9 research outputs found

    Tail Conditional Expectation for vector-valued Risks

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    In his paper we introduce a quantile-based risk measure for multivariate financial positions "the vector-valued Tail-conditional-expectation (TCE)". We adopt the framework proposed by Jouini, Meddeb, and Touzi [9] to deal with multi-assets portfolios when one accounts for frictions in the financial market. In this framework, the space of risks formed by essentially bounded random vectors, is endowed with some partial vector preorder >= accounting for market frictions. In a first step we provide a definition for quantiles of vector-valued risks which is compatible with the preorder >=. The TCE is then introduced as a natural extension of the "classical" real-valued tail-conditional-expectation. Our main result states that for continuous distributions TCE is equal to a coherent vector-valued risk measure. We also provide a numerical algorithm for computing vector-valued quantiles and TCE.Risk measures, vector-valued risk measures, coherent risk-measures, quantiles, tail-conditional-expectation

    Barrier Option Hedging under Constraints: A Viscosity Approach

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    We study the problem of finding the minimal initial capital needed in order to hedge without risk a barrier option when the vector of proportions of wealth invested in each risky asset is constraint to lie in a closed convex domain. In the context of a Brownian diffusion model, we provide a PDE characterization of the super-hedging price. This extends the result of Broadie, Cvitanic and Soner (1998) and Cvitanic, Pham and Touzi (1999) which was obtained for plain vanilla options, and provides a natural numerical procedure for computing the corresponding super-hedging price. As a by-product, we obtain a comparison theorem for a class of parabolic PDE with relaxed Dirichet conditions involving a constraint on the gradient.Super-replication, barrier options, portfolio constraints, viscosity solutions

    Explicit characterization of the super-replication strategy in financial markets with partial transaction costs

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    We consider a continuous time multivariate financial market with proportional transaction costs and study the problem of finding the minimal initial capital needed to hedge, without risk, European-type contingent claims. The model is similar to the one considered in Bouchard and Touzi (2000) except that some of the assets can be exchanged freely, i.e. without paying transaction costs. This is the so-called non-effcient friction case. To our knowledge, this is the first time that such a model is considered in a continuous time setting. In this context, we generalize the result of the above paper and prove that the super-replication price is given by the cost of the cheapest hedging strategy in which the number of non-freely exchangeable assets is kept constant over time.Transaction costs, hedging options, viscosity solutions

    Explicit characterization of the super-replication strategy in financial markets with partial transaction costs

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    We consider a continuous time multivariate financial market with proportional transaction costs and study the problem of finding the minimal initial capital needed to hedge, without risk, European-type contingent claims. The model is similar to the one considered in Bouchard and Touzi (2000) except that some of the assets can be exchanged freely, i.e. without paying transaction costs. This is the so-called non-effcient friction case. To our knowledge, this is the first time that such a model is considered in a continuous time setting. In this context, we generalize the result of the above paper and prove that the super-replication price is given by the cost of the cheapest hedging strategy in which the number of non-freely exchangeable assets is kept constant over time

    Explicit characterization of the super-replication strategy in financial markets with partial transaction costs

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    International audienceWe consider a multivariate financial market with transaction costs and study the problem of finding the minimal initial capital needed to hedge, without risk, European-type contingent claims. The model is similar to the one considered in Bouchard and Touzi (2000), except that some of the assets can be exchanged freely, i.e. without paying transaction costs. In this context, we generalize the result of the above paper and prove that the value of this stochastic control problem is given by the cost of the cheapest hedging strategy in which the number of non-freely exchangeable assets is kept constant over time

    Barrier Option Hedging under Constraints: A Viscosity Approach

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    Tail Conditional Expectation for vector-valued Risks

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    In his paper we introduce a quantile-based risk measure for multivariate financial positions: the vector-valued Tail-conditional-expectation (TCE). We adopt the framework proposed by Jouini, Meddeb, and Touzi [9] to deal with multi-assets portfolios when one accounts for frictions in the financial market. In this framework, the space of risks formed by essentially bounded random vectors, is endowed with some partial vector preorder >= accounting for market frictions. In a first step we provide a definition for quantiles of vector-valued risks which is compatible with the preorder >=. The TCE is then introduced as a natural extension of the “classical” real-valued tail-conditional-expectation. Our main result states that for continuous distributions TCE is equal to a coherent vector-valued risk measure. We also provide a numerical algorithm for computing vector-valued quantiles and TCE

    Barrier Option Hedging under Constraints

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    We study the problem of finding the minimal initial capital needed in order to hedge without risk a barrier option when the vector of proportions of wealth invested in each risky asset is constraint to lie in a closed convex domain. In the context of a Brownian diffusion model, we provide a PDE characterization of the super-hedging price. This extends the result of Broadie, Cvitanic and Soner (1998) and Cvitanic, Pham and Touzi (1999) which was obtained for plain vanilla options, and provides a natural numerical procedure for computing the corresponding super-hedging price. As a by-product, we obtain a comparison theorem for a class of parabolic PDE with relaxed Dirichet conditions involving a constraint on the gradient