5 research outputs found

    Cultural heritage in the food traditions of the Sakha people

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    The paper emphasizes the importance of studying the traditional Yakut/Sakha food as a historical, sociological, psychological and economic factor in the life of the ethnos. The Sakha are one of the most ancient Turkic peoples. Throughout many centuries, the Sakha managed to preserve their food traditions. Life in severe conditions and sharp continental climate affected the specific features of the Sakha nutrition. The Turkic dishes of the nomadic peoples were adapted to the conditions of the North under the influence of the local inhabitants. This special feature is characterized by the use of northern fish and berries as part of nutrition, while the traditional northern meal mainly consisted of horse meat and dairy products. Like many other Turkic-Mongolian peoples, the Sakha subdivide all food into white/үрүңас[urung as] (dairy food) and black/хара [khara] (meat food). In their cultural tradition, the Sakha would only begin eating the “black” food in winter after butchering cattle/идэhэ [ideghe]. In summer, after the national holiday Ыһыах [Ykhyakh] and during the haymaking season, the Sakha would eat “white” food and fish. Vegetables and flour were introduced to them later with the coming of the first Russians to the territory.Keywords: food traditions, cultural heritage, Turkic culture, white (dairy) food/urung as, black (meat) food/khar

    Результаты ревизионного эндопротезирования коленного сустава с применением индивидуальных имплантатов

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    Background. The presence of extensive bone defects significantly complicates the possibility of stable fixation and correct spatial positioning of the revision endoprosthesis components. The primary task of revision surgery is to restore the lost bone. The use of modern implants makes it possible to replace large metaphyseal defects of the tibia and femur, including AORI type 2B и 3 bone defects. The aim of the study was to evaluate the long-term results of surgical treatment of patients with extensive bone defects (2B and 3 according to AORI) of the proximal tibia and/or distal femur using custom-made implants for revision knee arthroplasty. Methods. A retrospective clinical study was performed in 24 patients who underwent revision arthroplasty using individual implants (9 femoral and 18 tibial) made on a 3D printer in the period from 2017 to 2021. T3 defect according to AORI classification was diagnosed in 12 patients (50%), F3 defect in 1 (4.17%), F2B in 8 (33.3%), T2B in 6 (25%). All patients before surgery and 3, 6, 12 months after surgery were surveyed according to the international scales VAS, KSS, WOMAC and SF-36. Results. At the follow-up examination 12 months after the surgery, 9 out of 24 patients (37.510%) walked without additional means of support, 10 out of 24 (41.710%) with a cane, 4 out of 24 (16,78%), walkers 1 out of 24 (4.210%). There were no periprosthetic fractures during surgery and in the postoperative period. When evaluating the functional state of the knee joint, an excellent result was registered in 45.810% and 33.310%; good in 37.510% and 54.210%; satisfactory in 16.678% and 12.57% according to the KSS and WOMAC scales, respectively. When assessed on the VAS scale, there was a positive trend in the form of statistically significant decrease in pain in all patients (p0.01). Conclusion. The use of individual implants made using additive 3D printing technologies in revision knee arthroplasty in the presence of extensive bone defects (2B and 3 according to AORI) allows to perform an organ-preserving surgery without loss of the statodynamic function of the lower limb. This study has limitations due to the small sample size. We believe that it is promising to study the long-term results of surgical treatment of patients with extensive bone defects (2B and 3 AORI) of the proximal tibia and /or distal femur using individually manufactured implants for revision knee replacement and a comparative analysis of these results with those using conventional implants.Актуальность. Наличие обширных костных дефектов существенно осложняет возможность стабильной фиксации и корректного пространственного позиционирования ревизионных компонентов эндопротеза. Первостепенной задачей ревизионного вмешательства является восполнение объема утраченной костной ткани. Использование современных имплантатов позволяет замещать большие по объему метафизарные дефекты большеберцовой и бедренной костей, включая дефекты костной ткани AORI-типа 2B и 3. Цель исследования представить клинико-рентгенологические результаты оперативного лечения пациентов с обширными костными дефектами (2B и 3 по AORI) проксимального отдела большеберцовой и/или дистального отдела бедренной костей с использованием индивидуально изготовленных имплантатов для ревизионного эндопротезирования коленного сустава. Материал и методы. Проведено ретроспективное исследование 24 пациентов, которым в период с 2017 по 2021 г. было выполнено ревизионное эндопротезирование с использованием индивидуальных имплантатов (9 бедренных и 18 большеберцовых), изготовленных на 3D-принтере. Дефект типа T3 по классификации AORI диагностирован у 12 больных (50%), T2B у 6 (25%), дефект F3 у 1 (4,17%), F2B у 8 (33,3%). Всем пациентам до операции и через 3, 6, 12 мес. после операции выполнялось анкетирование по международным шкалам VAS, KSS, WOMAC и SF-36. Результаты. На контрольном осмотре через 12 мес. после операции без дополнительных средств опоры передвигались 9 из 24 пациентов (37,5%), с помощью трости 10 из 24 (41,7%), костылей 4 из 24 (16,7%), ходунков 1 из 24 (4,2%). Перипротезных переломов во время операции и в послеоперационном периоде не зарегистрировано. При оценке функционального состояния коленного сустава отличный результат был зарегистрирован у 45,8% и 33,3%; хороший у 37,5% и 54,2%; удовлетворительный у 16,67% и 12,5% по шкалам KSS и WOMAC соответственно. При оценке по шкале VAS отмечалась положительная динамика в виде статистически значимого уменьшения болевого синдрома у всех больных (р0,01). Заключение. У всех пациентов в послеоперационном периоде произошло улучшение показателей по SF-36, KSS, WOMAC и VAS. При рентгенологическом исследовании у 23 из 24 больных отсутствовало расшатывание компонентов эндопротеза. У всех пациентов было достигнуто прецизионное соответствие имплантата костному дефекту. Использование индивидуальных имплантатов, изготовленных с помощью аддитивных технологий 3D-печати, в ревизионном эндопротезировании коленного сустава при наличии обширных дефектов костной ткани (2B и 3 по AORI) позволяет выполнить органосохранную операцию без потери статодинамической функции нижней конечности

