51 research outputs found

    Copyright and the right to the city

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    The Wobbly Hub & Double Spokes project: people with a disability in rural areas.

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    The Wobbly Hub and Double Spokes project aims to develop, implement and evaluate new models of therapy service delivery for people with a disability living in rural areas. Based on our research work in Western NSW and the experience of the team, we have developed four streams of enquiry related to people with a disability in rural areas: Insights into rural contexts; access to supports; alternative service models and workforce development.Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care, NSW Government

    Analiza prodaje motora viŔefaktorskom analizom varijance i analizom korespondencije

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    U ovom radu opisana je analiza prodaje motora firme iz Å ibenika koja se uspjela održati za vrijeme "prve globalne financijske krize 21. stoljeća", kad su mnogi prodavatelji motora u RH "propali". Podaci s kojima se radi sežu od 2006. do 2016. godine te zapravo opisuju veliki pad u prodaji. Poznate su jačine, boje, marke i tipovi prodanih motora u navedenom razdoblju. Rad se sastoji od 5 poglavlja u kojima su obrađene različite statističke metode. Prvo se opisnom statistikom opisala baza podataka, navedene su tablice frekvencija i mozaik prikazi varijabli baze. Potom se uradio Ļ‡2\chi^2-test, jedan od prvih statističkih testova. Glavna tema trećeg poglavlja je analiza varijance. Nadalje, opisana je novija, jako fleksibilna statistička metoda, analiza korespondencije. U posljednjem poglavlju je obrađena linearna regresija kojom se izračunalo koliki pad u prodaji se dogodio svakoj od marki motora. Također, pokuÅ”ala se predvidjeti daljnja prodaja. Prilikom obrade uzetih podataka koriÅ”ten je programski sustav SAS, te su navedeni potrebni kodovi. Iako se radi o velikom padu u prodaji motora, iz tablica frekvencija se može vidjeti lagani porast u prodaji proÅ”le godine (2016.), a djelatnici firme kažu da je porast joÅ” i veći ove godine.This paper describes motor sales analysis of a company from Å ibenik which survived during ā€the first global financial crisis of the 21st centuryā€, when most of Croatian motor dealers collapsed. The data extend from 2006 to 2016 and actually, sales come down is showed. Strengths, colors, brands and types of sold motors in the specified period are known. The paper consists of five chapters which show different statistic methods. First, the data base is described with descriptive statistics, and also frequency tables and mosaic plots of the base variables are showed. Secondly, Ļ‡2\chi^2-test, one of the first statistic tests is done. The main theme of the third chapter was variance analysis. Then is described the newer, very flexible statistic method, correspondence analysis. The last chapter describes linear regression, which is used to calculate the exact sales come down for all of the motor brands. Also, we tried to make a prediction of the future sales. For all data analysis program system SAS is used and there are all required codes. Although the paper is about the big sales collapse, from the frequency table we can see light increase in sales from the last year (2016), and the company employees state that sale increase is even greater this year

    Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program Annual Report 2014

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    The Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program at the University of Sydney Business School focuses on identifying, nurturing and strengthening entrepreneurial communities of learning and practice. This 2014 Annual Report sets out our teaching and research activities and achievements, and shows how our programs such as Remote and Rural Enterprise (RARE), Genesis, and Entrepreneurship Development Network Asia (EDNA) act as catalysts for community and action


