38 research outputs found

    When and why is “extraversion” associated with social popularity?

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    Examinations of the relationship between individuals’ personal characteristics and the social positions that individuals receive in everyday peer networks have often found an association between extraversion and popularity. This thesis assesses the conditions (when) and mechanisms (why) of this association. Four research questions focus on when the link between extraversion and popularity is present. The study examines whether extraversion is already associated with popularity among seven- to eight-year-olds (Study I), if extraversion is associated with popularity in a less talkative and more stereotypically introverted culture as well (i.e. in Finland; Studies I and II), whether the association is more reflective of the popularity of extraverts or the unpopularity of introverts (Studies II and III), and if the size of the surrounding social ecology is an important precondition of this association (Study III). In addition, the study considers two why research questions. Studies II and III examine if dyadic combinations of extraversion could serve as popularity particles that would explain why extraverts are ultimately more popular in the group, whereas Study I evaluates the mediating role of oral fluency between extraversion and popularity among children. The association between extraversion and popularity is found to be highly generalizable, as it is present among young and adult Finns as well as in social networks of varying sizes. In addition, the association is linear and unilateral: introverts are unpopular as much as extraverts are popular, and dyadic combinations of extraversion are not significant in explaining this phenomenon. Finally, the higher oral fluency of extraverts partially explains their popularity in middle childhood. The discussion focuses on the causality of this association and engages with the ontological status of trait extraversion throughout the thesis. The research also highlights the role of popularity and social networks in accounting for the coalescence of extraversion.Yksilön persoonallisuuden ominaisuuksien ja sosiaalisten verkostojen välisten yhteyksien tutkimuksessa on usein havaittu yhteys ulospäinsuuntautuneisuuden (ekstroversio) ja vertaissuosion välillä. Tämä väitöskirja tarkasteli, milloin ja miksi tämä yhteys ilmenee. Väitöskirjassa selvitettiin neljän tutkimuskysymyksen kautta, milloin yhteys ekstroversion ja suosion välillä havaitaan: havaitaanko yhteys jo 7-8 -vuotiailla (Tutkimus I), onko se olemassa myös vähemmän puheliaassa ja stereotyyppisesti sisäänpäin suuntautuneemmassa (introversio) suomalaisessa kulttuurissa (Tutkimukset I ja II), vaikuttaako ympäröivän sosiaalisen verkoston koko yhteyteen (Tutkimus III), ja osoittaako yhteys ekstroverttien korkeaa vai introverttien matalaa suosiota (Tutkimukset II ja III)? Lisäksi tämän yhteyden syitä tarkasteltiin kahden tutkimuskysymyksen avulla. Tutkimuksissa II ja III tarkasteltiin, vaikuttaako muiden introversio tai ekstraversio siihen, että ekstrovertit ovat suositumpia? Lisäksi selvitettiin, onko puheen sujuvuus lapsilla yksi selittäjä tälle yhteydelle (Tutkimus I). Yhteys ekstroversion ja suosion välillä havaittiin hyvin yleistyväksi – se havaittiin suomalaisilla lapsilla ja aikuisilla ja riippumatta verkoston koosta. Lisäksi yhteys ilmensi niin ekstroverttien suosiota kuin introverttien matalaa suosiota, eivätkä nämä yhteydet selittyneet sillä, että ekstrovertit suosisivat toisiaan tai introvertit suosisivat ekstroverttejä. Ekstroverttien sujuvampi puhe kuitenkin osittain selitti tätä yhteyttä 7-8 -vuotiailla. Pohdinnassa perehdytään tämän yhteyden mahdollisiin syysuhteisiin. Lisäksi piirteiden ontologista statusta pohditaan läpi koko väitöskirjan. Tämän ohella perehdytään siihen, voivatko suosio ja vertaisverkostot selittää, miksi piirteet kuten itsevarmuus, sosiaalisuus ja positiivinen emotionaalisuus usein ilmenevät yhdessä, jonka seurauksena ekstroversio-faktori myös havaitaan

    Happy Now, Tired Later? : Extraverted and Conscientious Behavior Are Related to Immediate Mood Gains, but to Later Fatigue

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    ObjectiveExperience sampling studies on Big Five-related behavior show that people display the whole spectrum of each trait in their daily behavior, and that desirable Big Five statesespecially state Extraversionare related to positive mood. However, other research lines suggest that extraverted and conscientious behavior may be mentally depleting. The present research examined this possibility by extending the time frame of the measured personality processes. MethodA 12-day experience sampling study (N=48; observations=2,328) measured Big Five states, mood, stress, and fatigue five times a day. ResultsExtraverted and conscientious behavior were concurrently related to positive mood and lower fatigue, but to higher fatigue after a 3-hour delay. These relations were not moderated by personality traits. The relation between extraverted behavior and delayed fatigue was mediated by the number of people the person had encountered. Whether the person had a goal mediated the relation between conscientious behavior and delayed fatigue. ConclusionExtraverted and conscientious behavior predict mental depletion after a 3-hour delay. The results help reconcile previous findings regarding the consequences of state Extraversion and provide novel information about the consequences of state Conscientiousness.Peer reviewe

    Using a Continuous Measure of Genderedness to Assess Sex Differences in the Attitudes of the Political Elite

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    We investigated the attitudes of the 11,410 candidates in the Finnish 2017 municipal elections who had responded to a Voting Advice Application. Women candidates were, both in terms of economic and social attitudes, more progressive than men. Building on the gender diagnosticity approach, we used responses to the attitude items to construct a dimensional measure of political genderedness; i.e., a measure of the femininity-masculinity of the individual's political attitudes. We used this measure to investigate the magnitude of sex differences across parties and the determinants of these differences. Sex differences were larger in parties with more economically right-oriented, socially conservative, well-off, and male candidates. Moreover, these differences were caused by men in these parties being different from other candidates. A similar methodology, in which a continuous measure of genderedness is used to assess sex differences, could be used in other domains of research on political behavior.Peer reviewe

