44 research outputs found

    The investigation of the effects of frayer model on vocabulary knowledge in social studies [Sosyal bilgilerde kelime hazinesinin geliştirilmesinde frayer modelinin etkisinin ıncelenmesi]

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    The purpose of the present study is to determine the effects of Frayer model on the development of vocabulary knowledge in social studies. A quasi-experimental nonequivalent control group design was used in the study. For the research, an experimental (N=19) and a control group (N=18) were randomly selected. While Frayer model as text based organizer was utilized on vocabulary instruction in the experimental group, the definitional and contextual approaches by integrating were used in the control group. This research was implemented at a state school with the 4th grade students in Bayburt, in 2013-2014 academic season. The scale, which was developed by Wesche and Paribakht (1996) and validity and reliability of which were examined and adapted to Turkish by the researcher, was used to determine the students’ vocabulary knowledge level. As for the results, it was found that the experimental group was more successful in vocabulary knowledge through the meanings of the target words by enlarging their vocabulary capacity in-depth. The data obtained from the study demonstrated that Frayer model facilitated the students to identify relevant, irrelevant attributes, examples and non-examples of the concepts and uncover the relationships and hierarchical structures between the concepts, thus guide to generate the meanings of terms by activating prior knowledge. Therefore, it helps to the students facilitate development of vocabulary knowledge and vocabulary acquisition. © 2015, Ankara University. All rights reserved

    Primary school teacher candidates’ metaphorical perceptions related to multigrade classes concept [Sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının birleştirilmiş sınıf kavramına ilişkin metaforik algıları]

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    The purpose of the present study was to determine the teacher candidates’ perceptions related to ‘multigrade classes’ concept through metaphors. The study was conducted with the students who studied at their fourth (final) year in the Primary School Teaching Program, Faculty of Education at University of Bayburt in 2013-2014 academic year. The participants of the study were composed of 78 teacher candidates in total, 36 of them were girls and 42 of them were boys. The data collected in the research were obtained through an interview form in which there was an incomplete sentence like “The multigrade classes resemble…because…” In the process of collecting data, the teacher candidates were asked to write metaphors related to multigrade classes with the first justifications coming to their minds. In this study, phenomenology design, one of the qualitative research methods, was used and the research data were analyzed by means of the content analysis technique. According to the findings, the teacher candidates developed 60 different and valid metaphors in total about multigrade classes. The metaphors were classified under six different conceptual categories. These categories were classified in the form of multigrade classes as diversity in social-cognitive level and abilities, the process of challenging struggle, complementary-supportive service environment, source of life, family atmosphere and hierarchical order. It was found that the most preferred metaphors developed by the teacher candidates were extended family, family, flower garden, lush forest and Ashura. © 2015, Ankara University. All rights reserved

    The power of graphic organizers: Effects on students' word-learning and achievement emotions in social studies

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of three graphic organizers for teaching vocabulary and the development of the emotions-related to achievement. The study focused on the effects of different types of graphic organizers on word-learning and various emotions in social studies. This study was designed as a quasi-experimental design by utilizing a nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design. The experimental group was instructed on vocabulary by using the Concept definition map, a Word-questioning strategy and a Circle thinking map for word-learning, while the control group was taught to use the C(2)QU [(Context (2)-Questioning-Using)] as a process of learning new vocabulary from context. The participants of this study were fourthgrade students from a state school in Bayburt, Turkey. The results indicated that the graphic organizers group was more successful than the comparison group in terms of improving general word recognition knowledge and meaningful leaps in acquisition of target word meanings. In addition, it was found that using different types of graphic organizers developed positive achievement emotions (i.e., enjoyment, hope and pride) more than contextual learning process in social studies

    Teaching word meanings to students at different reading ability: A controlled assessment of the contextual-based vocabulary instruction on reading comprehension

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of contextual-based vocabulary instruction on reading comprehension of seventh-grade students at different reading ability levels in social studies. The Sentence Verification Technique test consisted of 16-items was used to determine participants' reading comprehension skills. In addition, a semi-structured interview form was used to describe participants' perceptions and experiences related to the vocabulary intervention program activities. The experimental condition received a contextual-based vocabulary instruction intervention program for eight weeks in 10 sessions; in contrast to the control condition participated in a wide reading program. As a result, this study yielded two findings: First, the results indicated that teaching students how to use contextual analysis to infer word meanings from context improved significantly their own reading comprehension scores. Second, the qualitative findings showed that poor readers could be able unlock the complexity of the meanings of unknown words and use the cognitive strategies that required to overcome their reading difficulties while reading through explicit instruction. The results suggested that it seemed as though the context-based vocabulary instruction used in this study to improve reading comprehension scores was a fairly powerful procedure for all students, both poor readers and average-high readers in the experimental condition


