7 research outputs found

    Aplicación de una metodología de evaluación de riesgo ecológico en el sistema de humedales de Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz

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    La evaluación del riesgo ambiental (ERA) es un proceso que tiene como objetivo asignar magnitudes y probabilidades a los efectos adversos de la contaminación en receptores humanos y ecológicos (OPS, 1999; Suter, 2007). En consecuencia, éste proceso resulta ser un instrumento que puede utilizarse para definir si un sitio contaminado merece o no ser intervenido. Con ello, puede establecerse si el grado de contaminación presente en un sitio genera efectos nocivos; entre mayor sea el riesgo de que la contaminación afecte a los seres vivos, mayor será la necesidad de instrumentar programas de restauración

    Variability in mentum deformities of Tanytarsus larvae (Diptera, Chironomidae) in a metal rich basin in Northern Mexico

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    Mentum deformities in chironomids have been commonly used as indicators of metal contamination in freshwater ecosystems. Incidence of these deformities suggests sublethal effects and can provide early signals of environmental deterioration. While anthropogenic metal pollution is known to lead to an increase in deformities in chironomids, natural background deformity incidence information is key to their effective use as biomonitoring tools. Here we explore the incidence of deformities from 5000 Tanytarsus (Diptera, Chironomidae) menta in relation to water physicochemical, and sediment metal (Al, As, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Zn) concentration data from numerous sites in the naturally metal-rich Sonora River (NW Mexico) obtained over a two-year period. Higher metal concentrations were found in the upper basin. Higher salinity, total suspended solids and conductivity were found in the lower basin. Only As and Cu were occasionally found above published threshold effect levels (TEL). The proportion of deformities (% D) was low (2.1%) and a generalized linear model only explained 25.36% of % D variability among samples; this model included several physicochemical parameters. The only metal significantly related to deformities was Cu. Despite significant spatial and temporal variability in all metal concentrations and other physicochemical parameters in the basin, we were unable to explain a strong relationship between metal concentration and deformity incidence. Our results, based on consistent % D quantification from 5000 samples from a single taxon, suggest that natural variation in metal concentrations, even when statistically significant, is not associated with notable variations in the incidence of deformities

    Determination of the Water Quality Index (NFS WQI) of water bodies in the Huasteca Potosina, Mexico

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    The water quality of water bodies in Huasteca Potosina was assessed by the National Sanitation Foundation Water Quality Index (NFS WQI) depending on nine water quality parameters include physical, chemical, and biological properties. The water quality obtained at the sampling site 50-90 in the NSF-WQI range shows the medium quality. Results revealed that the Moctezuma River in Tanquian de Escobedo has low water quality with a score of 50, the Tancuilin and Axtla Rivers have good water quality, and the Moctezuma River (Tampamolón Corona), Amajac River, Valles River, Panuco River, Patitos Lagoon, Plan de Iguala Lagoon were all located in medium water quality. This indicates that the water quality of the Huasteca Potosina is irregular, due to the presence of contaminating agents coming from fertilizers, pesticides, domestic water, and residual water from the communities adjacent to the rivers and lagoons, causing an environmental impact to the aquatic ecosystems of the place. However, this research shows the importance of making use of the water quality index in this region, this to relate the environmental impacts responsible for the contamination of surface water and interpret the experimental data of this water quality monitoring to facilitate decision making and consider frequent monitoring of the quality of water bodies in the Huasteca Potosina

    Raman Spectroscopy of Individual Cervical Exfoliated Cells in Premalignant and Malignant Lesions

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    Cervical cancer is frequent neoplasia. Currently, the diagnostic approach includes cervical cytology, colposcopy, and histopathology studies; combining detection techniques increases the sensitivity and specificity of the tests. Raman spectroscopy is a high-resolution technique that supports the diagnosis of malignancies. This study aimed to evaluate the Raman spectroscopy technique discriminating between healthy and premalignant/malignant cervical cells. We included 81 exfoliative cytology samples, 29 in the “healthy group” (negative cytology), and 52 in the “CIN group” (premalignant/malignant lesions). We obtained the nucleus and cytoplasm Raman spectra of individual cells. We tested the spectral differences between groups using Permutational Multivariate Analysis of Variance (PERMANOVA) and Canonical Analysis of Principal Coordinates (CAP). We found that Raman spectra have increased intensity in premalignant/malignant cells compared with healthy cells. The characteristic Raman bands corresponded to proteins and nucleic acids, in concordance with the increased replication and translation processes in premalignant/malignant states. We found a classification efficiency of 76.5% and 82.7% for cytoplasmic and nuclear Raman spectra, respectively; cell nucleus Raman spectra showed a sensitivity of 84.6% in identifying cervical anomalies. The classification efficiency and sensitivity obtained for nuclear spectra suggest that Raman spectroscopy could be helpful in the screening and diagnosis of premalignant lesions and cervical cancer

