318 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Zat Warna Organik Untuk Meningkatkan Performa Peralatan Solar Cell Menggunakan Metoda Density Functional Theory (Dft)

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    To improve the performance of solar cell equipment can be used dye as a sensitizer, a sensitizer role is to help absorb visible light in equipment that uses a semiconductor with a wide band gap such as TiO2 and ZnO . The calculation methods used are computationally DFT and TD - DFT to determine the value of geometry optimization , energy , population density and optical properties . As for knowing the performance of experimental equipment can be obtained from the value of the open circuit voltage ( Voc ) , short circuit current density (Jsc), Fill Factor. The dye can be enhanced sensitivity capabilities with the engineering structure or conformation of the molecule

    Analisis Risiko pada Usaha Penangkapan Kepiting Bakau di Kecamatan Sungai Kunyit Kabupaten Pontianak

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    The aims of this research was : (1) to determine the level ofincome on crab fishing activities, (2) to determine the risk of cost, the riskof production, and the risk of income from crab fishing activities. Researcharea was determined by purposive in sub district Sungai Kunyit with theconsideration that sub district of Sungai Kunyit as the center of fisheriessector in West Borneo Province and most of the people work as afisherman. Analysis that implemented in this research was cost and incomeanalysis and coefficient of variation analysis (CV).The results show that the crab fishing activities in Mendalokvillage sub distric of Sungai Kunyit is profitable for the fisherman withlevel of income is Rp. 9.531.357,-/year. The risk of cost in crab fishingactivities caused by the variance of fixed cost and variable cost. Ther riskof production in crab fishing activities caused by the variance of catchcrabs, the limited of facilites and capital. The risk of income caused by thevariance of catch crabs and the difference of selling price in the in the levelof traders (retailers, traders and wholesalers.Key words : analysis of risk, crab fishing activities, income

    Konsep Kecantikan dalam Nyanyi Panjang

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    This study is a research about oral tradition in Petalangan society, one of the original clans in Pelalawan Regency, Riau, called “nyanyi panjang”. The objective of this study is to describe the beauty concept of Petalangan society, not only physical beauty but also inner beauty that are implemented in some metaphors. The analysis was also done by looking up KBBI dictionary as the guideline to explain the meaning of words or phrases that are used. The result of the analysis shows that there are 17 beauty concepts of Petalangan's women that described in 17 metaphor

    Gamkonora Dan Waioli: Bahasa Dalam Konstruksi Identitas Etnik

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    This paper compares and contrasts Gamkonora language with Waioli languagein west Halmahera, based on linguistic viewpoint. Lexicostatistical studieshave shown that Gamkonora language and Waioli language are two differentlanguages, though the dialect of Gamsungi, a variant of Gamkonora language,is fairly closed to Waioli language. This language variation has a signifcantrole in constructing ethnic identity, particularly if it is connected to anotherlinguistic form such as narrative.Whereas there is language variations in lexicostatistics, one will fnd variousversions in narratives. Both language variation as well as narrative versionscan become ideological persuasion that brings about group sentiments. Theconstruction of ethnic identity comes about owing to the fact that linguisticconditions are influenced by political power in the form of social stratifcation.This was the case with Gamsungi people who left the original village ofGamkonora because of the pressure from the upper class. The same thinghappened to people of Talaga who went away from that original villagebecause they refused to pay tax. Islamic influence that was established during the Ternate Sultanate and becomes the religion of Gamkonora people, has to face the Christian influence embraced by people of Waioli. The paperconcludes that the characteristic of ethnic identity is consolidated by differentdialects and narrative versions as its linguistic underpinning

    Audit Operasional Dan Meningkatkan Efisiensi Serta Efektivitas Produksi (Sebuah Stusi Pada PT. Budi Acid Jaya)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the role of operational checks in assisting the implementation of production activities within a company. Motivation of this study originated from the operational audit issues that can encourage savings, efficiency and effectiveness of activities and also to assess whether management practices are applied in these activities are already well underway. The research was conducted at PT. Budi Acid Jaya using qualitative analysis methods. The data obtained by conducting interviews with company staff concerned, as well as through literature research. Then these data are compared, the theory of what happened in the company, and provide an account based on the theory clearly related to the subject matter. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the operational audit on production at PT. Budi Acid Jaya did not play well so the authors provide suggestions that are expected to be useful to reduce and solve the weaknesses of the company