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    The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of explicit instruction in notetaking skills on the notetaking performance of seventh-grade students at different reading ability levels. The students in the notetaking instruction condition (NTI) received classroom-based notetaking skills instruction (approximately 40 minutes) every week for 10 weeks. The comparison condition students (CNT) were asked to use conventional notetaking (CNT) that was embedded within the daily social studies lessons. The participants’ reading comprehension abilities were identified through the Sentence Verification Technique, which consisted of a 16-item expository text. A notetaking performance test (NTPT) was used to assess the effect of notetaking skills instruction on two dimensions of the participants’ notes (verbatim copying and terse value). The results demonstrated that the terse value of students’ notes in the NTI condition was significantly better than that of the students in the CNT condition. The students in the NTI condition reduced their percentage of verbatim copying and used fewer words to cover more main concepts in the NTPT that followed the instructional intervention. Surprisingly, the students at low reading ability showed the greatest gains in notetaking performance from verbatim copying to terse notetaking. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Concept-teaching practices in social studies classrooms: Teacher support for enhancing the development of students’ vocabulary

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    The purpose of this study is to describe social studies teachers’ perceptions related to their practices in teaching concepts within the context of social studies instruction in order to enhance students’ vocabulary development in their classes. The study focuses on how students’ breadth and depth of vocabulary knowledge is supported by teachers’ experiences and their self-reported practices in relation to teaching social studies content. The study has a qualitative research design and has been conducted with 35 middle-school social studies teachers selected in accordance with maximum variation sampling. A semi-structured interview form has been used to determine teachers’ perceptions and viewpoints, and data has been analyzed using content analysis techniques. Results show that the teachers’ espoused practices for enhancing social studies vocabulary and for assessing its overall development process supports widely accepted understanding and ideas on effective concept teaching and alternative assessment procedures. Some examples of these practices and assessment measures include interactive word-walls (ABC graffiti), contextualized vocabulary instruction, word analogy, semantic maps, vocabulary self-collection strategy, and concept circles. However, the majority of practices reported by the teachers reflect traditional tasks and methods that ignore how new concepts were acquired and also focus more on the definitional knowledge of words. Further research should include teacher observations along with interviews to validate actual classroom practices. © 2017 EDAM

    A commentary on standards for single-case experimental studies

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    Passive immunity of premature infants against measles during early infancy

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of transferred measles antibodies and seronegativity rates during early infancy in premature newborns whose mothers had infection-induced immunity. The premature group was composed of 22 and 35 newborns of gestational ages less than or equal to 32 wk and >32 wk, respectively, and the control group consisted of 28 term newborns. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used for the qualitative detection of IgG antibodies to measles virus. Mean cord blood relative values were significantly lower in both premature groups, less than or equal to 32 wk (p 32 wk (p 32 wk. At 6 mo, seronegativity increased to 86% and 74% for premature infants born at gestational ages less than or equal to 32 wk and >32 wk, respectively. Forty-six percent of the term infants became seronegative at that age. The differences between term infants and those in the two premature groups were statistically significant (p < 0.05 and p < 0.005). Premature infants, regardless of their prematurity degree, were thought to be more susceptible to measles infection than term ones at the age of 6 mo. policies For their protection from measles infection are still to be investigated

    Effects of extraction methods and conditions on bioactive compounds extracted from phaeodactylum tricornutum

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    The effect of homogenization, ultrasound and microwave extraction methods and conditions on fucoxanthin content, total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of extracts obtained from Phaeodactylum tricornutum were investigated in this study. The solvent/biomass ratio was the most effective parameter on fucoxanthin content, total phenolic content and antioxidant activity. The maximum fucoxanthin content (5.60 ± 0.06 mg/g) and antioxidant activity (763.00 ± 15.88 EC50 µg/mL extract) were obtained with the homogenization extraction method whose optimum conditions were 1.93% biomass/solvent ratio, ~5200 rpm homogenization rate and 14.2 min extraction time. Although the ultrasonic extraction method has reached the approximately same level of fucoxanthin content (5.24 ± 0.07 mg/g)), TPC (67.68 ± 1.58 mg gallic acid/L) and antioxidant activity (619.90 ± 17.16 EC50 µg/mL extract) at an amplitude of 55.72%, a higher biomass/ solvent ratio (2.72%) and a longer extraction time (17.37 min) have been required. The lowest fucoxanthin content, total phenolic content and antioxidant activity were determined for the microwave extraction method. © 2020 Slovensko Kemijsko Drustvo. All rights reserved.ES1408; Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştirma Kurumu, TÜBITAK: TUBITAK-115O578This study was a part of Cost Action ES1408 and the authors would like to thank The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK-115O578) for financial support