540 research outputs found

    Ganztagsschule – in guter Form! Eine Stellungnahme des Rates der EKD

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    Das deutsche Schulwesen befindet sich im Umbruch. „Bildungsstandards“, „Schulzeitverkürzung“, „Schulprogramme“, „Zentrale Prüfungen“ sind nur einige Stichworte der Debatte. Wichtige Veränderungen sind in Gang gekommen; aber der Reformbedarf reicht darüber hinaus. Vor allem unter Verweis auf die Schulsysteme in Staaten, die bei Vergleichsuntersuchungen von Schulleistungen (PISA u. a.) gut abgeschnitten haben, wird unter anderem der Ausbau von Ganztagsschulen vorangetrieben. Das fordert die evangelische Kirche zur Stellungnahme heraus, denn sie ist in der Mitverantwortung für den Religionsunterricht und in der Trägerschaft von evangelischen Schulen von der Thematik direkt betroffen. (DIPF/Orig.

    Ein freiheitliches, ganzheitliches, auf Verantwortung setzendes Bildungsverständnis braucht den Religionsunterricht

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    Novonastala situacija u školi stavlja školski vjeronauk pred nove izazove. Nastavni se planovi liberaliziraju, neke škole dobivaju sve više autonomije, a u Njemačkoj je skraćeno i trajanje gimnazijskog obrazovanja. Stoga su "slabiji predmeti", kao što su glazbeni i sportski odgoj, ali i vjeronauk i etika, stavljeni u drugi plan. Međutim, nestanak mnogih tradicija u društvu i složenost suvremenoga svijeta pozivaju na usmjeravanje i postavljaju pitanja o smislu života. Školski vjeronauk može i mora pomoći učenicima u pronalaženju samih sebe i u tumačenju svijeta postavljajući tako čvrste temelje sposobnosti osobnog snalaženja u životu. Vjeronauk mora imati stalno mjesto u svim godištima školovanja i ne smije se zanemarivati zbog praktičnih školskih razloga.The new situation in the school system presents new challenges for religious education. Teaching plans are liberalized, some schools receive more autonomy, and in Germany the duration of high school education has been diminished. Consequently, the "weaker subjects", such as music and sports education, and religion and ethics, are relegated to the background. However, the disappearance of many traditions in society and the complexity of today\u27s world call for guidance and ask questions about the meaning of life. School religious education can and must help students in finding themselves and offer an interpretation of the world by setting a firm foundation for helping students to cope in life. Religious education must have a permanent place in all years of education and should not be neglected for practical reasons.Neue Entwicklungen in den Schulen bringen den Religionsunterricht in Gefahr. Die Lehrplane werden liberalisiert, die einzelnen Schulen erhalten immer mehr Autonomie, in Deutschland wurde auch die Dauer des Gymnasiums verkurzt. Dies fuhrt dazu, dass "weiche Fächer", wie Musik und Sport, aber auch Religion und Ethik, im Schulalltag zurückstehen müssen. Der Abbruch vieler Traditionen in der Gesellschaft und die Unübersichtlichkeit der modernen Welt rufen aber nach Orientierung und werfen Fragen nach dem Lebenssinn auf. Religionsunterricht kann und soll zur Selbstfindung und Weltdeutung helfen und damit ein festes Fundament der Handlungsfähigkeit im Leben legen. Er muss seinen festen Platz in allen Jahrgangsstufen haben und darf nicht aus schulpraktischen Erwägungen benachteiligt werden


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    はじめに I.理論的枠組み II. 鉄道部門の成長(以上第17巻第3号) III. 経済発展における鉄道部門の役割(以下本号) むすびに代え

    The multicultural society as a challenge and opportunity for the pastoral care of children and young people in the church. Contribution to the Youth Pastoral Study Days of the Episcopal Youth Office Trier, 24.2.2003 at the Marienburg Castle

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    Angesichts der aktuellen Diskussionen um ein Zuwanderungsgesetz diskutiert der Autor Chancen und Probleme der Migrationsthematik für die kirchliche (katholische) Jugendarbeit. Dazu gehören die Fragen nach der "Integration" im kirchlichen Verständnis und der "nationalen Identität" in katholischer Perspektive sowie ein Blick auf den interkulturellen Lernprozess in Begegnungen und die Entwicklung der persönlichen Identität. (Autor)In view of the current discussions about an immigration law, the author discusses opportunities and problems of the migration issue for church (Catholic) youth work. This includes the questions of "integration" in the church\u27s understanding and "national identity" in a Catholic perspective as well as a look at the intercultural learning process in encounters and the development of personal identity. (Author

    ドイツにおける鉄道と経済発展 : フレムトリンクの見解を中心に(1)

