362 research outputs found

    Alpha-synucleinopathy and neuropsychological symptoms in a population-based cohort of the elderly

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    Introduction Studies with strong selection biases propose that alpha-synucleinopathy (AS) spreads upwards and downwards in the neuraxis from the medulla, that amygdala-dominant AS is strongly associated with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and that a more severe involvement of the cerebral cortex is correlated with increasing risk of dementia. This study examines the association of AS patterns and observed neuropsychological symptoms in brains of a population-representative donor cohort. Methods Brains donated in 2 out of 6 cognitive function and ageing study cohorts (Cambridgeshire and Nottingham) were examined. Over 80% were >80 years old at death. The respondents were evaluated prospectively in life for cognitive decline and dementia. Immunocytochemistry for tau and alpha-synuclein (using LB509 by Zymed Laboratories) was carried out in 208 brains to establish Braak stage and the pattern and severity of AS following the dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) consensus recommendations. Dementia, specific neuropsychological measures as measured using the Cambridge cognitive examination, the presence of hallucinations and Parkinson’s disease were investigated. Results Four patterns of AS were observed: no AS pathology (n = 92), AS pathology following the DLB consensus guidelines (n = 33, of which five were ‘neocortical’), amygdala-predominant AS (n = 18), and other AS patterns (n = 33). Each group was subdivided according to high/low neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) Braak stage. Results showed no association between dementia and these patterns of AS, adjusting for the presence of NFT or not. The risk of visual hallucinations shows a weak association with AS in the substantia nigra (odds ratio (OR) = 3.2; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.5 to 15.5; P = 0.09) and amygdala (OR = 3.0; 95% CI 0.7 to 12.3; P = 0.07). The analysis is similar for auditory hallucinations in subcortical regions. Conclusions Among the whole population of older people, AS does not increase the risks for dementia, irrespective of Braak stage of NFT pathology. There was no evidence that the pattern of AS pathology in cortical areas was relevant to the risk of hallucination. In general, the hypothesis that AS as measured using these methods per se is a key determinant of cognitive clinical phenotypes is not supported

    Expression microdissection isolation of enriched cell populations from archival brain tissue

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    BACKGROUND: Laser capture microdissection (LCM) is an established technique for the procurement of enriched cell populations that can undergo further downstream analysis, although it does have limitations. Expression microdissection (xMD) is a new technique that begins to address these pitfalls, such as operator dependence and contamination. NEW METHOD: xMD utilises immunohistochemistry in conjunction with a chromogen to isolate specific cell types by extending the fundamental principles of LCM to create an operator-independent method for the procurement of specific CNS cell types. RESULTS: We report how xMD enables the isolation of specific cell populations, namely neurones and astrocytes, from rat formalin fixed-paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue. Subsequent reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis confirms the enrichment of these specific populations. RIN values after xMD indicate samples are sufficient to carry out further analysis. COMPARISON WITH EXISTING METHOD: xMD offers a rapid method of isolating specific CNS cell types without the need for identification by an operator, reducing the amount of unintentional contamination caused by operator error, whilst also significantly reducing the time required by the current basic LCM technique. CONCLUSIONS: xMD is a superior method for the procurement of enriched cell populations from post-mortem tissue, which can be utilised to create transcriptome profiles, aiding our understanding of the contribution of these cells to a range of neurological diseases. xMD also addresses the issues associated with LCM, such as reliance on an operator to identify target cells, which can cause contamination, as well as addressing the time consuming nature of LCM

    Local volume fraction distributions of axons, astrocytes, and myelin in deep subcortical white matter

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    This study aims to statistically describe histologically stained white matter brain sections to subsequently inform and validate diffusion MRI techniques. For the first time, we characterise volume fraction distributions of three of the main structures in deep subcortical white matter (axons, astrocytes, and myelinated axons) in a representative cohort of an ageing population for which well-characterized neuropathology data is available. We analysed a set of samples from 90 subjects of the Cognitive Function and Ageing Study (CFAS), stratified into three groups of 30 subjects each, in relation to the presence of age-associated deep subcortical lesions. This provides volume fraction distributions in different scenarios relevant to brain diffusion MRI in dementia. We also assess statistically significant differences found between these groups. In agreement with previous literature, our results indicate that white matter lesions are related with a decrease in the myelinated axons fraction and an increase in astrocytic fraction, while no statistically significant changes occur in axonal mean fraction. In addition, we introduced a framework to quantify volume fraction distributions from 2D immunohistochemistry images, which is validated against in silico simulations. Since a trade-off between precision and resolution emerged, we also performed an assessment of the optimal scale for computing such distributions

    Metaflammasome components in the human brain: a role in dementia with alzheimer's pathology?

