113 research outputs found

    Equilibrium, Thermodynamics, and Kinetic Sorption Studies for the Removal of Coomassie Brilliant Blue on Wheat Bran as a Low-Cost Adsorbent

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    The sorption studies of coomassie brilliant blue (CBB) from aqueous solution have been carried out on wheat bran (WB). Coomassie brilliant blue on wheat bran was used to study the adsorption behavior under various parameters such as pH, dosage amount, and contact time. It was observed that under optimized conditions up to 95.70% dye could be removed from solution onto WB. Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherms were used to elaborate the results. Freundlich model was found to be fitted well and favored multilayer adsorption. The Freundlich constants n and KF were determined as 0.53 and 2.5 × 10−4. Thermodynamic parameters such as ΔG, ΔH, and ΔS studied were taking into account, showed spontaneous and favorable reaction for coomassie brilliant blue on wheat bran. The maximum adsorption capacity qm was found to be 6.410 mg/g. The investigations show that non treated WB is a low-cost adsorbent for the removal of dyes from textile industry effluents

    Peace Perceptions Of Prospective Teachers For Promoting Peace Activities For School Settings In Pakistan

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    Peace has been recognized as a matter of education and to be promoted at the initial level.  The present study attempts to generate a profile of activities toward peace education among prospective teachers.  The Nominal Group Technique (NGT) was used by selecting fifteen prospective teachers as a Nominal Group (NG). NGT was applied under a sequence of stages (idea generating, selection, listing, clarification, ranking and consensus stages). Results generated from the NGT were organized into three categories of student-related activities, teacher-focused activities, and administration and community- related activities. Participants’ preferences were higher for activities that included individual practical participation. Participation in the Action Research process was ranked at the  bottom. Tentative conclusions are drawn with regard to teacher education and peace studies

    The Higher The Quality Of Teaching The Higher The Quality Of Education

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    The higher education plays as leadership role in the system of education. Quality education can ensure security, welfare and prosperity of a nation. The key factors influencing the quality of higher education is the quality of faculty, curriculum standards, technological infrastructure available, research environment, accreditation regime, administrative policies, financing, evaluation and good governance. The main objectives of the study were (1) To evaluate the indicators of good teaching. (2) To examine the institutional policies for valuing the teaching. (3) To examine the contribution of teaching towards professional development of teachers. (4) To find out institutional efforts for enhancing the professional development of teachers. For study purposes five federal universities of Islamabad were taken and their faculties were included in the population. Twenty teachers of each university were taken as the sample of the study. This sample was selected with the help of the students from each department. As students are considered tougher evaluators of the teachers so the selection of the good teachers was completed on the basis of the five common competencies such as competencies related to subject and subject area teaching, competencies related to teaching and learning, competencies in research work and competencies related to professional behaviour .This survey type study was conducted through a questionnaire. The study concluded that good teaching does not pay any benefit to teachers except self-satisfaction and also finding that the requirements for quality teaching are not available in universities. The present study recommends the higher quality of teaching may be ranked and recognized at local, national and international level

    Recent Advances in the Synthesis and Stabilization of Nickel and Nickel Oxide Nanoparticles: A Green Adeptness

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    Green protocols for the synthesis of nanoparticles have been attracting a lot of attention because they are eco-friendly, rapid, and cost-effective. Nickel and nickel oxide nanoparticles have been synthesized by green routes and characterized for impact of green chemistry on the properties and biological effects of nanoparticles in the last five years. Green synthesis, properties, and applications of nickel and nickel oxide nanoparticles have been reported in the literature. This review summarizes the synthesis of nickel and nickel oxide nanoparticles using different biological systems. This review also provides comparative overview of influence of chemical synthesis and green synthesis on structural properties of nickel and nickel oxide nanoparticles and their biological behavior. It concludes that green methods for synthesis of nickel and nickel oxide nanoparticles are better than chemical synthetic methods

    The Impact of Social Media on Teacher's Performance: A Case of Higher Educational Institutions of Pakistan

