12 research outputs found

    Home Cooking and Willingness to Pay: Local Blueberry Pancake, Muffin, and Banana Bread Mixes in a Take-and-Bake Experiment

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    This study explores measurable factors that influence consumer willingness to pay (WTP) for locally produced blueberry mixes: pancake mix, muffin mix and banana bread mix. The innovative aspect of this study is that the experiment took place at participants’ home. The post-preparation survey used a payment card approach to elicit WTP for each product tried as well as for the hypothetical third product not tried. A total of 101 out of 102 participants (99.01%) completed the process and returned the survey. Participants were instructed to prepare the products at home, sample the prepared product, and then evaluate the product and process. Sensory and preparation experience attributes for each recipe were considered as potential variables influencing overall WTP, including previous cooking experience for similar products, watching the Food Channel, and related shopping choices. A survey, along with two of the three recipes – a dry mix to be combined with locally grown frozen fruit - was distributed to potential consumers at diverse locations of study. The average WTP for the blueberry pancake mix was 3.45,muffinmixwas3.45, muffin mix was 3.25, and the banana bread was $3.39. The estimated regression of the Censored Tobit model of WTP suggests that the estimate Trial of banana bread mix is significant. Four other estimates of Place, Gender, Age and Income also are significant depending on the product. The positive sign of some estimates of Trial, Blueberry Baking Experience, Education, Income, Gender, and Watching the Food Network showed that these factors have positive effect on WTP for some products. The paper develops the WTP models and also examines the experience versus the hypothetical effects on stated WTP. The results provide some measure of market opportunity, suggest positioning strategies, and also suggest strong returns to home trial marketing incentives for these products

    Carcinome épidermoïde de la vulve sur une grossesse gémellaire: à propos d’un cas aux cliniques universitaires de Lubumbashi

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    Nous rapportons un cas de carcinome épidermoïde de la vulve chez gestante porteuse d'une grosse gémellaire qui a consulté dans le service de gynéco-obstetrique des Cliniques Universitaires de Lubumbashi à un stade avancé de la pathologie et après avoir essayé un traitement insuffisant ailleurs.Pan African Medical Journal 2013; 14: 7

    Profil épidémiologique et clinique de la tuberculose dans la zone de santé de Lubumbashi (RD Congo)

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    Introduction: L'objectif de notre travail était de déterminer la distribution sociodémographique des  patients tuberculeux, les types de tuberculose en fonction de la localisation de la maladie et déterminer l'issue thérapeutique des patients en fonction de différentes localisations.Méthodes: C'est une étude descriptive transversale des patients diagnostiqués et traités pour  tuberculose du 1er Janvier 2010 au 30 Juin 2011 dans la zone de santé de Lubumbashi. Une de 11 zones de santé du District de Lubumbashi dans la province du Katanga(RD Congo) . Ont été inclus tous les patients tuberculeux de nationalité congolaise consultés dans la zone de santé pendant la période d'étude. L'âge, le sexe, la commune de résidence, le tableau clinique à la première consultation et les résultats des  examens de laboratoire des crachats par la coloration Ziehl-Neelsen ont été les paramètres d'analyse. Résultats: Nous avons enregistré 708 patients tuberculeux soit une prévalence de 0.5%. Le sexemasculin représentait 58.78% contre 41.25% de sexe féminin avec un sexe ratio de 1.42 en faveur du sexe masculin. La moyenne d'âge était de 33± ;15 ans. La majorité des patients soit 54.79 appartiennent à la tranche d'âge entre 21 et 40 ans. La tuberculose extra pulmonaire a représenté 51.8% contre 50.2% de tuberculose pulmonaire dont 31.9% à bacilloscopie positive. Le décès a intéressé les patients  bacillifères puis qu'il y a 5 fois plus de décès liés à une tuberculose pulmonaire à microscopie positive qu'aux autres formes de tuberculose (OR (IC 95%): 5.27 (2.92-9.59, p=0.00). La majorité des patients résidaient les communes Lubumbashi (41.7%) et Kampemba (23.2%). Conclusion: La tuberculose extrapulmonaire (pleurale) a été plus rencontrée que la tuberculose  pulmonaire et c'est cette dernière forme de tuberculose qui a entrainé beaucoup plus de décès. Ce qui  nécessite une amélioration du système de santé de prise en charge des tuberculeux dans les démarches  diagnostique, le suivi des patients bacilliformes et encourager l'adhérence au traitement.Key words: Tuberculose, zone de santé, Lubumbash

    Impact of Access to Healthy Food and Lifestyle on Obesity: The Evidence from U.S. Counties

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    The intent of the present article is to measure the economic impact of access to healthy food on obesity. This study uses a linear regression econometrics model to achieve this purpose. Obesity is considered as the dependent variable and a number of other factors such as the number and availability of farmers markets and Community Supported Agriculture programs in the U.S., the number and accessibility of fast food restaurants, and the availability of recreation and fitness facilities are considered as independent variables. Using the USDA county level data, the results show that beyond access to healthy food, many other factors explain the observed variations in obesity rates in the model. Moreover, the results indicate that the increase of household income and the increase of full service restaurants both have a negative impact on obesity rate. It was also observed that age plays a significant role in explaining obesity with people over 65 who likely eat healthier than people under the age of 18. This study also discusses the factors contributing to the change in obesity rates in order to promote a quality healthy life

