909 research outputs found

    In-service Teachers’ Sense of Agency after Participation in a Research Master Course

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    In this paper, we investigate the in-service teachers ‘sense of agency’ after their participation in a research master course. A semi-structured interview was administrated to nine in-service science teachers, coming from three different African countries: Zimbabwe, Lesotho, and Burkina Faso. All of them attended a European master course aimed to acquire skills in science educational research.  The data collected was qualitatively analysed through a system of categories.  This paper aims to contribute to the discussion about the professionalisation of teacher education and the integration of research into teacher training


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    Microsoft, Motorola, Siemens, Hitachi, IAPR, NICI, IUF This paper presents a perturbation­based approach useful to select the best combination method for a multi­classifier system. The basic idea is to simulate small variations in the performance of the set of classifiers and to evaluate to what extent they influence the performance of the combined classifier. In the experimental phase, the Behavioural Knowledge Space and the Dempster­Shafer combination methods have been considered. The experimental results, carried out in the field of hand­written numeral recognition, demonstrate the effectiveness of the new approach


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    Microsoft, Motorola, Siemens, Hitachi, IAPR, NICI, IUF In the field of Optical Character Recognition (OCR), zoning is used to extract topological information from patterns. In this paper zoning is considered as the result of an optimisation problem and a new technique is presented for automatic zoning. More precisely, local analysis of feature distribution based on Shannon's entropy estimation is performed to determine "core" zones of patterns. An iterative region­growing procedure is applied on the "core" zones to determine the final zoning

    School Goes Online With Avatars: Extended Learning in a Secondary School

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    Proceeding du Colloque "International Society of the Learning Sciences" (CSCL), ENS, Lyon (France), 17-21 June 2019International audienceAbstract: This paper focuses on the initial implications of students’ extended activity between virtual and in-presence learning. The study is part of an ongoing project founded in 2018 in a CSCL setting titled “e-PIm” (Incubator of Immersive Pedagogy for Virtual Reality) taking place in a secondary school in France labelled as pilot in 2016. For this study, some data are selected and qualitatively analysed. The implication of the implementation of the Multi-user Virtual Environment emerges in the field of didactics, student-teacher interactions, and students’ corporal and socio-cognitive behaviours ; the uses of the MUVE are revealed to be an ongoing transformative learning experience through an extended learning space and institutional change

    Professional Learning Through Video: Reflection of a Pre-Service Teacher One Year On

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    The research presented in this paper investigates a pre-service teacher’s reflection on professional learning using the medium of video. To promote a reflective activity, we invited the pre-service teacher—now a titular teacher—to comment on their activity while remarking on a recording of one of theirlessons conducted one year earlier. The lesson was performed in a professional high school, followed by a meeting with the teacher and a university tutor. Quali-quantitative analysis was used to analyse the data--where the teacher’s reflections emerged during their viewing of the lesson—to trace the typology of the comments of the pre-service teacher, and the topics of the reflection. The analysis highlights the dimensions of reflective activity, which can be a reflection of the professional learning of the pre-service teacher in one year. This study provides useful information in describing the process of professional learning and, at the same time, supports the integration of video into pre-service teacher training as a tool of reflection.La recherche prĂ©sentĂ©e dans cet article vise Ă  Ă©tudier la rĂ©flexion d'un enseignant en formation sur son apprentissage professionnel en utilisant le milieu de la vidĂ©o. Afin de promouvoir une activitĂ© de rĂ©flexion, nous avons invitĂ© un enseignant en formation – maintenant enseignant titulaire - Ă  verbaliser sur son activitĂ© pendand une leçon enregistrĂ© un annĂ© plus tĂŽt. La leçon a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e dans un lycĂ©e professionnel, suivie d'une rencontre avec l'enseignant titulaire et un tuteur universitaire. L'analyse quali-quantitative est utilisĂ©e pour analyser les donnĂ©es - toutes les rĂ©flexions des enseignants que sont Ă©mergĂ© lors de la vision de la leçon - tracer la typologie des commentaires de l'enseignant, et les ses rĂ©flexions. Cette Ă©tude fournit des informations utiles pour dĂ©crire le processus d'apprentissage professionnel et, dans le mĂȘme temps, soutenir l'intĂ©gration de la vidĂ©o dans la formation initiale des enseignants comme outil de rĂ©flexion

    Professional Learning Through Video: Reflection of a Pre-Service Teacher One Year On

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    The research presented in this paper investigates a pre-service teacher’s reflection on professional learning using the medium of video. To promote a reflective activity, we invited the pre-service teacher—now a titular teacher—to comment on their activity while remarking on a recording of one of theirlessons conducted one year earlier. The lesson was performed in a professional high school, followed by a meeting with the teacher and a university tutor. Quali-quantitative analysis was used to analyse the data--where the teacher’s reflections emerged during their viewing of the lesson—to trace the typology of the comments of the pre-service teacher, and the topics of the reflection. The analysis highlights the dimensions of reflective activity, which can be a reflection of the professional learning of the pre-service teacher in one year. This study provides useful information in describing the process of professional learning and, at the same time, supports the integration of video into pre-service teacher training as a tool of reflection.La recherche prĂ©sentĂ©e dans cet article vise Ă  Ă©tudier la rĂ©flexion d'un enseignant en formation sur son apprentissage professionnel en utilisant le milieu de la vidĂ©o. Afin de promouvoir une activitĂ© de rĂ©flexion, nous avons invitĂ© un enseignant en formation – maintenant enseignant titulaire - Ă  verbaliser sur son activitĂ© pendand une leçon enregistrĂ© un annĂ© plus tĂŽt. La leçon a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e dans un lycĂ©e professionnel, suivie d'une rencontre avec l'enseignant titulaire et un tuteur universitaire. L'analyse quali-quantitative est utilisĂ©e pour analyser les donnĂ©es - toutes les rĂ©flexions des enseignants que sont Ă©mergĂ© lors de la vision de la leçon - tracer la typologie des commentaires de l'enseignant, et les ses rĂ©flexions. Cette Ă©tude fournit des informations utiles pour dĂ©crire le processus d'apprentissage professionnel et, dans le mĂȘme temps, soutenir l'intĂ©gration de la vidĂ©o dans la formation initiale des enseignants comme outil de rĂ©flexion

    Becoming a Reflective In-service Teacher: Role of Research Attitude

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    In this article we consider the importance of the role of reflective practice and research attitude for the professional development of in-service teachers. Nine teachers engaged in an international master course (in a Belgium and French university) are interviewed to obtain self-narratives. The two years full-time master was aimed to acquire skills of science educational research. The interview was conducted at the end of the master to explore their reflective practices and to evaluate the impact of the research attitude developed during the master on their reflective practices. From the results we can consider how the reflection practice is differently by the teachers interviewed especially in relation to seniority in the teaching. The research activities learned in the master course has enabled the teachers to develop and expand they reflective practice on the analysis of their experience. In the same time emerges the need of a regular and more guided support to improve the reflective practice, especially for junior teachers
