66 research outputs found

    Experienced peer violence: relation to age, gender, class climate and school achievement

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    Cilj ovoga rada je istražiti učestalost doživljavanja nekih oblika nasilnih ponašanja od školskih vršnjaka s obzirom na dob i spol te ispitati povezanost između učestalosti doživljavanja nasilja, školskog uspjeha te nekih elemenata razrednog ozračja. U istraživanje se krenulo od pretpostavke da učenici češće nego učenice doživljavaju nasilno ponašanje te da je verbalno nasilje najčešći oblik doživljenog nasilja. Sudjelovalo je ukupno 400 sudionika, 195 učenika i 205 učenica viših razreda OŠ, a primijenjen je instrument kojim su prikupljeni opći podatci, podatci o učestalosti doživljavanja nasilja te podatci o osjetljivosti na nasilje u razrednom kontekstu. Rezultati su uglavnom potvrdili polazne hipoteze. Pokazalo se da učenici češće nego učenice doživljavaju nasilna ponašanja, da su verbalni oblici nasilja najčešći, da je učestalost doživljenog nasilja procijenjena najvišom u završnom razredu osnovne škole te da postoji značajna povezanost između doživljenog nasilnog ponašanja, uspjeha u školi i osjetljivosti na nasilje u razrednom ozračju. Rezultati su interpretirani u kontekstu postojećih spoznaja o vršnjačkom nasilju te su naglašene implikacije za školski rad.The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of experienced peer violent behaviours of different forms in terms of age and gender. Furthermore, study aimed at examining the association between the frequency of experienced violence, school achievement, and certain elements of classroom climate. It was hypothesised that boys, more often than girls, experience violent behaviours and that the most common form of bullying is verbal. A total of 400 participants, 195 boys and 205 girls, grades 5th-8th took part in the study. Several instruments were applied: General data questionnaire, Frequency of experienced violent behaviour scale and Sensitivity to violence in the classroom context scale. Results largely confirmed the initial hypothesis. It turned out that boys more often than girls experience violent behaviours; that verbal forms of bullying are the most frequent, that experienced bullying is most frequent in 8th grade, and that there is a significant correlation between experienced violent behaviour, academic achievement and sensitivity to violence in the classroom. The results were interpreted in the context of existing models of peer violence with the emphasis on implications for school work

    Explaining students\u27 test anxiety and depression: The role of family interaction quality

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    Aim: To examine the relationship between the quality of family interactions and test anxiety and depression in a sample of 4th and 7th grade primary school pupils. Methods: The Scale of Depression for Children and Adolescents (SDCA, Vulić Prtorić, 2003a), The Subscale for Test Anxiety (STA, Vulić Prtorić, 2004a), and Scale of Interaction Quality within the Family (SIQF, Vulić Prtorić, 2004b) were used. Results: Older pupils were generally more depressed and anxious compared to the younger ones. However, the increase in depression was observed only in female pupils, whereas in male pupils, the levels of depression were generally stable, regardless of age. A similar pattern was found in test anxiety. Overall satisfaction with family, as well as the quality of interactions with mother and father was higher in fourth graders, compared to seventh graders. Female pupils assessed their mothers as more accepting, whereas male pupils assessed their fathers as more accepting than girls did. Maternal rejection was independent of gender, but paternal rejection was more prominent in boys, compared to girls. Higher maternal rejection and lower paternal acceptance were shown to be significant predictors for both depression and test anxiety. Conclusion: Results confirmed our hypothesis that early-adolescents, as well as girls, have more pronounced depressive and test-anxiety symptoms, when compared to younger children and boys. (Pre)-adolescents’ perceptions of family dynamics have an important role in explaining depressiveness and test anxiety, which implies their value in prevention of mental health problems in (pre)adolescents

    Odnos između usredotočene svjesnosti u roditeljstvu, kognitivne roditeljske svjesnosti i subjektivne dobrobiti adolescenata