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    The purpose of this study is to see the impact of social media on teacher’s performance in higher educational institutions of Pakistan, particularly in Vehari (Punjab) and D.I Khan (KPK). This research study explored that social media has a significant impact on teachers performance. Because the faculty members of higher educational institutions play a vital role in the development of students, society and as a whole the nation. The main purpose of this study is to understand the nature of social media and up to how much extend social media is playing its role regarding the development of faculty performance. This study is quantitative and descriptive in nature .The researcher, distributed 357 survey questionnaires to the higher education sector of District Vehari and D.I. Khan and got a response from 318 respondents. Linear and multi regression were used to analyze the results and for drawing a conclusion. Knowledge sharing, creativity, collaboration and interaction through social networking sites have a significant impact on teacher’s performance which suggests that use of social networking sites in education increases the teacher performance

    Diversity Of Desired And Observed Levels Of Qualities Among Teacher Candidates Perceived By Private School Management

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    The trend of enrolment in private schools is growing rapidly. The criteria of quality for teacher candidates is complex one, great value is placed for oral interviews along with other formal techniques of selection process. The present study focused to investigate the desired and observed levels of qualities for teacher candidates perceived by their employers at private educational institutions in Pakistan. Interviews of personnel involved in selection process, a focus group discussion and a survey were used as the research method. After semi-structured interview with 20 employers the initial three levels of dimensions of qualities for teacher candidates i.e. dimensions of educational and professional knowledge; dimensions of teaching and professional skills; and dimensions of values and attitudes were developed and kept for  focus group discussion. In this way six qualities for each dimension were finalized and the survey was conducted to rate the desired and observed levels of 18 items. A total number of 139 responses were available through this survey. The mean of desired and observed responses for each item was calculated. The difference between means, standard deviations and t-values were also calculated. The differences in mean values for desired and observed levels for all three categories indicate that employers of private schools are not satisfied with the output of teachers training programs

    Internet of vehicles for e-health applications : a potential game for optimal network capacity

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    Wireless technologies are pervasive to support ubiquitous healthcare applications. However, a critical issue of using wireless communications under a healthcare scenario rests at the electromagnetic interference (EMI) caused by RF transmission, and a high level of EMI may lead to a critical malfunction of medical sensors. In view of EMI on medical sensors, we propose a power control algorithm under a noncooperative game theoretic framework to schedule data transmission. Our objective is to ensure that the noncooperative game of power control can achieve a network-level objective - the optimal network capacity, although the wireless users are selfish and only interested in optimizing their own channel capacity. To obtain this objective, we show that our proposed noncooperative game is a potential game and propose the best-response-dynamics algorithm which can ensure that the game strategy of each user is induced to the optimal solution to the problem of network-level optimal capacity. Numerical results illustrate that the proposed algorithm can achieve an enhancement of 8% of network performance than the existing algorithm against the variations of mobile hospital environments. Š 2007-2012 IEEE

    Causes Of Male Dropout Rate In Pakistan

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    This study aimed to seek the cause of male students’ dropout rate at the primary level of F.R. Peshawar. The main objectives of the study were:  1) to study the teacher problems and attitudes of the dropouts, 2) to determine the factors that cause dropouts, 3) to study the government’s strategy of dropouts, and 4) to provide suggestions to overcome this problem and improve the literacy rate. The simple random sampling technique was used and the researchers selected ten schools of F.R. Peshawar Asho khel. The research study was descriptive in nature. Three types of questionnaires were prepared - one for teachers, one for students, and one for parents. The researcher then collected data, tabulated, analyzed, and interpreted it in a percentage method. On the basis of analysis, it was concluded that the majority of teachers viewed themselves as being responsible for dropouts due to corporal punishment and poor attention given to the students. The majority of students opined that they themselves are responsible for dropping out due to fear of teachers, failure of examinations, mental weaknesses, and being weak in math and English. The majority of parents viewed that they are responsible for their children’s dropping out due to their poverty, illiteracy, and unawareness of the importance of education. The following recommendations were made for improvement of the teaching-learning situation in primary education institutions: 1) Teachers should show fair attitudes and behave well; 2) The government should appoint talented and local teachers in the area; 3) Teachers may improve and provide a variety of motivation techniques in different teaching situations; 4) The government should provide full attention to their education system by providing financial support to poor students in the form of scholarships; and 5) The government should facilitate the teachers and increase their salaries
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