296 research outputs found

    Immunphänotypische Charakterisierung CD11c-positiver Zellen des Gehirns im direkten Vergleich zu CD11c-positiven Zellen von Lunge, Leber und Milz

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    Bei der vorliegenden Arbeit handelt es sich um eine experimentell durchgeführte Charakterisierung von CD11c-positiven Zellen des Gehirns im direkten Vergleich zu CD11c-positiven Zellen aus Lunge, Leber und Milz. Mittels Konfokal- und Fluoreszenzmikroskopie wurde die Existenz von intraparenchymalen Zellen nachgewiesen, welche den Zellmarker für Dendritische Zellen CD11c exprimieren. Durch die Etablierung einer einheitlichen Isolierungsmethode von CD11c-positiven mononukleären Zellen aus dem Gehirn, Milz, Lunge und Leber, war es uns möglich, diese mittels Durchflusszytometrie, auf die Expression wichtiger Marker für mononukleäre Zellen zu untersuchen und phänotypisch miteinander zu vergleichen. Durch diese Zellanalysen zeigten wir, dass CD11c-positive Zellen des Gehirns sowohl aufgrund ihrer spezifischen CD45-Expression, als auch durch die Expression von CD11b einen Mikrogliaphänotyp aufwiesen. Dabei konnten wir beobachten, dass CD11c-positive Zellen aus dem Gehirn einzigartig in der Eigenschaft ihrer geringen Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC)-II-Expression sind. Mit Hilfe einer transgenen Mauslinie, welche unter dem Promotor von MHC-II das grün-fluoreszierende Protein (GFP) exprimiert, konnten wir nachweisen, dass Mikroglia selbst in der Umgebung von MHC-II-positiven Zellen, kultiviert auf Schnittkulturen der Milz, ihre MHC-II-Negativität behalten. Im Vergleich dazu adaptierten sich MHC-II-positive Splenozyten, kultiviert auf Schnittkulturen vom Hippocampus, an die neue Umgebung und verringerten die Expression von MHC-II. Unsere Daten lassen also die Schlussfolgerung zu, dass sich CD11c-positive Mikroglia hinsichtlich ihrer Expression von MHC-II intrinsisch von CD11c-positiven Zellen anderer Organe unterscheiden. Ebenso scheinen auch lokale Faktoren im Gehirn dazu beizutragen, die Expression von MHC-II unter physiologischen Bedingungen wirkungsvoll zu unterdrücken

    Ocean Pollutants Guide: Toxic Threats to Human Health and Marine Life

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    Marine pollutants are impacting the health of our oceans, their inhabitants and those dependent on oceans for food, culture and their very survival. Everyday an ever-increasing cocktail of intentional and unintentional chemical releases, as well as an unrelenting tidal wave of wastes, particularly plastic waste, enters our waterways and the marine environment.Ocean pollutants include persistent organic pollutants (POPs), endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), mercury and heavy metal compounds, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, oil, plastic wastes and their related chemicals (e.g., BPA, phthalates), personal care products and other industrial and agricultural emissions. We are only just becoming aware of the identity, volume and scope of many ocean pollutants. Their hazards and complex ecological interactions are still unknown.Many ocean pollutants do not have human health data or environmental fate information, and our understanding of the long-term impacts of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the reproduction and behaviour of fish and other marine organisms is still in its infancy.Chemicals enter the marine environment via atmospheric transport, runoff into waterways or by direct disposal into the ocean. It is estimated that 80% of marine chemical pollution originates on land. The vast majority of the global land surface is connected to the marine environment via river systems, so chemical and plastics pollution of rivers is inextricably linked with ocean pollution

    Linguística funcional e tradução

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    No âmbito da tradução nas suas múltiplas vertentes e face às diferentes abordagens que nem sempre se articulam de maneira inequívoca, é conveniente termos referências bem definidas. A linguística na linha de André Martinet1, que elabora sobre o funcionamento de um sistema linguístico de forma simples e nãonormativa, parece-nos fornecer uma excelente base para quem estuda e trabalha em tradução e, em geral, na área das Línguas. A abordagem em questão é aplicável aos fenómenos linguísticos, nomeadamente aos níveis fonológico e morfo-sintáctico. A ponte para abordagens de carácter semântico-pragmático pode estabelecer-se através do plano da axiologia - área intermédia entre sintaxe e semântica - em que conseguimos operar com elementos discretos, intimamente ligados aos processos da significação. Veremos, no esboço que se segue, como se pode, num primeiro momento, analisar um determinado fenómeno gramatical existente em dois sistemas linguísticos. Vamos concentrar-nos no conjuntivo em alemão e em português, tendo em linha de conta os princípios da linguística martinetiana


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    Editorial da Revista Expectativa nº 5 - Vol. 5, 200