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    The aim of this research is to explore the relationship between mindful parenting, cognitive parental awareness, and adolescents’ subjective well-being. The study included 101 families consisting of a mother, a father, and an adolescent child (N=303) aged 10 to 17, with a total of 69 female adolescents and 32 male adolescents. A general data questionnaire, mindful parenting questionnaire, and cognitive parental awareness questionnaire were administered to parents while adolescents completed a general data questionnaire, loneliness scale, life and family satisfaction scales, and general self-esteem scale. The results showed that male adolescents were more satisfied with life and had higher self-esteem than female adolescents. Measures of parenting were significantly related between mothers and fathers. The results also suggest that mindful parenting and cognitive parental awareness are significant correlates to the subjective well-being of adolescents when it comes to fathers, but not to mothers.Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je ispitati povezanost između usredotočene svjesnosti u roditeljstvu, kognitivne roditeljske svjesnosti i subjektivne dobrobiti adolescenata. U istraživanju je sudjelovala 101 obitelj (N=303) koju su činili majka, otac i dijete adolescentne dobi, u rasponu od 10 do 17 godina, i to 69 adolescentica i 32 adolescenta. Primijenjeni su upitnici općih podataka za adolescente i roditelje, upitnik usredotočene svjesnosti u roditeljstvu i upitnik kognitivne roditeljske svjesnosti, dok su adolescenti ispunili skale usamljenosti, zadovoljstva životom i obitelji te općeg samopoštovanja. Rezultati su pokazali da su adolescenti zadovoljniji životom i iskazuju više samopoštovanje u odnosu na adolescentice. Također, utvrđena je značajna povezanost između majki i očeva u većini mjera roditeljstva. Rezultati upućuju na zaključak da su usredotočena svjesnost u roditeljstvu i kognitivna roditeljska svjesnost značajni korelati subjektivne dobrobiti adolescenata kada je riječ o očevima, no ne i majkama

    Values and Subjective Experience of Motherhood as Predictors of Self-Esteem, Self-Efficacy and School Achievement of (Pre)Adolescents

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    Teorijski okvir ovoga rada sačinjavaju teorija univerzalnih sadržaja i strukture vrijednosti te model doživljaja roditeljstva kao polazište za istraživanje roditeljskih utjecaja na razvojne ishode adolescenata. Cilj je istraživanja bio ispitati odnos između univerzalnih vrijednosti majki i subjektivnoga doživljaja majčinstva te samopoštovanja, samoefikasnosti i školskoga postignuća (pred)adolescenata. U istraživanju su sudjelovale 234 dijade majka – dijete, a primijenjeni su sljedeći upitnici i skale samoprocjene: upitnici općih podataka za majku i adolescente, Upitnik samoefikasnosti za djecu, Skala samopoštovanja, Upitnik životnih vrijednosti te Skala osjećaja roditeljske kompetentnosti. Rezultati su potvrdili neke očekivane rodne razlike u adolescenata, kao i razlike u vrijednostima majki s obzirom na njihovu dob i razinu obrazovanja. Subjektivna procjena kompetentnosti majki značajno je korelirala s vrijednostima postignuća, moći te trijadom konzervativnih vrijednosti. Provedene regresijske analize pokazale su da se manji dio varijance samopoštovanja, samoefikasnosti i postignuća (pred)adolescenata može pripisati vrijednostima majki, pri čemu su najvažniju ulogu imale upravo konzervativne vrijednosti.The theoretical framework of this paper is the theory of value contents and structure and the model of parenting experience as a starting point for researching parental influences on the developmental outcomes of adolescents. The aim of the research was to examine the relationship between the universal values of mothers and the subjective experience of motherhood and self-esteem, self-efficacy and school achievement of (pre)adolescents. A total of 234 mother-child dyads participated in the research, and the following self-assessment questionnaires and scales were used: General Data Questionnaires for mother and adolescents, Self-Efficiency Questionnaire for children, Self-Esteem Scale, Life Values Questionnaire and Parental Sense of Competence Questionnaire. The results confirmed some expected gender differences in adolescents, as well as differences in mothers’ values with respect to their age and level of education. Subjective assessment of maternal competence was significantly correlated with values of achievement, power, and triad of conservative values. Regression analyses showed that a smaller portion of the variance of self-esteem, self-efficacy and achievement of (pre)adolescents can be attributed to the values of the mother, with the most important role being conservative values