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    はじめに 1.理論的枠組み 1. 外部経済の概念 2. 外部経済と経済発展 Ⅱ. 鉄道部門の成長 1. 貨物輸送と旅客輸送 2. 就業人口数 3. 資本ストック 4. 純投資 5. 付加価値

    Создание Web-сайта предприятия

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    В современном мире постоянно развивающихся технологий для каждой компании как никогда важна автоматизация бизнес-процессов, позволяющая выйти на более высокий уровень. На сегодняшний день осталось немного мест на нашей планете, где люди не могут выйти в Интернет. Всемирная паутина настолько охватила мир, что пользователи зачастую чувствуют себя беспомощными без той информации, которую она может дать. Реклама в печатных изданиях не способна в полной мере осветить деятельность фирмы, информация в рекламных буклетах и брошюрах быстро теряет актуальность. Именно поэтому все больше предприятий идут на создание качественного сайта с целью более эффективной реализации своей продукции или услуг. Цель данного проекта – повышение качества услуг, предоставляемых предприятием за счет разработки интерактивного Web-сайта. При создании хорошо спланированного, интерактивного информационного сайта, приходится применять не только технологические знания, но и аналитические, что позволяет более полно раскрыть специфику специальности «прикладная информатика в экономике». Работа над проектом, целью которого является разработка Web-сайта, начинается с определения концепции ресурса. Интерфейс и конкретное наполнение (контент) сайта зависят от целого ряда факторов, главными среди них являются объем и состав задач, которые планируется решать с помощью данного сайта, а также его целевая аудитория. В заключении сделаны выводы по проекту, определены пути его внедрения на объекте и направления дальнейшего совершенствования.In today's world of evolving technologies for each company are more important than ever to automate business processes, allowing to reach a higher level. To date, there are few places on our planet where people can't get online. The world wide web so swept the world that users often feel helpless without the information that it can give. Advertising in printed publications is not able to fully cover the activities of the company, the information in the brochures and pamphlets are quickly losing relevance. That is why more and more companies are going to create a quality website to more effectively market their products or services. The purpose of this project is to improve the quality of services provided by the company through the development of an interactive Web site. When you create a well-planned, interactive information website, it is necessary to apply not only technical knowledge, but also analytical, which allows to better reveal the specifics of the specialty "applied Informatics in Economics". Work on the project, whose goal is the development of a Web site begins with the definition of the concept resource. Interface and specific content (content) of the site depend on a number of factors, chief among these are the volume and composition of tasks that will be solved with the help of this website and its target audience. In conclusion, the findings of that project, identifies ways of its implementation at the facility and areas for further improvement

    Preoperative short-course radiotherapy versus combined radiochemotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer: a multi-centre prospectively randomised study of the Berlin Cancer Society

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    BACKGROUND: The additional use of radiotherapy has changed the treatment of locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC) dramatically. But a major achievement has been the development of total mesorectal excision (TME) as a surgical standard and the recognition that the surgeon is the predominant prognostic factor. The benefit of preoperative hypofractionated radiotherapy (SCRT; five fractions each of 5 Gy), initially established by the Swedish Rectal Cancer Trial, has been demonstrated in conjunction with TME by the Dutch Colorectal Cancer Group. The concept of combined neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy (conventional radiation of about 50 Gy with chemotherapy) has not been compared over surgery alone with TME. However, the German Rectal Cancer Study Group recently demonstrated that preoperative radiochemotherapy (RCT) was better than postoperative radiochemotherapy in terms of local control. METHODS: Patients with histological proven rectal cancer staged T2N+ or T3 are randomized to receive either SCRT (25 Gy in five fractions of 5 Gy) plus TME-surgery within 5 days or RCT (50.4 Gy in 28 fractions of 1.8 Gy, continuous infusion 5-fluorouracil) plus TME-surgery 4-6 weeks later. All patients receive adjuvant chemotherapy (12 weeks continuous infusional 5-FU) and are followed up for 5 years. TME-quality is independently documented by the surgeon and the pathologist. Hypothesis of the study is that RCT is superior to SCRT in terms of local recurrence after five years. Secondary endpoints are overall survival, disease-free survival, complete resection rate (R0 resection), rate of sphincter saving resection, acute and late toxicity (radiation related side effects), and quality of life (including long term bowel function). DISCUSSION: Similar long-term survival, local control and late morbidity have been reported for both concepts of preoperative therapy in non-comparative studies. In addition to other ongoing (and recently published) comparative trials we include a larger number of patients for adequate power, apply quality-controlled TME and try to avoid the adjuvant treatment bias by mandatory adjuvant chemotherapy in both groups. Further more, stratification of the initially planned surgical procedure and sphincter-preservation will generate valid evidence whether RCT will allow a less aggressive (sphincter saving) surgical approach