197 research outputs found

    Nickel production in 1D-CCSNe

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    Exploring Ethnic Entrepreneurship: Family Business of Tajik Migrants

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    The article aims to study the peculiarities of the ethnic entrepreneurship of Tajik migrants. The method of interview-narratives was used. The study was conducted based on the “Green Bazaar” in Almaty, which is the center of the accumulation of migrant entrepreneurs. The author formed a certain portrait of a businessman and highlighted the factors of influence on ethnic entrepreneurship. The key feature of the analyzed problem is the collective nature of work, namely, the conduct of business by whole families. The study results highlight the key aspects of building an effective policy toward migrant entrepreneurs


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    The article discusses the main features of the Astrakhan Muslim community in the early twentieth century. During this period, Muslims of Russia entered the period of institutionalization of ethnic and religious identity. Astrakhan Muslim community in the period under review was one of the centers of the Muslim Tatar movement in the Russian Empire. At the same time, due to the historical and geographical features of the settlement of the Astrakhan region, the formation of the urban population of the provincial center, the community had a number of characteristic features that could not but aff ect all aspects of life of the mahalla. The work is based on the analysis of archival and published sources, works of local historians and orientalists. Unconditional numerical and material domination of the Tatar ethnic group became decisive in the development of the regional Muslim community. But at the same time, the factor of its polyethnicity had a great infl uence on various aspects of mahalla’s life. Even the Tatars, who formed the basis of the community, came from diff erent provinces and represented diff erent territorial groups of the Turkic-Tatar world. But as part of the Astrakhan Muslim community successfully managed to overcome the ethno-group interests, the isolation of local corporations. Islam has emerged as an integrating core value. Astrakhan mahalla has become an exceptional example of ethnic tolerance among co-religionists and loyalty to state institutions, on the other. Today, when the fl ow of migrants from the North Caucasus republics (primarily Dagestan and Chechnya) is directed to the Astrakhan region and the number of Muslims in the region increases annually, the experience of a century ago is very much in demand for the formation of a new religious identity here.статье исследуются основные особенности развития Астраханской мусульманской общины в начале ХХ в. В это время российские мусульмане переживали этап институализации этноконфессиональной идентичности. Астраханская мусульманская община в тот период была одним из центров мусульманско-татарского движения в Российской империи. При этом в силу исторических и географических особенностей заселения Астраханского края, формирования городского населения губернского центра, община имела целый ряд характерных черт, которые не могли не отразиться на всех сторонах жизни махалли. Безусловное численное и материальное доминирование татарской этнической группы стало определяющим в развитии региональной мусульманской общины. Вместе с тем большое влияние на различные аспекты жизни махалли имел фактор ее полиэтничности. Даже татары, которые составляли основу общины, были выходцами из разных губерний, представляли разные территориальные группы тюрко-татарского мира. В рамках астраханской мусульманской общности с успехом удалось преодолеть этногрупповые интересы, замкнутость земляческих корпораций. Ислам выступил в качестве интегрирующей базовой ценности. Астраханская махалля стала исключительным образцом этнической толерантности в среде единоверцев, с одной стороны, и лояльности по отношению к государственным институтам — с другой. Сегодня, когда в Астраханскую область устремлен поток мигрантов из республик Северного Кавказа (прежде всего Дагестана и Чечни) и количество мусульман регионе ежегодно увеличивается, опыт столетней давности, несомненно, окажется полезным для формирования здесь новой конфессиональной идентичности. Работа написана на основе анализа архивных и опубликованных источников, работ краеведов и исламоведов

    The Influence of Islam on the Musical Culture of the Volga Bulgaria of the Domngol Period

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    The article presents current issues of the influence of early feudal statehood and Islam on the development of the musical culture of the Volga Bulgaria of the pre-Mongol period. The Tatar people have a long history, writing, literature, and distinctive musical culture. The musical culture of the Tatar people is a unique form of artistic thinking of the people. It reflected historical destinies, living and working conditions, dreams and innermost thoughts of the Tatar people. The music of the Tatar people has changed over various historical periods. She absorbed the layers of new eras. At the same time, the music of the Tatar people has preserved traditions, despite modifications or the creation of a new one.Tatar original musical culture as a stylistic feature had a significant impact on the development of the spiritual culture of a number of peoples of the Middle Volga and Ural regions. Without knowledge of the spiritual culture of the Kazan Tatars and their ancestors, it is impossible to fully comprehend and appreciate the cultural achievements of the modern peoples of the Volga-Ural region

    On the issue of benchmarking by the example of analyzing the efficiency of using the broadband internet in the Russian regions

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    Objective: to study the impact of broadband Internet on the economic growth of the Russian regions.Methods: econometric modeling using the Cobb-Douglas production function and the R. Solow economic growth model, comparative analysis (benchmarking).Results: broadband Internet stimulates and accelerates the process of digital transformation, contributing to the creation of economic ties. However, methods for assessing the impact of broadband Internet on economy are still imperfect. The article uses the R. Solow economic growth model to identify and justify the positive impact of broadband Internet on the gross regional product of the Russian regions in 2010-2016; the Russian regions ranking is presented, based on the degree of production factors efficiency, which includes indicators of digital infrastructure development in addition to traditional ones; the leaders of this ranking are identified, as well as the areas of best practices typical for these regions of the Russian Federation. Scientific novelty: a new method of benchmarking of the Russian regions is proposed, based on the production factors efficiency and their contribution to economic growth, according to the results of econometric modeling.Practical significance: the obtained results substantiate the need to improve and accelerate the development of broadband Internet as one of the indicators providing the Russian regional economic systems development; thus, the directions of the digital economy implementation (digital transformation) in the Russian Federation regions are identified