5 research outputs found


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    The background of the research is the low assessment of high order thinking skills of students due to the conventional methods used by the school. The aims of this study are: (1) how student learning activities when using hybrid learning Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) and jigsaw, (2) how student learning activities when taught using the direct learning model, and (3) the effect of hybrid learning Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) and jigsaw towards high order thinking skills. This study used a quasi experimental nonequivalent control group design with the sample of 50 students from a population of vocational high school students in Ponorogo. Data collection techniques used instruments in the form of high order tests and non-test instruments in the form of observation sheets. Data analysis used was independent sample t-test. The results showed: (1) the use of Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) based on hybrid learning and jigsaw made 28% of students were very active, 28% of students active, and 44% of students quite active in the learning process, this was evidenced by an average value of 70.56, (2) the use of direct learning models in learning made 24% of students quite active, 36% of students less active, and 40% of students passive in the learning process, which can be seen from the acquisition of an average value of 51.52, and (3) there was a significant effect of Student Learning Achievement Division (STAD) based on hybrid learning and jigsaw on students' high order thinking skills


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    Abstrak Telah dilakukan penelitian  analisis kecenderungan (trend) suhu udara dan curah hujan di Pulau Flores (Labuan Bajo, Ruteng, Maumere dan Larantuka). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui profil suhu udara dan curah hujan serta mengetahui trend suhu udara dan curah hujan di Pulau Flores untuk daerah Labuan Bajo, Ruteng, Maumere, dan Larantuka. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh dari BMKG Stasiun Klimatologi Kupang. Pengolahan data dengan  menghitung rata-rata untuk mengetahui profil curah hujan dan suhu udara serta menggunakan metode regresi linear untuk menghitung trend suhu udara dan curah hujan. Berdasarkan pengolahan data, profil curah hujan di Pulau Flores untuk daerah Labuan Bajo, Ruteng, Maumere, dan Larantuka adalah Pola hujan Monsun, untuk profil suhu udara di Pulau Flores suhu udara rata-rata tertinggi terjadi pada bulan November sebesar 29,90C dan suhu udara rata-rata terendah terjadi pada bulan Juli sebesar 18,50C. Untuk trend curah hujan di Labuan Bajo mengalami trend penurunan sebesar -0,919 mm, Ruteng mengalami trend peningkatan sebesar 1,2688 mm, Maumere mengalami trend peningkatan sebesar 0,1442 mm, Larantuka mengalami trend peningkatan sebesar 0,2734 mm. Untuk Trend suhu udara di Labuan Bajo mengalami trend peningkatan sebesar 0,03470C, Ruteng mengalami trend peningkatan sebesar 0,0050C, Maumere mengalami trend peningkatan sebesar 0,01440C, dan Larantuka mengalami trend peningkatan sebesar 0,0360C. Kata kunci: Perubahan iklim, trend, suhu udara, curah hujan ANALYSIS OF TREND OF AIR TEMPERATURE AND RAINFALL IN THE FLORES ISLAND (LABUAN BAJO, RUTENG, MAUMERE AND LARANTUKA)    ABSTRACT Analysis of  the trend rainfall and air temperature has been conducted on Flores Island (Labuan Bajo, Ruteng, Maumere and Larantuka). The purpose of this study was to determine the profile of air temperature and rainfall and determine air temperature and rainfall trend on the island of Flores for the areas of Labuan Bajo, Ruteng, Maumere, and Larantuka. Data obtained from BMKG Kupang Climatology Station. Data processing by calculating the average to determine the profile of rainfall and air temperature and using linear regression methods to calculate air temperature and rainfall trends. Based on data processing, rainfall profiles on Flores Island for the areas of Labuan Bajo, Ruteng, Maumere, and Larantuka are Monsoon Rain Patterns, for the temperature profile on Flores Island the highest average air temperatures occur in November at 29.90C and the temperature the lowest average air occurred  in July of 18,50C. Rainfall trend in Labuan Bajo experienced a downward trend of -0.919 mm, Ruteng experienced an upward trend of 1.2688 mm, Maumere experienced an upward trend of 0.1442 mm, Larantuka had an upward  trend of 0.2734 mm. For air temperature trends in Labuan Bajo experiencing an upward  trend of 0.03470C, Ruteng experiencing an upward trend of 0.0050C, Maumere experiencing an upward trend of 0.01440C,and Larantuka experiencing an upward trend of 0.0360C. Key words: climate change, trends, air temperature, rainfal

