563 research outputs found

    Association of Jets with the Signal Vertex

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    A method for the association of jets with the signal vertex is presented. The technique is shown to reduce the instrumental background rate from jets and overlapping particles originating from additional minimum bias vertices. As a benchmark, the performance of the algorithm is evaluated using the qq->qqH search channel where the vertex assignment parameters are optimized for separating qqH and ttbar events. The efficiency of a central jet veto is shown to increase for the same level of background rejection. The whole study is conducted on Monte Carlo generated events that were passed through the CMS full detector-level simulation in low luminosity conditions (L = 2x10^33 cm^-2 s^-1). It is shown that the method should give similar results also for high luminosity conditions (L = 10^34 cm^-2 s^-1)

    Calibration Interval Adjustment of a Measuring Instrument in Industries During Long-term Use

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    Calibration interval adjustment of measuring instruments is one of the urgent tasks in industries. The article represents the calibration interval calculation of the potentiometer PCB-4P according to the verifications for the 4 year period of the Metrological Department in the aviation plant. The calibration interval is shown to be increased according to the calculation of its reliability and stability of metrological characteristics

    Continuity of communicative culture creating in teaching process of foreign languages (school-technical school-university)

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    © 2016 Ilina and Kostyunina.The relevance of the topic research is determined by the fact that current tendency of intercultural integration, one sign of which is the continuity of personal qualities’ development, stimulate the search for new approaches to form communicative culture in the process of learning. The purpose of the study is to identify and substantiate pedagogical conditions of realization of continuity of formation of communicative culture in the process of teaching a foreign language in the system "school – College – University". The purpose of the research is to reveal and prove pedagogical conditions of the implementation of continuity of creating communicative culture in teaching process of foreign languages (school-technical school-university) A leading approach to the study of this problem is the experiment, that allows to evaluate problem in details and to obtain objective results. As the result of the research it was possible to identify pedagogical conditions contributing effective communicative culture’s formation by means of a foreign language in the system "school – College – University", that is the use of complex means of ensuring implementation of continuity principles; the continuity use of model’s formation of communicative culture, which includes target, substantial and procedural components of language training; the construction process of foreign language teaching based on the integration of leading technologies of foreign language study: communication technology, the technology of "Dialogue of cultures" and the educational technology in cooperation, providing an communicative culture’s formation in the system of school-technical school-university. Theoretical and practical value of investigation is undoubted. The results can be used by foreign language teachers at schools, technical schools, universities to improve the level of learner’s communicative culture

    Continuity of communicative culture creating in teaching process of foreign languages (school-technical school-university)

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    © 2016 Ilina and Kostyunina.The relevance of the topic research is determined by the fact that current tendency of intercultural integration, one sign of which is the continuity of personal qualities’ development, stimulate the search for new approaches to form communicative culture in the process of learning. The purpose of the study is to identify and substantiate pedagogical conditions of realization of continuity of formation of communicative culture in the process of teaching a foreign language in the system "school – College – University". The purpose of the research is to reveal and prove pedagogical conditions of the implementation of continuity of creating communicative culture in teaching process of foreign languages (school-technical school-university) A leading approach to the study of this problem is the experiment, that allows to evaluate problem in details and to obtain objective results. As the result of the research it was possible to identify pedagogical conditions contributing effective communicative culture’s formation by means of a foreign language in the system "school – College – University", that is the use of complex means of ensuring implementation of continuity principles; the continuity use of model’s formation of communicative culture, which includes target, substantial and procedural components of language training; the construction process of foreign language teaching based on the integration of leading technologies of foreign language study: communication technology, the technology of "Dialogue of cultures" and the educational technology in cooperation, providing an communicative culture’s formation in the system of school-technical school-university. Theoretical and practical value of investigation is undoubted. The results can be used by foreign language teachers at schools, technical schools, universities to improve the level of learner’s communicative culture

    Instructions-technological support of training of workers in the profession of welder in conditions of intra-firm training

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    The article deals with features of intra-firm training of students in the field of welding industry. Authors descriptions the effect of the learning process in the working profession in a particular situation of the use the maps, when maps are provided with all the jobs of students. This allows students to regularly, independently of other students, refer to the instructions contained in the instructions in the processВ статье рассмотрены особенности внутрифирменной подготовки студентов в области сварочного производства. Описан эффект управления процессом обучения по рабочей профессии в конкретной ситуации, а также организация применения карт, когда картами обеспечены все рабочие места обучаемых. Это позволяет студентам регулярно, независимо от других обучающихся, обращаться к указаниям, содержащимся в инструкции в процессе работ

