3 research outputs found

    Analysis and Development of KEBI 1.0 Checker Framework as an Application of Indonesian Spelling Error Detection

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    At educational institutions, especially at University, writing scientific papers is a skill that must be possessed by academics such as educators and students. However, writing scientific papers is not easy, there are many provisions and rules that need to be fulfilled. Several studies show that there are still many academics who make mistakes in writing their scientific papers. Some of the mistakes made include punctuation errors, typographic writing errors and the use of non-standard words in Indonesian. Researchers in Indonesia have developed various spelling error detection applications in Indonesian-language scientific papers. This study tries to analyze the development of an application framework for detecting Indonesian spelling errors from various assessment indicators. This study tries to compare the application framework for detecting spelling errors between other studies with proposed application that named KEBI 1.0 Checker. KEBI 1.0 Checker as a spelling error detection application has 3 main features, namely detecting errors in the use of punctuation marks, writing typography, and using non-standard words in accordance with the standards of the Big Indonesian Dictionary and the General Guidelines for Indonesian Spelling. In addition, this study tries to objectively examine the complexity of the features, advantages and disadvantages, methods and the level of accuracy of each application. The results of the analysis show that KEBI 1.0 Checker has the completeness of features, fast computation time, easy application access, and an attractive user interface. However, it is still necessary to improve the precision in correcting spelling errors in typographic words

    KEBI 1.0: Indonesian Spelling Error Detection System for Scientific Papers using Dictionary Lookup and Peter Norvig Spelling Corrector

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    Many Indonesian spelling errors occur in research papers published to the public, closely related to academics in all institutions such as research institutions, government, schools, and universities. The spelling errors usually writing punctuation, writing letters, writing words, writing words originating from foreign or regional languages (uptake words), using affixed words, and writing ineffective sentences. The mistakes made by the academics then become a cycle in the academic environment. They usually provide guidance for writing an undergraduate thesis, thesis, dissertations to students, or the other forms of documents and scientific papers. Therefore, the research proposed the application to facilitate all authors of scientific papers in producing quality scientific works based on the General Guidelines for Indonesian Spelling published by the Agency for Development and Language Development. The application is named KEBI 1.0 Checker (Indonesian Spelling Error 1.0 Checker), a web-based application with a built-in algorithm to detect and correct Indonesian Spelling in scientific papers. The experiment result shows that the application has given the best accuracy performance to correct the non-standard words, and typographical errors reached 100% and 55,52%, respectively. The application also has been detected 209 meaningless words. The application processing time is relatively low, the average time needed to correct non-standard words is 0.016 seconds, and typo words are 14.58 seconds. KEBI 1.0 Checker is helpful for the end-user in academics but needs to improve the vocabulary of the large corpus in various fields of science for correcting typo words


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    Aktivitas menulis menjadi kewajiban bagi akademisi terutama di lingkungan perguruan tinggi yang erat kaitannya dengan publikasi karya ilmiah. Luaran karya ilmiah ini antara lain berupa skripsi, tesis, disertasi, buku, artikel, modul, tutorial, dan lainnya. Namun, aktivitas menulis ini tidak diikuti dengan pemahaman ejaan bahasa Indonesia dengan baik dan benar sehingga masih banyak ditemui kesalahan ejaan dalam penulisan artikel berbahasa Indonesia. Latar belakang penulis juga memengaruhi pemilihan kosakata yang dituangkan dalam karya ilmiah, misalnya di bidang ilmu komputer. Karya ilmiah berbahasa Indonesia di bidang ilmu komputer cukup banyak ditemui penggunaan kombinasi kata dalam bahasa Indonesia maupun kata dalam bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu nama perangkat, algoritma, metode dan istilah lainnya. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini berinisiatif untuk mengembangkan aplikasi berbasis web untuk mendeteksi kesalahan ejaan kata tidak baku dan kesalahan pengetikan kata (typo) yang disebut KEBI 1.0 Checker. Kehadiran KEBI untuk memudahkan semua penulis karya ilmiah dalam menghasilkan karya tulis ilmiah yang berkualitas berdasarkan Pedoman Umum Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia yang diterbitkan oleh Badan Pengembangan dan Pengembangan Bahasa. Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi telah memberikan kinerja akurasi terbaik untuk mengoreksi kata-kata tidak baku dan kesalahan ketik masing-masing mencapai 100% dan 49,10%. Namun, KEBI belum mampu menangani 681 kata yang tidak bermakna dan 327 istilah ilmu komputer yang terdapat pada artikel ilmiah. Waktu pemrosesan aplikasi cukup rendah, rata-rata waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mengoreksi kata tidak baku adalah 0,24 detik dan kata yang salah ketik adalah 21,72 detik. KEBI 1.0 Checker cukup berguna bagi akademisi, tetapi perlu meningkatkan kosakata korpus besar di berbagai bidang ilmu untuk mengoreksi kata-kata typ