyangga serta pembuatan proposal pengajuan bibit kepada Kesatuan Pengelola Hutan (KPH), hingga melakukan penanaman bibit secara bersama-sama antara masyarakat, pemerintah desa dan mahasiswa peserta Kuliah Kerja Nyata.&nbsp; Hasil pengabdian dari sosialisasi dan penanaman bersama ini untuk memperoleh hasil produksi hutan serta melindungi kawasan hutan terutama pemukiman di sekitar lereng. Peningkatan pengetahuan ini tidak hanya dapat memanfaatkan hasil produksi hutan, melainkan sebagai tanaman yang dapat melindungi hutan

    Buku Kumpulan Soal Higher Order Thinking Skills Matematika Jenjang SMP

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    Higher Order Thinking Skill adalah salah satu kemampuan berpikir. Matematika adalah salah satu mata pelajaran yang di dalamnya dapat menstimulasi kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi. Namun dalam hal ini HOTS memang harus dilatih. Salah satu upaya untuk melatihnya adalah melalui soal-soal HOTS. Buku ini merupakan kumpulan soal HOTS matematika SMP. Selamat membaca