7 research outputs found


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    Lutein adalah salah satu jenis karotenoid yang memiliki kegunaan di bidang kesehatan. Senyawa ini memiliki kegunaan untuk mencegah degenerasi makula mata (katarak) dan kerusakan retina akibat cahaya biru, melindungi kulit dari radiasi sinar UV, sebagai pewarna alami pada jaringan hewan maupun tumbuhan dan sebagai prekursor vitamin A. Botryococcus braunii merupakan salah satu mikroalga sebagai sumber lutein. Salinitas merupakan salah satu faktor pembatas bagi pertumbuhan fitoplankton. Perubahan salinitas pada media kultur dapat mempengaruhi kandungan lutein B. braunii. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan salinitas terhadap kandungan lutein B. braunii. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) sebagai rancangan percobaan. Perlakuan yang digunakan adalah perbedaan salinitas pada media kultur, yaitu A (10 ppt), B (15 ppt), C (20 ppt), D (25 ppt) dan E (30 ppt). Data dianalisa dengan menggunakan Analisis Varian (ANAVA) untuk mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan dan dilanjutkan dengan Uji Jarak Berganda Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan salinitas media kultur B. braunii berpengaruh terhadap kandungan lutein B. braunii. Kandungan lutein tertinggi diperoleh pada perlakuan C (20 ppt) pada hari ke-6 yang mencapai 0,00350 ÎĽg/g berat basah

    Environment and Benchmarking: Industry 4.0 Sustainable Work Readiness Framework

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    This paper presents a sustainable work readiness framework for engineering students, incorporating core skills, personal skills, and self-efficacy as mediating variables. The study aims to investigate the impact of core skills and personal skills on engineering students’ work readiness, as well as the mediating influence of self-efficacy on this relationship. The researchers designed and tested a work readiness framework with three focal points: skills, personal skills, and self-efficacy, and their influence on engineering students’ work readiness. The findings indicate that core skills, personal skills, and self-efficacy positively and significantly influence engineering students’ work readiness. Self-efficacy can be explained by the core skills and personal skills variables at 87.8%, while the work readiness variable can be explained by core skills, personal skills, and self-efficacy at 85.4%. This study contributes to the existing literature by proposing a sustainable work readiness framework and measurement instrument that link core skills, personal skills, and self-efficacy as mediating variables influencing work readiness. The results are beneficial not only to Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia, as they directly reflect the work readiness of UTP’s final-year undergraduate engineering students but also to individuals, universities, teaching staff, organizations, human resource specialists, and public administrators. They can use these findings to enhance the development of individual work readiness skills and increase the work readiness of students in their respective universities. The novelty of this study lies in proposing a sustainable work readiness framework tailored to equip engineering students with the skills required and acquired in Industry 4.0. Keywords: student, engineering, PLS-SEM, skills, self-efficacy, sustainable, work readines

    Aquaculture Resilience: Empowering Food Security through IoT Based People's Farm Robots

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    The COVID-19 pandemic starkly revealed the vulnerability of global food systems, prompting a pressing call for sustainable and resilient practices. This conceptual paper forms an integral part of a comprehensive study aimed at investigating the pivotal role of technological and sustainable solutions in surmounting pandemic-induced challenges and attaining vital food security objectives. Specifically, this conceptual paper delves into the possibilities inherent in cloud-based management, robotics, and circular economy principles, focusing on their potential to bolster food security. To this end, the paper proposes the implementation of an ’IoT based Farm robot’ to enhance aquaculture resilience in Yogyakarta, Indonesia – an apt locale renowned for its vibrant community and agricultural traditions. Leveraging cloud technology, the paper explores the remote management and monitoring of fishponds, thereby optimizing resource utilization and elevating overall productivity. Through the integration of robotics, the automation and precision introduced to fish farming processes serve to lessen reliance on manual labor. Furthermore, the incorporation of circular economy principles underpins sustainable practices, minimizing waste and maximizing the efficiency of resources. By harnessing the synergy of cloud-based management, robotics, and circular economy principles, this conceptual paper introduces a solution that empowers local communities to both navigate the current pandemic crisis and foster enduring aquaculture resilience. The discourse presented within this paper holds valuable implications for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners invested in aquaculture and food security. Moreover, it contributes to the wider conversation concerning sustainable food systems, offering a pathway to cultivating a more secure and resilient future for aquaculture in Yogyakarta and beyond, even amidst pandemics and other disruptive occurrences. Keywords: food security, post pandemic, fishpond, robot, cloud, IoT&nbsp

