131 research outputs found

    N6-methyladenosine is required for the hypoxic stabilization of specific mRNAs

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    Post-transcriptional regulation of mRNA during oxygen deprivation, or hypoxia, can affect the survivability of cells. Hypoxia has been shown to increase stability of a subset of ischemia-related mRNAs, including VEGF. RNA binding proteins and miRNAs have been identified as important for post-transcriptional regulation of individual mRNAs, but corresponding mechanisms that regulate global stability are not well understood. Recently, mRNA modification by N6-methyladenosine (m6A) has been shown to be involved in post-transcriptional regulation processes including mRNA stability and promotion of translation, but the role of m6A in the hypoxia response is unknown. In this study, we investigate the effect of hypoxia on RNA modifications including m6A. Our results show hypoxia increases m6A content of poly(A)+ messenger RNA (mRNA), but not in total or ribosomal RNA in HEK293T cells. Using m6A mRNA immunoprecipitation, we identify specific hypoxia-modified mRNAs, including glucose transporter 1 (Glut1) and c-Myc, which show increased m6A levels under hypoxic conditions. Many of these mRNAs also exhibit increased stability, which was blocked by knockdown of m6A-specific methyltransferases METTL3/14. However, the increase in mRNA stability did not correlate with a change in translational efficiency or the steady-state amount of their proteins. Knockdown of METTL3/14 did reveal that m6A is involved in recovery of translational efficiency after hypoxic stress. Therefore, our results suggest that an increase in m6A mRNA during hypoxic exposure leads to post-transcriptional stabilization of specific mRNAs and contributes to the recovery of translational efficiency after hypoxic stress

    Type-2-diabetes alters CSF but not plasma metabolomic and AD risk profiles in vervet monkeys

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    Epidemiological studies suggest that individuals with type 2 diabetes (T2D) have a twofold to fourfold increased risk for developing Alzheimer's disease (AD), however, the exact mechanisms linking the two diseases are unknown. In both conditions, the majority of pathophysiological changes, including glucose and insulin dysregulation, insulin resistance, and AD-related changes in Aβ and tau, occur decades before the onset of clinical symptoms and diagnosis. In this study, we investigated the relationship between metabolic biomarkers associated with T2D and amyloid pathology including Aβ levels, from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and fasting plasma of healthy, pre-diabetic (PreD), and T2D vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus). Consistent with the human disease, T2D monkeys have increased plasma and CSF glucose levels as they transition from normoglycemia to PreD and diabetic states. Although plasma levels of acylcarnitines and amino acids remained largely unchanged, peripheral hyperglycemia correlated with decreased CSF acylcarnitines and CSF amino acids, including branched chain amino acid (BCAA) concentrations, suggesting profound changes in cerebral metabolism coincident with systemic glucose dysregulation. Moreover, CSF Aβ 40 and CSF Aβ 42 levels decreased in T2D monkeys, a phenomenon observed in the human course of AD which coincides with increased amyloid deposition within the brain. In agreement with previous studies in mice, CSF Aβ 40 and CSF Aβ 42 were highly correlated with CSF glucose levels, suggesting that glucose levels in the brain are associated with changes in Aβ metabolism. Interestingly, CSF Aβ 40 and CSF Aβ 42 levels were also highly correlated with plasma but not CSF lactate levels, suggesting that plasma lactate might serve as a potential biomarker of disease progression in AD. Moreover, CSF glucose and plasma lactate levels were correlated with CSF amino acid and acylcarnitine levels, demonstrating alterations in cerebral metabolism occurring with the onset of T2D. Together, these data suggest that peripheral metabolic changes associated with the development of T2D produce alterations in brain metabolism that lead to early changes in the amyloid cascade, similar to those observed in pre-symptomatic AD

    Neuronal CRTC-1 Governs Systemic Mitochondrial Metabolism and Lifespan via a Catecholamine Signal

