52 research outputs found

    Overvåking av luftkvalitet ved Statoil Mongstad i perioden oktober 1994 - mars 1995.

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    Western blot analysis of pooled tumor samples. (A) Image of Western blot run loaded with individual primary tumor samples. (B-C) Quantification of various protein amounts. (D) Average of protein levels measured in individual tumors (data are expressed as mean ± SD). (JPEG 522 kb

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Fluorescence activated cell sorting followed by small RNA sequencing reveals stable microRNA expression during cell cycle progression

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    Characterization of cell cycle sorted cells and isolated RNA quantity in various cell types. Purity of cell cycle sort was determined by re-analyzing the sorted populations by FACS analysis: percentage was determined by the portion of cells residing in the gate previously designated for a certain cell cycle phase. Data of four replicate experiments. Data are given as × 1000 cells (sorted cells) and are shown as mean ± standard deviation. Table S2. Name and details of primers used for mRNA and miRNA expression qRT-PCR measurements. mRNA primers (Panel A, cat. No: 4331182) and miRNA primers (Panel B, cat. No: 4427975). All primers were from Applied Biosystems by Life Technologies. Table S3. Normalized expression of differently expressed genes between cell cycle phases in various cell types. Normalized expression of genes with fold change > 2 between cell cycle phases detected in HDFa cells (Panel A). Normalized expression of significantly differently expressed genes in cell cycle phases detected in NCI-H295R (Panel B) and HeLa (Panel C) cells. Note: For Panel B and C, genes are listed in the manner as shown in the heat map (Fig. 2, panel A and B, respectively). Table S4. List of genes shown on Venn diagram (Fig. 3, panel a). Genes are marked with “1” if being found cycling by either method (HDFa SORT, PF synchr, HeLa SORT, HeLa synchr). Gene IDs are Gene Symbols, if available or probe IDs. Table S5. List of HeLa cell cycle genes being present in enriched GO terms. Table 1 presents GO terms which are enriched in gene lists unique to HeLa SORT, HeLa synchronization experiments and the overlap beween HeLa SORT and synchronization lists. Gene symbols of genes being present in the gene lists and the enriched GO terms are shown here (HeLa SORT \ HeLa synchr - Panel A; HeLa synchr \ HeLa SORT – Panel B; HeLa SORT ∩ HeLa synchr – Panel C). (XLS 743 kb

    Results of Phospho-RTK antibody array.

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    <p>Picture of RTK array membrane (<b>A</b>). Densitometry of phosphorylation signals in WT control (dark gray bars) and WT DEN-treated (white bars) samples, compared to control (black bars) and <i>Matn2<sup>-/-</sup></i> DEN-treated (light gray bars) samples (<b>B</b>). Data are expressed as mean ± SD, n = 3.</p

    Representative Western blots of intracellular regulatory proteins

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    <p>in WT control, WT DEN-treated, <i>Matn2<sup>-/-</sup></i> control and <i>Matn2<sup>-/-</sup></i> DEN-treated mouse livers (<b>A/1, A/2</b>). Results of densitometrical analysis of band intensities expressed as values normalized to β-Actin loading control (<b>B</b>). Data are expressed as mean ± SD, n = 3.</p

    Representative immunohistochemical stains of WT control, WT DEN-treated, <i>Matn2<sup>-/-</sup></i> control and <i>Matn2<sup>-/-</sup></i> DEN-treated mouse livers (A).

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    <p>Scale bars represent 0.1(insets) for paraffin-embedded samples. Changes in cell cycle regulation. Ki-67 proliferation index (B). In knockout samples an average of 4.1 Ki-67 positive cells were counted per field of view compared to 0.7 in WT (p<0.001) (B). Results are expressed as mean ± SD. <b>Representative Western blots of cell cycle regulatory proteins (C) in WT control, WT DEN-treated, </b><b><i>Matn2<sup>-/-</sup></i></b><b> control and </b><b><i>Matn2<sup>-/-</sup></i></b><b> DEN-treated mouse livers.</b> Diagrams of band intensities expressed as values normalized to β-Actin loading control (D). Data are expressed as mean ± SD, n = 3.</p

    Immunocytochemistry <i>(a)</i> and ELISA assessment <i>(b)</i> of PSC activation.

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    <p>Increased α-SMA and type-1 collagen protein expression was found on immunocytochemistry after PSCs were exposed both to 21 days of hyperglycemia or 48h of TGF-β1 <b><i>(a)</i>.</b> Increased type-1 and type-3 collagen levels were observed in PSC cell culture supernatant in the ELISA studies, however the increases were statistically only significant after the TGF-β1 treatments both with and without prior CHG exposure, but not after CHG exposure alone <b><i>(b)</i>.</b> Significant differences (p<0.05) are indicated *</p

    Results of DEN treatment in WT and <i>Matn2<sup>-/-</sup></i> animals.

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    <p>Representative pictures of the macroscopic appearance of WT and <i>Matn2<sup>-/-</sup></i> DEN-treated mouse livers. 10 months after DEN exposure the number and size of macroscopic tumors were greater in <i>Matn2<sup>-/-</sup></i> than in WT livers (<b>A</b>). The number of tumors/animal (<b>B</b>) and the tumor volume (<b>C</b>) were significantly higher in <i>Matn2<sup>-/-</sup></i> mice compared to WT mice after DEN-treatment (n = 9 for WT DEN, n = 13 for <i>Matn2<sup>-/-</sup></i> DEN, **p<0.01).</p