186 research outputs found

    Hubungan Antara Efikasi Diri dengan Kecemasan Menghadapi Mata Pelajaran Matematika pada Siswa SD Negeri Bratan III Surakarta

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    Matematika diharapkan dapat menjadi mata pelajaran yang menyenangkan karena berguna bagi siswa agar dapat berpikir secara logis dan rasional, namun sampai saat ini Matematika masih dianggap sebagian besar siswa sebagai momok. Salah satu faktor yang berperan dalam mengatasi hal tersebut adalah dengan memiliki efikasi diri. Tujuan utama dalam penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan antara efikasi diri dengan kecemasan menghadapi mata pelajaran Matematika. Hipotesis yang diajukan adalah ada hubungan negatif antara efikasi diri dengan kecemasan menghadapi mata pelajaran Matematika pada siswa SD Negeri Bratan III Surakarta. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa siswi kelas 3, 4 dan 5 SD Negeri Bratan III Surakarta yang berjumlah 110 orang yaitu kelas 3 sebanyak 38 siswa, kelas 4 sebanyak 39 siswa dan kelas 5 sebanyak 33 siswa. Teknik pengambilan subjek yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi populasi dimana seluruh anggota populasi menjadi subjek dalam penelitian. Adapun alat ukur yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah skala efikasi diri dan skala kecemasan. Berdasarkan analisis data menggunakan teknik korelasi product moment dari Pearson, diperolah nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar -0,382; p = 0,000 (p<0,01) artinya ada hubungan negatif yang sangat signifikan antara efikasi diri dengan kecemasan menghadapi mata pelajaran Matematika. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, diketahui variabel efikasi diri mempunyai rerata empirik (RE) sebesar 63,60 dan rerata hipotetik (RH) sebesar 50 yang berarti efikasi diri pada subjek tergolong tinggi. Variabel kecemasan menghadapi mata pelajaran Matematika diketahui rerata empirik (RE) sebesar 45,79 dan rerata hipotetik (RH) sebesar 60 yang berarti kecemasan menghadapi mata pelajaran Matematika pada subjek tergolong rendah. Sumbangan efektif efikasi diri terhadap kecemasan menghadapi mata pelajaran Matematika sebesar 14,6% dan 85,4% dipengaruhi faktor lain di luar efikasi diri

    Preliminary Quality Evaluation of Selected Plantain Flour (Musa Paradisiaca) Sold in Port Harcourt Markets, Nigeria

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    Post harvest loss is a major problem limiting the production of plantain. In recent years, farmers and plantain processors have adopted processing of plantain into flours as a means of market diversification and consequently curtailing glut. This made different varieties of plantain flour with diverse nutritional composition to be sold in the markets. This preliminary study therefore aimed at evaluating the quality of selected plantain flour sold in Port Harcourt markets, Nigeria. In this study, selected physico-chemical analyses were evaluated. The moisture content, crude protein, starch, fat content and bulk density of the plantain flour samples used ranges between 7.20% - 13.92%, 4.75% - 9.84%, 60.41% - 67.85%, 0.84 % - 1.22% and 0.64g/ml – 0.73g/ml respectively. The samples were stored for four months. No insect infestation was observed during the storage period but mould growth was observed by the fourth month in all the samples except the reference sample. Keywords: Plantain flour, quality evaluation, shelf life, nutritional compositio

    Quality Attributes of Heat Treated Cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta) Flour

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    Cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta), a staple food and a food thickner has a small starch grains and improved digestibility. In view of adding value to cocoyam, this study investigated the effect of different processing methods on the quality of cocoyam flour. In this study, cocoyam samples were given different heat treatments and milled into flour. The moisture content of the flour samples ranged between 7.85% - 18.75%. Protein content was between 3.48% - 12.60%. Loose bulk density ranged between 0.77g/cm3 – 0.83g/cm3 initially and 0.45g/cm3 – 0.56g/cm3 finally. Starch content ranged from 16.06% - 52.84%. The control sample that has no heat treatment has the highest value of overall acceptability. Keywords : Cocoyam, digestibility, heat treatment and value additio

    Mycoflora, Proteolytic Potential and Quality Implication of Dried Crayfish at Uyo Urban Market, Uyo Nigeria.