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    Sokratova filozofska djela utemeljena su na metodi dijalektike, odnosno njegov dijalog se vrÅ”io uz pomoć dvije metode: ironijom i majeutikom. Predmet zavrÅ”nog rada usmjeren je na analizu i utjecaj Sokratove dijaloÅ”ke metode u formalnom i neformalnom obrazovanju. U radu su prikupljena i analizirana dosadaÅ”nja istraživanja o uvođenju Sokratovog dijaloga u formalno i neformalno obrazovanje, a miÅ”ljenja stručnjaka su podijeljena. Kada je riječ o uvođenju Sokratovog dijaloga u formalno i neformalno obrazovanje isto je prihvaćeno, a naglasak je stavljen posebno na neformalnom obrazovanju adolescenata ili odraslih osoba. S druge strane, kritičari navode kako Sokratov dijalog zahtjeva raspravu, odnosno određeno predznanje kako bi se moglo steći znanje o temi koja je predmet dijaloga, pa se kao takav ne bi trebao primjenjivati na djecu predÅ”kolskog i Å”kolskog uzrasta jer djeca u toj dobi joÅ” uvijek nemaju kvalitetno predznanje te će ih primjena Sokratovog dijaloga u formalnom i neformalnom obrazovanju samo zbuniti.Socrates' philosophical works are based on the method of dialectics, that is, his dialogue was performed with the help of two methods: irony and majeutics. The subject of the final paper is focused on the analysis and influence of Socrates' dialogical method in formal and non-formal education. The paper collects and analyzes previous research on the introduction of Socrates' dialogue in formal and non-formal education, and the opinions of experts are divided. When it comes to the introduction of Socrates' dialogue in formal and non-formal education, the same is accepted, and the emphasis is placed especially on non-formal education of adolescents or adults. On the other hand, critics say that Socrates' dialogue requires discussion, ie some prior knowledge in order to gain knowledge on the topic of dialogue, and as such should not be applied to preschool and school age children because children at that age still do not have quality prior knowledge and the application of Socrates' dialogue in formal and non-formal education will only confuse them

    Painting on walls: street art without copyright?

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    Investment projects in rural tourism - tourist complex development in the municipacity Sveta Nedelja

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    Interes za turizmom u ruralnim područjima sve je popularniji među turistima jer ovaj selektivni oblik turizma predstavlja izvrstan način za bijeg od užurbane svakodnevice u urbanim prostorima iz kojih ti turisti dolaze. Oni teže aktivnom provođenju odmora u prirodi, upoznavanju lokalne kulture te komotnim i novouređenim smjeÅ”tajnim objektima kako bi se u potpunosti opustili. Općina Sveta Nedelja je destinacija koja turistima može pružiti upravo ovo navedeno, ali je turizam ovog područja joÅ” uvijek u razvoju te su potrebna investicijska ulaganja kako bi se turizam u destinaciji podignuo na viÅ”u razinu. Ovaj rad analizira trenutno stanje turizma u promatranoj destinaciji i daje prijedlog izgradnje turističkog kompleksa u naselju Ružići, koji bi netaknutu prirodu i obradive povrÅ”ine, zajedno s drugačijim oblikom smjeÅ”taja, povezao u element ponude, koji bi u potpunosti zadovoljio potrebe željene skupine turista. S obzirom na činjenicu da konkurentne destinacije u okolici nemaju u ponudi slične ugostiteljske objekte, ovaj bi turistički kompleks mogao privući veći broj turista nego dosadaÅ”nji smjeÅ”tajni objekti koji se nisu znatno diferencirali jedni od drugih te bi se time isplatilo pokretanje ovakvog projekta i izgradnja svih potrebnih sadržaja, a destinacija bi time postala konkurentnija na turističkom tržiÅ”tu.Interest in tourism in rural areas is increasingly popular with tourists because this selective form of tourism is a great way to escape the busy everyday life in the urban areas from which these tourists come. They strive to actively spend their holidays in the countryside, getting to know the local cultures of comfortable and newly renovated accommodation so that it can be used. The municipality of Sveta Nedelja is a destination that can provide tourists with just this place, but tourism in this area is still in development and investment needs to be made to raise tourism to a higher level. This paper analyzes the current state of tourism in the observed destination and proposes the construction of a tourist complex in the village of Ružići, which should integrate nature and cultivation areas, together with other catering facilities, into supply elements that would satisfy the needs of tourists. Due to the fact that there are no similar catering facilities in the competitive destinations in the area, this tourist complex could attract more tourists than previous accommodation facilities that were not differentiated from each other, which would pay off by starting this project and building all the necessary facilities, destinations at which time it would be competitive in the tourism market

    Street art and the properties of resistance

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    Is a sculpture 'Land'?