    The Effect Of Blended Learning Of Student Teams Achievement Division (Stad) And Jigsaw Towards Higher-Order Thinking Skills

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    Higher order thinking skills (HOTS) are abilities that should be possessed by all vocational high School (VHS) students, because VHS graduates are required to have good soft skills and hard skills. The reality that occurs the ability of HOTS possessed by students is still very low, it is proven based on the exposure of several researchers strengthened by conducting observations and observations in VHS. Therefore the research aims to determine student learning activities when taught using blended learning Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) and jigsaw, using direct learning models, and their effects on HOTS. This research is a quantitative study with a quasi experimental nonequivalent control group design method with research subjects of 50 students using simple random sampling. Data collection techniques using the test instrument in the form of multiple choice and description and non-test instruments in the form of observation sheets. Research data were analyzed by independent sample t-test. The results showed that the use of STAD and jigsaw blended learning in learning made students more active and enthusiastic in participating in learning activities, direct learning models made students less active and lacked enthusiasm in the learning process, and STAD and jigsaw blended learning significantly affected compared to learning models directly to HOTS.Higher order thinking skills (HOTS) are abilities that should be possessed by all vocational high School (VHS) students, because VHS graduates are required to have good soft skills and hard skills. The reality that occurs the ability of HOTS possessed by students is still very low, it is proven based on the exposure of several researchers strengthened by conducting observations and observations in VHS. Therefore the research aims to determine student learning activities when taught using blended learning Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) and jigsaw, using direct learning models, and their effects on HOTS. This research is a quantitative study with a quasi experimental nonequivalent control group design method with research subjects of 50 students using simple random sampling. Data collection techniques using the test instrument in the form of multiple choice and description and non-test instruments in the form of observation sheets. Research data were analyzed by independent sample t-test. The results showed that the use of STAD and jigsaw blended learning in learning made students more active and enthusiastic in participating in learning activities, direct learning models made students less active and lacked enthusiasm in the learning process, and STAD and jigsaw blended learning significantly affected compared to learning models directly to HOTS

    Indonesia Belajarlah! : Membangun pendidikan Indonesia

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    Buku ini dimaksudkan sebagai buku dasar Pengantar Ilmu Pendidikan, yang memuat pengkajian Ilmu Pendidikan secara lengkap. Di samping mencermati maslaah-maalah pendidikan kontemporer, pembaca juga diajak mencermati berbagai landasan filosofis dalam Ilmu Pendidikan, yang mencakup filsafat manusia, filsafal ilmu pengetahuan, filsafat etika-moral, dan konteks-konteksnya dalam perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan modern. Semantara itu, keberadaan berbagai ideologi dan paradigma pendidikan disajikan melalui kupasan mengenai konsepsi paradigmatik pendidikan dalam Ilmu Pendidikan (konservatif, liberal, dan radikal). Relevansi pendidikan dalam penguatan basis negara, masyarakat, agama, ekonomi, budaya, dan kelembagaan pendidikan.Melalui berbagai tinjauan tersebut, fenomena pendidikan menampakkan gambaran yang empirik, semisal tarik-menarik kekuatan antar negara dan masyarakat;perihal konsep (ideal) pendidikan multikultural dan relevansinya bagi Indonesia; relevansi otonomi pendidikan bagi penyelesaian masalah pendidikan di tingkat mikro, dan sebagainya. Guna menguatkan makna relevansi pendidikan tersebut, buku ini melengkapinya dengan sajian tentang sejarah pendidikan dari masa prakolonial, masa kolonial, zaman pergerakan, masa orde lama, orde baru, serta pada masa setelahnya yang dikenal sebagai era reformasi