    Analysis of severe adverse effects following community-based ivermectin treatment in the Democratic Republic of Congo

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    The progress of mass, community-directed, treatment with ivermectin (CDTI) for onchocerciasis control was disrupted by severe adverse effects (SAE) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The study aimed at determining the frequency of post-CDTI SAE as well as factors associated with the occurrence of SAE.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Voluntary intake, chemical composition and in vitro digestibility of fresh forages fed to Guinea pigs in periurban rearing systems of Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo)

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    The daily voluntary intake (DVI) of Guinea pigs (GP) fed 15 fresh forages used in periurban rearing systems of Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo) was investigated. In order to determine the best forages combination for GP diet, DVI was compared to their nutritional value measured in vitro using 1) a pepsinpancreatin hydrolysis, 2) an gas fermentation test on the hydrolysed residues with an inoculum prepared from GP faeces, and 3) the chemical composition of the offered feeds and the hydrolysis residues. The forages ranking based on the DVI was correlated to the NDF content, but not to their nutritional values determined in vitro. According to their high DVI (from 4.23 to 7.75 g/kg liveweigth), and their valuable in vitro nutritional values (crude protein ranging from 261 to 279 g crude protein kg−1DM, pepsin-pancreatin digestibilities of the dry matter from 0.55 to 0.59 and final gas production from 170 to 196 l kg−1DM), Desmodium intortum, Euphorbia heterophylla or Amaranthus hybridus, can be suggested to the farmers to complement the usual diet distributed to the GP based on Panicum maximum

    Untreated villages and factors associated with the absence of Community-Directed Treatment with Ivermectin (CDTI) in DRC

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    Introduction: The African Programme for Onchocerciasis Control (APOC), the main objective of which was the Community-Directed Treatment with Ivermectin (CDTI), was closed by the end of 2015. The purpose of this study was to describe untreated villages in DRC and to assess the factors associated with the absence of CDTI in endemic villages, between 2001 and 2014. Methodology: This retrospective study was descriptive. Several annual technical reports of the National Onchocerciasis Task Force (NOTF) and national technical reports of CDTI projects were analysed; 21 projects implemented to control the disease were considered, representing the coverage of 42,778 endemic villages. Data were collected over a 3 month-period, between October and December 2016. Results: Only 15,700 endemic villages were not treated through an annual CDT with Mectizan, i.e. 36.7%. The population at risk totalled 29,712,381 individuals and 7,681,995 of them were not treated, i.e. 25.9%. Eight projects recorded high proportions of untreated villages, i.e. 7,100 endemic entities (16.6%). Factors independently associated with non-treatment were the fear of serious side effects (adjusted OR: 10.6; 95% CI: 4.5-27.7), supply impaired by insecurity (adjusted OR: 15.9; 95% CI: 6.7-41.4) and geographical inaccessibility (adjusted OR: 19; 95% CI: 6.9-63.9). Conclusion: After 15 CDTI-cycles in DRC, the mean geographical coverage and therapeutic coverage rates reached 63.3% and 74.1%, respectively. The 2025 target of onchocerciasis eradication, as advocated by APOC, will not be reached. Untreated areas are partly responsible for such results. Many weaknesses persist in the National Program for Onchocerciasis Control (NPOC) and new strategies of disease control should be investigated.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Home Cooking and Willingness to Pay: Local Blueberry Pancake, Muffin, and Banana Bread Mixes in a Take-and-Bake Experiment

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    This article explores measurable factors that influence consumers’ willingness to pay for locally produced blueberry mixes: Pancake mix, Muffin mix and Banana Bread mix. The innovative aspect of this study is the experiential take-and-bake experiment survey used in order to evaluate consumers’ willingness to pay for the product. A survey, along with two of the three recipes – dry mixes to be combined with locally grown frozen fruit - was distributed to potential consumers at diverse locations of study. Participants were instructed to prepare the products at home, sample the prepared product and then evaluate the product and process. Sensory and preparation experience attributes for each recipe were considered as potential variables influencing overall WTP, including previous cooking experience for similar products, watching the Food Network, and related shopping choices. The post-preparation survey used a payment card approach to elicit WTP for each product tried as well as the hypothetical third product not tried. A total of 101 out of 102 participants (99.01%) completed the process and returned the survey. Average WTP for the blueberry pancake mix was 3.45,muffinmix3.45, muffin mix 3.25, and the banana-blueberry bread $3.39. The estimate regression of Censored Tobit model of WTP suggests Trial of one product out of three is significant and Age of participant also is significant. The positive correlation of some variables estimate Trial, Baking of Blueberries Experience, Education, Income, Gender (Male), and Watching Food Network showed that these factors have positive effect on WTP for some products. The paper develops the WTP models and also examines the experience versus the hypothetical effects on stated WTP. The results provide some measure of market opportunity, suggest positioning strategies, and also suggest strong returns to home trial marketing incentives for these products