168 research outputs found

    Invariant Sets and Explicit Solutions to a Third-Order Model for the Shearless Stratified Turbulent Flow

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    We study dynamics of the shearless stratified turbulent flows. Using the method of differential constraints we find a class of explicit solutions to the problem under consideration and establish that the differential constraint obtained coincides with the well-known Zeman--Lumley model for stratified flows.Comment: arxiv version is already officia

    Creation of composite bronze-maraging steel alloy

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    The possibility is demonstrated of creating alloys based on the system Cu-Fe-Ni-Al, within which the matrix is bronze BrNA 4-1, "reinforced" with dendrites containing, apart from Fe and Cu, about 15% Ni and 1% Al. This dendrite composition provides dispersion hardening. Favorable dendrite morphology provides high deformability of these bronzes, and makes it possible to control mechanical and service properties by heat treatment over a wide range. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York


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    Subject and Purpose. Results are presented of the recent considerable upgrade implemented at the Kharkiv microwave spectrometer. The upgrade has been aimed at extending the operating frequency range and increasing the utmost accessible spectral resolution of the spectrometer. Methods and Methodology. In order to extend the frequency range we have designed and constructed new BWO-based oscillator units, also providing for possibility of frequency tripler application. Construction of a new absorbing cell of enlarged diameter allowed us to considerably improve the spectral resolution for Lamb-dip measurements. Results. Owing to the upgrade, the spectrometer has become able to cover the frequency range from 34 to 420 GHz, with a gap from 183 to 200 GHz. The spectral resolution in the Lamb-dip observation mode has been increased by a factor of two. In addition, the functionality of the spectrometer has been significantly improved via modernization of several of its subsystems. Conclusions. The new upgrades of the spectrometer systems have permitted extending the operational frequency range and increasing the utmost accessible resolution by means of reducing the time-of-flight line broadening in the Lamb-dip measurements. In addition, application of square-wave frequency modulation with accurately known modulation parameters, in combination with careful modeling of the distortions caused by reflections in the absorbing cell, has allowed us to significantly improve the accuracy of line frequency measurements

    The concept of quasineutrons and the synthesis of zinc from the extraction of a part of the material of copper electrodes during electric current discharges in an aqueous solution of NaCl

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    For aqueous solutions during the flow of intense electric currents, the formation of quasineutrons (p + e), bound states of protons p and electrons e, should be typical. Then, as the simplest products of nuclear reactions, one can expect the formation of elements that are adjacent (in the periodic table) to the elements in the electrodes. In the experimental setup, pulsed electrical discharges are carried out in an aqueous solution of NaCl with a concentration of 0.1 g/l using an oscillatory circuit tuned to resonance with the supply voltage (220 V, 50 Hz). As a material for hollow tubular electrodes, commercial copper was used. The starting potential difference is 650 V. The discharges were accompanied by precipitation. Along with the products of erosion of electrodes (Cu), there are particles with a significant proportion of zinc, the content of which varies widely, sometimes exceeding the copper content. This result testifies in favor of the existence of quasineutron states allowing the proton to approach distances of the order of the critical radius Rc ~10−13 m for capturing the proton by the copper core. Particles containing nickel along with copper and zinc were also found. This can indicate both electronic capture with the formation of the Ni63 isotope (half-life T ≈100 years) and capture of the quasineutron with the formation of Cu64 (T ≈12.7 hours) followed by electronic capture and the formation of Ni64. The abundance of particles containing zinc (without Ni) demonstrates the preference for proton capture. © 2020, Institute for Metals Superplasticity Problems of Russian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.The authors are grateful to the participants of the thirteenth international Ural seminar “Radiation Physics of Metals and Alloys” for discussing some of the results of the work. The authors express their gratitude to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia for the support in the execution of state assignment No. 075-00243-20-01 of 08/26/2020 within the framework of the FEUG-2020-0013 theme "Environmental aspects of rational nature management"

    Transmutation of a part of the extracted material of brass electrodes with pulses of electric current in an aqueous solution of NaCl