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    SummaryLow energy states delay aging in multiple species, yet mechanisms coordinating energetics and longevity across tissues remain poorly defined. The conserved energy sensor AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and its corresponding phosphatase calcineurin modulate longevity via the CREB regulated transcriptional coactivator (CRTC)-1 in C. elegans. We show that CRTC-1 specifically uncouples AMPK/calcineurin-mediated effects on lifespan from pleiotropic side effects by reprogramming mitochondrial and metabolic function. This pro-longevity metabolic state is regulated cell nonautonomously by CRTC-1 in the nervous system. Neuronal CRTC-1/CREB regulates peripheral metabolism antagonistically with the functional PPARα ortholog, NHR-49, drives mitochondrial fragmentation in distal tissues, and suppresses the effects of AMPK on systemic mitochondrial metabolism and longevity via a cell-nonautonomous catecholamine signal. These results demonstrate that while both local and distal mechanisms combine to modulate aging, distal regulation overrides local contribution. Targeting central perception of energetic state is therefore a potential strategy to promote healthy aging

    Glycerol-3-phosphate Acyltransferase (GPAT)-1, but Not GPAT4, Incorporates Newly Synthesized Fatty Acids into Triacylglycerol and Diminishes Fatty Acid Oxidation

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    Four glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (GPAT) isoforms, each encoded by a separate gene, catalyze the initial step in glycerolipid synthesis; in liver, the major isoforms are GPAT1 and GPAT4. To determine whether each of these hepatic isoforms performs a unique function in the metabolism of fatty acid, we measured the incorporation of de novo synthesized fatty acid or exogenous fatty acid into complex lipids in primary mouse hepatocytes from control, Gpat1−/−, and Gpat4−/− mice. Although hepatocytes from each genotype incorporated a similar amount of exogenous fatty acid into triacylglycerol (TAG), only control and Gpat4−/− hepatocytes were able to incorporate de novo synthesized fatty acid into TAG. When compared with controls, Gpat1−/− hepatocytes oxidized twice as much exogenous fatty acid. To confirm these findings and to assess hepatic β-oxidation metabolites, we measured acylcarnitines in liver from mice after a 24-h fast and after a 24-h fast followed by 48 h of refeeding with a high sucrose diet to promote lipogenesis. Confirming the in vitro findings, the hepatic content of long-chain acylcarnitine in fasted Gpat1−/− mice was 3-fold higher than in controls. When compared with control and Gpat4−/− mice, after the fasting-refeeding protocol, Gpat1−/− hepatic TAG was depleted, and long-chain acylcarnitine content was 3.5-fold higher. Taken together, these data demonstrate that GPAT1, but not GPAT4, is required to incorporate de novo synthesized fatty acids into TAG and to divert them away from oxidation

    Mitochondrial Overload and Incomplete Fatty Acid Oxidation Contribute to Skeletal Muscle Insulin Resistance

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    SummaryPrevious studies have suggested that insulin resistance develops secondary to diminished fat oxidation and resultant accumulation of cytosolic lipid molecules that impair insulin signaling. Contrary to this model, the present study used targeted metabolomics to find that obesity-related insulin resistance in skeletal muscle is characterized by excessive β-oxidation, impaired switching to carbohydrate substrate during the fasted-to-fed transition, and coincident depletion of organic acid intermediates of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. In cultured myotubes, lipid-induced insulin resistance was prevented by manipulations that restrict fatty acid uptake into mitochondria. These results were recapitulated in mice lacking malonyl-CoA decarboxylase (MCD), an enzyme that promotes mitochondrial β-oxidation by relieving malonyl-CoA-mediated inhibition of carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1. Thus, mcd−/− mice exhibit reduced rates of fat catabolism and resist diet-induced glucose intolerance despite high intramuscular levels of long-chain acyl-CoAs. These findings reveal a strong connection between skeletal muscle insulin resistance and lipid-induced mitochondrial stress

    Androgens Regulate Prostate Cancer Cell Growth via an AMPK-PGC-1?-Mediated Metabolic Switch

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    Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed malignancy among men in industrialized countries, accounting for the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths. While we now know that the androgen receptor (AR) is important for progression to the deadly advanced stages of the disease, it is poorly understood what AR-regulated processes drive this pathology. Here, we demonstrate that AR regulates prostate cancer cell growth via the metabolic sensor 5?-AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), a kinase that classically regulates cellular energy homeostasis. In patients, activation of AMPK correlated with prostate cancer progression. Using a combination of radiolabeled assays and emerging metabolomic approaches, we also show that prostate cancer cells respond to androgen treatment by increasing not only rates of glycolysis, as is commonly seen in many cancers, but also glucose and fatty acid oxidation. Importantly, this effect was dependent on androgen-mediated AMPK activity. Our results further indicate that the AMPK-mediated metabolic changes increased intracellular ATP levels and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha (PGC-1?)-mediated mitochondrial biogenesis, affording distinct growth advantages to the prostate cancer cells. Correspondingly, we used outlier analysis to determine that PGC-1? is overexpressed in a subpopulation of clinical cancer samples. This was in contrast to what was observed in immortalized benign human prostate cells and a testosterone-induced rat model of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Taken together, our findings converge to demonstrate that androgens can co-opt the AMPK-PGC-1? signaling cascade, a known homeostatic mechanism, to increase prostate cancer cell growth. The current study points to the potential utility of developing metabolic-targeted therapies directed towards the AMPK-PGC-1? signaling axis for the treatment of prostate cancer