    Some Predictors of the Parenting Experience in Mothers and Fathers of Toddlers

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati zadovoljstvo roditeljstvom i subjektivnu roditeljsku kompetentnost majki i očeva jednog djeteta dojenačke dobi, te utvrditi doprinose li pozitivne osobine ličnosti, zadovoljstvo brakom i podrška okoline većem zadovoljstvu roditeljstvom, odnosno većoj samoprocjeni roditeljske kompetentnosti. Provedeno je istraživanje u kojem je sudjelovalo 188 roditelja, a korišteni su Upitnik općih podataka, Skala roditeljske kompetentnosti, Upitnik za ispitivanje osobina ličnosti iz Big five modela, Skala zadovoljstva brakom te Skala percipirane socijalne podrške. Rezultati su pokazali da između majki i očeva ne postoje razlike u zadovoljstvu roditeljstvom ni roditeljskoj kompetentnosti. Kao značajni prediktori zadovoljstva roditeljstvom izdvojile su se emocionalna stabilnost i zadovoljstvo brakom, dok su se osobine ugodnosti i intelekta pokazale prediktivnima za samoprocjenu roditeljske kompetentnosti.The aim of this study was to investigate parenting satisfaction and the subjective competence of mothers and fathers of one child of toddler age and to establish whether positive personality traits, marital satisfaction and the support from the environment contribute to higher parenting satisfaction, or to a higher self-assessment of parent competence. The research comprised 188 parents. The instruments used were: the General Information Questionnaire, the Parenting Sense of Competence Scale, the Big five Personality Questionnaire testing personality traits, the Marital Satisfaction Scale and the Scale of Perceived Social Support. The results have shown no significant difference in parenting satisfaction or parent competence between mothers and fathers. Emotional stability and marital satisfaction could be singled out as significant predictors of parenting satisfaction, whereas characteristics such as comfort and intellect have shown to be predictive of the self-assessment of parenting competence

    Attachment and intellectual humility as predictors of attitudes towards vaccination and vaccines in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Health behavior, including attitudes towards vaccination, is affected by various personal, contextual and broader social factors. This paper focuses on attachment and intellectual humility as potential predictors of attitudes towards vaccination and predictors of vaccination status in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The starting hypothesis was that there is a significant correlation between attachment styles and intellectual humility and that attachment and intellectual humility can separately significantly contribute to explaining individual differences in attitudes towards vaccination and differences in vaccination status. The research was conducted in an online environment on a convenience sample of students (N = 247). Questionnaires and self-assessment scales were applied to collect general data, data on attachment styles, intellectual humility, attitudes towards vaccination and reasons for (non-)vaccination. The results showed that secure attachment and intellectual humility (especially openness to change of mind, i.e. independence of ego and intellect) can partially explain positive attitudes towards vaccination, while significant predictors of vaccination status were age, fearful attachment, independence of ego and intellect and attitudes towards vaccination. The results confirmed some previous insights about the motivation for (non-)vaccination and pointed to a small but significant role of attachment and intellectual humility in explaining both attitudes towards vaccination and health behavior in the context of the pandemic

    The Relationship between Emotional Competence and Recognizing Emotions in Music

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    Cilj je ovog rada bio istražiti odnos između prepoznavanja emocija u glazbi i rezultata na standardnim mjerama emocionalne kompetentnosti. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 329 studenata, koji su najprije ispunili Upitnik emocionalne kompetentnosti (Takšić, 2002.), a zatim i Upitnik za procjenu glazbenih ulomaka tijekom slušanja šest ulomaka klasične glazbe različita emocionalnog ugođaja. Zadatak sudionika bio je navesti dominantnu emociju koju su prepoznali u glazbenom ulomku te označiti je li im glazbeni ulomak poznat otprije. Rezultati su pokazali da poznatost glazbenih ulomaka uglavnom nije utjecala na prepoznavanje emocija u glazbi, a sudionici su s najvećom točnosti prepoznali emociju sreće, zatim tuge, a s najmanjom točnosti emociju straha. Potvrđena je i glavna pretpostavka istraživanja o odnosu prepoznavanja emocija u glazbi i rezultata na Upitniku emocionalne kompetentnosti, pri čemu je utvrđeno da sudionici koji su iskazali veću točnost prepoznavanja emocija u glazbi postižu i više rezultate na Upitniku emocionalne kompetentnosti, posebno na podskali sposobnosti razumijevanja i uočavanja emocija, gdje je utvrđena značajna razlika u prepoznavanju svih triju osnovnih emocija iz glazbe. Značajne su korelacije dobivene između rezultata svih podskala Upitnika emocionalne kompetentnosti i sposobnosti prepoznavanja emocija u glazbi, osim povezanosti između sposobnosti upravljanja i regulacije emocija i sposobnosti prepoznavanja tuge u glazbi.The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between recognition of emotion in music and emotional competence. The study included 329 students who first filled out the Emotional Competence Questionnaire (Takšić, 2002), and then the Assessment of Musical Excerpts Questionnaire (six instrumental musical excerpts of classical music of different emotional context). The participant’s task was to quote a dominant emotion which was recognized in the musical excerpt and mark whether they know that excerpt from earlier. The results showed that the familiarity of musical excerpts did not affect recognition of emotion in music, and the participants identified most accurately the emotions of happiness and sadness, while with the lowest accuracy the emotion of fear. The main hypothesis about the relationship between the recognition of emotions in music and the results on the Emotional Competence Questionnaire was confirmed. It was also established that the participants who demonstrated greater accuracy in recognizing emotions in music achieved higher scores on the Emotional Competence Questionnaire, particularly on the subscale of understanding and perception of emotion, where a significant difference for the recognition of three basic emotions was observed. Significant correlations were obtained between the results in all subscales of the Emotional Competence Questionnaire and ability of recognition of emotions in music except for the correlation between the ability of management and regulation of emotions and the ability to recognize sadness in music