    Not only assholes drive Mercedes : Besides disagreeable men, also conscientious people drive high-status cars

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    In a representative sample of Finnish car owners (N = 1892) we connected the Five-Factor Model personality dimensions to driving a high-status car. Regardless of whether income was included in the logistic model, disagreeable men and conscientious people in general were particularly likely to drive high-status cars. The results regarding agreeableness are consistent with prior work that has argued for the role of narcissism in status consumption. Regarding conscientiousness, the results can be interpreted from the perspective of self-congruity theory, according to which consumers purchase brands that best reflect their actual or ideal personalities. An important implication is that the association between driving a high-status car and unethical driving behaviour may not, as is commonly argued, be due to the corruptive effects of wealth. Rather, certain personality traits, such as low agreeableness, may be associated with both unethical driving behaviour and with driving a high-status car.Peer reviewe

    Who likes whom? The interaction between perceiver personality and target look

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    We investigated determinants of liking at zero-acquaintance, focusing on individual differences in perceivers' reactions to appearance cues. Perceivers (N = 385) viewed portrait photographs of Targets (N = 146). Perceiver's Agreeableness and Extraversion were uniquely associated with liking targets. Targets who expressed positive emotions, looked relaxed, were physically attractive, and looked healthy and energetic, were the most liked. There were substantial individual differences in how Perceivers were influenced by appearance cues. For instance, Perceivers generally rated targets who displayed non-Duchenne (fake) smiles less favorably than targets who did not smile or targets who displayed Duchenne (authentic) smiles. However, non-Duchenne smiles elicited especially negative ratings from Perceivers high in Neuroticism or Conscientiousness, but not from Perceivers low in Agreeableness.Peer reviewe

    Similarity-attraction effects in friendship formation : Honest platoon-mates prefer each other but dishonest do not

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    Friends tend to be similar on many characteristics, including personality traits. Yet, a real-world similarity-attraction effect based on actual personality traits is not supported by current research. One reason for this apparent contradiction could be that dark personality traits have been absent from this literature. In a sample (N = 181) of military cadet freshmen, we investigated homophily (“love of the same”) based on the traits identified by the Five-Factor Model (FFM) and two dark personality traits, Manipulativeness and Egotism. We did not find homophily based on the FFM traits. However, platoon-mate dyads with similar levels of trait Manipulativeness or Egotism were more likely to mutually like each other. Furthermore, response surface analyses revealed that homophily for these two traits occurred only at the low, or bright, end of these traits. Our results support arguments derived from evolutionary theory that argue for the importance of trait honesty in friendship formation.Peer reviewe

    Consistency and variation in the associations between Refugee and environmental attitudes in European mass publics

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    We investigated the associations between refugee and environmental attitudes among 36876 respondents from 20 countries included in the European Social Survey Round 8 (2016). Three preregistered hypotheses were supported: (H1) there was a positive association between these attitudes across countries (meta-analytical partial correlation = .16), (H2) anti-immigration party voters held more negative environmental attitudes, and (H3) pro-environmental party voters held more positive refugee attitudes. Against our predictions, the linear association between refugee and environmental attitudes was not moderated by political affiliation (H4) or political engagement (H5). Exploratory analyses further showed that these attitudes were more strongly associated among the young, the more educated, and among the most extreme populist right voters.Peer reviewe

    Polarization in the Wake of the European Refugee Crisis - A Longitudinal Study of the Finnish Political Elite's Attitudes Towards Refugees and the Environment

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    We investigated political polarization among the 28284 candidates in the Finnish municipal election who ran for municipal council in 2012, 2017, or both, and had responded to a Voting Advice Application. Our results revealed political polarization in terms of both conversion (longitudinal analysis, n = 6643) and recruitment (cross-sectional comparison of first-time candidates, n = 13054). The populist radical-right Finns Party became even more anti-refugee, and the pro-refugee Green League became even more pro-refugee. The Finns Party, in particular, has constructed the Green League as their enemies, which could explain why the Finns Party moved in an anti-environmental direction, as well as the increased issue-alignment between refugee-attitudes and environmental attitudes. We also observed increased within-party homogeneity in almost all parties. In the discussion, we focus on the nature of the association between refugee and environmental attitudes.Peer reviewe

    Peer Sociometric Status and Personality Development from Middle Childhood to Preadolescence

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    Sociometric status, the regard that other group members confer to an individual, is one of the most ubiq-uitous and behaviourally relevant attributes assigned to the person by the social environment. Despite this, its contri-bution to personality development has received little attention. The present three-wave longitudinal study, spanningthe age range 7–13 years (n = 1222), sought tofill this gap by examining the transactional pathways between peersociometric status (measured by peer nominations) and Five-Factor personality traits (measured by self-ratingsand parent and teacher ratings). Sociometric status prospectively predicted the development of extraversion. By con-trast, agreeableness and neuroticism prospectively predicted the development of sociometric status. Furthermore,individual-level stability in extraversion was associated with individual-level stability in sociometric status. The re-sults were robust across different sources of personality ratings. We argue that peer sociometric status in the schoolclassroom is the type of environmental effect that has potential to explain personality development. Because of its sta-bility, broadness, and possible impact across a variety of personality processes, sociometric status can both repeti-tiously and simultaneously influence the network of multiple inter-correlated micro-level personality processes,potentially leading to a new network equilibrium that manifests in changes at the level of the broad personality trait.Peer reviewe