    Organizational and pedagogical activity of the teacher in training at the training center of the enterprise

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    In the article presents a system of methodological principles and organizational and pedagogical conditions aimed at the formation of a high level of knowledge of students in the working profession in the working profession. Authors descriptions of learning process including: the resources of educational, scientific and industrial structuresВ статье представлена система методических принципов и организационно-педагогических условий, направленных на формирование высокого уровня знаний обучающихся по рабочей профессии в условиях производственной среды наукоемких производств. Приведено описание процесса обучения, включающего ресурсы образовательных, научных и производственных структур, позволяющих обеспечить участие обучающихся по рабочей профессии в научно-инновационной деятельност


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    Introduction: one of the key aspects of the knowledge economy development is the growing significance of the results of research and development. The education and basic research play a key role in this process. Funding for education and fundamental science is carried out mainly at the expense of the state resources, including a system of foundations for scientific, engineering and innovation activities in Russia. The purpose of this article is to present recommendations for improving the tools of domestic foundations in funding fundamental research and development, including education and training. The propositions are made with a comparative analysis of the domestic and foreign science foun dations’ activities. Materials and Methods: the authors used analysis, comparison, induction, deduction, graphical analysis, generalisation and other scientific methods during the study. Results: the lack of comparability between domestic and foreign scientific funds in the volume of funding allocated for basic research and development is revealed. This situation affects the scientific research. The foreign foundations have a wide range of instruments to support research projects at all stages of the life cycle of grants for education and training prior to release of an innovative product to market (the use of “innovation elevator” system). The Russian national scientific foundations have no such possibilities. The authors guess that the Russian organisations ignore some of the instruments for supporting research and development. Use of these tools could enhance the effectiveness of research projects. According to the study of domestic and foreign experience in supporting research and development, the authors proposed a matrix composed of instruments for support in the fields of basic scientific researches and education with such phases of the project life cycle as “research” and “development”. Discussion and Conclusions: the foreign science foundations use a broader spectrum of the tools to support research and development than the domestic organisations. The authors pinpoint a number of functional instruments to support research and development and advice to Russian science-supporting institutions to use the modern tools in the activities for enhancing the ef fectiveness of researches

    Method of determining the optimal settings of automatic excitation regulators of synchronous machines in EPS

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    The stability of the electric power system can be improved by forming of the correct settings of automatic exciting regulators. Currently, there is no unified methodology of automatic exciting regulators, so analysis of their impact is still an urgent task. The article describes the approach to solving above-mentioned problem, which combines several methods. Research based on Hybrid Real Time Simulator of EPS developed in Tomsk Polytechnic University

    Pharmacoeconomical analysis of the use of upadacitinib, baricitinib and dupilumab for systemic therapy of patients with moderate and severe atopic dermatitis

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    Objective. Comparative pharmacoeconomic evaluation of upadacitinib, baricitinib and dupilumab for the treatment of moderate to severe atopic dermatitis.Materials and methods. Study design — retrospective. Pharmacoeconomic analysis method — cost-effectiveness analysis, budget impact analysis. Data sources. On the effectiveness of compared alternatives — meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials for the compared drugs, clinical recommendations; on the cost of drugs — the state register of maximum selling prices.Results. Lowest cost-effectiveness (CER) values for both EASI-75 and EASI-90 responses were for upadacitinib. For upadacitinib 15 mg/day, the cost of achieving EASI-75 and EASI-90 responses was reduced by 63.9 and 70.3%, respectively compared to dupilumab and by 44.2 and 46.8% compared to baricitinib. For upadacitinib 30 mg/day, the reduction in the cost of achieving the effect compared to dupilumab will be, respectively, 40.8 and 56.2%, and compared with baricitinib — 8,5 and 21.4%. The budget impact analysis (BIA) showed that the increase in the share of upadacitinib from 15 to 35%, and the proportion of baricitinib — from 5 to 10% due to a decrease in the proportion of patients, receiving dupilumab will reduce the budget impact in the treatment of patients with severe atopic dermatitis on the scale of the Russian Federation by a total of 11.6% (RUB 1.25 billion) with a single-step change from the first year and by 7.9% (RUB 0.86 billion) with a gradual change over 3 years. An analysis of missed opportunities showed that if the share of upadacitinib changes to 35% 741 patients can be additionally provided with therapy in the first year, 629 patients in the second year and 567 patients in the third (with a target population size of 4929 patients).Conclusion. Increasing the share of upadacitinib will not only significantly reduce the burden on the budget of the healthcare system by refusing to use more expensive dupilumab in some patients, but also increase the proportion of patients achieving the goals of therapy in terms of EASI-75 and EASI-90