53 research outputs found

    Indirect Reference Intervals Estimated from Hospitalized Population for Thyrotropin and Free Thyroxine

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    Aim To establish indirect reference intervals from patient results obtained during routine laboratory work as an alternative to laborious and expensive producing of their own reference range values according to international instructions. Methods All results for thyrotropin (TSH) and free thyroxine (T4) that were stored in our laboratory information system between 2004 and 2008 were included in this study. After a logarithmic transformation of the raw data, outliers were excluded. Non-parametric reference intervals were estimated statistically after visual observation of the distribution using stem-and-leaf plots and histograms. A standard normal deviation test was performed to test the significance of differences between sub-groups. Results There was no significant difference in serum TSH or free T4 concentrations between male and female participants. Because no differences were found within the time span of the study, combined reference intervals were calculated. Indirect reference values were 0.43-3.93 mU/L for TSH and 11.98-21.33 pmol/L for free T4. Conclusion Using patient laboratory data values is a relatively easy and cheap method of establishing laboratoryspecific reference values if skewness and kurtosis of the distribution are not too large

    Abuse Clauses in Consumer Contracts

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    Tüketici sözleşmelerinin taşıdığı haksız şartlar alanında; bir sözleşme şartı önceden iktisadî açıdan kuvvetli olan tarafından hazırlanmışsa ve özellikle haksız şart hükmünün, standart sözleşmede yer alması nedeniyle tüketici içeriğine etki edememişse; işbu sözleşme şartının tüketiciyle müzakere edilmediği kabul edilecektir. Taraflar arasında müzakere edilmeksizin düzenlenen iltihakî (katılma-standart - tip) sözleşmelerin tarafları arasında yapılan sözleşmeye katılanın, iktisadî açıdan zayıf konumda olması nedeniyle, müzakere edilmeyen sözleşme haksız şartlar taşıyabilmektedir. Ancak, sözleşmenin bütün olarak değerlendirilmesinden, standart sözleşme olduğu sonucuna varılırsa, bu sözleşmedeki bir şartın belirli unsurlarının veya münferit bir hükmünün müzakere edilmiş olması, sözleşmenin kalan kısmına, haksız şart hüküm ve sonuçlarının uygulanmasını engellemeyecektir.The professional holding the monopoly over a service draws up the standardized contract and the consumer who adheres to the contract is the economically weak party and does not have the right to take part in the negotiations and in the preliminary contract work that contains abusive clauses which are frequently opposite to the consumer's interests. Thus, a uniformed and efficient protection of the consumer is highly necessary. In this way, when a contract is not the result of the negotiations between the two parties, it has to undergo the juridical norms which prevent the abusive clauses that are invalid and inappropriate. The clauses which have the purpose of creating a significant imbalance between the professional and the consumer are considered abusive

    Tüketici kredisi ile satın alınan maldaki veya hizmetteki ayıp nedeniyle doğan uyuşmazlıklar

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    Teslim borcuna bağlı ve ondan çıkan bir diğer borç ise, ayıba karşı tekeffül borcudur. Eser sözleşmesi, bir işgörme akdi olduğu hâlde, müteahhidin ayıba karşı tekeffül borcu, temlik borcu doğuran satım akdindeki gibi düzenlenmiş olup; teslim borcunun bir devamı olmaktadır. Bu suretle ayıba karşı tekeffül borcu, teslim borcunun hem sonucu, hem de tamamlayıcısı niteliğin dedir. İşgörme borcunun gereği olarak, sonuçtan sorumlu olmak gerektiği hâlde; şeyin teslimine ilişkin ayıba karşı tekeffül yolu işlenerek, kuruluş tarzı farklı iki hukukî durumun, aynı sonuca erişmesi sağlanmıştır. Ancak ayıba karşı tekeffül borcunun meydana gelmesi için, eserin tamamlanarak teslim edilmiş olması gereğinin yanısıra, ayıplı olması ve iş sahibinin de eseri zamanında muayene ederek, tesbit ettiği ayıpları zamanında ihbar etmiş olması, şart olarak aranmaktadır. Nitekim örneğin, ihraç edilen malın İngiltereye ulaşmasından sonra, gönderilen tarafın talebi üzerine düzenlenen gözetim raporunda malın hasarlı ve bozuk olduğu belirlenmiş olmasına karşın; gönderilen 6102/TTK m.23/1-c hükmüne göre, Ticarî satış ve mal değişimi konusunda, Bu maddedeki özel hükümler saklı kalmak şartıyla, tacirler arasındaki satış ve mal değişimlerinde de Türk Borçlar Kanununun satış sözleşmesi ile mal değişim sözleşmesine ilişkin hükümleri uygulanır (m.23/1); ancak Malın ayıplı olduğu teslim sırasında açıkça belli ise alıcı iki gün içinde durumu satıcıya ihbar etmelidir. Açıkça belli değilse alıcı malı teslim aldıktan sonra sekiz gün içinde incelemek veya incelettirmekle ve bu inceleme sonucunda malın ayıplı olduğu ortaya çıkarsa, haklarını korumak için durumu bu süre içinde satıcıya ihbarla yükümlüdür. Diğer durumlarda, 6098/TBK m. 23/II hükmü uygulanır (6102/TTK m. 3/1- c).La prestation doit etre exécutée suivant au principe de conformité au contrat. Lorsque le créancier ne peut obtenir l exécution de l obligation ou ne peut l obtenir qu imparfaitement, le débiteur est tenu de réparer le dommage en résultant, à moins qu il ne prouve qu aucune faute ne lui est imputable (CO Art. 97/1). Afin de réaliser une satisfaction complète du point de vue du principe de conformité au contrat , si le d éfaut de la prestation est prouvé, le consommateur peut exiger du vendeur qu'il rép are le bien ou le remplace, à moins que ces modes de dédomm agement soient impossibles ou disproportionnés; que le caractère dispr oportionné du mode de dédommagement doit être déterminé de manière objective; qu'un mode de dédommagement est disproportionné s 'il impose des coûts déraisonnables par rapport à l'autre mode de dédommagement; que, pour que des coûts soient jugés déraisonnables, il faut qu'ils soient considérablement plus élevés que ceux de l'autre mode de dédommag ement ( Directive 1999/44/CE du Parl ement Européen et du Conseil du 25 mai 1999 sur certains aspects de la vente et des garanties des biens de consommation, Considérant 8)

