18 research outputs found

    Scalable microstructured semiconductor THz pulse sources

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    In recent years several microstructured lithium niobate THz pulse source were suggested for high-energy applications. Two types of those, the reflective and the transmissive nonlinear slab are adopted here for semiconductors. These new sources are scalable both in THz energy and size. Furthermore, they can outperform the already demonstrated contact grating source in diffraction and THz generation efficiency. Compared to the lithium niobate sources, they are more feasible, thanks to the easier manufacturing and the longer pump wavelength. They can produce intense, nearly single-cycle THz pulses at higher frequencies. With 20 mJ pumping at 1.8 μm wavelength, 45 μJ THz energy, and 17 MV/cm focused peak electric field can be expected at 3 THz phase matching frequency from the transmissive nonlinear echelon slab setup consisting of a 4 mm thick structured plan-parallel gallium phosphide crystal

    Factors influencing successful reconstruction of tympanic membrane perforations : a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Based on a systematic review and meta-analysis, our study aimed to provide information about the factors that influence the success of tympanic membrane reconstruction.Our systematic search was conducted on November 24, 2021, using the CENTRAL, Embase, and MEDLINE databases. Observational studies with a minimum of 12 months of follow-up on type I tympanoplasty or myringoplasty were included, while non-English articles, patients with cholesteatoma or specific inflammatory diseases, and ossiculoplasty cases were excluded. The protocol was registered on PROSPERO (registration number: CRD42021289240) and PRISMA reporting guideline was used. Risk of bias was evaluated with the QUIPS tool. A random effect model was used in the analyses. Primary outcome was the rate of closed tympanic cavities.After duplicate removal, 9454 articles were found, of which 39 cohort studies were included. Results of four analyses showed significant effects: age (OR: 0.62, CI 0.50; 0.78, p value: 0.0002), size of the perforation (OR: 0.52, CI 0.29; 0.94, p value: 0.033), opposite ear condition (OR: 0.32, CI 0.12; 0.85, p value: 0.028), and the surgeon's experience (OR: 0.42, CI 0.26; 0.67, p value: 0.005), while prior adenoid surgery, smoking, the site of the perforation, and discharge of the ear did not. Four factors: etiology, Eustachian tube function, concomitant allergic rhinitis, and duration of the ear discharge were analyzed qualitatively.The age of the patient, the size of the perforation, the opposite ear status, and the surgeon's experience have a significant effect on the success of tympanic membrane reconstruction. Further comprehensive studies are needed to analyze the interactions between the factors.Not applicable

    Országos Táplálkozás és Tápláltsági Állapot Vizsgálat – OTÁP2014. III. A magyar lakosság makroelem-bevitele | Hungarian Diet and Nutritional Status Survey – OTÁP2014 III. Macroelement intake of the Hungarian population

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    Absztrakt: Bevezetés és célkitűzés: Az Országos Táplálkozás és Tápláltsági Állapot Vizsgálat 2014 – az Európai Lakossági Egészségfelméréshez kapcsolódva – a felnőtt magyar lakosság táplálkozási szokásait vizsgálta. E közlemény célja a makroelem-beviteli adatok bemutatása. Módszer: A felmérés a Magyarországon 2013. december 31-ig 18. életévét betöltött, nem intézményben élő lakosság makroelem-bevitelét reprezentálja. Eredmények: A magyar lakosság sóbevitele a 2009-es vizsgálathoz képest csökkent, azonban még mindig magas (férfiak: 15,9 g, nők 11,2 g). A káliumbevitel elmarad az ajánlástól, amely a magas nátriumbevitellel együttesen tovább növeli a magas vérnyomás kialakulásának kockázatát. A kalciumbevitel csak a 18–34 év közötti férfiak esetében éri el az ajánlott értéket, a legidősebb korcsoportok messze elmaradnak az ajánlásoktól. A magnéziumbevitel megfelel az ajánlásoknak, azonban a foszforbevitel, az előző vizsgálathoz hasonlóan, továbbra is csaknem kétszerese az ajánlásoknak. Következtetés: A makroelemek közül a legnagyobb népegészségügyi kockázat a minden korcsoportban megjelenő magas nátrium- (só-) bevitel. A lakosság nátriumbevitelében 2009 óta bekövetkező csökkenés azonban igazolhatja a prevenciós programok, az élelmiszeriparral történő együttműködés és következményes reformuláció, valamint a lakosság felvilágosításának hatásosságát, így ezen intézkedések további fenntartása elengedhetetlen. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(17): 653–661. | Abstract: Introduction and aim: The Hungarian Diet and Nutritional Status Survey examined the dietary habits of the Hungarian adult population. The aim of the study is to present the macroelement intake of the population. Method: The study represents the macrolement intake of the population with age 18 or over on the day of 31 December 2013, of those who are non-institutionalised. Results: Salt intake decreased compared to the findings of the previous study in 2009 but it is still extremely high (15.9 g in men and 11.2 g in women). The potassium intake is below the recommendation, which together with a high sodium intake increases the risk of high blood pressure. Calcium intake in the youngest age group reached the recommendations, whereas the intake in the oldest age group was well below the references. Magnesium intake complied with the recommendation, the intake of phosphorus however exceeded it. High sodium intake still represents substantial public health risk. Conclusion: The reduction that occured in the population’s salt intake since 2009 demonstrates the effectiveness of implemented prevention programs, cooperation with the industry and public awareness campaigns. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(17): 653–661

