540 research outputs found

    Modelo causal del rendimiento en matemáticas (11-12 años)

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    This research intends to identify variables with influence on the Mathematics achievements in 11-12 year-old students to base on them an individual diagnose of the students and enable the taking of decisions to help improve their achievements. The research tries to build a theoretic model of casual relations between the considered variables and assess it by means of the LISREL technique of structural equation analysis. Because of progressive adjustments of the model originally proposed we now propose a final model including the variables: Intelligence, Memory, Study Habits, Academic Selfconcept, Reading Comprehension and Problem Solving, that can provide the guidelines for a more accurate performance in the classroom

    Implementation of a holistic digital twin solution for design prototyping and virtual commissioning

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    Industry 4.0 has ushered in a new era of digital manufacturing and in this context, digital twins are considered as the next wave of simulation technologies. The development and commissioning of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) is taking advantage of these technologies to improve product quality while reducing costs and time to market. However, existing practices of virtual design prototyping and commissioning require the cooperation of domain specific engineering fields. This involves considerable effort as development is mostly carried out in different departments using vendor specific simulation tools. There is still no integrated simulation environment commercially available, in which all engineering disciplines can work collaboratively. This presents a major challenge when interlinking virtual models with their physical counterparts. This paper therefore addresses these challenges by implementing a holistic and vendor agnostic digital twin solution for design prototyping and commissioning practices. The solution was tested in an industrial use case, in which the digital twin effectively prototyped cost-efficient solar assembly lines

    Binding SNOMED-CT Terms to Archetype Elements: Establishing a Baseline of Results

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    Introduction: This article is part of the Focus Theme of METHODS of Information in Medicine on "Managing Interoperability and Complexity in Health Systems". Background: The proliferation of archetypes as a means to represent information of Electronic Health Records has raised the need of binding terminological codes - such as SNOMED CT codes - to their elements, in order to identify them univocally. However, the large size of the terminologies makes it difficult to perform this task manually. Objectives: To establish a baseline of results for the aforementioned problem by using off-the-shelf string comparison-based techniques against which results from more complex techniques could be evaluated. Methods: Nine Typed Comparison METHODS were evaluated for binding using a set of 487 archetype elements. Their recall was calculated and Friedman and Nemenyi tests were applied in order to assess whether any of the methods outperformed the others. Results: Using the qGrams method along with the 'Text' information piece of archetype elements outperforms the other methods if a level of confidence of 90% is considered. A recall of 25.26% is obtained if just one SNOMED CT term is retrieved for each archetype element. This recall rises to 50.51% and 75.56% if 10 and 100 elements are retrieved respectively, that being a reduction of more than 99.99% on the SNOMED CT code set. Conclusions: The baseline has been established following the above-mentioned results. Moreover, it has been observed that although string comparison-based methods do not outperform more sophisticated techniques, they still can be an alternative for providing a reduced set of candidate terms for each archetype element from which the ultimate term can be chosen later in the more-than-likely manual supervision task.Comment: This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Methods of Information in Medicine 54(1) : 45-49 (2015), copyright 2015 Schattauer. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.3414/me13-02-002

    Reuse in safety critical systems: educational use case

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    The last decades, the electromechanical control systems are being replaced by Programmable Electronic Control Systems. The challenge is that these new systems have to be at least as safe as the replaced ones. Any company that want to compete in the Safety Embedded Systems related market and have success in business, have to develop competent systems reducing the time to market and the cost of the development and certification. The reusability of SW components is one of the solutions in this way. It is clear that the industry needs new graduates with this knowledge. In this paper we are going to explain a use case that the University of Mondragon is developing in order to use it in the Master of Embedded Systems with the objective to transfer the knowledge about how to develop safety critical and certifiable systems in an efficient way