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    This work has as objective to show that the Executive Secretary that intends to act in a labor market inserted in an atmosphere whose economy rotates around the agribusiness, it should be in constant modernization besides to be systematically linked to everything that says respect to the section. For being linked to an economy in constant variation, it intends to show the importance of investing in the training of human resources, so much at managerial levels, with relationship to the of operational level, so that the functional body of a company of the section of the agronegócio can act inside with larger effectiveness in all the sections inside and outside of the company. As base to reach the objective was looked for to understand the agribusiness and its importance for the regional economy.Este trabalho tem como objetivo mostrar que o Secretário Executivo que pretende atuar num mercado de trabalho inserido num ambiente cuja economia gira em torno do agronegócio, deve estar em constante atualização além de estar sistematicamente ligado a tudo que diz respeito ao setor. Por estar vinculado a uma economia em constante variação, pretende-se mostrar a importância de se investir na capacitação de recursos humanos, tanto a níveis gerenciais, quanto aos de nível operacional, para que o corpo funcional de uma empresa do setor do agronegócio possa agir com maior eficácia em todos os setores dentro e fora da empresa. Como base para atingir o objetivo buscou-se compreender o agronegócio e sua importância para a economia regional

    Transtextualidade na tradução de "Der mann im fahrstuhl / The mann in the elevator"

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    In an age where Babel has turned into transcultural communication, an interlingual approach – i.e. in English and in French – to the translating process from German to Portuguese appeared pertinent. Aiming at a refinement of the translating competence, this process consists in contrasting different linguistic and literary strategies through an intercultural and multi-etymological perspective. Thus, we settled upon Heiner Müller‘s play Der Auftrag. Erinnerung an eine Revolution (1980), on which the composer Heiner Goebbels has based himself to textually and musically dramatize an excerpt, Der Mann im Farhstuhl / The Man in the Elevator. A transcription of such excerpt in its source language, German, as well as its translation into English (Carl Weber, 1984, Performing Arts Publications, New York) and French (Jean Jourdheuil, Heinz Schwarzinger, Editions Minuit, Paris) can be found in the booklet that accompanies the CD – edited in 1988 by ECD (München: Records GmbH). It should be emphasized that such a creation allows a framing of Müller‘s text into a musical scenography and, therefore, encourages an intersemiotic contrast. This experience enabled us to come up with a unique imagery of Müller‘s piece of writing, by means of its dramatic and musical conversion and, simultaneously, lead us to stretch our textual consciousness to a multitude of intra-, extra- and interlinguistic elements


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    Irradiation study of a fully monolithic HV-CMOS pixel sensor design in AMS 180 nm

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    High-Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (HV-MAPS) based on the 180 nm HV-CMOS process have been proposed to realize thin, fast and highly integrated pixel sensors. The MuPix7 prototype, fabricated in the commercial AMS H18 process, features a fully integrated on-chip readout, i.e. hit-digitization, zero suppression and data serialization. It is the first fully monolithic HV-CMOS pixel sensor that has been tested for the use in high irradiation environments like HL-LHC. We present results from laboratory and test beam measurements of MuPix7 prototypes irradiated with neutrons (up to 5.01015neq/cm25.0\cdot10^{15}{\,\rm{n}_{\rm{eq}}/cm^2}) and protons (up to 7.81015protons/cm27.8\cdot 10^{15} \,\rm{protons}/cm^2) and compare the performance with non-irradiated sensors. Efficiencies well above 90 % at noise rates below 200 Hz per pixel are measured. A time resolution better than 22 ns is measured for all tested settings and sensors, even at the highest irradiation fluences. The data transmission at 1.25 Gbit/s and the on-chip PLL remain fully functional


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    This article aims to evidence communication, through the literature,  as a differential in the Executive Secretary profession,  since this professional represents a fundamental position in the organizations. We hope that this article will alert the professionals about the need of effectiveness communication,  in their professional performance, independent of the formation area- management assistence, processes articulator or entrepreneur -  it is deeply related to a correct utilization of the communication, which should be fundamented in the correct and efficient information.Este artigo objetiva evidenciar, através de pesquisa bibliográfica, a comunicação como um diferencial na profissão de Secretariado Executivo. Espera-se alertar o profissional para a necessidade de eficácia na comunicação, uma vez que, em sua atuação profissional, seja ela moldada por qualquer uma das áreas de formação (assessoria gerencial, articulador de processos ou empreendedor) está intimamente relacionada com a correta utilização da comunicação, a qual deve estar fundamentada na informação adequada e eficiente

    MuPix7 - A fast monolithic HV-CMOS pixel chip for Mu3e

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    The MuPix7 chip is a monolithic HV-CMOS pixel chip, thinned down to 50 \mu m. It provides continuous self-triggered, non-shuttered readout at rates up to 30 Mhits/chip of 3x3 mm^2 active area and a pixel size of 103x80 \mu m^2. The hit efficiency depends on the chosen working point. Settings with a power consumption of 300 mW/cm^2 allow for a hit efficiency >99.5%. A time resolution of 14.2 ns (Gaussian sigma) is achieved. Latest results from 2016 test beam campaigns are shown.Comment: Proceedingsfor the PIXEL2016 conference, submitted to JINST A dangling reference has been removed from this version, no other change