    Implementação de intervenções educacionais focadas na prevenção de doenças não transmissíveis, para melhorar a saúde ambiental das áreas urbanas marginalizadas de San Luis Potosí, México

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    At present, a public health priority in all countries is to prevent and control non-communicable diseases (NCDs). It is therefore necessary to devise prevention strategies and reduce the risks associated with them. The purpose of this study was to design and implement a risk communication-based educational intervention and to evaluate its effectiveness in order to gain knowledge of the risk and protection factors associated with NCDs. The study was conducted between October 2016 and February 2018 and consisted of three stages: 1) preliminary diagnosis, 2) design and implementation of the educational strategy, and 3) evaluation after the intervention. A total of 558 children and 100 mothers and fathers from two schools belonging to marginalized urban communities in San Luis Potosí, Mexico, participated in the study. Three health parties were held in which different teaching materials were used. In order to find out the effectiveness of the intervention, the level of knowledge of NCDs before and after its implementation was ascertained. It was found that the children assimilated the knowledge pertaining to the prevention of NCDs; however, the parents showed no change in the level of their knowledge. The intervention strategy proved to be effective; in the case of parents, however, other strategies for encouraging their involvement should be found. Although gaining knowledge about NCDs does not mean that healthy habits are acquired, it is a first step to achieve this.Actualmente una prioridad de salud pública en todos los países es prevenir y controlar las enfermedades no transmisibles (ENT); es necesario por tanto establecer estrategias de prevención y disminuir los riesgos asociados a ellas. Por lo anterior, el objetivo del estudio fue diseñar, implementar y evaluar una intervención educativa, basada en comunicación de riesgos, para el aprendizaje de conocimientos de factores de riesgos y de protección asociados a ENT. El estudio se realizó entre octubre de 2016 y febrero de 2018, y consistió en tres etapas: 1) diagnóstico previo, 2) diseño e implementación de la estrategia educativa, 3) evaluación después de la intervención. Participaron 558 niñas y niños y 100 madres y padres de familia de dos escuelas pertenecientes a comunidades urbanas marginadas en de San Luis Potosí, México. Como estrategia educativa se realizaron tres fiestas de salud en las cuales se utilizó diverso material didáctico. Para conocer la efectividad de la intervención se realizó un diagnóstico sobre conocimientos relacionados con ENT antes y después de su implementación. Se encontró que las niñas y niños integraron conocimientos relacionados con la prevención de ENT; sin embargo, en las madres y los padres de familia no se encontraron cambios en el nivel de conocimientos. La estrategia de intervención mostró ser efectiva, sin embargo, para las madres y los padres de familia, se deberán buscar otras estrategias para favorecer su participación. Si bien el conocimiento no implica que se adquieran hábitos saludables, es un primer paso para logarlo.Atualmente, uma prioridade de saúde pública em todos os países é prevenir e controlar doenças não transmissíveis (DNT); é, portanto, necessário estabelecer estratégias de prevenção e reduzir os riscos associados a elas. O objetivo do estudo foi desenhar, implementar e avaliar uma intervenção educacional, baseada na comunicação de riscos, para o conhecimento dos fatores de risco e proteção associados às DNT. O estudo foi realizado entre outubro de 2016 e fevereiro de 2018 e consistiu em três etapas: 1) diagnóstico prévio, 2) desenho e implementação da estratégia educacional, 3) avaliação após a intervenção. Participaram 558 crianças e 100 pais de duas escolas pertencentes a comunidades urbanas marginalizadas em San Luis Potosí, México. Foram realizadas três festas da saúde, nas quais foram utilizados diferentes materiais didáticos. Para conhecer a efetividade da intervenção, foi realizado um diagnóstico sobre o conhecimento relacionado com as DNT antes e após sua implementação. Verificou-se que as crianças integraram conhecimentos relacionados com prevenção de DNT; no entanto, nos pais não houve mudanças no nível de conhecimento. A estratégia de intervenção mostrou-se eficaz, no entanto, para os pais, devem procurar-se outras estratégias que favoreçam a sua participação. Embora o conhecimento não implique a aquisição de hábitos saudáveis, é um primeiro passo nesse sentido