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    Smoke dried crayfish sold by heaping open in an urban market in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria was procured and taken to microbiology laboratory for selected microbial quality tests. Total bacterial count ranged from 4.2 x 102 to 4.4 x 102 cfu/g. Coliform count ranged from 2.0x102 to 2.8 x 102 cfu/g. Other organisms Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus polymyxra, Staphylococcus aureus and Penicillium chrysogenum exhibited relatively higher proteolytic potential. The study revealed that smoke drying which is expected to preserve crayfish at post harvest, may not be effective in controlling proteolysis elaborated by these organisms under the existing handling method. Awareness on better post harvest handling of smoke dried crayfish among the rural retail traders in the markets for quality and safety is advocated. Key Words: Smoke-dried crayfish, microflora, proteolytic – potential


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    Komunikasi merupakan salah satu aktivitas yang sangat penting dan mendasar dalam kehidupan manusia. Sebagai makhluk sosial, manusia tidak akan bisa hidup sendiri dan pasti membutuhkan orang lain untuk memenuhi segala apa yang menjadi kebutuhannya baik itu kebutuhan biologis maupun psikologis. Melihat fenomena yang ada di SMA Negeri 1 Jatibarang, bahwa masih tidak sedikit siswa kelas XI yang memiliki kecenderungan belum terampil dalam berkomunikasi antarpribadi khususnya dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh. Dari permasalahan yang diuraikan tersebut di atas, maka peneliti mempunyai tujuan yang ingin dicapai yaitu untuk meningkatkan keterampilan komunikasi antarpribadi bagi siswa kelas XI MIPA 2 SMA Negeri 1 Jatibarang melalui layanan bimbingan kelompok dengan teknik diskusi menggunakan Google Meet. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian tindakan kelas. Menurut Suharsimi Arikunto, dkk (2007: 3) penelitian tindakan kelas merupakan suatu pencermatan terhadap kegiatan belajar berupa sebuah tindakan, yang sengaja dimunculkan dan terjadi dalam sebuah kelas secara bersama. Hal ini sesuai dengan pendapat Hopkin (Emizir, 2010: 223) penelitian adalah “upaya meningkatkan praktik pendidikan oleh sekelompok partisipan dengan cara tindakan praktis mereka sendiri dengan cara refleksi mereka sendiri terhadap pengaruh tindakan tersebut”. Berdasarkan hasil perbandingan pretest dan posttest tersebut di atas dapat diketahui bahwa semua anggota kelompok sudah menunjukkan perubahan keterampilan dalam komunikasi antarpribadi dari awal kondisi menunjukkan keterampilan komunikasi yang kurang. Kemudian konselor memberi tindakan bimbingan kelompok teknik diskusi melalui google meet melalui tiga siklus, dan hasilnya ada peningkatan keterampilan komunikasi antarpribadi pada siswa yang menjadi objek penelitian

    Selected Chemical Composition and Acceptability Assessment of Pre-treated Dehydrated Telfairia Leaves

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    Telfairia leaves were harvested fresh, sliced and subjected to different blanching pre- treatments tests - in boiling water, steam, sodium chloride and sodium bicarbonate solutions before drying in a multipurpose produce drier (40-500C) for preservation. The control portion was dehydrated without any pre-treatment. All the dehydrated test portions were analyzed for proximate composition (moisture, crude protein, crude fat, crude fibre, ash and carbohydrate), microbial quality and sensory acceptability assessments. Dehydrated steam-blanched and water- blanched leaves had relatively lower moisture content (13.75 – 13.99%). Leaf nutrients (crude protein, crude fat and ash) concentrated relatively more in the steam blanched dehydrated leaves. No microorganism was detected in all the dehydrated treated and untreated test portions. Process treatments reduced the sensory acceptability rating of the dehydrated leaves as the untreated control portions were better accepted by assessors. Keywords: Telfairia leaves, Blanching, Dehydration, Acceptability

