173 research outputs found

    Radicalisation and beheadings: Philosophy of Transgression in terrorist violence

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    The scope of this article is to explore a body of literature that deals with the concepts of transgression, evil and festival to construct an alternative theoretical framework for violence. For the purpose of this work, the radicalisation of western-born young Muslims and so-called Islamic State's executions will be taken into consideration. The works of Bataille, Foucault, De Sade and Caillois will be the primary focus of this article. This article suggests using non-traditional criminological sources to create an alternative narrative, aimed at adding a different dimension to the conversations around radicalisation and beheadings

    To Love is Human: Leonid Zorin\u27s A Warsaw Melody Considering Concepts Love and Fate in Russian Culture Reflected in its Theatre Tradition

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    Concept and process for a director\u27s capstone in theatre on A Warsaw Melody by Leonid Zorin


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    Preface This work evolved from the 1993 Buros-Nebraska Symposium on Testing and Measurement: Multicultural Assessment, held by the Buros Institute of Mental Measurements, Department of Educational Psychology, at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Among the symposium presenters, Stanley Sue, Juris Draguns, Guiseppe Costantino and Thomas Malgady, Janet Helms, Robert Carter, Sandra Choney and John Behrens, Joseph Ponterotto, Gargi Roysircar Sodowsky, and Donald Pope-Davis accepted the Buros Institute\u27s invitation to contribute chapters to an envisioned multicultural assessment volume. The authorssome with the assistance of new collaborators-painstakingly revised their papers. They added measurement and statistical analyses that they have not previously published, advanced the theory-building of their respective topics, and wrote integrative literature reviews, thus providing substantive chapters for this book. With reference to the few multicultural and cross-cultural assessment books, book chapters, and journal reviews that are currently available in professional psychology, this book is an essential complement to them. Its uniqueness is that it responds to the paucity of measurement research in multicultural counseling. This collection might be characterized as recording multicultural assessment\u27s empirical beginnings, a fairly unchartered territory. Select multicultural instruments that are paper-and-pencil attitude and projective tests, developed recently and cited in refereed journals, are presented. New data are treated to multivariate statistics, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, structural equation modeling, cluster analyses, reliability estimation, and norm transformations. Tests are shown to be construct-related to multicultural theories and/ or criterion- related to sociocultural variables. That is, instrument validity is supported through the theoretical groundedness of obtained results, through theory-building based on data interpretation, or through criterion predictions. Test bias of mainstream instruments are discussed statistically as well as conceptually. Differences in test scores are given an interpretation different from the conclusion that deviant scores indicate deficits. Clinical judgement is shown to be subject to individual bias and to clinicians\u27 immersion in their racial and cultural contexts and their inability to see their imposed bias. Decision trees, guidelines, and assessment reports are provided to illustrate qualitative methods for contextual diagnosis and integrative clinical judgement. Methods to identify social desirability in multicultural self-reports are discussed. Classical measurement theory is argued to overlook the multiplicity of person-environment reactivity that merits investigation in a multicultural society and in a majority-minority sociopolitical system


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    The book has shown the use of a combination of approaches to understand the nature of a problem: traditional diagnosis and standardized assessment, cultural and racial explanations as alternative hypotheses, clinical judgement based on a decision-tree involving cross-cultural and indigenous frameworks, quantitative-qualitative methods of data analyses, and the use of multicultural paper-and pencil and projective tests. The attitudes and cognitive-affective tests presented or referenced in the book, in addition to being formally administered, could be used as springboards for collaborative discussions with clients and psychology trainees in order to gain a better understanding of their values and assumptions and, by inference, their modes of problem-solving in a multicultural society. We look forward to these new instruments\u27 future refinements, psychometric enhancements, and diverse sampling of subjects. The measurement of acculturation attitudes is important in counseling and clinical psychology. Its importance to applications has been affirmed by the 1994 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), and the 1993 APA Guidelines for Service Providers to Ethnic, Linguistic, and Culturally Diverse Populations, the latter stating that psychologists must document culturally relevant factors in client records, including number of generations in the country, number of years in the country, fluency in English, community resources, level of education, and level of stress related to acculturation. Because a multicultural book is incomplete without addressing issues of acculturation, Appendices A and B provide measurement and research information on acculturation scales. Appendix A summarizes select psychometric properties of and predictions for frequently referenced acculturation scales developed for Hispanic/Latino and Asian groups in the U.S. Appendix B summarizes select counseling psychology studies showing the effects of acculturation on client reactions. At the end of each Appendix is a reference list of the authors of the instruments and related research studies. We hope this work, Multicultural Measurement in Counseling and Clinical Psychology, will add to the long and colorful history of psychological assessment

    Metodologie Tecnologiche nello Sport per promuovere l’Inclusione

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    The aim of this paper is to highlight the technological methodologies in the sportscontext, able to favor an inclusive process towards people forced to live in situationsof psycho-physical and social discomfort, such as the disabled.Like in the school system, where technology already provides an important supportin the proposal for an inclusive education, such innovations and tools are requiredto amplify the inclusive benefits that sport is able to generate.In this regard, we want to analyze a proposal for a technological strategy in the water polo discipline, with the aim of promoting the inclusion of the disabled.Lo scopo del paper è quello di evidenziare delle metodologiche di tipo tecnologiconel contesto sportivo in grado di favorire un processo inclusivo nei confrontidelle persone costrette in situazioni di disagio psico-fisico e sociale come i diversamenteabili.Al pari del sistema scolastico, dove la tecnologia fornisce già un importante supporto nella proposta di una didattica inclusiva, tali innovazioni e strumenti sonochiamati ad amplificare anche i benefici inclusivi che lo sport è capace di produrre.Si analizza, a tal proposito, una proposta di strategia tecnologica nello sport dellapallanuoto che mira a favorire l’inclusione dei diversamente abili