    Mitochondrial Glycerol-3-phosphate Acyltransferase-1 Is Essential in Liver for the Metabolism of Excess Acyl-CoAs

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    In vitro studies suggest that the mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase-1 (mtGPAT1) isoform catalyzes the initial and rate-controlling step in glycerolipid synthesis and aids in partitioning acyl-CoAs toward triacylglycerol synthesis and away from degradative pathways. To determine whether the absence of mtGPAT1 would increase oxidation of acyl-CoAs and restrict the development of hepatic steatosis, we fed wild type and mtGPAT1-/- mice a diet high in fat and sucrose (HH) for 4 months to induce the development of obesity and a fatty liver. Control mice were fed a diet low in fat and sucrose (LL). With the HH diet, absence of mtGPAT1 resulted in increased partitioning of acyl-CoAs toward oxidative pathways, demonstrated by 60% lower hepatic triacylglycerol content and 2-fold increases in plasma beta-hydroxybutyrate, acylcarnitines, and hepatic mRNA expression of mitochondrial HMG-CoA synthase. Despite the increase in fatty acid oxidation, liver acyl-CoA levels were 3-fold higher in the mtGPAT1-/- mice fed both diets. A lack of difference in CPT1 and FAS mRNA expression between genotypes suggested that the increased acyl-CoA content was not because of increased de novo synthesis, but instead, to an impaired ability to use long-chain acyl-CoAs derived from the diet, even when the dietary fat content was low. Hyperinsulinemia and reduced glucose tolerance on the HH diet was greater in the mtGPAT1-/- mice, which did not suppress the expression of the gluconeogenic genes glucose-6-phosphatase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase. This study demonstrates that mtGPAT1 is essential for normal acyl-CoA metabolism, and that the absence of hepatic mtGPAT1 results in the partitioning of fatty acids away from triacylglycerol synthesis and toward oxidation and ketogenesis

    Insulin Resistance and Altered Systemic Glucose Metabolism in Mice Lacking Nur77

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    OBJECTIVE: Nur77 is an orphan nuclear receptor with pleotropic functions. Previous studies have identified Nur77 as a transcriptional regulator of glucose utilization genes in skeletal muscle and gluconeogenesis in liver. However, the net functional impact of these pathways is unknown. To examine the consequence of Nur77 signaling for glucose metabolism in vivo, we challenged Nur77 null mice with high-fat feeding. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Wild-type and Nur77 null mice were fed a high-fat diet (60% calories from fat) for 3 months. We determined glucose tolerance, tissue-specific insulin sensitivity, oxygen consumption, muscle and liver lipid content, muscle insulin signaling, and expression of glucose and lipid metabolism genes. RESULTS: Mice with genetic deletion of Nur77 exhibited increased susceptibility to diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance. Hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp studies revealed greater high-fat diet–induced insulin resistance in both skeletal muscle and liver of Nur77 null mice compared with controls. Loss of Nur77 expression in skeletal muscle impaired insulin signaling and markedly reduced GLUT4 protein expression. Muscles lacking Nur77 also exhibited increased triglyceride content and accumulation of multiple even-chained acylcarnitine species. In the liver, Nur77 deletion led to hepatic steatosis and enhanced expression of lipogenic genes, likely reflecting the lipogenic effect of hyperinsulinemia. CONCLUSIONS: Collectively, these data demonstrate that loss of Nur77 influences systemic glucose metabolism and highlight the physiological contribution of muscle Nur77 to this regulatory pathway.National Institutes of Health (HD-00850, DK-081683-01, DK-30425, HL030568); American Diabetes Associatio