4,799 research outputs found

    Construction of classical superintegrable systems with higher order integrals of motion from ladder operators

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    We construct integrals of motion for multidimensional classical systems from ladder operators of one-dimensional systems. This method can be used to obtain new systems with higher order integrals. We show how these integrals generate a polynomial Poisson algebra. We consider a one-dimensional system with third order ladders operators and found a family of superintegrable systems with higher order integrals of motion. We obtain also the polynomial algebra generated by these integrals. We calculate numerically the trajectories and show that all bounded trajectories are closed.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, to appear in j.math.phys

    On convergence towards a self-similar solution for a nonlinear wave equation - a case study

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    We consider the problem of asymptotic stability of a self-similar attractor for a simple semilinear radial wave equation which arises in the study of the Yang-Mills equations in 5+1 dimensions. Our analysis consists of two steps. In the first step we determine the spectrum of linearized perturbations about the attractor using a method of continued fractions. In the second step we demonstrate numerically that the resulting eigensystem provides an accurate description of the dynamics of convergence towards the attractor.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Lagrangian Formalism for nonlinear second-order Riccati Systems: one-dimensional Integrability and two-dimensional Superintegrability

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    The existence of a Lagrangian description for the second-order Riccati equation is analyzed and the results are applied to the study of two different nonlinear systems both related with the generalized Riccati equation. The Lagrangians are nonnatural and the forces are not derivable from a potential. The constant value EE of a preserved energy function can be used as an appropriate parameter for characterizing the behaviour of the solutions of these two systems. In the second part the existence of two--dimensional versions endowed with superintegrability is proved. The explicit expressions of the additional integrals are obtained in both cases. Finally it is proved that the orbits of the second system, that represents a nonlinear oscillator, can be considered as nonlinear Lissajous figuresComment: 25 pages, 7 figure

    Exact Solutions of a (2+1)-Dimensional Nonlinear Klein-Gordon Equation

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a class of particular solutions of a C(2,1) conformally invariant nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation by symmetry reduction. Using the subgroups of similitude group reduced ordinary differential equations of second order and their solutions by a singularity analysis are classified. In particular, it has been shown that whenever they have the Painlev\'e property, they can be transformed to standard forms by Moebius transformations of dependent variable and arbitrary smooth transformations of independent variable whose solutions, depending on the values of parameters, are expressible in terms of either elementary functions or Jacobi elliptic functions.Comment: 16 pages, no figures, revised versio

    Helical Magnetorotational Instability in Magnetized Taylor-Couette Flow

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    Hollerbach and Rudiger have reported a new type of magnetorotational instability (MRI) in magnetized Taylor-Couette flow in the presence of combined axial and azimuthal magnetic fields. The salient advantage of this "helical'' MRI (HMRI) is that marginal instability occurs at arbitrarily low magnetic Reynolds and Lundquist numbers, suggesting that HMRI might be easier to realize than standard MRI (axial field only). We confirm their results, calculate HMRI growth rates, and show that in the resistive limit, HMRI is a weakly destabilized inertial oscillation propagating in a unique direction along the axis. But we report other features of HMRI that make it less attractive for experiments and for resistive astrophysical disks. Growth rates are small and require large axial currents. More fundamentally, instability of highly resistive flow is peculiar to infinitely long or periodic cylinders: finite cylinders with insulating endcaps are shown to be stable in this limit. Also, keplerian rotation profiles are stable in the resistive limit regardless of axial boundary conditions. Nevertheless, the addition of toroidal field lowers thresholds for instability even in finite cylinders.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, submitted to PR

    Nonsingular solutions of Hitchin's equations for noncompact gauge groups

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    We consider a general ansatz for solving the 2-dimensional Hitchin's equations, which arise as dimensional reduction of the 4-dimensional self-dual Yang-Mills equations, with remarkable integrability properties. We focus on the case when the gauge group G is given by a real form of SL(2,C). For G=SO(2,1), the resulting field equations are shown to reduce to either the Liouville, elliptic sinh-Gordon or elliptic sine-Gordon equations. As opposed to the compact case, given by G=SU(2), the field equations associated with the noncompact group SO(2,1) are shown to have smooth real solutions with nonsingular action densities, which are furthermore localized in some sense. We conclude by discussing some particular solutions, defined on R^2, S^2 and T^2, that come out of this ansatz.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures. To appear in Nonlinearit

    Movable algebraic singularities of second-order ordinary differential equations

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    Any nonlinear equation of the form y''=\sum_{n=0}^N a_n(z)y^n has a (generally branched) solution with leading order behaviour proportional to (z-z_0)^{-2/(N-1)} about a point z_0, where the coefficients a_n are analytic at z_0 and a_N(z_0)\ne 0. We consider the subclass of equations for which each possible leading order term of this form corresponds to a one-parameter family of solutions represented near z_0 by a Laurent series in fractional powers of z-z_0. For this class of equations we show that the only movable singularities that can be reached by analytic continuation along finite-length curves are of the algebraic type just described. This work generalizes previous results of S. Shimomura. The only other possible kind of movable singularity that might occur is an accumulation point of algebraic singularities that can be reached by analytic continuation along infinitely long paths ending at a finite point in the complex plane. This behaviour cannot occur for constant coefficient equations in the class considered. However, an example of R. A. Smith shows that such singularities do occur in solutions of a simple autonomous second-order differential equation outside the class we consider here

    Constructing Integrable Third Order Systems:The Gambier Approach

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    We present a systematic construction of integrable third order systems based on the coupling of an integrable second order equation and a Riccati equation. This approach is the extension of the Gambier method that led to the equation that bears his name. Our study is carried through for both continuous and discrete systems. In both cases the investigation is based on the study of the singularities of the system (the Painlev\'e method for ODE's and the singularity confinement method for mappings).Comment: 14 pages, TEX FIL

    Solutions for certain classes of Riccati differential equation

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    We derive some analytic closed-form solutions for a class of Riccati equation y'(x)-\lambda_0(x)y(x)\pm y^2(x)=\pm s_0(x), where \lambda_0(x), s_0(x) are C^{\infty}-functions. We show that if \delta_n=\lambda_n s_{n-1}-\lambda_{n-1}s_n=0, where \lambda_{n}= \lambda_{n-1}^\prime+s_{n-1}+\lambda_0\lambda_{n-1} and s_{n}=s_{n-1}^\prime+s_0\lambda_{k-1}, n=1,2,..., then The Riccati equation has a solution given by y(x)=\mp s_{n-1}(x)/\lambda_{n-1}(x). Extension to the generalized Riccati equation y'(x)+P(x)y(x)+Q(x)y^2(x)=R(x) is also investigated.Comment: 10 page

    Painlev\'e structure of a multi-ion electrodiffusion system

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    A nonlinear coupled system descriptive of multi-ion electrodiffusion is investigated and all parameters for which the system admits a single-valued general solution are isolated. This is achieved \textit{via} a method initiated by Painleve' with the application of a test due to Kowalevski and Gambier. The solutions can be obtained explicitly in terms of Painleve' transcendents or elliptic functions.Comment: 9 p, Latex, to appear, J Phys A FT