    Országos Táplálkozás és Tápláltsági Állapot Vizsgálat – OTÁP2014. IV. A magyar lakosság mikroelem-bevitele | Hungarian Diet and Nutritional Status Survey – The OTAP2014 study. IV. Microelement intake of the Hungarian population

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    Absztrakt: Bevezetés és célkitűzés: Az Országos Táplálkozás és Tápláltsági Állapot Vizsgálat 2014 (OTÁP2014) a lakosság táplálkozási szokásait vizsgálta. Jelen közleményben öt nyomelem, a vas, a réz, a cink, a mangán és a króm napi átlagos bevitelét mutatjuk be. Módszer: A felmérés a Magyarországon 2013. december 31-ig 18. életévét betöltött, nem intézményben élő lakosság mikroelem-bevitelét reprezentálja. Eredmények: A vizsgált mikroelemek közül a férfiak vas-, réz- és mangánbevitele a magyar ajánlásoknak megfelelő volt, a nőké azonban elégtelennek mutatkozott. Kifejezetten kockázatosnak tekinthető a reproduktív korú nők ajánlástól jelentősen elmaradó vasbevitele (9,8 mg/nap). Az OTÁP2009-es vizsgálat eredményeihez képest kedvezőtlen változás a krómbevitelben bekövetkező szignifikáns csökkenés mindkét nem esetében (férfiak p = 0,000, nők p = 0,008), illetve a férfiak átlagos cinkbevitelének (9,6 mg/nap) az ajánlásban szereplő érték alá csökkenése. Következtetés: A magas nyomelemtartalmú teljes kiőrlésű gabonafélék fogyasztása hazánkban elenyésző, táplálkozás-egészségügyi szempontból előnyös lenne ezen élelmiszerek, valamint nők esetében a vasbevitelhez hozzájáruló egyéb élelmiszercsoportok (például húsok, gyümölcsfélék) fogyasztásának növelése. Nélkülözhetetlen továbbá a korszerű ajánlásoknak megfelelő táplálkozás fontosságának kommunikációja, valamint az egészséges élelmiszerekhez való hozzáférés biztosítása a teljes lakosság számára. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(21): 803–810. | Abstract: Introduction and aim: The Hungarian Diet and Nutritional Status Survey examined the dietary habits of the Hungarian population. This publication presents the microelement intake. Method: The survey represents the microelement intake of the Hungarian non-institutionalised adult population of 18 years and older. Results: While the intake of iron, copper and manganese corresponded with the recommendations in males, in females it was insufficient. The iron intake of women in their reproductive age (9.8 mg/d) stayed well below the recommendation, thus representing a high health risk. In comparison to earlier Hungarian data chromium intake decreased significantly in both sexes (men p = 0.000, women p = 0.008) and the zinc intake of men (9.6 mg/d) decreased below recommended. Conclusion: Since the consumption of whole grain products with high microelement content in Hungary is very low, it would be favourable to increase the proportion of these foods in the diet. In case of women it is also necessary to increase the consumption of food groups (e.g. meat, fruits) contributing to the iron intake. Furthermore, communication of adequate nutrition, and the availability of healthy foods is essential for the entire population. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(21): 803–810

    A Three-Dimensional Analysis of Magnetic Nanopattern Formation in FeRh Thin Films on MgO Substrates: Implications for Spintronic Devices