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    In the electroplasma version of the electrolysis of water and aqueous solutions of salts, synthesis of a fairly wide range of chemical elements is observed. In the original installation, the erosion of the electrodes is not significant and the main contribution to the formation of chemical elements precipitated as a solid powder is their synthesis from the substances in the solution. On the contrary, in the simplified installation proposed for demonstrating the synthesis of elements, the erosion of the electrodes is significant. Therefore, it is considered that only elements (from the solid sediment) that are not included in the composition of electrodes are synthesized. Тo build up the experimental database, systematize and analyze them, we collected a simplified experimental set-up that allows for pulsed electrical discharges in water and aqueous salt solutions using an oscillatory circuit tuned to resonance with a supply voltage (220 V, 50 Hz). Aqueous solution of NaCl with a concentration of 0.1 g/l was used in this experiment. Brass was used as the material of the hollow tubular electrodes. The starting potential difference was 560 V. The gap between the electrodes was 0.7 mm. The electrodes were arranged vertically. Between the upper and lower vessels, the water moved by itself. Each series of discharges was accompanied by the appearance of a portion of a liquid of dark (black) color with subsequent precipitation. The analysis of the sediment showed that along with the products of simple erosion of the electrodes (Cu and Zn), there are synthesized elements (Mg, Si, S, Al, Fe and several others), which confirms the known data. In addition, spherical particles (with diameters of up to 1 μm) have been identified as the main component of which is Fe. The appearance of such particles most likely indicates the possibility of extracting the material from the region of local melting of the electrodes accompanied by copper and zinc transmutations. A discussion of the mechanism of transmutation shows that a significant difference in the isotopic composition of iron from the natural one can be expected. © 2020, Institute for Metals Superplasticity Problems of Russian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved

    Transmutation of a part of the extracted material of brass electrodes with pulses of electric current in an aqueous solution of NaCl

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    In the electroplasma version of the electrolysis of water and aqueous solutions of salts, synthesis of a fairly wide range of chemical elements is observed. In the original installation, the erosion of the electrodes is not significant and the main contribution to the formation of chemical elements precipitated as a solid powder is their synthesis from the substances in the solution. On the contrary, in the simplified installation proposed for demonstrating the synthesis of elements, the erosion of the electrodes is significant. Therefore, it is considered that only elements (from the solid sediment) that are not included in the composition of electrodes are synthesized. Тo build up the experimental database, systematize and analyze them, we collected a simplified experimental set-up that allows for pulsed electrical discharges in water and aqueous salt solutions using an oscillatory circuit tuned to resonance with a supply voltage (220 V, 50 Hz). Aqueous solution of NaCl with a concentration of 0.1 g/l was used in this experiment. Brass was used as the material of the hollow tubular electrodes. The starting potential difference was 560 V. The gap between the electrodes was 0.7 mm. The electrodes were arranged vertically. Between the upper and lower vessels, the water moved by itself. Each series of discharges was accompanied by the appearance of a portion of a liquid of dark (black) color with subsequent precipitation. The analysis of the sediment showed that along with the products of simple erosion of the electrodes (Cu and Zn), there are synthesized elements (Mg, Si, S, Al, Fe and several others), which confirms the known data. In addition, spherical particles (with diameters of up to 1 μm) have been identified as the main component of which is Fe. The appearance of such particles most likely indicates the possibility of extracting the material from the region of local melting of the electrodes accompanied by copper and zinc transmutations. A discussion of the mechanism of transmutation shows that a significant difference in the isotopic composition of iron from the natural one can be expected. © 2020, Institute for Metals Superplasticity Problems of Russian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.При электроплазменном варианте электролиза воды и водных растворов солей наблюдается синтез достаточно широкого набора химических элементов. В оригинальной установке эрозия электродов невелика, и основной вклад в образование химических элементов, выпадающих в осадок, дает их синтез из веществ, входящих в состав раствора. Напротив, в упрощенной установке, предложенной для демонстрации синтеза элементов, эрозия электродов велика. Поэтому считается, что из элементов твердого осадка синтезируются только те, что не входят в состав электродов. Для наращивания базы экспериментальных данных, их систематизации и анализа, нами была собрана упрощенная установка, позволяющая осуществлять импульсные электрические разряды в воде и водных растворах солей с использованием колебательного контура, настроенного в резонанс с питающим напряжением (220 В, 50 Гц). В данном эксперименте использовался водный раствор NaCl с концентрацией 0.1 г / л. В качестве материала полых трубчатых электродов применялась латунь. Стартовая разность потенциалов составляла 560 В. Зазор между электродами составлял 0.7 мм. Электроды располагались вертикально. Между верхним и нижним сосудом вода двигалась самотоком. Каждая серия разрядов сопровождалась появлением порции жидкости с темной (черной) окраской с последующим выпадением осадка. Анализ показал, что, наряду с продуктами простой эрозии электродов (Cu и Zn), имеются синтезированные элементы (Mg, Si, S, Al, Fe и ряд других), что подтверждает известные данные. Кроме того, идентифицированы шарообразные частицы (с диаметрами до 1 мкм), основным компонентом состава которых является Fe. Появление таких частиц указывает, скорее всего, на возможность экстрагирования материала из области локального плавления электродов, сопровождающегося трансмутацией меди и цинка. Обсуждение механизма трансмутации показывает, что можно ожидать значительного отличия изотопного состава железа от природного