    Cloud Computing Based Computing System for Women's Higher Education in Isolated Areas

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    A new chapter in information technology is opened by cloud computing in computer science and engineering education. Understanding the importance of using cloud computing (CC) in institutions of higher learning is the aim of this research. This analysis shows some of the benefits that cloud computing can provide to higher education, assesses some of the most significant challenges that academics may encounter as a result of its implementation, and suggests some initial steps toward its adoption while mitigating the risks associated. Enterprise apps have migrated in large numbers to the cloud in recent years. One of the challenges posed by cloud applications is the challenge of allocating resources to the application to ensure a service level along dimensions like performance, availability, and dependability. To do this, a system based on the infrastructure of governmental bodies, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), academic institutions, and other providers of social services has been established. The results of this analysis demonstrate that it is possible to use a few variables, including administrative bodies and governments, internal stakeholders, cloud suppliers, firm attributes, socio-political changes, IT framework, and others, to understand how CC adoption methodologies are used in higher education institutions. In addition to providing insight into how cloud providers, advisers, governments, and academics see various market demands and how they respond to these expectations while expanding services provided by CC in higher education institutions, this analysis opens opportunities for future research. The implications for practice can aid decision-makers in utilizing CC services legally

    Coal Energy and Macroeconomic Conditions

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    This paper assesses the effect of coal energy production volume, exchange rate, inflation and gross domestic product on the volume of Indonesia's coal energy exports in 1998-2019. Based on an Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach, in the short run, we find that the coal energy production volume, exchange rate, and gross domestic product has a negative relationship to Indonesia's coal energy exports. However, on the other hand, inflation has a positive relationship to Indonesia's coal energy exports. In the long run, we also find that the coal energy production volume, inflation, and gross domestic product has a positive relationship to Indonesia's coal energy exports. Besides, the exchange rate has a negative relationship to Indonesia's coal energy exports.Keywords: Coal Energy, Exchange Rate, Inflation, Gross Domestic Product, Autoregressive Distributed LagJEL Classifications: E2, E6, Q4, Q2DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.11214</div

    World Oil Prices and Exchange Rates on Islamic Banking Risks

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    Islamic banking risks are influenced by many factors, facing internal and external banking risks. In this study, the internal banking risks are represented by Credit risk as measured by Non-Performing Financing (NPF) and liquidity risks as measured by Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR). At the same time, world oil prices and exchange rates represent the external banking risks. World oil price data is obtained from OPEC Price, and exchange rate data is obtained from the Pacific Exchange Rate Service. While the data from NPF and FDR is obtained from BI Statistics of Sharia Banking. The results of this study found that world oil prices have a significant effect on credit risk and liquidity risk in Islamic banking. In contrast, the exchange rate only has a significant effect on credit risk in Islamic banking

    World Oil Prices and Exchange Rates on Islamic Banking Risks

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    Islamic banking risks are influenced by many factors, facing internal and external banking risks. In this study, the internal banking risks are represented by Credit risk as measured by Non-Performing Financing (NPF) and liquidity risks as measured by Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR). At the same time, world oil prices and exchange rates represent the external banking risks. World oil price data is obtained from OPEC Price, and exchange rate data is obtained from the Pacific Exchange Rate Service. While the data from NPF and FDR is obtained from BI Statistics of Sharia Banking. The results of this study found that world oil prices have a significant effect on credit risk and liquidity risk in Islamic banking. In contrast, the exchange rate only has a significant effect on credit risk in Islamic banking