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    Magnetic nanopatterns were successfully created in FeRh thin film deposited on MgO (100) substrates. Silica and polystyrene spherical masks, nominally 500 and 1000 nm in diameter, respectively were applied on the surface of the sample in order to locally shadow the film against the effect of 110 keV energy neon-ion irradiation with fluences of 10 15 and 10 16 ions/ cm2 . Such nanosphere-lithography technique allows for projecting the mask geometry on the magnetic structure of the FeRh film. Conversion-electron Mö ssbauer spectroscopy and magnetic force microscopy were used to determine the ferromagnetic ratio and the magnetic pattern in the samples, and nuclear resonance scattering of synchrotron radiation was applied to obtain the in- depth magnetic profile. From the results obtained, the possible three-dimensional (3D) structure of the created individual magnetic domains was also constructed. Overall, the great customizability of the presented nanosphere-lithography technique in FeRh thin film provides opportunities for developing cutting-edge spintronic applications

    Substantial variation across geographic regions in the obesity prevalence among 6–8 years old Hungarian children (COSI Hungary 2016)

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    Abstract Background There have been previous representative nutritional status surveys conducted in Hungary, but this is the first one that examines overweight and obesity prevalence according to the level of urbanization and in different geographic regions among 6–8-year-old children. We also assessed whether these variations were different by sex. Methods This survey was part of the fourth data collection round of World Health Organization (WHO) Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative which took place during the academic year 2016/2017. The representative sample was determined by two-stage cluster sampling. A total of 5332 children (48.4% boys; age 7.54 ± 0.64 years) were measured from all seven geographic regions including urban (at least 500 inhabitants per square kilometer; n = 1598), semi-urban (100 to 500 inhabitants per square kilometer; n = 1932) and rural (less than 100 inhabitants per square kilometer; n = 1802) areas. Results Using the WHO reference, prevalence of overweight and obesity within the whole sample were 14.2, and 12.7%, respectively. According to the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) reference, rates were 12.6 and 8.6%. Northern Hungary and Southern Transdanubia were the regions with the highest obesity prevalence of 11.0 and 12.0%, while Central Hungary was the one with the lowest obesity rate (6.1%). The prevalence of overweight and obesity tended to be higher in rural areas (13.0 and 9.8%) than in urban areas (11.9 and 7.0%). Concerning differences in sex, girls had higher obesity risk in rural areas (OR = 2.0) but boys did not. Odds ratios were 2.0–3.4 in different regions for obesity compared to Central Hungary, but only among boys. Conclusions Overweight and obesity are emerging problems in Hungary. Remarkable differences were observed in the prevalence of obesity by geographic regions. These variations can only be partly explained by geographic characteristics. Trial registration Study protocol was approved by the Scientific and Research Ethics Committee of the Medical Research Council (61158–2/2016/EKU)

    Europeizacja polityki kolejowej UE - węgierskie i polskie strategie przyjęcia politycznego filaru Czwartego Pakietu Kolejowego UE

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    Celem tej pracy jest zbadanie strategii realizacji filaru politycznego IV pakietu kolejowego na Węgrzech i w Polsce wykorzystując koncepcję europeizacji. Celem pracy jest analiza zakresu zmian wewnętrznych spowodowanych dostosowaniem do tej zeuropeizowanej polityki. Po wstępie w rozprawie przedstawiam podstawy teoretyczne badań, ramy metodologiczne oraz omawiam węgierski i polski rynek kolejowy. W rozdziale zawierającym wyniki badań analizuję węgierskie i polskie strategie adaptacyjne z trzech różnych perspektyw. Po pierwsze, w obszarze ideologicznym analizuję stosunek obu krajów do filaru rynkowego. Po drugie, wyniki mapowania są porównywane z wystąpieniami polityków dotyczącymi filaru politycznego w parlamentach europejskim i narodowych. Na koniec analizuję stanowiska partii w głosowaniach związanych z filarem politycznym w parlamentach europejskim i narodowych. Ostatni rozdział zawiera podsumowanie wyników badań, ograniczenia i luki w badaniach oraz wnioski końcowe.The objective of this thesis is to examine the implementation strategies of the political pillar of the Fourth Railway Package in Hungary through the lens of Europeanisation. It aims to uncover the extent of domestic change caused by the adoption of a Europeanised policy. After the introduction, the thesis draws up the theoretical background, methodological framework, and the background of the Hungarian and Polish railway markets. The chapter containing research findings analyses Hungarian and Polish adaptation strategies from three different perspectives. First, an ideological mapping analyses the two countries’ attitudes to the political pillar. Second, the mapping’s findings are compared with politicians’ speeches concerning the political pillar in the European and national parliaments. Finally, the analyses are compared with the voting behaviour of parties relating to the political pillar in the European and national parliaments. The final chapter provides the summary of findings, research limitations, gap in research and conclusions