12 research outputs found

    Seroprevalence of dirofilariasis in dogs in Sukabumi Regency

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    Dirofilariasis merupakan penyakit serius pada anjing dan bersifat zoonotik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur prevalensi dan menentukan faktor risiko dirofilariasis di Kabupaten Sukabumi. Sebanyak 152 sampel darah diambil dari anjing di dua kecamatan di Sukabumi yang memiliki perbedaan karakteristik topografi yaitu Kecamatan Jampang Tengan yang merupakan wilayah perbukitan dan Kecamatan Cisolok dengan karakteristik daerah pantai. Serum darah diperiksa menggunakan rapid test kit komersial CHW Ag Test Kit 2.0 ® Bionote untuk mendeteksi  keberadaan antigen cacing dewasa Dirofilaria immitis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan seroprevalensi dirofilariasis pada anjing di kabupaten Sukabumi adalah 20,4%. Daerah dengan karakteristik perbukitan  memiliki tingkat prevalensi dirofilariasis yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan daerah pantai. Kejadian dirofilariasis di Kabupaten Sukabumi tidak dipengaruhi jenis kelamin, cara pemeliharaan dan umur anjing.Dirofilariasis is a serious zoonotic disease in dogs. This study aimed to measure the prevalence and determine the risk factors of dirofilariasis in the Sukabumi Regency. A total of 152 blood samples were collected from dogs in two sub-districts in Sukabumi which have different topographic characteristics, namely Jampang Tengan District which is a hilly area, and Cisolok District which is a coastal area. Blood serum was examined using the commercial rapid test kit CHW Ag Test Kit 2.0 ® Bionote to detect the presence of the Dirofilaria immitis adult worm antigen. The results showed that the seroprevalence of dirofilariasis in dogs in the Sukabumi Regency was 20.4%. Areas with hilly characteristics have a higher prevalence of dirofilariasis than coastal areas do. The incidence of dirofilariasis in the Sukabumi Regency was not influenced by sex, method of keeping, or age of the dog

    Efektivitas Minyak Kemiri (Aleurites moluccana L.) sebagai Penumbuh Rambut pada Tikus (Rattus norvegicus)

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    Rambut memiliki fungsi proteksi dan fungsi estetika sebagai penunjang penampilan. Rambut rontok merupakan masalah yang banyak dijumpai dan mengakibatkan kebotakan. Kebotakan dapat dicegah dengan produk sintetis maupun herbal, namun produk sintetis dapat menimbulkan efek samping. Minyak kemiri mampu menjadi alternatif pengobatan karena terbuat dari bahan alam dan aman digunakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji efektivitas minyak kemiri sebagai penumbuh rambut. Kelompok perlakuan terdiri atas kelompok kontrol tanpa pengolesan (A), kelompok dengan pengolesan sekali sehari (B), kelompok dengan pengolesan dua kali sehari (C), dan kelompok dengan pengolesan tiga kali sehari (D). Panjang rambut diukur dan uji iritasi dilakukan pada hari ke-6, 9, 12, dan 15 setiap hari secara topikal pada bagian punggung tikus yang telah dicukur. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa minyak kemiri memiliki efektivitas sebagai penumbuh rambut. Uji efektivitas minyak kemiri sebagai penumbuh rambut secara statistik memperlihatkan pertumbuhan rambut yang lebih cepat dibandingkan kontrol pada frekuensi pengolesan tiga kali sehari dan tidak berbeda nyata  dibandingkan dengan pengolesan satu kali dan dua kali sehari. Uji iritasi menunjukkan tidak terdapat iritasi pada punggung tikus

    Partial Budgeting of the Application of Teat-dipping to Control Mastitis in Small Farms

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    Subclinical mastitis has a higher prevalence than clinical mastitis in many small farmers in Bogor city, and it could reach more than 80 percent. However, the application of teat-dipping could help small farms to control subclinical mastitis prevalence. The objective of this study was to measure the cost of teat-dipping application as subclinical mastitis control in small dairy farms. The partial budget was employed based on the experimental data collected in small dairy farms in Bogor. A number of cows were the basis of simulation for the mean of milk value and the application cost. The findings show an incentive for farmers to apply teat dipping in their farms. The incentive of teat dipping application could be improved to prevent sub-clinical mastitis infection and increase milk production

    Pengetahuan, Sikap, dan Praktik Pemilik Anjing Terkait Rabies di Kabupaten Sukabumi, Jawa Barat (KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE, AND PRACTICE STUDY OF DOG OWNERS RELATED TO RABIES IN SUKABUMI DISTRIC, WEST JAVA)

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    Sukabumi District is one of the districts in West Java Province that has not been rabies-free since there are still reported rabies dog bites and rabies-positive cases in humans. The aim of the study was to measure the knowledge, attitude and practice of dog’s owner towards rabies which will then be useful for designing the appropriate rabies control programs. A total of 141 dog owners were selected as samples/ respondents. Respondents were taken from two sub-districts in Sukabumi District, which were 66 people from Jampang Tengah Sub-district and 75 people from Cisolok Sub-district. The data were taken using structured questionnaire. The result showed that most of respondent’s level of knowledge (51.1%) was in moderate category, meanwhile the respondent’s level of attitude related to rabies control program mostly (69.5%) was in positive category. But the positive attitude was not reflected with their practice towards rabies control program which many of them (63.1%) was in bad category of rabies control practices. From analytical result showed that only one characteristic variablewhich was the information access about rabies that had significant correlation (c2=9.959, p=0.006) towards respondent’s level of knowledge. Furthermore, another result showed that there was a significant relationship between knowledge variable with respondent’s attitude level (p= 0.000, r= 0.275)