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    Epidemiological and genetic studies have identified metabolic disorders and inflammation as risk factors for Alzheimer's disease (AD). Evidence in obesity and type-2 diabetes suggests a role for a metabolic inflammasome (“metaflammasome”) in mediating chronic inflammation in peripheral organs implicating IKKβ (inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit beta), IRS1 (insulin receptor substrate 1), JNK (c-jun N-terminal kinase), and PKR (double-stranded RNA protein kinase). We hypothesized that these proteins are expressed in the brain in response to metabolic risk factors in AD. Neocortex from 299 participants from the MRC Cognitive Function and Ageing Studies was analysed by immunohistochemistry for the expression of the phosphorylated (active) form of IKKβ [pSer176/180], IRS1 [pS312], JNK [pThr183/Tyr185] and PKR [pT451]. The data were analyzed to investigate whether the proteins were expressed together and in relation with metabolic disorders, dementia, Alzheimer's pathology and APOE genotype. We observed a change from a positive to a negative association between the proteins and hypertension according to the dementia status. Type-2 diabetes was negatively related with the proteins among participants without dementia; whereas participants with dementia and AD pathology showed a positive association with JNK. A significant association between IKKβ and JNK in participants with dementia and AD pathology was observed, but not in those without dementia. Otherwise, weak to moderate associations were observed among the protein loads. The presence of dementia was significantly associated with JNK and negatively associated with IKKβ and IRS1. Cognitive scores showed a significant positive relationship with IKKβ and a negative with IRS1, JNK and PKR. The proteins were significantly associated with pathology in Alzheimer's participants with the relationship being inverse or not significant in participants without dementia. Expression of the proteins was not related to APOE genotype. These findings highlight a role for these proteins in AD pathophysiology but not necessarily as a complex

    Combined FUS+ basophilic inclusion body disease and atypical tauopathy presenting with an ALS/MND-plus phenotype

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    AIMS: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis / motor neurone disease (ALS/MND) is characterised by the presence of inclusions containing TDP-43 within motor neurones. In rare cases, ALS/MND may be associated with inclusions containing other proteins, such as fused in sarcoma (FUS), whilst motor system pathology may rarely be a feature of other neurodegenerative disorders. We here have investigated the association of FUS and tau pathology. METHODS: We report a case with an ALS/MND-plus clinical syndrome which pathologically demonstrated both FUS pathology and an atypical tauopathy. RESULTS: Clinical motor involvement was predominantly upper motor neurone, and was accompanied by extrapyramidal features and sensory involvement, but with only minimal cognitive impairment. The presentation was sporadic and gene mutation screening was negative. Post-mortem study demonstrated inclusions positive for FUS, including basophilic inclusion bodies. This was associated with 4R-tauopathy, largely as non-fibrillary diffuse phospho-tau in neurones, with granulovacuolar degeneration in a more restricted distribution. Double-staining revealed that neurones contained both types of protein pathology. CONCLUSION: FUS-positive basophilic inclusion body disease is a rare cause of ALS/MND, but in this case was associated with an unusual atypical tauopathy. The coexistence of two such rare neuropathologies raises the question of a pathogenic interaction

    Axonal Preservation in Deep Subcortical White Matter Lesions in the Ageing Brain

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    Cerebral white matters lesions (WML) are seen in 94% of the population aged 64 and over and are associated with cognitive decline and depression. We used immunohistochemistry and stereological methods on post mortem brain samples derived from the Medical Research Council Cognitive Function and Ageing Study (MRC-CFAS) cohort to investigate the axonal density within deep subcortical lesions. There was no significant difference between the lesional and control white matter, therefore, we conclude that there is axonal preservation within these lesions that are characterized by demyelination

    Insights into the pathological basis of dementia from population based neuropathology studies