    Synthesis Reaction of Molybdenum from Titanium

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    The composition of the powder obtained by electric current discharges in water in the case of titanium-based alloy electrodes is given. The formation of molybdenum and zirconium testifies in favor of the nuclear fusion reaction with the absorption of electron pairs bound by contact interaction

    Концепция квазинейтронов и синтез цинка при экстрагировании части материала медных электродов в ходе разрядов электрического тока в водном растворе NACL

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    For aqueous solutions during the flow of intense electric currents, the formation of quasineutrons (p + e), bound states of protons p and electrons e, should be typical. Then, as the simplest products of nuclear reactions, one can expect the formation of elements that are adjacent (in the periodic table) to the elements in the electrodes. In the experimental setup, pulsed electrical discharges are carried out in an aqueous solution of NaCl with a concentration of 0.1 g/l using an oscillatory circuit tuned to resonance with the supply voltage (220 V, 50 Hz). As a material for hollow tubular electrodes, commercial copper was used. The starting potential difference is 650 V. The discharges were accompanied by precipitation. Along with the products of erosion of electrodes (Cu), there are particles with a significant proportion of zinc, the content of which varies widely, sometimes exceeding the copper content. This result testifies in favor of the existence of quasineutron states allowing the proton to approach distances of the order of the critical radius Rc ~10−13 m for capturing the proton by the copper core. Particles containing nickel along with copper and zinc were also found. This can indicate both electronic capture with the formation of the Ni63 isotope (half-life T ≈100 years) and capture of the quasineutron with the formation of Cu64 (T ≈12.7 hours) followed by electronic capture and the formation of Ni64. The abundance of particles containing zinc (without Ni) demonstrates the preference for proton capture. © 2020, Institute for Metals Superplasticity Problems of Russian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.Для водных растворов при протекании интенсивных электрических токов должно быть типичным образование квазинейтронов (p + e) - связанных состояний протонов p и электронов e. Тогда в качестве простейших продуктов ядерных реакций можно ожидать образование элементов, являющихся соседними (в таблице Менделеева) с элементами в составе электродов. В экспериментальной установке осуществляются импульсные электрические разряды в водном растворе NaCl с концентрацией 0.1 г / л с использованием колебательного контура, настроенного в резонанс с питающим напряжением (220 В, 50 Гц). В качестве материала полых трубчатых электродов применялась техническая медь. Стартовая разность потенциалов 650 В. Разряды сопровождались выпадением осадка. Наряду с продуктами эрозии электродов (Cu), имеются частицы со значительной долей цинка, содержание которого варьируется в широких пределах, иногда превосходя содержания меди. Данный результат свидетельствует в пользу существования квазинейтронных состояний, позволяющих протону приблизиться на расстояния порядка критических Rc~10-13 м для захвата протона ядром меди. Найдены также частицы, содержащие, наряду с медью и цинком, никель. Это может указывать как на электронный захват с образованием изотопа Ni63 (период полураспада T ≈100 лет), так и на захват квазинейтрона с образованием Cu64 (T ≈12.7 часа), с последующим электронным захватом и образованием Ni64. Обилие частиц, содержащих цинк (без Ni), демонстрирует предпочтительность протонного захвата