    SSDOnt: an Ontology for representing Single-Subject Design Studies

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    Background: Single-Subject Design is used in several areas such as education and biomedicine. However, no suited formal vocabulary exists for annotating the detailed configuration and the results of this type of research studies with the appropriate granularity for looking for information about them. Therefore, the search for those study designs relies heavily on a syntactical search on the abstract, keywords or full text of the publications about the study, which entails some limitations. Objective: To present SSDOnt, a specific purpose ontology for describing and annotating single-subject design studies, so that complex questions can be asked about them afterwards. Methods: The ontology was developed following the NeOn methodology. Once the requirements of the ontology were defined, a formal model was described in a Description Logic and later implemented in the ontology language OWL 2 DL. Results: We show how the ontology provides a reference model with a suitable terminology for the annotation and searching of single-subject design studies and their main components, such as the phases, the intervention types, the outcomes and the results. Some mappings with terms of related ontologies have been established. We show as proof-of-concept that classes in the ontology can be easily extended to annotate more precise information about specific interventions and outcomes such as those related to autism. Moreover, we provide examples of some types of queries that can be posed to the ontology. Conclusions: SSDOnt has achieved the purpose of covering the descriptions of the domain of single-subject research studies.Comment: This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Methods of Information in Medicine 57(01/02) : 55-61 (2018), copyright 2018 Schattauer. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.3414/ME17-01-010

    Reuse in Safety Critical Systems: Educational Use Case Final Results

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    The University of Mondragon, has participated in an European ARTEMIS project called SafeCer during 4 years. The main objective of the project has been to research about the "Reuse of safety related embedded systems and components". Mondragon University has defined an Educational Use Case in order to form the future engineers and has also conducted a first experiment with students of the Master of Embedded Systems. In this paper, the results of this experiment are shown

    Tomash Iñashiyo Donostiyan : : jostirudi far-garria egintza batian

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    Dialecto : texto en euskera central -- guipuzcoanoS. XX -- Periodo : último euskera modernoEuskalkia : erdialdekoa -- gipuzkeraXX. md. -- Aroa : azken euskara modernoaDigitalización. Vitoria-Gasteiz : Fundación Sancho el Sabio, 2008Rústic

    Towards the implementation of Industry 4.0: A methodology-based approach oriented to the customer life cycle

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    Many different worldwide initiatives are promoting the transformation from machine dominant manufacturing to digital manufacturing. Thus, to achieve a successful transformation to Industry 4.0 standard, manufacturing enterprises are required to implement a clear roadmap. However, Small and Medium Manufacturing Enterprises (SMEs) encounter many barriers and difficulties (economical, technical, cultural, etc.) in the implementation of Industry 4.0. Although several works deal with the incorporation of Industry 4.0 technologies in the area of the product and supply chain life cycles, which SMEs could use as reference, this is not the case for the customer life cycle. Thus, we present two contributions that can help the software engineers of those SMEs to incorporate Industry 4.0 technologies in the context of the customer life cycle. The first contribution is a methodology that can help those software engineers in the task of creating new software services, aligned with Industry 4.0, that allow to change how customers interact with enterprises and the experiences they have while interacting with them. The methodology details a set of stages that are divided into phases which in turn are made up of activities. It places special emphasis on the incorporation of semantics descriptions and 3D visualization in the implementation of those new services. The second contribution is a system developed for a real manufacturing scenario, using the proposed methodology, which allows to observe the possibilities that this kind of systems can offer to SMEs in two phases of the customer life cycle: Discover & Shop, and Use & Service.Comment: Accepted version of paper: V\'ictor Julio Ram\'irez-Dur\'an, Idoia Berges, Arantza Illarramendi: Towards the implementation of Industry 4.0: A methodology-based approach oriented to the customer life cycle. Comput. Ind. 126: 103403 (2021). DOI: 10.1016/j.compind.2021.10340

    Testimonio falsoa : jostirudi negargarri eta pozgarria : egintza bat eta iru kuadro-etan moldatua

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    Dialecto : texto en euskera central -- guipuzcoanoS. XX -- Periodo . último euskera modernoEuskalkia : erdialdekoa -- gipuzkeraXX. md. -- Aroa : azken euskara modernoaDigitalización. Vitoria-Gasteiz : Fundación Sancho el Sabio, 2008Rústic
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