    Практикум по педиатрии: учебное пособие для студентов 5-го курса

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    Practicum in Pediatrics includes 132 clinical cases of diseases of newborns, infants and older children. In the cases, there are discharge reports from the medical records of real patients with common diseases in pediatric practice (perinatal and neonatal diseases, deficiency conditions, anemia, as well as diseases of lungs, heart, joints, gastrointestinal tract, kidney and allergy). After discharge reports, there are questions and at the end of each section – diagnostic keys. The method of case studies refers to a non-gaming simulation methods of interactive learning and allows to apply theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems, trains making the right decisions in particular situations. Cases are designed to discuss them at classroom practice sessions, for self-study and for control of knowledge at the exam. The manual is aimed at students, residents, graduate students, pediatricians. Prepared by the Department of Pediatrics, Medical Faculty of Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

    In children with bronchial asthma: Causal, complicated, unspecified, reverse

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    The review, based on modern literature data and the results of many years of research conducted by the authors, highlights the problem of comorbidity (multimorbidity) in children with bronchial asthma (BA). There is a grouping of concomitant diseases in children with asthma depending on the type of comorbidity (causal, complicated, unspecified, reverse). Based on epidemiological data, observational and cohort studies, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, information on the frequency of BA in children with various comorbid diseases and comorbid diseases in children with BA was summarized. Scientific, theoretical and practical significance of comorbidity in BA, diagnostic and treatment programs in pediatric patients suffering from BA and comorbid diseases are substantiated. © 2021, Pediatria Ltd.. All rights reserved