    Life satisfaction, depression and stress in women during pregnancy and first year postpartum - The role of personality traits, marital satisfaction and social support

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    Trudnoća i postpartalni period za žene su jedna od najvažnijih životnih tranzicija, koja se očituje u brojnim promjenama na osobnom i socijalnom planu. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati neke značajke psihičkog funkcioniranja žena (N=202) tijekom trudnoće i prve postpartalne godine. S tom svrhom provedeno je istraživanje u kojem su sudjelovale 64 trudnice i 138 majki jednog djeteta dobi od 8 do 10 mjeseci. Upitnicima i skalama samoprocjena ispitani su depresivnost, anksioznost, stres, zadovoljstvo životom i brakom te razina percipirane socijalne podrške. Testirane su razlike između trudnica i majki s obzirom na zadovoljstvo životom, brakom i razinu percipirane socijalne podrške, te razinu stresa, depresivnosti i anksioznosti. Rezultati istraživanja potvrdili su pretpostavku o povećanom stresu te nižem zadovoljstvu brakom kod majki u usporedbi s trudnicama, što je u skladu s prijašnjim istraživanjima tranzicije u roditeljstvo, a protumačeni su u kontekstu modela konflikta uloga. U skupini trudnica, kao značajan prediktor stresa i anksioznosti izdvojila se samo emocionalna stabilnost kao osobina ličnosti, dok je za razinu depresivnosti, pored emocionalne stabilnosti prediktivno i zadovoljstvo brakom. U skupini majki, zadovoljstvo brakom značajan je prediktor svih kriterijskih varijabli.Pregnancy and the postpartum period represent one of the most important life transitions for women which manifests itself in numerous changes at the personal and social level. The aim of this study was to examine some features of the psychological functioning of women (N = 202) during pregnancy and the first year postpartum. The study sample included 64 pregnant women and 138 mothers of one child aged eight to ten months. Depression, anxiety, stress, life satisfaction, marital satisfaction, and the level of perceived social support were assessed by questionnaires and scales. Differences between pregnant women and mothers were tested with regard to life satisfaction, marital satisfaction and level of perceived social support, stress, anxiety and depression. The study results confirmed the hypothesis of increased stress and lower marital satisfaction of mothers in relation to pregnant women. This result is consistent with previous studies of transition to parenthood, and was interpreted in the context of role conflict models. Emotional stability significantly predicted the level of stress and anxiety in pregnant women. Apart from emotional stability, marital satisfaction was also a significant predictor for depression level. For mothers, marital satisfaction significantly predicted results in all of the criterion variables

    Stavovi prema braku i motivacija za roditeljstvom kod studenata

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    Cilj je ovog istraživanja provjeriti kakvi su stavovi studenata prema braku i roditeljstvu te kakva je pritom uloga važnosti vjere u njihovom životu. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 318 studenata sa Sveučilišta u Splitu i to 38 (11,9%) studenata i 279 (87,7%) studentica, prosječne dobi od 20 godina. S obzirom na podrijetlo, 202 sudionika je iz gradske sredine, 67 iz manjeg mjesta, te 49 sa sela. S obzirom na cjelovitost obitelji, gotovo 90% ih je iz cjelovitih obitelji, a 10% iz jednoroditeljskih