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    This study was conducted to identify and describe the difficulty in acquiring the vocabulary of Japanese verbs modifier, found in a matter of grammar training courses. This study used a quantitative approach and took 20 samples of students at the Japanese language Study Program at semester IV students, Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar. Forms of matter being tested consist of 40 questions categorized matching verb in the sentence. The 10 questions were each verb that functions as a modifier of the object, the subject, and the auxiliary verb and a verb that functions as a condition. Through this study showed that difficulties in acquiring student the vocabulary of verbs modifier due to a lack exercises that contain a variety of the vocabulary and verbs modifier, such verbs changes such as present, past, and forms like Joutai Doushi. It is also caused by the input of vocabulary and verbs use that tend to be static or does not develop only limited vocabulary and verbs that appear between chapters five through chapter 12 only. Students were more fixated on the familiar verbs vocabulary they use. Besides the use of Kanji without Furigana on the verb and the collocation of words also have contributed to the error occurred

    Difficulty Factors In The Acquisition Of Modifier Verbal Vocabulary Of Japanese Literary Study Program Students Of Semester IV

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    This study was conducted to identify and describe the difficulty in acquiring the vocabulary of Japanese verbs modifier, found in a matter of grammar training courses. This study used a quantitative approach and took 20 samples of students at the Japanese language Study Program at semester IV students, Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar. Forms of matter being tested consist of 40 questions categorized matching verb in the sentence. The 10 questions were each verb that functions as a modifier of the object, the subject, and the auxiliary verb and a verb that functions as a condition. Through this study showed that difficulties in acquiring student the vocabulary of verbs modifier due to a lack exercises that contain a variety of the vocabulary and verbs modifier, such verbs changes such as present, past, and forms like Joutai Doushi. It is also caused by the input of vocabulary and verbs use that tend to be static or does not develop only limited vocabulary and verbs that appear between chapters five through chapter 12 only. Students were more fixated on the familiar verbs vocabulary they use. Besides the use of Kanji without Furigana on the verb and the collocation of words also have contributed to the error occurred

    Situasi Diglosia Suku Bonai di Provinsi Riau

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    Suku Bonai (suku terasing dan minoritas di Provinsi Riau) merupakan masyarakat yang dwi/multilingual. Mereka berpotensi menjadi masyarakat yang diglosik karena menguasai dan menggunakan lebih dari satu bahasa dalam komunikasi. Untuk mengetahui potensi tersebut, kajian ini difokuskan pada kediglosiaan suku Bonai. Tujuannya adalah untuk menentukan dan mendeskripsikan status kediglosiaan suku Bonai dari segi fungsi, prestise, warisan budaya, pemerolehan, standardisasi, stabilitas, leksikon, dan sistem fonologis. Kajian ini bersifat kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Data diperoleh melalui survei dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan studi kepustakaan. Sampel berjumlah 78 orang, ditarik dengan teknik acak bertujuan. Data kuantitatif diolah dengan program Excel dan SPSS sedangkan data kualitatif dengan diolah dengan analisis wacana. Dari analisis data, suku Bonai dapat dikategorikan sebagai masyarakat yang diglosik sekaligus bilingualisme. Simpulan tersebut didasari oleh aspek fungsi, prestise, pemerolehan, standardisasi, leksikon, dan sistem fonologis. Dari analisis data juga terungkap bahwa bahasa Indonesia merupakan kode H (high) sementara bahasa suku Bonai merupakan kode L (low). Walaupun demikian, situasi diglosia pada suku Bonai belum mantap dari segi stabilitas karena belum berlangsung dalam masa ratusan tahun. Di samping itu, juga terjadi ketirisan diglosia (diglossia leaked), yaitu penyusupan kode L ke ranah-ranah kode H atau sebaliknya