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    Considers the Chancery Division decision in Tower Hamlets LBC v Bromley LBC on whether a Henry Moore sculpture placed in the grounds of a social housing estate and resting on its own weight was a "chattel" or part and parcel of the land whose location was intended to confer a permanent improvement of the freehold. Assesses whether it had been transferred to the claimant authority on the dissolution of London County Council along with the estate


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    Celijakija ili glutenska enteropatija je autoimuni poremećaj. Javlja se u genetički predisponiranih pojedinaca koji razviju imunoloÅ”ku reakciju na gluten. Cilj ovog rada je opisati i statistički obraditi učestalost te značajke kliničke slike i dijagnostičkih postupaka kod otkrivanja celijakije u djece i adolescenata od 0. do 18. godine života na Klinici za pedijatriju KBC-a Rijeka. Istraživanje je provedeno retrogradnom analizom podataka iz povijesti bolesti oboljelih kojima je bolest dijagnosticirana u razdoblju od 2007. godine do 2017.godine. Celijakija je dijagnosticirana u 81 djeteta. Kroz razdoblje od jedanaest godina među dijagnosticiranima je bilo 59% dječaka i 41% djevojčica. Celijakija je bila dijagnosticirana čeŔće u skupini djece od 0 do 5 godina nego u svim drugim skupinama zajedno. Atipičnom kliničkom slikom se prezentiralo 44% oboljelih a tipičnom kliničkom slikom njih 56%. Tri najčeŔća simptoma celijakije su nenapredovanje na težini, abdominalne kolike i kronični proljev. Atrofija resica se pronaÅ”la u 87,65% oboljelih, poviÅ”ene transglutaminaze kod 83,95% oboljelih te gen za HLA DQ2/8 kod 27,16%. Negativne vrijednosti tkivne transglutaminaze je imalo samo pet oboljelih dok su ostali svi imali pozitivne vrijednosti. Najveći postotak oboljelih je po MARSH klasifikaciji svrstan u tip III, njih 48%. Dobiveni podatci nameću potrebu provođenja sličnih istraživanja i u drugim bolničkim centrima u RH koja se bave dijagnosticiranjem, liječenjem i praćenjem oboljelih od celijakije s ciljem unaprjeđenja njihove sveobuhvatne skrbi.Celiac disease or gluten enteropathy is an autoimmune disorder. It occurs in genetically predisposed individuals who develop an immune reaction to gluten. The aim of this paper is to describe and statistically analyze the frequency of clinical manifestations and diagnostic procedures in the detection of celiac disease in children and adolescents from 0 to 18 years old at the Pediatric Clinic of KBC Rijeka. The study was conducted by a retrograde analysis of data from the medical history of the patients diagnosed in the period from 2007. to 2017. Celiac disease was diagnosed in 81 children. During the period of eleven years, among the diagnosed there were 59% boys and 41% girls. Celiac disease was diagnosed more frequently in the group of children between 0-5 years old than in all the other groups together. 44% of patients presented with atypical and 56% with typical form of celiac disease. The three most common presenting features of celiac disease were weight loss, abdominal colics and chronic diarrhea. Villous atrophy was found in 87.65% of patients, elevated transglutaminase in 83.95% of patients and the HLA DQ2/8 gene in 27.16%. Only five patients had negative serum values of tissue transglutaminase , while the others all had positive values. Using MARSH classification, the highest percentage of patients(48%) was classified as type III. The obtained results implied the need for conducting more similar analyses in other hospitals in the Republic of Croatia where celiac disease is diagnosed, treated and monitored, with a goal to enhance comprehensive care
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