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    The epidemiological neuropathology perspective of population and community-based studies allows unbiased assessment of the prevalence of various pathologies and their relationships to late-life dementia. In addition, this approach provides complementary insights to conventional case-control studies, which tend to be more representative of a younger clinical cohort. The Cognitive Function and Ageing Study (CFAS) is a longitudinal study of cognitive impairment and frailty in the general United Kingdom population. In this review, we provide an overview of the major findings from CFAS, alongside other studies, which have demonstrated a high prevalence of pathology in the ageing brain, particularly Alzheimer's disease neuropathological change and vascular pathology. Increasing burdens of these pathologies are the major correlates of dementia, especially neurofibrillary tangles, but there is substantial overlap in pathology between those with and without dementia, particularly at intermediate burdens of pathology and also at the oldest ages. Furthermore, additional pathologies such as limbic-predominant age related TDP-43 encephalopathy, ageing related tau astrogliopathy and primary age-related tauopathies contribute to late-life dementia. Findings from ageing population-representative studies have implications for the understanding of dementia pathology in the community. The high prevalence of pathology and variable relationship to dementia status have implications for disease definition and indicate a role for modulating factors on cognitive outcome. The complexity of late-life dementia, with mixed pathologies, indicates a need for better understanding of these processes across the life-course to direct the best research for reducing risk in later life of avoidable clinical dementia syndromes

    Type 2 diabetes mellitus-associated transcriptome alterations in cortical neurones and associated neurovascular unit cells in the ageing brain

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D), characterised by peripheral insulin resistance, is a risk factor for dementia. In addition to its contribution to small and large vessel disease, T2D may directly damage cells of the brain neurovascular unit. In this study, we investigated the transcriptomic changes in cortical neurones, and associated astrocytes and endothelial cells of the neurovascular unit, in the ageing brain. Neurone, astrocyte, and endothelial cell-enriched mRNA, obtained by immuno-laser capture microdissection of temporal cortex (Brodmann area 21/22) from 6 cases with self-reported T2D in the Cognitive Function and Ageing Study neuropathology cohort, and an equal number of age and sex-matched controls, was assessed by microarray analysis. Integrated Molecular Pathway Level Analysis was performed using the Kyoto Encyclopaedia of Genes and Genomes database on significantly differentially expressed genes, defined as P < 0.05 and fold-change ± 1.2. Hub genes identified from Weighted Gene Co-expression Network Analysis were validated in neurones using the NanoString nCounter platform. The expression and cellular localisation of proteins encoded by selected candidate genes were confirmed by immunohistochemistry. 912, 2202, and 1227 genes were significantly differentially expressed between cases with self-reported T2D and controls in neurones, astrocytes, and endothelial cells respectively. Changes in cortical neurones included alterations in insulin and other signalling pathways, cell cycle, cellular senescence, inflammatory mediators, and components of the mitochondrial respiratory electron transport chain. Impaired insulin signalling was shared by neurovascular unit cells with, additionally, apoptotic pathway changes in astrocytes and dysregulation of advanced glycation end-product signalling in endothelial cells. Transcriptomic analysis identified changes in key cellular pathways associated with T2D that may contribute to neuronal damage and dysfunction. These effects on brain cells potentially contribute to a diabetic dementia, and may provide novel approaches for therapeutic intervention

    Iba-1-/CD68+ microglia are a prominent feature of age-associated deep subcortical white matter lesions.

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    Deep subcortical lesions (DSCL) of the brain, are present in ~60% of the ageing population, and are linked to cognitive decline and depression. DSCL are associated with demyelination, blood brain barrier (BBB) dysfunction, and microgliosis. Microglia are the main immune cell of the brain. Under physiological conditions microglia have a ramified morphology, and react to pathology with a change to a more rounded morphology as well as showing protein expression alterations. This study builds on previous characterisations of DSCL and radiologically 'normal-appearing' white matter (NAWM) by performing a detailed characterisation of a range of microglial markers in addition to markers of vascular integrity. The Cognitive Function and Ageing Study (CFAS) provided control white matter (WM), NAWM and DSCL human post mortem tissue for immunohistochemistry using microglial markers (Iba-1, CD68 and MHCII), a vascular basement membrane marker (collagen IV) and markers of BBB integrity (fibrinogen and aquaporin 4). The immunoreactive profile of CD68 increased in a stepwise manner from control WM to NAWM to DSCL. This correlated with a shift from small, ramified cells, to larger, more rounded microglia. While there was greater Iba-1 immunoreactivity in NAWM compared to controls, in DSCL, Iba-1 levels were reduced to control levels. A prominent feature of these DSCL was a population of Iba-1-/CD68+ microglia. There were increases in collagen IV, but no change in BBB integrity. Overall the study shows significant differences in the immunoreactive profile of microglial markers. Whether this is a cause or effect of lesion development remains to be elucidated. Identifying microglia subpopulations based on their morphology and molecular markers may ultimately help decipher their function and role in neurodegeneration. Furthermore, this study demonstrates that Iba-1 is not a pan-microglial marker, and that a combination of several microglial markers is required to fully characterise the microglial phenotype