    Contact lenses in the 21st century—advantages and challenges

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    IntroductionToday, with the advancement of medicine and technology, contact lenses have become extremely sophisticated and widespread throughout the world. Undoubtedly, new technological solutions such as the silicone polymers from which these lenses are made are resistant to microbial contamination, which reduces the risk of bacterial keratitis even when compared to lenses for everyday use. In the last year, the world has faced an unknown and dangerous pandemic—the Covid-19 pandemic. Some concerns of the public about easier infection with the virus as a result of the use of contact lenses were published and broadcast on social networks and on television. To date, there is no scientific evidence that wearing contact lenses during an epidemic is dangerous and can lead to disease. Intensified research and experiments are currently underway to improve contact lenses, and even more impressive innovations in the field of contactology are expected in the future.AimThe aim of the present study is to determine the level of knowledge and awareness among patients about the possibilities for correction with contact lenses, their characteristics, innovations and use.Materials and MethodsThe present study was conducted in the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences of the Medical University of Varna on the territory of the Specialized Hospital for Ophthalmology for Active Treatment, Varna and in social networks. The study included 89 patients who were surveyed over a two-month period in 2021 (from March to May). All participants were acquainted in detail with the questions and answered every question related to its correct completion. The survey included a total of 23 questions, of which 1 open and 22 structured questions. The survey data were summarized and analyzed by Google Analytics. For this purpose, special questionnaires for patients were developed, which contained multiple-choice questions and open-ended ones.ResultsThe study involved 15 men and 74 women, aged 18 to 66 years, with 55% of the patients in the study currently wearing contact lenses (CL). The majority of patients (61.2%) strictly followed the prescription for replacement of CL, 22.4% changed them in case of irritation, and 16.3% did not follow the prescription and according to them CL could be used for a longer period of time. For 50% of the participants, the maintenance of the CL was difficult, 33.9% sometimes encountered difficulties, and 16.1% considered it difficult. It turned out that 68.3% of the participants in the study did not think that infection with Covid-19 was easier because of the use of CL, 28.6% were not familiar with the topic, 3.2% were of the opinion that it was easier to get infected. Through various and numerous studies, it has been proven that CL use is wide, patients remain satisfied, but are not yet fully aware of their characteristics, maintenance, wearing mode, innovation, novelty and the risk of complications that can occur with improper maintenance. In order to avoid complicated consequences from the use of CL, some steps should be taken in the education and more active informing of the specialist and the patient.ConclusionThe analysis of the results of the survey revealed a low level of awareness of patients about the benefits of correction with CL. It has been found that most patients consult specialists before starting to use CL, but there are those who make the decision themselves and do so only by researching the Internet. It has been shown that the majority of respondents are aware that complications from the use of CL are possible and that there are concerns among patients of easier infection with Covid-19 when using CL. Health will continue to be paramount for ophthalmologists in the development of CL manufacturing technologies. Therefore, it is reasonable to refer patients to one-day and one-month CL. Millions of people around the world trust CL every day without worrying about their eyesight and appearance. The benefits of CL for patients and for the practice of the specialty are many, so the development of production technology will continue in the future

    Acondroplasia y gestaciĂłn: Caso clĂ­nico

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    Immunolocalization of X-arrestin in human cone photoreceptors

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    AbstractX-arrestin is a recently identified retina-specific gene of unknown function. Affinity-purified anti-peptide antibody to human X-arrestin was prepared, and used in Western blot analysis of human retinal proteins and for immunohistochemistry on human retinal sections. By Western blot analysis, the antibody specifically bound to an ≈47 kDa protein, and by indirect immunofluorescence specifically labeled cone photoreceptors with greatest intensity in their outer segments. In single and double label experiments, the localization of X-arrestin immunoreactivity was compared with immunolabelling patterns obtained with antibodies to red/green cone opsin, rhodopsin, and S-antigen. The results showed that X-arrestin is expressed in red-, green- and blue-sensitive cones in the human retina


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    Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Reguler Periode 71 tahun 2019, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta menerjunkan 27 mahasiswa dari tiga unit, yaitu VI.C.1, VI.C.2, dan VI.C.3, dengan tema besar “Pengelolaan Pariwisata sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Ekonomi Masyarakat” yang tersebar di berbagai kabupaten di Jawa Tengah dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Tema besar tersebut merupakan sikap taktis yang diambil UAD dalam menyikapi program pemerintah, yaitu Wonderful Indonesia—sebuah program kerja berbasis pariwisata. Maka dari itu, setiap unit maupun divisi wajib membantu mendorong ekonomi masyarakat berbasis pariwisata melalui Program Kerja (proker) individu maupun bersama mereka. Untuk mencapai tujuan tema besar tersebut, beragam metode yang dilakukan, seperti berdiskusi dengan pengelola pariwisata, menulis jurnal pariwisata, pelatihan tourguide, dan pelatihan membuat video pariwisata. Melalui serangkaian metode tersebut, masyarakat secara signifikan dapat mempromosikan pariwisata melalui media sosial Blogspot, Facebook, Whatsapp, Intagram, dan sebagainya. Dampak nyata dari metode-metode tersebut adalah bertambahnya wisatawan lokal dan mancanegara yang berdatangan. Otomatis, tidak hanya masyarakat yang menjadikan pariwisata sebagai pekerjaan pokoknya yang mendapatkan keuntungan, namun pedagang, penganyam, dan peladang jagung pun mendapatkan keuntungan dari bertambahnya wisatawan lokal maupun mancanegara yang berdatangan setiap harinya
