55 research outputs found

    The role of GABA in fear and its relationship to emotion processing brain networks

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    The aim of the project described in this thesis was to explore the relationship between the inhibitiory neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and fear-related brain activation, measured with functional magnetic resonance imaging. The first part of the thesis deals with the question of how repeatable measures of fearrelated brain activation can be obtained. Two paradigms were evaluated, a frequently used task using fearful and neutral faces and a newly developed paradigm using pictures of spiders, negative images from the international affective picture system, and carefully matched control stimuli. In the main study latter paradigm was used to assess fear-related BOLD responses in two groups of participants, recruited for high vs. low levels of fearfulness. In the same participants, GABA concentration was measured using MRS in two brain regions relevant for emotion processing (left insula and left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex). Additionally, physiological parameters were recorded throughout the task, and a breath-hold task (to estimate vascular reactivity) as well as an arterial spin labeling aquisition (to estimate baseline cerebral blood ow) were included in the scanning session. The main experimental chapters of the thesis deal with the questions whether fearfulness,GABA concentration and fear-related BOLD responses are associated, and how potential confounding factors - such as physiological task responses, vascular reactivity and baseline cerebral blood ow - might mediate this relationship. The last part of the main experimental part explores the relationship between fearfulness, GABA concentration and resting state functional connectivity in emotion processing networks. In the general discussion, power of the study is estimated post-hoc, and limitations are outlined. Two chapters in the Appendix assess repeatability of the GABA MRS measures and vascular reactivity estimates

    Understanding the contribution of neural and physiological signal variation to the low repeatability of emotion-induced BOLD responses

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    Previous studies have reported low repeatability of BOLD activation measures during emotion processing tasks. It is not clear, however, whether low repeatability is a result of changes in the underlying neural signal over time, or due to insufficient reliability of the acquired BOLD signal caused by noise contamination. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of “cleaning” the BOLD signal, by correcting for physiological noise and for differences in BOLD responsiveness, on measures of repeatability. Fifteen healthy volunteers were scanned on two different occasions, performing an emotion provocation task with faces (neutral, 50% fearful, 100% fearful) followed by a breath-hold paradigm to provide a marker of BOLD responsiveness. Repeatability of signal distribution (spatial repeatability) and repeatability of signal amplitude within two regions of interest (amygdala and fusiform gyrus) were estimated by calculating the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Significant repeatability of signal amplitude was only found within the right amygdala during the perception of 50% fearful faces, but disappeared when physiological noise correction was performed. Spatial repeatability was higher within the fusiform gyrus than within the amygdala, and better at the group level than at the participant level. Neither physiological noise correction, nor consideration of BOLD responsiveness, assessed through the breath-holding, increased repeatability. The findings lead to the conclusion that low repeatability of BOLD response amplitude to emotional faces is more likely to be explained by the lack of stability in the underlying neural signal than by physiological noise contamination. Furthermore, reported repeatability might be a result of repeatability of task-correlated physiological variation rather than neural activity. This means that the emotion paradigm used in this study might not be useful for studies that require the BOLD response to be a stable measure of emotional processing, for example in the context of biomarkers

    A critical review of white matter changes in Huntington’s disease

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    Huntington’s disease is a genetic neurodegenerative disorder. White matter alterations have recently been identified as a relevant pathophysiological feature of Huntington’s disease, but their etiology and role in disease pathogenesis and progression remain unclear. Increasing evidence suggests that white matter changes in this disorder are due to alterations in myelin-associated biological processes. This review first discusses evidence from neurochemical studies lending support to the ‘De-myelination hypothesis’ of Huntington’s disease, and demonstrating aberrant myelination and changes in oligodendrocytes in the Huntington’s brain. Next, evidence from neuroimaging studies is reviewed, the limitations of the described methodologies are discussed, and suggested interpretations of findings from published studies are challenged. Although our understanding of Huntington’s associated pathological changes in the brain will increasingly rely on neuroimaging techniques, the shortcomings of these methodologies must not be forgotten. Advances in MRI techniques and tissue modeling will enable a better in vivo, longitudinal characterization of the biological properties of white matter microstructure. This, in turn, will facilitate identification of disease-related biomarkers and the specification of outcome measures in clinical trials