    Çukurova bölgesinde kistik fibrozis DF508 mutasyonunun moleküler düzeyde saptanması

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    TEZ2446Tez (Uzmanlık) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1997.Kaynakça (s. 73-89) var.89 s. : hrt. ; 30 cm.

    Comparison of slaughter and carcass characteristics of Limousin, Charolais, Angus, and Hereford beef cattle in Turkey

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    The slaughter and carcass features of four breeds named Limousin (LI), Charolais (CH), Angus (AN), and Hereford (HE) were examined. Nine calves from each breed were slaughtered at an average age of 18.5 months. The animals were weighed before slaughter, and the slaughter weights as well as some body measurements of the animals were recorded. The dismemberment of the carcasses was performed after a resting period of 24 h at + 4 °C. The slaughter weights were 581.89, 590.72, 577.67, and 610.89 kg, respectively. Chilled carcass weights were 348.26, 346.91, 327.60, and 338.10 kg, respectively, with no significant differences among breeds. Dressing percentages were 59.89, 58.75, 56.71, and 55.33%, and the valuable meat ratios were 27.89, 27.66, 24.45, and 24.32%, respectively. Carcass bone ratios were 13.89, 14.17, 14.64, and 14.61%, respectively. The longissimus muscle areas (LMA) were 97.46, 102.29, 81.05, and 83.93 cm2, and the subcutaneous fat thickness was 0.38, 0.43, 1.00, and 1.32 cm, respectively. Significant differences were observed among breeds in terms of these characteristics. Carcass weight was highest in LI, and LI and CH breeds had higher carcass yields than the other two breeds. Although HE had the highest slaughter weight, it showed the lowest carcass yield

    The Effects of L-carnitine on Plasma Carnitine Concentrations of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Cage Condition

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    The present study was conducted to determine whether dietary supplemental L-carnitine affects plasma L-carnitine concentration of Nile tilapia in cage condition. One-year-old Nile tilapias were used in the experiment. One group was fed the control diet, which contained 62.4 mg biogenic L-carnitine/kg diet while the other group received feed supplemented with 500 mg Lcarnitine/ kg diet. At the end of the 90 days feeding trial, dietary treatments were fed unsupplemented dietary for 30 days to determine the influence of L-carnitine supplementation on the physiological response to this unsupplemented feeding. Plasma Lcarnitine concentration was significantly increased in treatment group compared to control group on 90th day and 120th day. The result of the present study demonstrated a positive effect of L-carnitine on the plasma L-carnitine concentration of Nile tilapia. The results also provide evidence that L-carnitine could be stored after period of feeding supplemental L-carnitine

    What is Six Sigma?

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    Sigma (σ) refers to Standard Deviation which is a measure of variation in statistics. Methodology of Six Sigma is a management philosophy that is based on the theory that parameters can be cotrolled. Six Sigma applications follow the process of identifying and defining defects, analyzing the defects using various measures, suggesting improvements and having metrics or controls in place to achieve the goals of the business. The error rate is defined as the number of error in a million. An increase in Sigma means decrease in the number of error, and lower values of Sigma correspond to higher number of error. The Six Sigma philosophy aims to bring about improvements in processes that have zero error. The Six Sigma approach is to implement methodologies that aim at reaching world standard quality which is 6 Sigma or more. The Six Sigma methodology used in clinical laboratories appears to be a quality management tool involving statistical calculations, process parameter based, and reports about the process performance. [Archives Medical Review Journal 2009; 18(2.000): 132-139