    Surface Autonomous Vehicle for Emergency Rescue

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    The goal of this document is to clearly define the problem parameters and project objectives and to clearly describe the design process, planned final design, and manufacturing and testing procedures for the senior design project of Team 26: SAVER -- the Surface Autonomous Vehicle for Emergency Rescue. This is both for the purpose of project planning and for clear communication between all parties involved in the project. The objective of the SAVER project is to develop a proof of concept for an autonomous maritime search and rescue vehicle for aiding in man-overboard missions. To accomplish this goal, a list of specifications was developed based on background research and interviews with potential customers. These specifications, discussed later in this document, guided the design process, analysis, and testing plans, which are also covered. Based on this research and analysis, the SAVER team developed a final design consisting of a structural hull and frame made from fiberglass and MDF, respectively, which was to be waterproofed and filled with foam. An electronics system would monitor the relative positions of the vehicle and victim via GPS and actuate a thruster and rudder. This prototype was designed to be safe, reliable, and effective, and was expected to meet all specifications. By April 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Cal Poly campus was shut down and all work was being carried out remotely. Without access to campus labs or shops, the team’s ability to complete work on this project was seriously limited. Through meetings with their sponsor and advisor, the project’s scope underwent major changes, and a new plan was established. The team was to focus on completing the mechatronics portion of the build and fully documenting all current and future design plans so that a future senior project team could complete the work at a later time. These scope changes as well as all manufacturing and testing work completed both before and after the scope change are discussed in this document as well. In order to make it possible for a future senior project team to complete work on this project, detailed plans for manufacturing, assembly, and testing of the device, as well as thorough documentation of the completed electronics build and device firmware are also included. Additionally, a “Guide for Future Team” is included as Appendix Q, which discusses a few of the biggest concerns and issues that the team has faced as well as some advice and references to assist future engineers with the continuation of this project

    Educazione alla salute e didattiche avanzate

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    Research in the field shows that there are two phases as regards the issue of health education connected to drug and substance abuse: the first phase is linked to the disillusionment following the fall of the myth of juvenile rebellion, the fragmentation of the roles of school and family and the birth of various criminal organizations; the second is connected to the growth in all social classesof the use and consumption of hard drugs.Today the situation is quite different from the past, thanks to a body of laws regulating the prevention, cure and rehabilitation in cases of drug addiction. According to this body of laws, the functions of social welfare are attributed to local authorities and municipalities, that can also be assisted in their aims by collaborating with operators in the field, voluntary groups and numerous socialassistance professionals. The Ministry of Education promotes and coordinatescurricular and extra-curricular activities in schools for students of all gradesconnected to health education and information on the damage caused by alcoholism, smoking and the use of drugs in schools.The Ministry of Education also organizes teacher updating programs on the same issue. The students themselves can participate in all the extra-curricular initiatives promoted by their school, on a voluntary basis.La ricerca sul campo mostra che ci sono due fasi per quanto riguarda il tema della educazione alla salute connessi alla droga e all’ abuso di sostanze: la prima fase è legata alla disillusione dopo la caduta del mito della ribellione giovanile, la frammentazione dei ruoli della scuola e la famiglia e la nascita di varie organizzazioni criminali; il secondo è collegato alla crescita in tutte le classi sociali dell’uso e consumo di droghe pesanti. Oggi la situazione è molto diversa dal passato, grazie alle normative che regolano la prevenzione, cura e riabilitazione in casi di tossicodipendenza. Secondo queste leggi, le funzioni di benessere sociale sono attribuite alle autorità locali ei comuni, che possonoanche essere assistito nel loro obiettivi grazie alla collaborazione con gli operatori del settore, gruppi di volontariato e numerosi professionisti di assistenza sociale. Il Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione promuove ecoordina le attività curriculari ed extra-curriculari nelle scuole per gli studenti di tutti i gradi connessi alla formazione e l’informazione sanitaria sui danni causati da alcolismo, il fumo e l’uso di droghe nelle scuole.Il Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione organizza anche programmi di aggiornamento degli insegnanti sulla stessa questione. Gli studenti potranno partecipare a tutte le iniziative extra-curriculari promossi da loro scuola, su base volontaria

    Predicting Migrant Workers’ Intention to Acquire Local Citizenship (Hukou) in Emerging Cities Using Machine Learning Models: A Case Study of Five Dongguan Factories

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    This paper examines the data from a period when hukou migration was severely restricted, and aims to provide a reproducible analytical methodology with machine-learning methods to model migrants’ willingness to change their hukou. The data in this work is based on questionnaires and interviews collected in five factories in Dongguan from 2005 to 2007. After performing stepwise variable selection, our best-performing model is based on three main predictors: having children, education level, and household income. Analysis of interviews suggests that citizenship is regarded as an individual’s legal status and is used in exchange for other types of capital
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