    Agreement and repeatability of vascular reactivity estimates based on a breath-hold task and a resting state scan

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    FMRI BOLD responses to changes in neural activity are influenced by the reactivity of the vasculature. By complementing a task-related BOLD acquisition with a vascular reactivity measure obtained through breath-holding or hypercapnia, this unwanted variance can be statistically reduced in the BOLD responses of interest. Recently, it has been suggested that vascular reactivity can also be estimated using a resting state scan. This study aimed to compare three breath-hold based analysis approaches (block design, sine–cosine regressor and CO2 regressor) and a resting state approach (CO2 regressor) to measure vascular reactivity. We tested BOLD variance explained by the model and repeatability of the measures. Fifteen healthy participants underwent a breath-hold task and a resting state scan with end-tidal CO2 being recorded during both. Vascular reactivity was defined as CO2-related BOLD percent signal change/mm Hg change in CO2. Maps and regional vascular reactivity estimates showed high repeatability when the breath-hold task was used. Repeatability and variance explained by the CO2 trace regressor were lower for the resting state data based approach, which resulted in highly variable measures of vascular reactivity. We conclude that breath-hold based vascular reactivity estimations are more repeatable than resting-based estimates, and that there are limitations with replacing breath-hold scans by resting state scans for vascular reactivity assessment

    Sourcing high tissue quality brains from deceased wild primates with known socio-ecology

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    1. The selection pressures that drove dramatic encephalisation processes through the mammal lineage remain elusive, as does knowledge of brain structure reorganisation through this process. In particular, considerable structural brain changes are present across the primate lineage, culminating in the complex human brain that allows for unique behaviours such as language and sophisticated tool use. To understand this evolution, a diverse sample set of humans' closest relatives with varying socio-ecologies is needed. However, current brain banks predominantly curate brains from primates that died in zoological gardens. We try to address this gap by establishing a field pipeline mitigating the challenges associated with brain extractions of wild primates in their natural habitat. 2. The success of our approach is demonstrated by our ability to acquire a novel brain sample of deceased primates with highly variable socio-ecological exposure and a particular focus on wild chimpanzees. Methods in acquiring brain tissue from wild settings are comprehensively explained, highlighting the feasibility of conducting brain extraction procedures under strict biosafety measures by trained veterinarians in field sites. 3. Brains are assessed at a fine-structural level via high-resolution MRI and state-of-the-art histology. Analyses confirm that excellent tissue quality of primate brains sourced in the field can be achieved with a comparable tissue quality of brains acquired from zoo-living primates. 4. Our field methods are noninvasive, here defined as not harming living animals, and may be applied to other mammal systems than primates. In sum, the field protocol and methodological pipeline validated here pose a major advance for assessing the influence of socio-ecology on medium to large mammal brains, at both macro- and microstructural levels as well as aiding with the functional annotation of brain regions and neuronal pathways via specific behaviour assessments

    Detailed mapping of the complex fiber structure and white matter pathways of the chimpanzee brain

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    Long-standing questions about human brain evolution may only be resolved through comparisons with close living evolutionary relatives, such as chimpanzees. This applies in particular to structural white matter (WM) connectivity, which continuously expanded throughout evolution. However, due to legal restrictions on chimpanzee research, neuroscience research currently relies largely on data with limited detail or on comparisons with evolutionarily distant monkeys. Here, we present a detailed magnetic resonance imaging resource to study structural WM connectivity in the chimpanzee. This open-access resource contains (1) WM reconstructions of a postmortem chimpanzee brain, using the highest-quality diffusion magnetic resonance imaging data yet acquired from great apes; (2) an optimized and validated method for high-quality fiber orientation reconstructions; and (3) major fiber tract segmentations for cross-species morphological comparisons. This dataset enabled us to identify phylogenetically relevant details of the chimpanzee connectome, and we anticipate that it will substantially contribute to understanding human brain evolution