    Perlakuan Celup Puting setelah Pemerahan terhadap Keberadaan Bakteri Patogen, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae, dan E. coli pada Sapi Perah Penderita Mastitis Subklinis di Peternakan KUNAK Bogor

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    Mastitis is udder inflammation that can be caused by the entry of pathogenic bacteria through the teat. One of the treatments that can prevent bacteria infection is teat dipping. This research was aimed to identify the effect of teat dipping after milking to the presence of pathogenic bacteria that cause subclinical mastitis (Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae, and Escherichia coli) and the presence of pathogenic bacteria that cause subclinical mastitis by quarter of udder. Milk samples were taken from normal lactation period of dairy cows, clinically healthy, and positive subclinical mastitis status when the intervention was applied. Sixty seven samples of quarters from 18 dairy cows were identified to the presence of pathogenic bacteria that cause subclinical mastitis before teat dipping and at 1st, 2nd, and 3rd months after teat dipping. Identification of the presence of pathogenic bacteria was done by culturing samples on selective agar media. The presence of common pathogenic bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus, and Escherichia coli decreased significantly after teat dipping, while Streptococcus agalactiae and other pathogenic bacteria did not decrease significantly. The presence of pathogenic bacteria based on the quarter of udder did not show the significance difference. Application of teat dipping after milking was able to decrease the presence of pathogenic bacteria that cause subclinical mastitis

    Profil hematologi anjing lokal di wilayah endemik rabies

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    Provinsi Jawa Barat merupakan satu dari 24 provinsi di Indonesia yang dilaporkan belum bebas Rabies. Usaha pembebasan wilayah Jawa Barat dari penyakit Rabies sangat strategis mengingat posisi Jawa Barat berada di antara daerah bebas Rabies. Jampang Tengah menjadi salah satu kecamatan di Sukabumi yang pada tahun 2016 dilaporkan telah terjadi 13 kasus gigitan Rabies. Penelitian ini menggunakan 81 sampel darah anjing lokal yang dikoleksi dari enam desa di kecamatan Jampang Tengah dan diperiksa dengan menggunakan alat Rayto® hematology analyzer. Parameter profil hematologi dikelompokkan berdasarkan perbedaan umur dan jenis kelamin anjing. Hasil pemeriksaan hematologi secara umum berdasarkan umur menunjukkan nilai rataan yang lebih besar pada anjing lokal umur ≥1 tahun dan konsentrasi leukosit menunjukkan nilai statistik yang signifikan berbeda (p<0.05). Berdasarkan jenis kelamin, nilai rataan parameter hematologi secara umum lebih tinggi pada anjing lokal betina dan adanya perbedaan signifikan (p<0.05) pada konsentrasi leukosit dan granulosit

    Use of Mercury in Dental Silver Amalgam: An Occupational and Environmental Assessment

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    The objective of this study was to assess the occupational exposure to mercury in dentistry and associated environmental emission in wastewater of Lahore, Pakistan. A total of ninety-eight blood samples were collected comprising 37 dentists, 31 dental assistants, and 30 controls. Results demonstrate that the dentistry personnel contained significantly higher mean concentration of mercury in their blood samples (dentists: 29.835 µg/L and dental assistants: 22.798 µg/L) compared to that of the controls (3.2769 µg/L). The mean concentration of mercury was found maximum in the blood samples of older age group (62.8 µg/L) in dentists and (44.3 µg/L) in dental assistants. The comparison of mercury concentration among dentists, dental assistants, and controls (pairing based on their ages) revealed that the concentration increased with the age and experience among the dentists and dental assistants. Moreover, the mercury concentration in all the studied dental wastewater samples, collected from twenty-two dental clinics, was found to be exceeding the recommended discharge limit of 0.01 mg/L. Therefore, we recommend that immediate steps must be taken to ensure appropriate preventive measures to avoid mercury vapors in order to prevent potential health hazards to dentistry personnel. Strong regulatory and administrative measures are needed to deal with mercury pollution on emergency basis

    A Novel Missense Mutation in TNNI3K Causes Recessively Inherited Cardiac Conduction Disease in a Consanguineous Pakistani Family

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    Cardiac conduction disease (CCD), which causes altered electrical impulse propagation in the heart, is a life-threatening condition with high morbidity and mortality. It exhibits genetic and clinical heterogeneity with diverse pathomechanisms, but in most cases, it disrupts the synchronous activity of impulse-generating nodes and impulse-conduction underlying the normal heartbeat. In this study, we investigated a consanguineous Pakistani family comprised of four patients with CCD. We applied whole exome sequencing (WES) and co-segregation analysis, which identified a novel homozygous missense mutation (c.1531T>C;(p.Ser511Pro)) in the highly conserved kinase domain of the cardiac troponin I-interacting kinase (TNNI3K) encoding gene. The behaviors of mutant and native TNNI3K were compared by performing all-atom long-term molecular dynamics simulations, which revealed changes at the protein surface and in the hydrogen bond network. Furthermore, intra and intermolecular interaction analyses revealed that p.Ser511Pro causes structural variation in the ATP-binding pocket and the homodimer interface. These findings suggest p.Ser511Pro to be a pathogenic variant. Our study provides insights into how the variant perturbs the TNNI3K structure-function relationship, leading to a disease state. This is the first report of a recessive mutation in TNNI3K and the first mutation in this gene identified in the Pakistani population